130 research outputs found

    Influencia, transmisión y evolución de las creencias japonesas en el manga, anime y videojuegos

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    En esta Tesis se responde a cuánto y de qué forma las creencias japonesas influyen en el manga, el anime y los videojuegos, tres de las expresiones de la cultura popular más importantes del Japón actual. Para ello, se realiza un análisis exhaustivo de los objetos de estudio disponibles, es decir, los distintos manga, anime y videojuegos cuyo argumento o temática pivote en torno a la influencia de las creencias presentes en Japón. Con esto se demuestra la influencia de dichas creencias en la cultura popular japonesa, y el hecho de que estas creencias japonesas utilizan estos medios de entretenimiento como un nuevo vehículo para su transmisión, difusión y evolución. Esto es posible gracias a la gran adaptabilidad de dichas creencias en Japón y a la libertad dada a los creadores y su industria para variarlas o tergiversarlas a voluntad..

    Optimization of CASA-Mot Analysis of Donkey Sperm : optimum Frame Rate and Values of Kinematic Variables for Different Counting Chamber and Fields

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    In order to optimize the donkey sperm motility analysis by the CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis)-Mot system, twelve ejaculates were collected from six jackasses. Capillary loaded chamber (CLC), ISAS®D4C depths 10 and 20 µm, ISAS®D4C Leja 20 and drop displacement chamber (DDC), Spermtrack® (Spk) depths 10 and 20 µm were used. Sperm kinematic variables were evaluated using each chamber and a high-resolution camera capable of capturing a maximum of 500 frames/second (fps). The optimum frame rate (OFR) (defined according to curvilinear velocity-VCL) was dependent on chamber type. The highest OFR obtained was 278.46 fps by Spk20. Values for VCL, straight-line velocity (VSL), straightness (STR), amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) and beat cross frequency (BCF) were high in DDC and 10 µm depth. In both DDC 10 and 20 µm, the sperm velocities (VCL, VSL, VAP) and ALH values decreased significantly from the centre to the edges, while Wobble and BCF increased. No defined behavior was observed along the CLC. However, all the kinematic variables had a higher value in a highly concentrated sample, in both chamber types. In conclusion, analyzing a minimum of nine fields at 250 fps from the centre to the edges in Spk10 chamber using a dilution of 30 × 106 sperm/mL offers the best choice for donkey computerised sperm motility analysis

    Single layer centrifugation improves the quality of fresh donkey semen and modifies the sperm ability to interact with polymorphonuclear neutrophils

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    This study sought to determine whether single layer centrifugation (SLC) of fresh donkey semen with Equicoll has any impact on sperm quality parameters and on the modulation of endometrial reaction following semen deposition using an in vitro model. Seventeen ejaculates from five jackasses were obtained using an artificial vagina and diluted in a skim-milk extender. Samples were either selected through SLC (Equicoll) or non-treated (control). Two experiments were performed. The first one consisted of incubating selected or non-selected spermatozoa at 38 °C for 180 min. Integrity and lipid disorder of sperm plasma membrane, mitochondrial membrane potential, and intracellular levels of calcium and reactive oxygen species were evaluated at 0, 60, 120, and 180 min. In the second experiment, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) isolated from jennies blood were mixed with selected and unselected spermatozoa. Interaction between spermatozoa and PMN was evaluated after 0, 60, 120, and 180 min of co-incubation at 38 °C. SLC-selection increased the proportions of spermatozoa with an intact plasma membrane and low lipid disorder, of spermatozoa with high mitochondrial membrane potential and with high calcium levels, and of progressively motile spermatozoa. In addition, selection through SLC augmented the proportion of phagocytosed spermatozoa, which supported the modulating role of seminal plasma proteins on sperm-PMN interaction. In conclusion, SLC of fresh donkey semen increases the proportions of functionally intact and motile spermatozoa, and appears to remove the seminal plasma proteins that inhibit sperm-PMN binding

    Mouse cytotoxic T cell-derived granzyme B activates the mitochondrial cell death pathway in a bim-dependent fashion

