203 research outputs found

    As palavras, as coisas e o corpo: visão da materialidade na obra de Arnaldo Antunes

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    Esta dissertação propõe-se lançar um olhar sobre a materialidade da e na obra de Arnaldo Antunes, a partir de uma postura centrada na apreciação sensível das suas criações, encaradas enquanto objetos artísticos. Deu-se ênfase ao trânsito por parte do autor entre as mais variadas linguagens artísticas – música, poesia, vídeo, caligrafia, etc. – enquanto meios para explorar os limites e as potencialidades da palavra poética. Ao mesmo tempo, procurou-se delinear um perfil temático da materialidade através da observação e do corpo a corpo com a obra de Antunes. A nossa análise dividiu-se em três grandes áreas temáticas, que remetem cada uma para as outras duas, num movimento circular que tenta dar conta do contexto temático no qual a obra de Arnaldo Antunes se situa. Os três segmentos desta dissertação são “As palavras”, no qual se discute a materialidade da linguagem poética e a sua manifestação física; “As coisas”, dedicado à observação da alteridade ontológica dos objetos do mundo; e “O corpo”, no qual é examinada a realidade primeiramente corpórea do ser humano e da sua subjetividade.Abstract: This dissertation aims at casting a glance over the materiality of and in the work of Arnaldo Antunes, from a critical standpoint centered on sensory fruition of his creations, regarded as art objects. Emphasis was given to the variety of artistic forms explored by the author – music, poetry, video, calligraphy, etc. – as an investigation of the limits and the potential of the poetic word. At the same time, we tried to shape a thematic profile of the materiality through observation and direct approach with Antunes’ works. Our analysis is divided into three major subject areas that refer to each of the other two, in a circular motion that attempts to account for the thematic context in which the work of Arnaldo Antunes dwells. The three sections of this dissertation are: “The words”, in which the materiality of poetic language and its physical manifestation is discussed; “The things”, dedicated to the observation of the ontological otherness of the world’s objects; and “The body”, in which the corporeal reality of the human being and of their subjectivity is examined

    Design of battery pack and internal combustion engine thermal models for hybrid electric vehicles

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    This thesis focuses on the design of computational models, capable of simulating the thermal behaviour of a battery pack and internal combustion engine equipping a hybrid electric vehicle tested over a given driving cycle. Both the models manage a lot of input variables and take into account all the thermophysical aspects regulating the heat exchange phenomena between the battery and engine devices and the cooling medium used to maintain their thermal control. The main objective of the research is to design the two models and integrate them in the simulation tool used by Chrysler to predict the performance of hybrid vehicles in the early design stages. After that, using the battery cooling system model, a sensitivity study is performed to understand which are the most important factor affecting the thermal behaviour of the battery cells. Finally, a validation phase is conducted for both the software to guarantee the validity of their results

    Le raffigurazioni di felini in ambra nella Penisola italiana

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    Si prendono qui in esame le ambre figurate preromane che rappresentano felini. Tra i rinvenimenti della Penisola italiana si contano ad oggi 33 esemplari, ma molti altri sono conservati in musei stranieri, senza indicazione del luogo di ritrovamento; coprono un arco cronologico compreso tra la metà del VII e il IV secolo a.C. e provengono da Etruria padana, Piceno, regioni meridionali (attuali Puglia, Basilicata e Campania) e area etrusco-laziale. Al di fuori della Penisola, alcune ambre sono state portate alla luce in Serbia, Israele e Siria. I manufatti italici fungevano per lo più da pendagli e, talvolta, rivestivano un arco di fibula. Dal punto di vista iconografico, si tratta soprattutto di protomi, di felini in posizione accovacciata, di scene con più animali e di altri unica. Lo studio stilistico delle ambre figurate in forma di felini ci permette di ricostruire infine parte delle vie di scambio attive durante l’età del ferro, delineando, ad esempio, la circolazione dei medesimi modelli lungo la sponda adriatica italiana nei secoli VI e V a.C.In this paper, we discuss pre-Roman carved ambers representing felines. There are currently 33 examples found on the Italian Peninsula, but many others are stored in foreign museums without information about their provenance. They are dated between the middle of the 7th and 4th century BC and come from Po Valley Etruria, Piceno, southern regions (present-day Puglia, Basilicata and Campania), and the Etruscan-Latial area. Outside the Peninsula, some ambers have been found in Serbia, Israel and Syria. The Italic artefacts were mostly used as pendants and sometimes covered the bow of a fibula. Iconographically, they are mainly protomes, felines in a crouching position, scenes with different animals, and other unica. The stylistic study of carved ambers shaped as felines allows us to reconstruct part of the trade routes active during the Iron Age, outlining, for example, the circulation of the same models along the Italian Adriatic shore in the 6th and 5th century BC

    Human centromere repositioning activates transcription and opens chromatin fibre structure

