6 research outputs found

    Bacterial viruses enable their host to acquire antibiotic resistance genes from neighbouring cells

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    Prophages are quiescent viruses located in the chromosomes of bacteria. In the human pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus, prophages are omnipresent and are believed to be responsible for the spread of some antibiotic resistance genes. Here we demonstrate that release of phages from a subpopulation of S. aureus cells enables the intact, prophage-containing population to acquire beneficial genes from competing, phage-susceptible strains present in the same environment. Phage infection kills competitor cells and bits of their DNA are occasionally captured in viral transducing particles. Return of such particles to the prophagecontaining population can drive the transfer of genes encoding potentially useful traits such as antibiotic resistance. This process, which can be viewed as ‘auto-transduction’, allows S. aureus to efficiently acquire antibiotic resistance both in vitro and in an in vivo virulence model (wax moth larvae) and enables it to proliferate under strong antibiotic selection pressure. Our results may help to explain the rapid exchange of antibiotic resistance genes observed in S. aureus

    Phase Variation in HMW1A Controls a Phenotypic Switch in Haemophilus influenzae Associated with Pathoadaptation during Persistent Infection

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    Genetic variants arising from within-patient evolution shed light on bacterial adaptation during chronic infection. Contingency loci generate high levels of genetic variation in bacterial genomes, enabling adaptation to the stringent selective pressures exerted by the host. A significant gap in our understanding of phase-variable contingency loci is the extent of their contribution to natural infections. The human-adapted pathogen nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) causes persistent infections, which contribute to underlying disease progression. The phase-variable high-molecular-weight (HMW) adhesins located on the NTHi surface mediate adherence to respiratory epithelial cells and, depending on the allelic variant, can also confer high epithelial invasiveness or hyperinvasion. In this study, we characterize the dynamics of HMW-mediated hyperinvasion in living cells and identify a specific HMW binding domain shared by hyperinvasive NTHi isolates of distinct pathological origins. Moreover, we observed that HMW expression decreased over time by using a longitudinal set of persistent NTHi strains collected from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, resulting from increased numbers of simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) downstream of the functional P2hmw1A promoter, which is the one primarily driving HMW expression. Notably, the increased SSR numbers at the hmw1 promoter region also control a phenotypic switch toward lower bacterial intracellular invasion and higher biofilm formation, likely conferring adaptive advantages during chronic airway infection by NTHi. Overall, we reveal novel molecular mechanisms of NTHi pathoadaptation based on within-patient lifestyle switching controlled by phase variation. IMPORTANCE Human-adapted bacterial pathogens have evolved specific mechanisms to colonize their host niche. Phase variation is a contingency strategy to allow adaptation to changing conditions, as phase-variable bacterial loci rapidly and reversibly switch their expression. Several NTHi adhesins are phase variable. These adhesins are required for colonization but also immunogenic, in such a way that bacteria with lower adhesin levels are better equipped to survive an immune response, making their contribution to natural infections unclear. We show here that the major NTHi adhesin HMW1A displays allelic variation, which can drive a phase-variable epithelial hyperinvasion phenotype. Over time, hmw1A phase variation lowers adhesin expression, which controls an NTHi lifestyle switch from high epithelial invasiveness to lower invasion and higher biofilm formation. This reversible loss of function aligns with the previously stated notion that epithelial infection is essential for NTHi infection establishment, but once established, persistence favors gene inactivation, in this case facilitating biofilm growth

    The regulon of the RNA chaperone CspA and its auto-regulation in Staphylococcus aureus

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are essential to fine-tune gene expression. RBPs containing the cold-shock domain are RNA chaperones that have been extensively studied. However, the RNA targets and specific functions for many of them remain elusive. Here, combining comparative proteomics and RBP-immunoprecipitation-microarray profiling, we have determined the regulon of the RNA chaperone CspA of Staphylococcus aureus. Functional analysis revealed that proteins involved in carbohydrate and ribonucleotide metabolism, stress response and virulence gene expression were affected by cspA deletion. Stress-associated phenotypes such as increased bacterial aggregation and diminished resistance to oxidative-stress stood out. Integration of the proteome and targetome showed that CspA post-transcriptionally modulates both positively and negatively the expression of its targets, denoting additional functions to the previously proposed translation enhancement. One of these repressed targets was its own mRNA, indicating the presence of a negative post-transcriptional feedback loop. CspA bound the 5'UTR of its own mRNA disrupting a hairpin, which was previously described as an RNase III target. Thus, deletion of the cspA 5'UTR abrogated mRNA processing and auto-regulation. We propose that CspA interacts through a U-rich motif, which is located at the RNase III cleavage site, portraying CspA as a putative RNase III-antagonist

    The regulon of the RNA chaperone CspA and its auto-regulation in Staphylococcus aureus

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    RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are essential to fine-tune gene expression. RBPs containing the cold-shock domain are RNA chaperones that have been extensively studied. However, the RNA targets and specific functions for many of them remain elusive. Here, combining comparative proteomics and RBP-immunoprecipitation-microarray profiling, we have determined the regulon of the RNA chaperone CspA of Staphylococcus aureus. Functional analysis revealed that proteins involved in carbohydrate and ribonucleotide metabolism, stress response and virulence gene expression were affected by cspA deletion. Stress-associated phenotypes such as increased bacterial aggregation and diminished resistance to oxidative-stress stood out. Integration of the proteome and targetome showed that CspA post-transcriptionally modulates both positively and negatively the expression of its targets, denoting additional functions to the previously proposed translation enhancement. One of these repressed targets was its own mRNA, indicating the presence of a negative post-transcriptional feedback loop. CspA bound the 5'UTR of its own mRNA disrupting a hairpin, which was previously described as an RNase III target. Thus, deletion of the cspA 5'UTR abrogated mRNA processing and auto-regulation. We propose that CspA interacts through a U-rich motif, which is located at the RNase III cleavage site, portraying CspA as a putative RNase III-antagonist