358 research outputs found


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    Del Noucentisme a l’avantguarda a Vic

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    L'article analitza les principals característiques del Noucentisme a la ciutat de Vic. Tot i que la historiografia no ha considerat la ciutat representativa d’aquest moviment,  l'article aporta informació que il·lustra sobre el dinamisme cultural i la implicació de la societat vigatana amb el projecte de renovació cultural que va ser el Noucentisme a principis de segle XX a Catalunya. El text repassa els capítols més significatius i reeixits d'aquest període i destaca el paper dels seus principals protagonistes, que són també figures clau de la cultura catalana: Josep Maria Pericas, Jaume Collell, Josep Gudiol o Josep Torras i Bages. Paraules clau: Noucentisme/ Arquitectura/Art segle XX/Josep Maria Pericas/avantguarde

    Refining prognosis capacity and implementing priciples of personalized therapies for Neurofibromatosis Type 2

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    [eng] Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is an autosomal dominant condition caused by loss of function variants in the NF2 gene. The pathognomonic feature of the disease is the development of bilateral vestibular schwannomas (VS), benign tumours that result from the overgrowth of Schwann cells (SC) on the vestibulocochlear nerves. Affected individuals are at high risk of developing schwannomas in other cranial, spinal and peripheral nerves, as well meningiomas and ependymomas, tumours that are responsible for significant morbidity. The clinical management of these patients is complex due to the limited treatment options and the broad and variable clinical spectrum of the disease, strongly associated with the type of variant inherited in the NF2 gene. The general objective of this thesis was to contribute to the development of strategies for a personalized medicine for Neurofibromatosis Type 2. Specifically, the three aims were to assess and improve the prognosis capacity of the disease, to evaluate the use of antisense gene therapy approaches in vitro for pathogenic variants causing NF2 and finally, to develop an induced pluripotent stem cell-based model for further studies on the NF2 gene role and the development of targeted therapies. In 2017, the UK NF2 Reference Group established a Genetic Severity Score (GSS) to predict the severity of the disease considering the NF2 pathogenic variant. In the present work, we validated the GSS in a cohort of NF2 patients from the Spanish National Reference Centre (CSUR) of Phacomatoses. In addition, data from the identification of potential novel prognostic molecular markers were considered to suggest a revision of the GSS, called the Functional Genetic Severity Score (FGSS). The FGSS includes data from functional assays and the predicted effect of pathogenic variants on merlin, the NF2 protein. With the aim to develop a personalized therapeutic approach for NF2 patients, we evaluated the use of antisense oligonucleotides for NF2 loss of function variants in patients’ primary fibroblast cell cultures. First, we tested the use of phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers (PMOs) to modulate the effect of NF2 splice site variants, although the approach proved unsuccessful to restore merlin levels. The second strategy consisted of reducing the severe effect of truncating variants affecting the NF2 gene. We used PMOs to induce the skipping of an in-frame exon harbouring a nonsense or frameshift variant to generate novel, and potentially functional, merlin forms. Encouraging results emerged for germline truncating variants in exon 11 of NF2, for which it was possible to generate a hypomorphic merlin (merlin-e11) that partially rescued the NF2 phenotype in primary fibroblasts cultures. This result constitutes an in vitro proof of concept of the use of PMOs as a personalized therapy for NF2 patients. Finally, due to the limited preclinical models available for NF2, we generated induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines with single or bi-allelic loss of function of NF2 through combining direct reprogramming of VS cells with the use of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. In our experience, the NF2 gene could be essential for reprogramming and maintaining pluripotency. Despite difficulties encountered in maintaining pure merlin-deficient pluripotent cultures, iPSCs lines were characterized and differentiated towards the Neural Crest – Schwann cell axis. The application of a 3D Schwann cell differentiation protocol led to the successful generation of NF2 (+/-) and NF2 (-/-) spheroids that co-expressed the classical lineage markers p75 and S100B, potentially representing a genuine VS model

    Francesc Nel-lo i German

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    L'arquitecte Antoni de Falguera i Sivilla (1876-1947)