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    Human centromeres appear as constrictions on mitotic chromosomes and form a platform for kinetochore assembly in mitosis. Biophysical experiments led to a suggestion that repetitive DNA at centromeric regions form a compact scaffold necessary for function, but this was revised when neocentromeres were discovered on non-repetitive DNA. To test whether centromeres have a special chromatin structure we have analysed the architecture of a neocentromere. Centromere repositioning is accompanied by RNA polymerase II recruitment and active transcription to form a decompacted, negatively supercoiled domain enriched in ‘open’ chromatin fibres. In contrast, centromerisation causes a spreading of repressive epigenetic marks to surrounding regions, delimited by H3K27me3 polycomb boundaries and divergent genes. This flanking domain is transcriptionally silent and partially remodelled to form ‘compact’ chromatin, similar to satellite-containing DNA sequences, and exhibits genomic instability. We suggest transcription disrupts chromatin to provide a foundation for kinetochore formation whilst compact pericentromeric heterochromatin generates mechanical rigidity

    Dome ovens in Late Bronze Age Southern Etruria: Sorgenti della Nova as a case study

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    L'abitato di Sorgenti della Nova, datato al Bronzo Finale, è caratterizzato da una organizzazione degli spazi di tipo proto urbano, che ospita una serie di strutture complesse, tra le quali abitazioni straminee di pianta ellittica, una serie di grotte scavate artificialmente nel tufo, recinti per animali, magazzini e strutture di servizio. Fra queste ultime, si segnalano 5 forni, rinvenuti sia all'interno delle abitazioni sia in prossimità di esse, verosimilmente funzionali alla cottura dei pasti. Il contributo presenta i risultati preliminari delle ricerche sperimentali e archeometriche applicate ai forni di Sorgenti della Nova. In particolare l'ottimo stato di conservazione del Forno 1 ha fornito dati utili ai fini della ricerca sperimentale e alla realizzazione di una sua replica. Inoltre ha permesso di testare le ipotesi inerenti alle tecniche costruttive verificando il rapporto tra forma e i materiali impiegati rispetto al "comportamento termico". Infine, grazie alle analisi XRPD effettuate su campioni provenienti dai forni 3 e 5 è stato possibile approfondire le indagini sulla composizione mineralogica dei reperti. The built-up area of ​​Sorgenti della Nova, dated to the Final Bronze Age, is characterized by a proto-urban organization of spaces, which houses a series of complex structures, including elliptical-shaped stramine dwellings, a series of caves artificially excavated in the tuff , animal pens, warehouses and service facilities. Among the latter, there are 5 ovens, found both inside and near the houses, probably functional for cooking meals. The contribution presents the preliminary results of the experimental and archaeometric research applied to the ovens of Sorgenti della Nova. In particular, the excellent state of conservation of Forno 1 has provided useful data for the purposes of experimental research and the creation of a replica of it. It also made it possible to test the hypotheses inherent in construction techniques by verifying the relationship between shape and materials used with respect to "thermal behavior". Finally, thanks to the XRPD analyzes carried out on samples from kilns 3 and 5, it was possible to deepen the investigations on the mineralogical composition of the finds

    Genomic and personalized medicine approaches for substance use disorders (SUDs) looking at genome-wide association studies

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    Drug addiction, or substance use disorder (SUD), is a chronic, relapsing disorder in which compulsive drug-seeking and drug-taking behaviour persist despite serious negative consequences. Drug abuse represents a problem that deserves great attention from a social point of view, and focuses on the importance of genetic studies to help in understanding the genetic basis of addiction and its medical treatment. Despite the complexity of drug addiction disorders, and the high number of environmental variables playing a role in the onset, recurrence, and duration of the symptoms, several studies have highlighted the non-negligible role of genetics, as demonstrated by heritability and genome-wide association studies. A correlation between the relative risk of addiction to specific substances and heritability has been recently observed, suggesting that neurobiological mechanisms may be, at least in part, inherited. All these observations point towards a scenario where the core neurobiological factors of addiction, involving the reward system, impulsivity, compulsivity, stress, and anxiety response, are transmitted, and therefore, genes and mutations underlying their variation might be detected. In the last few years, the development of new and more efficient sequencing technologies has paved the way for large-scale studies in searching for genetic and epigenetic factors affecting drug addiction disorders and their treatments. These studies have been crucial to pinpoint single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes that affect the reaction to medical treatments. This is critically important to identify pharmacogenomic approaches for substance use disorder, such as OPRM1 SNPs and methadone required doses for maintenance treatment (MMT). Nevertheless, despite the promising results obtained by genome-wide association and pharmacogenomic studies, specific studies related to population genetics diversity are lacking, undermining the overall applicability of the preliminary findings, and thus potentially affecting the portability and the accuracy of the genetic studies. In this review, focusing on cannabis, cocaine and heroin use, we report the state-of-the-art genomics and pharmacogenomics of SUDs, and the possible future perspectives related to medical treatment response in people that ask for assistance in solving drug-related problems