2,332 research outputs found

    New Method for Applying Multiple Samples to a TEM Specimen Grid

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    Nou model estructural en capes primes per al cromosoma metafàsic

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    Experiments realitzats fent servir molt diverses tècniques de microscòpia han permès als investigadors del Laboratori de Cromatina de la UAB descobrir que, durant la divisió cel·lular, els cromosomes tenen el DNA empaquetat dins d'unes estructures planes que estan formades de moltes capes molt primes. Aquestes estructures planes estan apilades, omplen tot el volum dels cromosomes i probablement estan orientades perpendicularment respecte a l'eix central de les cromàtides.Experimentos realizados utilizando muy diversas técnicas demicroscopía han permitido a los investigadores del Laboratorio de Cromatina de la UAB descubrir que, durante la división celular, los cromosomas tienen el ADN empaquetado dentro de unas estructuras planas que están formadas de muchas capas muy delgadas. Estas estructuras planas están apiladas, llenan todo el volumen de los cromosomas y probablemente están orientadas perpendicularmente respecto al eje central de las cromátidasExperiments performed using several different microscopy techniques have allowed researchers at the UAB Chromatin Laboratory to discover that, during cell division, chromosome DNA is packaged with in planar structures formed by many extremely thin layers. These planar structuresare stacked, occupy the entire volume of the chromosomes, and are probably oriented perpendicular to the central chromatid axis. The planar geometry of these structures is very well defined, but the nucleosomes inside the successive layers are irregularly oriented

    Cryo-EM structure of the monomeric Rhodobacter sphaeroides RC-LH1 core complex at 2.5 Å.

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    Reaction centre light-harvesting 1 (RC-LH1) complexes are the essential components of bacterial photosynthesis. The membrane-intrinsic LH1 complex absorbs light and the energy migrates to an enclosed RC where a succession of electron and proton transfers conserves the energy as a quinol, which is exported to the cytochrome bc1 complex. In some RC-LH1 variants quinols can diffuse through small pores in a fully circular, 16-subunit LH1 ring, while in others missing LH1 subunits create a gap for quinol export. We used cryogenic electron microscopy to obtain a 2.5 Å resolution structure of one such RC-LH1, a monomeric complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The structure shows that the RC is partly enclosed by a 14-subunit LH1 ring in which each αβ heterodimer binds two bacteriochlorophylls and, unusually for currently reported complexes, two carotenoids rather than one. Although the extra carotenoids confer an advantage in terms of photoprotection and light harvesting, they could impede passage of quinones through small, transient pores in the LH1 ring, necessitating a mechanism to create a dedicated quinone channel. The structure shows that two transmembrane proteins play a part in stabilising an open ring structure; one of these components, the PufX polypeptide, is augmented by a hitherto undescribed protein subunit we designate as protein-Y, which lies against the transmembrane regions of the thirteenth and fourteenth LH1α polypeptides. Protein-Y prevents LH1 subunits 11-14 adjacent to the RC QB site from bending inwards towards the RC and, with PufX preventing complete encirclement of the RC, this pair of polypeptides ensures unhindered quinone diffusion

    Cryo-EM structure of the human Kv3.1 channel reveals gating control by the cytoplasmic T1 domain

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    Kv3 channels have distinctive gating kinetics tailored for rapid repolarization in fast-spiking neurons. Malfunction of this process due to genetic variants in the KCNC1 gene causes severe epileptic disorders, yet the structural determinants for the unusual gating properties remain elusive. Here, we present cryo-electron microscopy structures of the human Kv3.1a channel, revealing a unique arrangement of the cytoplasmic tetramerization domain T1 which facilitates interactions with C-terminal axonal targeting motif and key components of the gating machinery. Additional interactions between S1/S2 linker and turret domain strengthen the interface between voltage sensor and pore domain. Supported by molecular dynamics simulations, electrophysiological and mutational analyses, we identify several residues in the S4/S5 linker which influence the gating kinetics and an electrostatic interaction between acidic residues in α6 of T1 and R449 in the pore-flanking S6T helices. These findings provide insights into gating control and disease mechanisms and may guide strategies for the design of pharmaceutical drugs targeting Kv3 channels

    2.4-Å structure of the double-ring Gemmatimonas phototrophica photosystem.

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    Phototrophic Gemmatimonadetes evolved the ability to use solar energy following horizontal transfer of photosynthesis-related genes from an ancient phototrophic proteobacterium. The electron cryo-microscopy structure of the Gemmatimonas phototrophica photosystem at 2.4 Å reveals a unique, double-ring complex. Two unique membrane-extrinsic polypeptides, RC-S and RC-U, hold the central type 2 reaction center (RC) within an inner 16-subunit light-harvesting 1 (LH1) ring, which is encircled by an outer 24-subunit antenna ring (LHh) that adds light-gathering capacity. Femtosecond kinetics reveal the flow of energy within the RC-dLH complex, from the outer LHh ring to LH1 and then to the RC. This structural and functional study shows that G. phototrophica has independently evolved its own compact, robust, and highly effective architecture for harvesting and trapping solar energy