26 research outputs found

    Le principe de légalité de la peine en droit pénal international, points de force et de faiblesse

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    Le principe de légalité de la peine demeure incertain en droit pénal internationale et la rÚglementation de la Cour pénale internationale confirme cette tendance. Il s'agit d'une incertitude qui, toutefois, exige que la sanction se conforme aux critÚres de proportionnalité et d'individualisation, deux critÚres que la peine doit donc respecter.Legality principle of penalty is uncertain in international criminal law and the International Criminal Court rules points out such a character. It is a character that, moreover, lets that sanction respects proportionality and individualizations in penalt

    Pulmonary artery thrombosis in home patient with a mild COVID-19 disease

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    Abstract COVID-19 has been described as the cause for a proinflammatory and hypercoagulable state that induces thrombotic vascular lesions and, in more severe cases, disseminated intravascular coagulation. Increased values of d-dimers are related to the severity of the disease and are associated with worst prognosis. Intensive care studies reported an increased risk of pulmonary embolism and venous thrombosis diseases in COVID-19 compared with the historical control group even in patients who underwent the low-molecular-weight heparin (LWMH) prophylaxis. Patients with COVID-19 who have a stable clinical condition do not require hospitalisation and are treated at home with symptomatic therapy. LWMH is reserved for those with reduced mobility. In this case report, we describe a COVID-19 patient with pulmonary artery thrombosis treated at home

    Sarcopenia and vitamin d deficiency in patients with crohn’s disease: Pathological conditions that should be linked together

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    Sarcopenia is a prevalent condition in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD), representing an independent predictor factor for the development of major postoperative complications. Thus, a proper assessment of the muscle strength, by using different validated tools, should be deemed an important step of the clinical management of these patients. Patients with CD are frequently malnourished, presenting a high prevalence of different macro-and micro-nutrient deficiencies, including that of vitamin D. The available published studies indicate that vitamin D is involved in the regulation of proliferation, differentiation, and regeneration of muscle cells. The relationship between vitamin D deficiency and sarcopenia has been extensively studied in other populations, with interesting evidence in regards to a potential role of vitamin D supplementation as a means to prevent and treat sarcopenia. The aim of this review was to find studies that linked together these pathological conditions

    Real life use of prostacyclin analog (Iloprost), a multi-centric survey data from the scleroderma study group Emilia Romagna (Sclero-RER) and review of the literature

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    Background and aim: Iloprost is recommend worldwide for the treatment of RP and the healing of DUs. The aim of this study is to report the regimens of Iloprost administered in different rheumatological centers within the same regional Health System Methods: A questionnaire exploring different items related to the use of Iloprost was developed and reviewed by three expert rheumatologists. The questionnaire was distributed as an online survey to all local SSc referral centers in Emilia-Romagna (Italy). Data are reported as percentage or median with interquartile range (IQR), as appropriate. An updated review of world literature on this topic was also carried out. Results: All the invited centers completed the survey. There were both local (8) and university hospitals (4). The majority (58%) had a rheumatologist as head physician. All centers used Iloprost: a single monthly administration was the most common treatment (75%). The cycle lasted 1 [IQR 1-2] days with a 0.5-2.0 ng/Kg/min dose according to the drug tolerance of the patients. There were overall 68 spots (beds, reclining armchair, or simple armchair); 2.0 [1.5-4.0] patients were able to receive Iloprost at the same time. University Hospitals had more physicians at their disposal than local hospitals but less paramedic personnel (respectively: 1.8 vs 1.2 physicians, 1.5 vs 2.1 nurses). Conclusions: These observations were in line with the majority of previous studies reporting different regimens, comparing similar (but not identical) dose and schedule administration, however, despite differences being at times substantial, no standard infusion method is yet available. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    The rights of defence before the ICC

