132 research outputs found

    La longitud diferencial y el solapamiento con el enunciado en las opciones de ítems de opción múltiple: Un experimento piloto

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    Multiple-choice items are extensively used across different assessment contexts. A crucial requirement for ensuring their validity is their correct development, and a number of item-writing guidelines have been proposed that support item developers. This experimental pilot study aimed to investigate the effect of violating two item-writing guidelines: the differential length of the correct option compared to distractors and its lexical overlap with the stem. Standard and flawed items, respectively adhering to and deviating from guidelines, were randomly assigned to 55 college students and compared in their psychometric functioning. Results indicated that, in general, flawed items tended to be easier and less subject to random answers than standard ones, but significant differences were few. Discrepancies between standard and flawed subtests approached statistical significance with medium effect sizes. Although of interest, findings must be cautiously interpreted due to the small sample size. Implications for future research are discussed.Los ítems de opción múltiple son ampliamente utilizados en contextos de evaluación muy variados. Un requisito muy importante para garantizar su validez es su correcta redacción, y para ayudar a conseguirlo se han desarrollado una serie de directrices. El objetivo de este estudio piloto experimental fue investigar el efecto del incumplimiento de dos de estas reglas, más concretamente, la longitud diferencial de la opción correcta comparada con los distractores y su solapamiento léxico con el enunciado. Para ello, se asignó aleatoriamente a 55 estudiantes a las condiciones de responder a ítems que respetaban o que incumplían las mencionadas directrices y se compararon las propiedades psicométricas conseguidas por los ítems. Los resultados indican que, en general, los ítems con incumplimientos tendían a ser más fáciles y a recibir menos respuestas aleatorias; no obstante, había pocas diferencias significativas y el tamaño del efecto era medio. Aunque de interés, estos resultados deben ser interpretados con cautela debido al escaso tamaño muestral. Se comentan las implicaciones para futuras investigacione

    Different structure of assemblages understoried by three <i>Cystoseira</i> species occurring on the same upper-infralittoral platforms

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    Canopy algae of the genus Cystoseira are considered important habitat formers providing shade and shelter for a diversified assemblage of animals and plants. Some evidence suggested that these algae are highly sensitive to anthropogenic disturbances and their presence could be used as an `ecological quality' indicator. In this paper we tested the hypothesis that structure of assemblages understoried by these algae is dependent on Cystoseira species. To achieve this aim the composition of benthic assemblages under the canopy of three Cystoseira species was estimated at Sinis-Mal di Ventre MPA (western Mediterranean), where at some sites these algae occur on the same upper-infralittoral platforms. At one site 2 areas have been sampled and in each area 5 replicates were taken per Cystoseira species. The percent coverage of benthic species was estimating in the field using a 20X20 cm multiple-scale quadrats. A multivariate analysis was performed to highlight differences in taxa composition. Results have evidenced significant variations in assemblages depending on Cystoseira species (ANOSIM R=0.585 p=0.1%). These results suggest that the three Cystoseira species co-occurring on the same platforms do structure different habitats supporting diversified species assemblages. Hence, given the high variability on small spatial scale of habitats it is necessary to perform well designed experiments to correctly interpret results collected during monitoring program

    L'Effetto del calpestio sulla meiofauna e macrofauna dell'infralitorale superiore roccioso nell'AMP dell'Isola dell'Asinara (Sardegna nord occidentale)

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    La ricerca qui descritta si è svolta nell'AMP dell'Isola dell'Asinara e ha cercato di valutare l'effetto del calpestio sulla comunità zoobentonica associata ad alghe del medio- ed infralitorale superiore di fondo roccioso. È stato condotto un esperimento multifattoriale di simulazione del calpestio: in due cale `no entry, no take' sono state scelte 6 aree e, 3 intensità di calpestio sperimentale (0, 60 e 120 calpestii per quadrato di 20x20 cm), sono state attribuite a random nelle aree. I prelievi sono stati compiuti con cilindri di plastica (diametro 40 mm) e un raschietto metallico; sono stati raccolti 2 campioni per quadrato. Il materiale è stato fissato in formalina. In laboratorio sono state separate le due componenti mediante adeguati setacci; gli animali raccolti sono stati identificati e contati. Dall'analisi multivariata risulta che, per entrambe le componenti, vi è differenza significativa tra i controlli e le aree dove è stato effettuato il calpestio (ANOSIM macrofauna p=0,4% R=0,45, meiofauna p=0,5% R=0,50). Inoltre dai confronti a coppie tra i livelli di calpestio risulta una differenza significativa tra i controlli e le due intensità di trampling (60 e 120), mentre non vi è differenza significativa tra le due intensità di calpestio. Sebbene non si possa fare nessuna previsione sul recupero della comunità, questi risultati suggeriscono che sia la macrofauna sia la meiofauna siano estremamente vulnerabili a questo tipo di disturbo

