81 research outputs found

    Rolandic Epilepsy And Dyslexia.

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    Although benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS) is an idiopathic, age-related epilepsy syndrome with favorable outcome, recent studies have shown impairment in specific neuropsychological tests. The objective of this study was to analyze the comorbidity between dyslexia and BECTS. Thirty-one patients with clinical and electroencephalographic diagnosis of BECTS (group A) and 31 paired children (group B) underwent a language and neuropsychological assessment performed with several standardized protocols. Our findings were categorized as: a) dyslexia; b) other difficulties; c) without difficulties. Our results were compared and statistically analyzed. Our data showed that dyslexia occurred in 19.4% and other difficulties in 74.2% of our patients. This was highly significant when compared with the control group (p<0.001). Phonological awareness, writing, reading, arithmetic, and memory tests showed a statistically significant difference when comparing both groups. Our findings show significant evidence of the occurrence of dyslexia in patients with BECTS.72826-3

    Quality Of Life And Epilepsy Surgery In Childhood And Adolescence.

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    Epilepsy can affect the quality of life (QOL) of patients. The temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is often refractory to medication, which has an adverse impact on QOL. The surgery can be a form to control the seizures and to improve the QOL of the patients. The aim of this study was to verify the QOL of children and adolescents with TLE who underwent surgery for epilepsy, comparing QOL before and after surgery and investigating which parameters showed improvement. We used semi-structured questionnaire in the pre-and post-surgery in 13 patients. The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The analysis showed that there was general improvement in the QOL postoperatively. There was improvement in general health issues, adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs and the relationship with parents. When properly indicated, epilepsy surgery improves quality of life of patients with TLE.6923-

    Clinical And Neuropsychological Correlation In Patients With Rolandic Epilepsy.

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    To evaluate the presence of neurological soft signs (NSS) and to correlate them with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC III) in patients with rolandic epilepsy (RE). Forty children and adolescents aged between 9 and 15 years were studied. They were divided into two groups: G1 - patients with RE (n=20) - and G2 - healthy controls without epilepsy (n=20). They were assessed with the Quick Neurological Screening Test (QNST II) - clinical trial to search for NSS -, and the WISC III - neuropsychological test. No statistical difference between groups was found in WISC III and QNST II. However, children with poorer motor skills had worse performance in the QNST II and also in the execution intelligence quotient - IQ (p=0.001) and in total IQ (p=0.004), thus showing a positive correlation between them. The QNST II is a good screening tool for the neurologist to detect abnormalities in fine motor skills.70691-

    Frontal lobe disfunction in children and adolescents with temporal lobe epilepsy and possible correlation with psychiatric disorders

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    Introduction: There is evidence that individuals with certain types of epilepsy may present cognitive disorders, and that these disorders can be more debilitating than seizures proper. Frontal lobe disorders are reported in adults with temporal lobe epilepsy, carachterized by executive disfunction. Rationale: Literary revision of work concerning the occurence of frontal lobe dysfunction in children and adolescents with temporal lobe epilepsy. Methods: Systematic revision of published literature in PUBMED. Results: Frontal lobe dysfunction has been poorly studied in children with epilepsy, especially in temporal lobe epilepsy. In the only study on the subject, executive deficit was demonstrated. Moreover, children with mesial sclerosis had more deficit in execution/planning than those with frontal or temporal neocortical lesions. Presence of frontal lobe dysfunction, in patients with partial and generalized epilepsy, may corroborate evidence that epilepsy and psychiatric disorders are epiphenomena and not cause effect related phenomena. Conclusion: There are few articles on frontal lobe dysfunction in children with temporal lobe epilepsy. It would be interesting to find out if, and how much this occurs, and if patients with distinct etiologies present different levels of functional disability.Introdução: Há evidências de que pessoas com alguns tipos de epilepsia podem apresentar prejuízos cognitivos, sendo que para alguns pacientes, tais déficits cognitivos podem ser mais debilitantes do que suas crises epilépticas. A disfunção do lobo frontal é relatada em adultos com epilepsia do lobo temporal, caracte­rizada pela disfunção executiva. Objetivo: Rever a literatura sobre a ocorrência de disfunção de lobo frontal em crianças e adolescentes com epilepsia do lobo temporal. Métodos: Revisão sistemática da literatura compulsada no PUBMED. Resultados: A disfunção do lobo frontal tem sido pouco estudada em crianças com epilepsia, em especial com epilepsia do lobo temporal. No único estudo sobre este assunto, demonstrou­se que há um déficit executivo, sendo que as crianças com esclerose mesial têm maiores déficits de execução/ planejamento do que aquelas com lesões neocorticais temporais ou frontais. A presença de uma disfunção do lobo frontal nos pacientes com epilepsia parcial e generalizada pode corroborar as evidências de que epilepsia e transtorno psiquiátrico são epifenômenos e não fenômenos com relação causa efeito. Conclu­sões: Há uma escassez de artigos sobre a disfunção do lobo frontal em crianças com epilepsia do lobo tempo­ral, sendo de interesse saber se esta ocorre e se pacientes com etiologias distintas apresentam diferentes graus de comprometimento destas funções.13113