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    L'arquitecte Antoni de Falguera i Sivilla (1876-1947) va viure a cavall entre el modernisme i el noucentisme. Llicenciat l'any 1900, l'inici de la seva carrera professional es va desenvolupar a les poblacions de Palau de Plegamans, Sentmenat, Castellar del Vallès i Tossa de Mar. L'any 1906 va entrar a treballar a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona com a arquitecte ajudant i el 1916 va esdevenir cap d'arquitectes. Va ser en aquesta època quan va construir els seus edificis més embemàtics: l'Escola Municipal de Música (1916-1927) i la Casa de la Lactància (1907-1914). Amb l'arribada del noucentisme l'obra de Falguera perd interès artístic i la seva activitat se centra en la restauració d'edificis medievals, com ara la remodelació de la Casa de la Ciutat de Barcelona (1929). De la seva vessant d'historiador de l'art destaca també l'obra que va escriure conjuntament amb Josep Puig i Cadafalch i Josep Goday i Casals, Arquitectura romànica a Catalunya (1909-1918).The architect Antoni de Falguera i Sivilla (1876-1947) was astride the Art Nouveau and the Noucentisme (a Catalan art style of the XXth Century). He graduated in the year 1900 and he started developing his professional career in the villages of Palau de Plegamans, Castellar del Vallès, Sentmenat and Tossa de Mar. In the year 1906 he started to work in the Town Council of Barcelona as Assistant Architect and in 1916 he became Head Architect. It was during this period that he built up his most emblematic buildings: the Escola Municipal de Música of Barcelona (Town Council Music School) (1916-1927) and the Casa de la Lactància of Barcelona (Breastfeeding House) (1907-1914). With the arrival of the Noucentisme Falguera's work lost interest and his activity focused then on architectural recovers of medieval buildings such as the recover of the City Hall building of Barcelona (1929). As an art historian as he was it has to be mentioned the outstanding work written in collaboration with Josep Puig i Cadafalch and Josep Goday i Casals, called Arquitectura romànica a Catalunya (1909-1918)

    Impairment of haemocytes in the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) exposed to glyphosate

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    This study analysed the effects of glyphosate, a systemic, non-selective herbicide that is commonly used as a plant growth regulator, on haemocyte in the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis. Three treatments where performed using glyphosate alone, its degradation product aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), and a combination of both. Basal transport activity was assessed using the model substrate rhodamine 123 and specific inhibitors for the MXR-related transporter P-glycoprotein (ABCB mRNA). Haemocytes exposed to glyphosate (0.1 and 1 μg/L) showed significant reduction of total Multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) efflux activity that was not apparently related to transcriptional expression of genes encoding P-glycoprotein. Oppositely, both samples exposed to glyphosate and AMPA separately, showed a decrease accumulation of Rho123, suggesting no alteration of the MXR efflux activity. At these same concentrations, transcriptional profiles of 6 genes underlying key biological functions in mussels and potential targets of adverse effects of glyphosate were analysed. These specific genes were analysed to study the immune responses (lysozyme, LYS; mytilin b, MYTLb; myticin c, MYTCc), and lysosomal system (cathepsin L, CTSL; ß-glucuronidase, GUSB; hexosaminidase, HEX). Results indicated a down regulation of the lysosomal genes, suggesting that this contaminant may cause a decrease in lysosomal membrane stability and loss of lysosomal functionality. Furthermore, an up regulation of the immune genes might indicate that it is a response to the microbial alterations that occur as a result of glyphosate exposure. Overall, the data obtained highlighted the potential for these pharmaceuticals to cause immunotoxicological effects as part of their adverse outcomes in mussels.Este estudio analiza los efectos del glifosato, un herbicida sistémico, no selectivo que se utiliza como regulador del crecimiento de las plantas, sobre los hemocitos del mejillón mediterráneo. Se realizaron tres tratamientos utilizando glifosato, su producto de degradación ácido aminometilfosfónico (AMPA) y una combinación de ambos. La actividad de transporte basal se evaluó utilizando la rodamina 123 e inhibidores específicos para el transportador P-glicoproteína relacionado con MXR (ARNm de ABCB). Los hemocitos expuestos a glifosato (0,1 y 1 μg/L) mostraron una reducción de la actividad de expulsión del sistema de resistencia multixenobiótica (MXR) no relacionada con la expresión transcripcional de genes que codifican la P-glicoproteína. Ambas muestras expuestas al glifosato y a AMPA por separado, mostraron una disminución de la acumulación de Rho123, lo que sugiere que no hay alteración de la actividad de expulsión del MXR. También se analizaron los perfiles transcripcionales de 6 genes relacionados con las funciones biológicas de los mejillones y los posibles objetivos del glifosato. Estos genes se analizaron para estudiar las respuestas inmunológicas (lisozima, LYS; mytilin b, MYTLb; myticin c, MYTCc) y el sistema lisosomal (catepsina L, CTSL; ß-glucuronidasa, GUSB; hexosaminidasa, HEX). Los resultados indicaron una regulación a la baja de los genes lisosomales, esto puede causar una disminución en la estabilidad de la membrana lisosomal y pérdida de la funcionalidad lisosomal. En los genes inmunológicos hubo una regulación positiva en respuesta a las alteraciones microbianas causadas por el glifosato. En general, destaca el potencial del contaminante para causar efectos inmunotoxicológicos en los mejillones.Ciencias del Ma

    Estrategias para la docencia en línea

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    Recurs d'aprenentatge de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.Recurso de aprendizaje de la "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya".Learning material of the "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya"

    Digital competence in design education. Case study of BAU Design College of Barcelona (UVic)