    Envy: A Psychometric Refinement of the Construct

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    The noticeable differences in the theoretical and operative definitions of envy across studies and approaches have produced a fragmentary representation and understanding of the envious emotion. The present dissertation aimed to clarify the inherent nature of the construct of envy through the integration of findings from three independent studies. We focused on malicious envy, and investigated it from both a dispositional and an episodic perspective. Studies 1 and 2 investigated the dimensionality of envy as a stable individual characteristic and an episodic emotional state, respectively. In order to elicit episodic envy, a scenario-based experiment was conducted. Results indicated that, in both its dispositional and episodic facets, envy is a bidimensional construct composed by an inner-directed dimension of inferiority and helplessness, and an outer-directed dimension of feelings of anger and ill will. Moreover, findings from Study 1 allowed to establish boundaries between envy and competing constructs that have often been included in conceptualizations of envy. The psychometrically validated definition of envy provided by Studies 1 and 2 represents a valuable contribution to empirical research. Implications for envy research concern the promotion of a shared operationalization of envy in future studies, which will arguably facilitate the comparison of findings between studies and between approaches. Study 3 examined the mechanisms through which dispositional envy affects individuals’ social adjustment and psychological wellbeing. Findings revealed that the detrimental effects of envy on perceived social support and subjective well-being are mostly mediated by other personal characteristics, such as neuroticism and self-esteem. By reducing global self-esteem, the envious disposition may damage supportive social networks via antisocial direct and indirect behaviors that may arise from envy and that are likely to drive others away. On the other hand, by damaging both emotional stability and self-worth, dispositional envy leads to reduced subjective well-being. Implications for clinical practice are discussed

    Efectos a corto plazo de un pisoteado experimental sobre las poblaciones de poliquetos que habita un sustrato rocoso intermareal en la Isla de la Asinara (Área Marina Protegia del Mediterráneo Noroccidental)

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    Rocky intertidal platforms at Asinara Island Marine Protected Area (Italy, Mediterranean Sea) were experimentally trampled to assess the impact of human visitation on polychaetes. Trampling at two different experimental intensities (60,120 steps/20x20 cm quadrat) and controls were applied at two locations (&ldquo;no-entry, no-take&rdquo; zones) of the MPA. One day after the experimental trampling, benthic samples were collected and the polychaetes counted and identified. Overall 1146 individuals were collected; Salvatoria clavata, Polyophthalmus pictus, Syllis prolifera, Amphiglena mediterranea, Fabricia stellaris, Platynereis dumerilii and Sphaerosyllis taylori were the most abundant species. Analyses of variance on all polychaetes and on each of the important polychaete species showed a significant higher abundance in controls than in trampled plots. Given the short-term decline in abundance, these results suggest that polychaetes are vulnerable even to the lowest experimental level of trampling.Las plataformas rocosas intermareales del &Aacute;rea Marina Protegida (AMP) de la Isla de la Asinara (Cerde&ntilde;a, Italia), fueron experimentalmente pisoteadas para evaluar el impacto de la presencia humana sobre las comunidades de poliquetos. Se aplicaron dos diferentes intensidades experimentales (60,120, pasos sobre una superficie de 20x20cm) y control en dos zonas (zonas definidas como &ldquo;no-entry, no-take&rdquo;) de la AMP. Un d&iacute;a despu&eacute;s de la perturbaci&oacute;n experimental, se recog&iacute;an muestras bent&oacute;nicas identificando y cuantificando los poliquetos. Un total de 1.146 poliquetos fueron recogidos; Salvatoria clavata, Polyophthalmus pictus, Syllis prolifera, Amphiglena mediterranea, Fabricia stellaris, Platynereis dumerilii y Sphaerosyllis taylori fueron las especies m&aacute;s abundantes. El an&aacute;lisis de la variaci&oacute;n global de los poliquetos y de sus especies permitieron observar una abundancia significativamente superior en las &aacute;reas de control que en las parcelas pisoteadas. Considerando en el corto plazo la disminuci&ograve;n de la abundancia, estos resultados sugieren que los poliquetos son vulnerables, includo en el nivel experimental m&aacute;s bajo probado. &nbsp

    A Psychometric Study of the Perinatal Assessment of Maternal Affectivity (PAMA) for the Screening of Perinatal Affective Disorders in Mothers

