981 research outputs found

    La fantasía como herramienta facilitadora para la reconstrucción de la identidad en menores de edad en situación de albergue que fueron abusadas sexualmente

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de intervención bajo la metodología investigación-acción, es comprobar que el uso de la fantasía puede facilitar la reconstrucción identitaria en menores de edad que han sido abusadas sexualmente y que viven en situación de albergue dentro del Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara. Se busca describir a través del método fenomenológico cómo a lo largo de seis sesiones la creación narrativa y artística, el juego y el modelaje de las condiciones facilitadoras propuestas desde el Enfoque Centrado en la Persona posibilitaron una mayor consciencia en las participantes sobre sí mismas, los otros y su entorno, con respecto a su individualidad y a la construcción (y reconstrucción) de lazos de comunidad a lo largo de las sesiones, lo que permitió en conjunto una resignificación de la identidad propia. Las tres participantes de este estudio pertenecen al sexo femenino su edad oscilaba entre 11 y 16 años al momento de la intervención.ITESO, A. C

    Diagnóstico diferencial del dengue, zika y chikungunya mediante la detección de ácido ribonucleico por el método de biología molecular, San Salvador en el mes de julio 2023.

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    La reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) está al alcance económico de la mayoría de los laboratorios y se ha convertido en una técnica indispensable para el diagnóstico médico. Es posible amplificar fragmentos que contienen mutaciones conocidas (diagnósticas) o mutaciones desconocidas, que serán secuenciadas y confirmadas tras la PCR. Esto es de gran ayuda en el diagnóstico y asociación de variantes genéticas y enfermedades. Para las enfermedades adquiridas, la detección del genoma del patógeno es la aplicación diagnóstica de la PCR más utilizada. Debido a su alta sensibilidad, puede detectar incluso muy pocas copias del genoma, lo que suele ocurrir en las primeras etapas de la infección; por lo tanto, la PCR permite un diagnóstico temprano

    Chemotactic response of the flavonoid daidzein and its effect on the composition of the rumen bacterial community

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    Daidzein is one of common metabolites in plants and has chemotactic effect on soil bacteria that colonize the plants. There are several tests to assess bacterial chemotaxis, but none focused on rumen bacteria. Therefore, the aim of this study was to test the chemotactic response of the rumen microflora towards daidzein using a standardized bacterial chemotaxis assay. It consisted in a modifying capillary technique and employing technology for measuring in vitro gas production. Ruminal fluids and cellulose were used as controls. The response of bacteria to daidzein was greater than the response to cellulose, supporting the hypothesis that when fodder is chewed by the ruminant it releases daidzein which can attract rumen bacteria towards feed particles (chemotaxis) for attachment and subsequent degradation

    Software Components for Smart Industry Based on Microservices: A Case Study in pH Control Process for the Beverage Industry

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    [EN] Modern industries require constant adaptation to new trends. Thus, they seek greater flexibility and agility to cope with disruptions, as well as to solve needs or meet the demand for growth. Therefore, smart industrial applications require a lot of flexibility to be able to react more quickly to continuous market changes, offer more personalized products, increase operational efficiency, and achieve optimum operating points that integrate the entire value chain of a process. This requires the capture of new data that are subsequently processed at different levels of the hierarchy of automation processes, with requirements and technologies according to each level. The result is a new challenge related to the addition of new functionalities in the processes and the interoperability between them. This paper proposes a distributed computational component-based framework that integrates communication, computation, and storage resources and real-time capabilities through container technology, microservices, and the publish/subscribe paradigm, as well as contributing to the development and implementation of industrial automation applications by bridging the gap between generic architectures and physical realizations. The main idea is to enable plug-and-play software components, from predefined components with their interrelationships, to achieve industrial applications without losing or degrading the robustness from previous developments. This paper presents the process of design and implementation with the proposed framework through the implementation of a complex pH control process, ranging from the simulation part to its scaling and implementation to an industrial level, showing the plug-and-play assembly from a definition of components with their relationships to the implementation process with the respective technologies involved. The effectiveness of the proposed framework was experimentally verified in a real production process, showing that the results scaled to an industrial scale comply with the simulated design process. A qualitative comparison with traditional industrial implementations, based on the implementation requirements, was carried out. The implementation was developed in the beverage production plant "Punta Delicia", located in Colima, Mexico. Finally, the results showed that the platform provided a high-fidelity design, analysis, and testing environment for cyber information flow and their effect on the physical operation of the pH control.This work has been supported by for research cooperation between Universidad de Colima (Mexico), Universidad Autonoma de Occidente (Colombia), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) and the juice production plant Punta Delicia located in Colima, Mexico.Serrano-Magaña, H.; González-Potes, A.; Ibarra-Junquera, V.; Balbastre, P.; Martínez-Castro, D.; Simó Ten, JE. (2021). Software Components for Smart Industry Based on Microservices: A Case Study in pH Control Process for the Beverage Industry. Electronics. 10(7):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics1007076312110