    Cysteine allows ovarian cancer cells to adapt to hypoxia and to escape from carboplatin cytotoxicity

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    The authors would like to acknowledge the Instituto Portugues de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG) for partially funding the project. We would also like to acknowledge Dr Dialina Brilhante and Dr. Teresa Guerreiro (Servico de Imuno-hemoterapia, IPOLFG) for providing blood donors samples; to Dr Humberto Goncalves (Pharmacy, IPOLFG) for paclitaxel and carboplatin preparation, and Marta Teixeira (IBET) for the technical support in 3D models. The study was also funded by Projecto TVI. This research was supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) (PhD ProRegeM program, PD/BD/105893/2014, FCT fellowship, PD/BD/105768/2014). iNOVA4Health - UID/Multi/04462/2013, a program financially supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia/Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia, through national funds and co-funded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement is acknowledged.Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynaecologic malignancy and the main cause of death from gynaecologic cancer, due to late diagnosis and chemoresistance. Studies have reported the role of cysteine in cancer, by contributing for hydrogen sulphide (H2S) generation and as a precursor of glutathione (GSH). However, the role of cysteine in the adaptation to hypoxia and therapy response remains unclear. We used several ovarian cancer cell lines, ES2, OVCAR3, OVCAR8, A2780 and A2780cisR, to clarify cysteine relevance in ovarian cancer cells survival upon hypoxia and carboplatin. Results show that ES2 and OVCAR8 cells presented a stronger dependence on cysteine availability upon hypoxia and carboplatin exposure than OVCAR3 cells. Interestingly, the A2780 cisR, but not A2780 parental cells, benefits from cysteine upon carboplatin exposure, showing that cysteine is crucial for chemoresistance. Moreover, GSH degradation and subsequent cysteine recycling pathway is associated with ovarian cancer as seen in peripheral blood serum from patients. Higher levels of total free cysteine (Cys) and homocysteine (HCys) were found in ovarian cancer patients in comparison with benign tumours and lower levels of GSH were found in ovarian neoplasms patients in comparison with healthy individuals. Importantly, the total and S-Homocysteinylated levels distinguished blood donors from patients with neoplasms as well as patients with benign from patients with malignant tumours. The levels of S-cysteinylated proteins distinguish blood donors from patients with neoplasms and the free levels of Cys in serum distinguish blood from patients with benign tumours from patients with malignant tumours. Herein we disclosed that cysteine contributes for a worse disease prognosis, allowing faster adaptation to hypoxia and protecting cells from carboplatin. The measurement of serum cysteine levels can be an effective tool for early diagnosis, for outcome prediction and follow up of disease progression.publishersversionpublishe