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    Recently, empirical evidence from perinatal studies has led researchers to pay more attention to fathers. The need to evaluate male suffering led at first to using the same screening tools developed for mothers. However, these instruments present validity concerns with fathers, and today the need to assume a gender-based perspective is clear. The Perinatal Assessment of Paternal Affectivity (PAPA) is a self-reported questionnaire for the screening of a variety of psychological and behavioral dimensions related to affectivity as experienced by fathers during the perinatal period. In the present study, the psychometric properties of the maternal version of the scale (Perinatal Assessment of Maternal Affectivity; PAMA) were examined. The study, based on 225 mothers and their partners (n = 215), used a cross-sectional design with a single assessment at the third trimester of pregnancy. Results indicated a one-factor structure for a seven-item version of the PAMA, which showed adequate internal consistency reliability and was associated in the expected direction with other clinically relevant variables (depression, psychological distress, perceived stress and dyadic adjustment). The findings suggest the usefulness of developing gender sensitive screening tools for the detection of perinatal affective disorders

    Effetto immediato della rimozione di <i>Caulerpa racemosa</i> sullo zoobenthos dell'infralitorale superficiale roccioso di Porto Torres (Nord Sardegna)

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    Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh è una specie lessepsiana altamente invasiva e le conoscenze sull'effetto della sua diffusione sui popolamenti zoobentonici in Mediterraneo sono molto scarse. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare l'effetto immediato della rimozione di C. racemosa sui popolamenti zoobentonici dell'infralitorale superficiale roccioso. E' stato condotto un esperimento manipolativo in un sito prospiciente un'area urbanizzata del nord Sardegna (Porto Torres). Durante l'estate 2004 sono state scelte delle aree random di 20x20 cm, nelle quali C. racemosa è stata rimossa, e delle aree di controllo. Successivamente (ad un giorno e ad un mese di distanza dopo la prima rimozione), sono stati raccolti campioni attraverso l'uso di cilindri di plastica (diametro 40 mm) e di un raschietto metallico. Il materiale è stato fissato in formalina e gli animali raccolti sono stati identificati e contati. Dall'analisi multivariata risulta che non vi è differenza significativa (ANOSIM p=39,4% R=0,004) tra l'abbondanza dei taxa raccolti nelle aree di rimozione e le aree di controllo in entrambi i tempi di campionamento. I risultati ottenuti, del tutto preliminari, sottolineano la necessità di approfondire le conoscenze sul risultato delle interazioni di C. racemosa con gli altri taxa presenti nell'area su una scala temporale più lunga

    Attachment and Dyadic Forgiveness in Individuals in Same-Sex Couple Relationships

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    (1) Background: There is abundant evidence linking attachment insecurity to lower levels of interpersonal forgiveness. However, this association has been almost exclusively explored in people in a different-sex couple relationship, and there is little evidence referring to gay, lesbian, and bisexual (LGB) people in a same-sex relationship. The present study examines the association between romantic attachment and dyadic forgiveness in individuals involved in a same-sex couple relationship. (2) Methods: A total of 248 participants (52.8% female) aged 18-67 years (mean age: 31.02 +/- 9.39) completed the Experiences in Close Relationships questionnaire and the Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivation Inventory. (3) Results: Structural equation modeling showed that attachment avoidance was more strongly associated with dyadic forgiveness than attachment anxiety. Higher levels of attachment anxiety and avoidance were both linked to higher levels of avoidance motivation in response to partner transgressions, and higher attachment avoidance was linked to lower benevolence motivation. Multigroup analyses indicated a gender-specific association between attachment avoidance and revenge motivations, which was positive and significant among men only. (4) Conclusions: In the present study, we have identified that attachment avoidance plays a more prominent role in the tendency to forgive in same-sex couples. Implications at both theoretical and clinical practice levels are discussed

    Characterization of upper limb use in health care workers during regular shifts: A quantitative approach based on wrist-worn accelerometers

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    Despite the high prevalence of upper limb (UL) work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSD) among health care workers (HCWs), little is known about their relationship with exposure to biomechanical risk factors. This study aimed to assess UL activity features under actual working conditions using two wrist-worn accelerometers. Accelerometric data were processed to obtain duration, intensity, and asymmetry of UL use in 32 HCWs during the execution of commonly performed tasks (e.g., patient hygiene, transfer, and meal distribution) within a regular shift. The results show that such tasks are characterized by significantly different patterns of UL use, in particular, higher intensities and larger asymmetries were observed respectively for patient hygiene and meal distribution. The proposed approach appears, thus, suitable to discriminate tasks characterized by different UL motion patterns. Future studies could benefit from the integration of such measures with self-reported workers’ perception to elucidate the relationship between dynamic UL movements and WRMSD