    Le bénévolat comme un outil d’apprentissage de la langue française ou anglaise chez les étudiants de la Filiére en Langues Modernes Specialité en Français et Anglais du Département des Langues Étrangéres de L’université d’El Salvador

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    Ce mémoire de fin d’étude présente l'étude de l'utilité du bénévolat chez les étudiants de la Licence en Langues Modernes à l'Université d'El Salvador. Cette recherche a lieu à l'Université d'El Salvador au cours du semestre II de l'année 2021 et du semestre I de l'année 2022. Elle inclut les perspectives des étudiants bénévoles et des superviseurs à propos des actions bénévoles à l'Université d'El Salvador. Ce travail de recherche s'agit d'une étude descriptive dans laquelle les instruments principaux sont les entretiens. Entre les résultats obtenus, ce mémoire fait connaître que les opinions des interviewés sont positives; ils affirment que la participation active au bénévolat bilingue et trilingue a des avantages dans le processus d'apprentissage des étudiants. De plus, les données recueillies de cette recherche montrent une grande satisfaction car ces activités aident les universitaires à obtenir une meilleure performance. Sur cette base, une des recommandations est de continuer à travailler sur ce type d'activités et de bien les soutenir. MOTS-CLÉS: Bénévolat ; Utilité ; Bilingüe ; Trilingüe ; Étudiants ; Superviseurs ; Processus d’apprentissage

    A Systems Science Approach to Inter-Organisational Complementarity in Tourism SMEs

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    This article proposes a model based on the integration of systemic mechanisms such as the soft systems methodology, partial least squares path modelling and the viable system model as an alternative for fostering complementarity (associativity) in Small and Medium Enterprises to improve responsiveness and adaptations in the tourism sector. The systemic method was adopted as a framework for the proposal. In this regard: 1. The soft systems methodology was used to frame the problem and propose a construct for outlining a possible solution; the methodology included a questionnaire applied to 150 actors (including SME owners and managers and government officials). 2. Partial least squares path modelling was used to statistically validate the relationships in the construct. 3. Through the viable system model, the interactions between SMEs were reconsidered to recognise contextual impacts and foster complementarity. The goodness of fit of 70% obtained for the conceptual model suggests that complementarity, as an organisational form, is possible. The soft systems perspective is considered suitable because it deals with the complex nature of the problem (SME associativity). Although the results in this study apply to the Mexican context, we suggest that this potential limitation can be offset by the multi-methodological approach proposed here, allowing the model’s application to all kinds of organisations. Hence, the observations in this paper are constrained to the organisational domain. This study may enable scholars and managers to improve communication channels as well as inter-organisational relationships, emphasising the increase in the responsiveness and adaptation capabilities to facilitate associativity between SMEs in the studied sector

    Aportación al estudio biométrico y epidemiológico de Guardia canis en la provincia de Granada

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    A biometric study of Giardia canis, parasite from Canis familiaris, obtained from a 225 dog population were determined. The parasitation rate found in the dog population, was 10,66 per cent, differing between the number of infected males (9,32 per cent) and females (12,14 per cent).Se realiza un estudio biométrico de Giardia canis, parásito de Canis familiaris, obtenido del muestreo en una población de 225 perros. El índice de parasitación es del 10,66 por ciento, variando entre el número de machos infestados (9,32 por ciento) y el de hembras (12,14 por ciento)

    Aportación al estudio biométrico y epidemiológico de Guardia canis en la provincia de Granada

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    Se realiza un estudio biométrico de Giardia canis, parásito de Canis familiaris, obtenido del muestreo en una población de 225 perros. El índice de parasitación es del 10,66 por ciento, variando entre el número de machos infestados (9,32 por ciento) y el de hembras (12,14 por ciento).A biometric study of Giardia canis, parasite from Canis familiaris, obtained from a 225 dog population were deternúlled. The parasitation rate found in the dog population, was 10,66 per cent, differing between the number of infected males (9,32 per cent) and females (12,14 per cent)

    Evaluación de políticas alternativas de suministro de agua en Hermosillo, Sonora, México

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados, desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia económica, de las alternativas de suministro de agua a la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México. En el análisis se aplica el criterio de Kaldor-Hicks para la evaluación y se comparan dos fuentes distintas de suministro: desalar agua de mar y comprar agua a la agricultura de la región, poniendo énfasis en el conflicto distributivo entre el uso urbano y agrícola del agua entre diferentes cuencas hidrográficas