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    La inclusión en la década de los 80 en España del ordenador en la práctica profesional del diseño ha cambiado indiscutiblemente la profesión, y el modo de ver y hace diseño. Pero ha sido Internet el factor que ha dado un vuelco definitivo a todos los ámbitos profesionales y a la sociedad en general. Ha propiciado la aparición de una sociedad hiperconectada y de una economía globalizada. Por este mismo motivo los profesionales han tenido que formar sus habilidades digitales para ser competitivos en la nueva era global. En esta investigación, tomando como documento de referencia el informe DIGCOMP (Ferrari, 2013), entendemos que ser competentes digitalmente no comporta únicamente el dominio tecnológico sino que incluye la capacidad de manejarse con seguridad y actitud crítica en el uso de las TIC. Como docente de un centro de enseñanza del diseño me motivó la preocupación de investigar si, como formadores de futuros profesionales estábamos preparados para instruirles en el nivel de competencia digital necesaria. Este estudio tiene como finalidad analizar el grado de competencia digital en el profesorado de la enseñanza superior del diseño, y de qué manera está presente en el plan de estudios del Grado Superior en Diseño. Se estudia el caso de Bau Centro Universitario de Diseño de Barcelona. Los resultados muestran que, si bien como profesionales en activo, usan la tecnología para el desarrollo de su trabajo y la relación con los clientes, pocos son conscientes de la necesidad de formar a los estudiantes en estas competencias digitales. Existe una necesidad de formación en estas competencias en el profesorado de diseño, que debe fomentarse para que la competencia digital sea una aspecto a trabajar en el currículum de las diversas asignaturas y para que el uso pedagógico de la tecnología aporte innovación a la enseñanza del diseño.Inclusion in the 80s in Spain of the computer in professional design practice has unquestionably changed the profession, the way of seeing and does design. But the Internet has been the factor that has given a final twist to every profession and society in general. This has led to the emergence of a hyperconnected society and a global economy. For the same reason the professionals have had to train their digital skills to be competitive in the new global era. In this research, taking as a reference document the DIGCOMP report (Ferrari, 2013), we understand to be competent not only involves digital technological mastery also includes the ability to handle safely and critical attitude in the use of ICT. As a teacher of an educational design center prompted me to investigate whether, as trainers of future professionals were prepared to instruct them in the required level of digital competence. This study aims to analyze the degree of digital literacy into higher education faculty of design, and how is present in the curriculum of the bachelor’s degree in design. Bau Design College of Barcelona, High College of Design of Barcelona is studied. The results show that although as professionals in assets they use technology to the development of their work and the relationship with clients, few ones are conscious of the need to train students in these digital skills. There is a need for training in these skills in the teaching of design, should be encouraged to digital competence be an aspect to work in the curriculum of the various subjects and for the educational use of technology innovation contribution to design education. A need of training exists in these competences in the teaching of design, which must be encouraged to digital competence is an aspect to work in the curriculum of the diverse subjects and the pedagogic use of the technology brings innovation to the education of the design

    Design and use of a collaborative learning environment based on Web 2.0

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    En la era de la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento, la competencia de trabajo en equipo se postula como una de las más importantes en el ámbito profesional. Siendo conscientes de ello, llevamos realizando, desde sus inicios, una serie de asignaturas en las que los estudiantes se inician en las competencias TIC mediante la realización de pequeños proyectos de investigación en equipo. Dichas asignaturas han ido evolucionando y adaptándose no sólo al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) sino, que, también, al uso emergente de las tecnologías Web 2.0. El objetivo de este artículo es el de ilustrar el proceso de diseño e implementación de un nuevo espacio de trabajo en equipo basado en la Web 2.0 para el desarrollo de actividades colaborativas en una de las asignatura de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Dicho espacio, desarrollado mediante un proyecto interno de innovación en nuestra universidad, permite un mayor grado de flexibilidad en su configuración, de tal forma que resulta fácilmente adaptable a las necesidades de enseñanza y de aprendizaje propias de cada asignatura. Para llevar a cabo el proceso de implementación del espacio se llevaron a cabo dos pruebas piloto: una con docentes y otra con estudiantes. Con la finalidad de recoger resultados que nos permitan desarrollar mejoras en dicho espacio, se diseñó un cuestionario. En este artículo se exponen dichos resultados señalando sus virtudes como entorno de aprendizaje.In the Information Society and Knowledge era, teamwork competence is postulated as one of the most important in the professional field. Being aware of that, a series of introductory courses have been developed at UOC. In these courses, students are initiated into the ICT competences by conducting small research projects in teams. These courses have been adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the emerging use of Web 2.0 technologies. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the process of design and implementation of a collaborative environment based on Web 2.0 tools that is used to carry out collaborative learning activities. In order to use the environment presented in this paper, students and teachers pilot tests were developed. With the aim of gathering results to improve the environment, a survey was designed. In this paper the main results are exposed, regarding its benefits to learning and teaching processes
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