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    Dans le cadre du procĂšs pĂ©nal, un minimum de garanties doivent ĂȘtre accordĂ©es Ă  chaque accusĂ©. La justice pĂ©nale internationale n’est pas exempte de cette prescription, qui est Ă©galement valable pour les individus accusĂ©s des crimes les plus affreux contre le genre humain, comme les crimes de compĂ©tence de la Cour pĂ©nale internationale. L’annĂ©e 1998, annĂ©e de la signature Ă  Rome du Statut de la Cour pĂ©nale internationale, a marquĂ© une Ă©tape dĂ©finitive dans le processus de codification du D.I.P.. Le statut se fonde sur des valeurs communes propres Ă  la communautĂ© des Etats signataires, qui ont formellement introduits en droit international l’élĂ©ment de la sanction et de la responsabilitĂ© pĂ©nale individuelle, sans toutefois nĂ©gliger l’élĂ©ment de la rĂ©glementation procĂ©durale qui conduit Ă  la sanction pĂ©nale Ă  travers le respect des droits de la dĂ©fense. Le Statut de la C.P.I. reprĂ©sente l’enveloppe normative formelle qui contient le patrimoine de droits inhĂ©rents Ă  l’individu et, en mĂȘme temps, le texte normatif de garantie sur lequel se fonde le consensus de la communautĂ© des Etats en ce qui concerne la nĂ©cessitĂ© de combattre l’impunitĂ© selon les rĂšgles dĂ©mocratiques du vivre social et de juger et punir selon les rĂšgles propres Ă  l’état de droit universellement reconnues.Dopted on July 1998 by the Rome Diplomatic Conference, the Statute of the International Criminal Court marks the culmination of a process of the international criminal justice, that started at Nuremberg and Tokyo and further developed through the establishment of the ad hoc Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. The Rome Statute crystallizes the whole body of law that has gradually emerged over the past fifty years in the international community in this particularly problematic area and guarantees the same rights of the accused that are enshrined expressly in several conventions and treaties. In particular, the Statute of the International Criminal Court provides in articles 55 and 67 that the accused is entitled of a number of rights during investigation and trial. One come into existence the ICC has started a new era for the effective prosecution and punishment of serious violation of international humanitarian law wherever such abuses may occur and by whomever they may be perpetrated. This is accomplished in conformity to the rule of law and in the respect of the rights of the accused

    La protection des enfants face aux crimes rituels au Gabon

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    International audienceCette contribution propose une rĂ©flexion sur les enfants victimes de crimes rituels au Gabon. A travers une analyse du droit gabonais, les auteurs soulignent l’engagement du lĂ©gislateur Ă  lutter contre ce type de criminalitĂ© en enrichissant progressivement son corpus de lois pĂ©nales. Cette dĂ©marche reste toutefois insuffisante pour dĂ©ployer des poursuites judiciaires permettant une sanction pĂ©nale effective des auteurs. La mobilisation de la sociĂ©tĂ© civile, dans un pays en pleine mutation, permet le dĂ©veloppement de programmes prĂ©ventifs

    The fragility of human rights facing AI

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    The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the East-West Center.For more about the East-West Center, see http://www.eastwestcenter.org/Machines do not have morality so they must be designed according to shared ethical rules. In this regard, affective computing, a branch of information technology that aims to transmit information on human feelings to machines, can improve the relationship between man and computer, the HCI (human computer interaction), because a system capable of perceiving the user s state of mind can better evaluate his intentions and his/her real will. In relation to the violation of human rights, it is necessary to develop ethical principles that can be negotiated on a computational basis and used in the face of unforeseen situations, to limit regulatory violations or to deal with unforeseeable situations with a morally significant impact

    fencing lunge

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    Obiettivo: Il gesto tecnico nella scherma impone un carico differente per i due arti inferiori. Tale disparità deve essere conosciuta soprattutto in ambito giovanile ai fini della riduzione del rischio di infortunio. Lo studio si prefigge di analizzare tale carico e di individuare differenze di genere nella scherma giovanile. Metodi: Per la valutazione dell’affondo schermistico e del salto mediante Counter Mouvement Jump (CMJ) sono state utilizzate due pedane dinamometriche ed un accelerometro supportati da software per l’analisi del gesto. Risultati: Sono state individuate differenze statisticamente significative nel picco di forza concentrica e nella forza di impatto al suolo tra soggetti di genere maschile e femminile (p<0.05). Nel confronto tra i due arti, l’arto di spinta evidenzia di comportarsi diversamente da quello di affondo anche nell’esecuzione di un gesto di salto simmetrico quale ù il CMJ. Conclusioni: La scherma ù uno sport asimmetrico che produce adattamenti neuromuscolari e funzionali differenti per i due arti inferiori che influenzano la capacità di forza e di controllo richieste dal gesto specifico. Sono necessarie sessioni di training specifiche per ridurre l'asimmetria funzionale che si determina con la pratica schermistica.