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    Cytotoxic T cells (Tc) use perforin and granzyme B (gzmB) to kill virus-infected cells and cancer cells. Recent evidence suggests that human gzmB primarily induces apoptosis via the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway by either cleaving Bid or activating Bim leading to the activation of Bak/Bax and subsequent generation of active caspase-3. In contrast, mouse gzmB is thought to predominantly induce apoptosis by directly processing pro-caspase-3. However, in certain mouse cell types gzmB-mediated apoptosis mainly occurs via the mitochondrial pathway. To investigate whether Bim is involved under the latter conditions, we have now employed ex vivo virus-immune mouse Tc that selectively kill by using perforin and gzmB (gzmB+Tc) as effector cells and wild type as well as Bim- or Bak/Bax-deficient spontaneously (3T9) or virus-(SV40) transformed mouse embryonic fibroblast cells as targets. We show that gzmB+Tc-mediated apoptosis (phosphatidylserine translocation, mitochondrial depolarization, cytochrome c release, and caspase-3 activation) was severely reduced in 3T9 cells lacking either Bim or both Bak and Bax. This outcome was related to the ability of Tc cells to induce the degradation of Mcl-1 and Bcl-XL, the anti-apoptotic counterparts of Bim. In contrast, gzmB+Tc-mediated apoptosis was not affected in SV40-transformed mouse embryonic fibroblast cells lacking Bak/Bax. The data provide evidence that Bim participates in mouse gzmB+Tc-mediated apoptosis of certain targets by activating the mitochondrial pathway and suggest that the mode of cell death depends on the target cell. Our results suggest that the various molecular events leading to transformation and/or immortalization of cells have an impact on their relative resistance to the multiple gzmB+Tc-induced death pathways

    Evolución de la economía de Indonesia desde 1997

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    Indonesia se sitúa como una de las economías del Sudeste Asiático que mayor crecimiento económico experimentó tras el estallido de la crisis asiática (1997-1999). El objetivo principal de este trabajo es estudiar aquellos elementos que permiten explicar este desarrollo económico desde 1997 a 2018. En el estudio se incluyen una serie de indicadores económicos tales como el PIB, el tipo de cambio o el nivel deuda externa. Así mismo, se recogen otro tipo de indicadores que aportan una perspectiva diferente a la económica, y reflejan aspectos tales como el crecimiento poblacional o los niveles de desigualdad social. Por su parte, se incluye una breve exposición de la posición internacional que ocupa Indonesia en la Asociación de Países del Sudeste Asiático así como en el grupo de estados denominado como CIVETS.<br /

    Non-Invasive Archaeological Methodologies for the Analysis of the Port Structures of Portus Ilicitanus (Santa Pola, Alicante)

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    The traditional identification of the ancient port of Ilici with the current town of Santa Pola in Alicante (Spain) has been based on a small number of punctual, unconnected, and too partial archaeological interventions. Since 2017, a program of geophysical surveys has been performed with a Stream X model multi-channel georadar IDS. This program has been focused mainly on the so-called Mercado de Viguetes, an area in which archaeological excavations have hardly been carried out. The geophysical surveys have allowed us to draw part of the urban fabric of the central core of the Portus Ilicitanus, revealing a set of structures that can be assimilated into a port area: warehouses, houses, open spaces, and decantation basins to produce salted fish, and the probable eastern boundary of the complex identified with the port dock. Altogether, two predominant alignments can be assimilated into the Early Imperial and Late Imperial construction phases. Non-invasive archaeological methodologies have become the main resource for archaeological analysis and heritage protection in view of the current impossibility of carrying out archaeological excavations in this area of Santa Pola.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, grant number PID2019-107264GB-I00 and PGC2018-099843-B-I00

    Estudio descriptivo sobre los hábitos de alimentación de los adolescentes durante el recreo en el IES Sierra de Guara