    Fulfillment of the Brazilian Agenda of Priorities in Health Research

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    This commentary describes how the Brazilian Ministry of Health's (MoH) research support policy fulfilled the National Agenda of Priorities in Health Research (NAPHR). In 2003, the MoH started a democratic process in order to establish a priority agenda in health research involving investigators, health managers and community leaders. The Agenda was launched in 2004 and is guiding budget allocations in an attempt to reduce the gap between scientific knowledge and health practice and activities, aiming to contribute to improving Brazilian quality of life. Many strategies were developed, for instance: Cooperation Agreements between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science and Technology; the decentralization of research support at state levels with the participation of local Health Secretariats and Science and Technology Institutions; Health Technology Assessment; innovation in neglected diseases; research networks and multicenter studies in adult, women's and children's health; cardiovascular risk in adolescents; clinical research and stem cell therapy. The budget allocated by the Ministry of Health and partners was expressive: US$419 million to support almost 3,600 projects. The three sub-agenda with the higher proportion of resources were "industrial health complex", "clinical research" and "communicable diseases", which are considered strategic for innovation and national development. The Southeast region conducted 40.5% of all projects and detained 59.7% of the resources, attributable to the concentration of the most traditional health research institutes and universities in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The second most granted region was the Northeast, which reflects the result of a governmental policy to integrate and modernize this densely populated area and the poorest region in the country. Although Brazil began the design and implementation of the NAPHR in 2003, it has done so in accordance with the 'good practice principles' recently published: inclusive process, information gathering, careful planning and funding policy, transparency and internal evaluation (an external independent evaluation is underway). The effort in guiding the health research policy has achieved and legitimated an unprecedented developmental spurt to support strategic health research. We believe this experience is valuable and applicable to other countries, but different settings and local political circumstances will determine the best course of action to follow

    [perisylvian Syndrome: Report Of One Brazilian Family With Focus On The Genetic Mode Of Inheritance And Clinical Spectrum].

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    Perisylvian syndrome (PS) refers to a variety of clinical manifestations associated with lesions in the perisylvian or opercular region. Acquired lesions such as cerebrovascular diseases or virus encephalitis and congenital lesions such as polymicrogyria (PMG) may be implied as etiological factors. The onset of the PS may occur in early childhood. The aim of this study was to report one family with PS in order to draw attention to this rarely diagnosed entity. Our family has five affected patients, three children and two male adults. All of them had developmental language disorder. Epilepsy, motor deficit and pseudobulbar signs (such as drooling) were detected in one child who had diffuse PMG along the Sylvian fissure. Subtle clinical manifestations correlated with either subtle MRI findings or normal MRI. Most reported families provide evidence suggestive of X-linked transmission. However, the most likely mode of inheritance in our family is autosomal dominant, since a male to male transmission was documented.63459-6

    Employment and SMEs during crises

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    The persistent increasing duration of unemployment has become an issue during economic crises. Although lay-offs at large firms normally make headlines during crises, we still know little about the potential impact of firm size on adjustment behavior in a crisis. We studied effects of firm size on employment growth during economic slowdowns using a rich microeconomic database for the 1988-2007 period in Portuguese manufacturing industry. The results show that economic downturns affect firm growth negatively. This negative effect is found to be higher for larger firms, both during and immediately following crisis periods. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) emerge as potential stabilizers in downturn periods. However, larger firms seem to be able to quickly recover from downturn periods. Our results contribute to the scarce literature and to the understanding of the Portuguese case, where many SMEs secure most jobs. These first results may be useful, because SMEs play a determinant role in other European Union economies

    Effects of cadmium and phenanthrene mixtures on aquatic fungi and microbially mediated leaf litter decomposition

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    This version does not correspond to the published one. To access the final version go to: http://www.springerlink.com/content/t8t302617003m078/Urbanization and industrial activities have contributed to widespread contamination by metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, but the combined effects of these toxics on aquatic biota and processes are poorly understood. We examined the effects of cadmium (Cd) and phenanthrene on the activity and diversity of fungi associated with decomposing leaf litter in streams. Leaves of Alnus glutinosa were immersed for 10 days in an unpolluted low-order stream in northwest Portugal to allow microbial colonization. Leaves were then exposed in microcosms for 14 days to Cd (0.06–4.5 mg L−1) and phenanthrene (0.2 mg L−1) either alone or in mixture. A total of 19 aquatic hyphomycete species were found sporulating on leaves during the whole study. The dominant species was Articulospora tetracladia, followed by Alatospora pulchella, Clavatospora longibrachiata, and Tetrachaetum elegans. Exposure to Cd and phenanthrene decreased the contribution of A. tetracladia to the total conidial production, whereas it increased that of A. pulchella. Fungal diversity, assessed as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting or conidial morphology, was decreased by the exposure to Cd and/or phenanthrene. Moreover, increased Cd concentrations decreased leaf decomposition and fungal reproduction but did not inhibit fungal biomass production. Exposure to phenanthrene potentiated the negative effects of Cd on fungal diversity and activity, suggesting that the co-occurrence of these stressors may pose additional risk to aquatic biodiversity and stream ecosystem functioning.The Portuguese Foundation for the Science and Technology supported this work (POCI/MAR/56964/2004) and S. Duarte (SFRH/BPD/47574/2008