576 research outputs found

    Public Health Workforce Self-Identified Training Needs by Jurisdiction and Job Type

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    Context: Ensuring adequate and appropriate training of the workforce is a crucial priority for governmental public health. This is particularly important, given the diverse backgrounds of the public health workforce; the vast majority (approximately 83%) do not have formal training in public health, and those that do have formal training in public health have limited training in management and other essential organizational skills. Objective: The purpose of this article is to identify training needs among public health workers in specific job types and settings. Design and Participants: This cross section study used 2014 data from the Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey. Qualitative analyses were used to code open-ended responses to questions about training needs. Needs are stratified across job types and jurisdiction. Results: Eight main themes or skill areas were identified with the largest proportion indicating a need for management/leadership skills (28.2%). The second most frequent need was communication skills (21.3%). Across the 9 job types examined, general management skills were either the first or second training need for 7 job types. Among individuals who already have leadership/management positions, budgeting was the most common training need. Conclusions: Findings from this study can inform targeted strategies to address training needs for specific types of employees. Such strategies can influence the efficiency and effectiveness of public health efforts and employee satisfaction. As new public health frameworks–like Public Health 3.0 and the Chief Health Strategist–are advanced nationally, it is necessary to ensure that the workforce has the skills and abilities to implement these frameworks. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal

    Organization and Management of the International Space Station (ISS) Multilateral Medical Operations

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    The goal of this work is to review the principles, design, and function of the ISS multilateral medical authority and the medical support system of the ISS Program. Multilateral boards and panels provide operational framework, direct, and supervise the ISS joint medical operational activities. The Integrated Medical Group (IMG) provides front-line medical support of the crews. Results of ongoing activities are reviewed weekly by physician managers. A broader status review is conducted monthly to project the state of crew health and medical support for the following month. All boards, panels, and groups function effectively and without interruptions. Consensus prevails as the primary nature of decisions made by all ISS medical groups, including the ISS medical certification board. The sustained efforts of all partners have resulted in favorable medical outcomes of the initial fourteen long-duration expeditions. The medical support system appears to be mature and ready for further expansion of the roles of all Partners, and for the anticipated increase in the size of ISS crews

    Ecopharmacology: Deliberated or casual dispersion of pharmaceutical principles, phytosanitary, personal health care and veterinary products in environment needs a multivariate analysis or expert systems for the control, the measure and the remediation

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    .The increasing human and animal use and abuse of drugs as well as of personalhealthcare and gross domestic products, involve disposal and waste problems and, as a consequence, affect the environmental condition. Actually most of the active principles are complex synthesised organic molecules that react, inside human or animal body, by specific biochemical reactions that in no case can reach a 100% yield and produce residues that could be more noxious of the starting compounds. Just reading the indication sheet accompanying any drugs, it is easy to state that no drug can be considered healthy, so, their use constitutes a serious pollution source. The full awareness of this relatively new environmental problem let many researchers to face it from different point of view. Current studies are considering the sources of these substances in the environment, the effects on human health as well as on the flora and fauna species, the recalcitrance and possible degradation methods, analytical techniques able to determine them and their metabolites even at low concentrations and in complex matrices. Literature on the subject continuously increases and a comparison of all data became more and more difficult both for a single drug and for different ones based on the same or different active principles. This is a typical case in which chemometrics can extract a full information in the easier way, so the design of a European database coupled to suitable expertsystem software should be strongly suggested

    First synthesis of a fully active spin-labeled peptide hormone

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    For the first time in the electron spin resonance (ESR) and peptide synthesis fields, a fully active spin-labeled peptide hormone was reported. the ESR spectra of this alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) analogue (acetyl-Toac(0)-alpha-MSH) where Toac is the paramagnetic amino acid probe 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid, suggested a pH-independent conformation and a more restricted movement comparatively to the free Toac, Owing to its equivalent biological potency in a skin pigmentation assay as compared to the native alpha-MSH and its unique characteristic (paramagnetic, naturally fluorescent and fully active), this analogue is of great potential for investigation of relevant physiological roles reported for a-MSH, (C) 1999 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biofis, BR-04044020 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Fis, BR-01498 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Biociencias, Dept Fisiol, BR-01498 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biofis, BR-04044020 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Photoresponse from noble metal nanoparticles-multi walled carbon nanotube composites

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    In this Letter, we investigated the photo-response of multi wall carbon nanotube-based composites obtained from in situ thermal evaporation of noble metals (Au, Ag, and Cu) on the nanotube films. The metal deposition process produced discrete nanoparticles on the nanotube outer walls. The nanoparticle-carbon nanotube films were characterized by photo-electrochemical measurements in a standard three electrode cell. The photocurrent from the decorated carbon nanotubes remarkably increased with respect to that of bare multiwall tubes. With the aid of first-principle calculations, these results are discussed in terms of metal nanoparticle–nanotube interactions and electronic charge transfer at the interface.VC 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Applications of three-dimensional carbon nanotube

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    In this paper, we show that it is possible to synthesize carbon-based three-dimensional networks by adding sulfur, as growth enhancer, during the synthesis process. The obtained material is self-supporting and consists of curved and interconnected carbon nanotubes and to lesser extent of carbon fibers. Studies on the microstructure indicate that the assembly presents a marked variability in the tube external diameter and in the inner structure. We study the relationship between the observed microscopic properties and some potential applications. In particular, we show that the porous nature of the network is directly responsible for the hydrophobic and the lipophilic behavior. Moreover, we used a cut piece of the produced carbon material as working electrode in a standard electrochemical cell and, thus, demonstrating the capability of the system to respond to incident light in the visible and near-ultraviolet region and to generate a photocurrent
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