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    La adolescencia es una etapa decisiva en el aprendizaje y consolidación de hábitossaludables, ya que un gran porcentaje de esos hábitos perdurará en la etapa adulta. Porello, este estudio tiene como objetivo principal conocer los hábitos alimentarios llevadosa cabo por los estudiantes durante el recreo. Asimismo, el presente estudio también buscaconocer los efectos de un programa de fruta que se lleva a cabo en el centro. En el estudioparticiparon un total de 99 estudiantes (43 chicos, 54 chicas y 2 otros) de 2º y 4º de laESO. Entre las variables analizadas se encuentran la frecuencia con la que los estudiantesdesayunan y almuerzan, los alimentos y bebidas consumidos en el almuerzo, y suadherencia al programa de fruta en el recreo. Los resultados mostraron que un 75.5% delos estudiantes desayuna todos los días, y un 91.5% almuerza todos los días. No seobservaron diferencias notables entre los hábitos alimentarios de 2º y 4º de ESO, siendoen ambos casos el bocadillo el alimento más consumido, seguido por la fruta. El programade fruta consiguió triplicar el consumo de fruta ese día, pero se desconoce si afectó alconsumo de fruta del resto de días. En conclusión, los resultados hallados en este estudiomuestran hábitos alimentarios más saludables que los encontrados en otros estudiossimilares llevados a cabo en España, lo que puede ser debido a una mayor concienciaciónpor parte de los estudiantes del centro en relación con los hábitos saludables.<br /

    Red-Light Irradiation of Horse Spermatozoa Increases Mitochondrial Activity and Motility through Changes in the Motile Sperm Subpopulation Structure

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    Previous studies in other mammalian species have shown that stimulation of semen with red-light increases sperm motility, mitochondrial activity, and fertilizing capacity. This study sought to determine whether red-light stimulation using a light emitting diode (LED) at 620-630 nm affects sperm motility and structure of motile subpopulations, sperm viability, mitochondrial activity, intracellular ATP levels, rate of O consumption and DNA integrity of horse spermatozoa. For this purpose, nine ejaculates were collected from nine different adult stallions. Upon collection, semen was diluted in Kenney extender, analyzed, its concentration was adjusted, and finally it was stimulated with red-light. In all cases, semen was packaged in 0.5-mL transparent straws, which were randomly divided into controls and 19 light-stimulation treatments; 6 consisted of a single exposure to red-light, and the other 13 involved irradiation with intervals of irradiation and darkness (light-dark-light). After irradiation, sperm motility was assessed using a Computerized Semen Analysis System (CASA). Flow cytometry was used to evaluate sperm viability, mitochondrial membrane potential and DNA fragmentation. Intracellular levels of ATP and O consumption rate were also determined. Specific red-light patterns were found to modify kinetics parameters (patterns: 4, 2-2-2, 3-3-3, 4-4-4, 5-1-5, and 5-5-5 min), the structure of motile sperm subpopulations (patterns: 2, 2-2-2, 3-3-3, and 4-1-4 min), mitochondrial membrane potential (patterns: 4, 3-3-3, 4-4-4, 5-1-5, 5-5-5, 15-5-15, and 15-15-15 min), intracellular ATP levels and the rate of O consumption (pattern: 4 min), without affecting sperm viability or DNA integrity. Since the increase in some kinematic parameters was concomitant with that of mitochondrial activity, intracellular ATP levels and O consumption rate, we suggest that the positive effect of light-irradiation on sperm motility is related to its impact upon mitochondrial activity. In conclusion, this study shows that red LED light stimulates motility and mitochondrial activity of horse sperm. Additional research is needed to address the impact of red-light irradiation on fertilizing ability and the mechanisms through which light exerts its effects

    Specific activity of superoxide dismutase in stallion seminal plasma is related to sperm cryotolerance

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    While the removal of seminal plasma is a routine practice prior to equine sperm cryopreservation, this fluid contains the main source of antioxidant enzymes able to scavenge these reactive oxygen species. Therefore, stallion seminal plasma components may have an impact on ejaculate freezability. Against this background, this study was designed to investigate whether the activities of the main stallion seminal plasma antioxidant enzymes are related to sperm cryotolerance. With this purpose, 16 ejaculates were collected from 14 healthy stallions, and each ejaculate was split into two aliquots. The first one was used to evaluate the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and glutathione reductase (GSR) in seminal plasma. The second aliquot was extended and then processed for cryopreservation. Sperm motility and viability were evaluated before and after cryopreservation, and ejaculates were classified as of good (GFE) or poor freezability (PFE) based on total motile and viable spermatozoa at post-thaw. We observed that, while the specific activities of CAT, GPX, and GSR were similar between GFE and PFE, that of SOD was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in GFE than in PFE. We can thus conclude that, in stallions, the specific activity of SOD in the seminal plasma of a given ejaculate might be related to its freezability