174 research outputs found

    A novel programmable lysozyme-based lysis system in Pseudomonas putida for biopolymer production

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    Indexación: Scopus; Web of Science.Cell lysis is crucial for the microbial production of industrial fatty acids, proteins, biofuels, and biopolymers. In this work, we developed a novel programmable lysis system based on the heterologous expression of lysozyme. The inducible lytic system was tested in two Gram-negative bacterial strains, namely Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Before induction, the lytic system did not significantly arrest essential physiological parameters in the recombinant E. coli (ECPi) and P. putida (JBOi) strain such as specific growth rate and biomass yield under standard growth conditions. A different scenario was observed in the recombinant JBOi strain when subjected to PHA-producing conditions, where biomass production was reduced by 25% but the mcl-PHA content was maintained at about 30% of the cell dry weight. Importantly, the genetic construct worked well under PHA-producing conditions (nitrogen-limiting phase), where more than 95% of the cell population presented membrane disruption 16 h post induction, with 75% of the total synthesized biopolymer recovered at the end of the fermentation period. In conclusion, this new lysis system circumvents traditional, costly mechanical and enzymatic cell-disrupting procedures.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-04741-2.pd

    Regime tributário do setor cooperativo

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    Las cooperativas son personas jurídicas de derecho privado. Esto significa, entonces, que su régimen de contratación será el derecho privado y así será su campo de acción. Recordemos que un particular, al contrario de un ente estatal, puede hacer todo aquello que no le esté prohibido, en cambio la entidad estatal solo podrá hacer aquello que le está permitido. Su actividad debe cumplirse con fines de interés social y sin ánimo de lucro. Es decir que su actividad buscará la satisfacción del mayor número de miembros de la comunidad y en la medida en que logre involucrar a un mayor número de personas con su actividad, mayor será el cumplimiento de los fines cooperativos.Cooperatives are legal entities under private law. This means, then, that your hiring regime will be private law and that is how it will be your field of action. Remember that a private party, unlike a state entity, can do everything that is not prohibited, instead the state entity can only do what is allowed. Your activity must be carried out for social interest and non-profit purposes. That is to say that its activity will seek the satisfaction of the greatest number of members of the community and insofar as it manages to involve a greater number of people with its activity, the greater the fulfillment of the cooperative ends

    Comparative analysis on strains in asphalt pavement design using linear elastic and viscoelastic theories

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    In Colombia it is common to design pavements using the AASHTO 93 method and to complement it with an elastic analysis of the deformations that cause fatigue and rutting; this has repercussions on the behavior of the structure since it does not take into account the viscoelastic behavior of the asphalt mixtures, In this research, a comparison of three structures at different velocity ranges is made to compare the variation in fatigue and rutting concerning the traditional method of analysis in Colombia and to analyze the differences that may occur in linear elastic analysis and viscoelastic analysis of rutting and fatigue

    Diseño del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en la Fundación Cigarra

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    La Fundación Cigarra es una empresa sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a la atención integral de la primera infancia, y atención en contra jornada escolar para los niños de 6 a 17 años. La organización siempre ha velado por la seguridad en su ambiente laboral y la preservación de la salud de sus trabajadores, a pesar de que la empresa brinda a sus trabajadores todos los aportes al sistema de seguridad social y ejecuta algunas actividades del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo no tiene diseñado el mismo, lo cual es exigido por la normatividad colombiana convirtiéndolo en una obligación para todas las empresas del país. Este proyecto diseñará un Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, desarrollando todas las herramientas establecidas por la ley para la identificación de los riesgos que acarrea la actividad de la organización, brindando las bases para lograr elaborar y ejecutar estrategias que contribuyan a la eliminación o control de las diferentes situaciones, prácticas o elementos que representen una amenaza para la salud o seguridad de los trabajadores, con el fin de contribuir con la preservación de un ambiente laboral poseedor de armonía entre seguridad y salud en cada área de la fundación ya que al no contar con un sistema que preserve dichos factores puede generar gastos por enfermedades laborales, accidentes, disminución en la productividad, ausentismo, multas, entre otros, y en casos más extremos hasta el cierre de la empresa.1. Título 7 2. Planteamiento del Problema 8 2.1. Descripción del problema 8 2.2. Formulación del problema 9 2.3. Sistematización del problema. 9 3. Objetivos 10 3.1. Objetivo general 10 3.2. Objetivos específicos 10 4. Justificación 11 4.2. Delimitación 12 4.3 Limitaciones 12 5. Marcos de referencia 14 5.1. Estado del arte 14 5.2. Marco teórico (categorías) 19 5.2.1 Sistema de Gestión de Calidad 21 5.2.2 Auditoría integral 25 5.2.3 Higiene y seguridad industrial 27 5.3. Marco Legal 34 6. Marco metodológico 39 6.1. Fases del proyecto 40 6.1.1 Fase 1 Diagnóstico inicial 40 6.1.2 Fase 2 Evaluación de estándares mínimos 45 6.1.3 Fase 3 Diseño del plan de acción anual del SG-SST 47 7. Resultados 48 7.1. Información básica de la empresa 48 7.1.1 Misión 49 7.1.2 Visión 49 7.1.3 Organigrama 49 7.1.4 Horario de trabajo 51 7.2. Planteamiento del diseño del SG-SST 52 7.2.1. Fase 1. Diagnóstico inicial de las condiciones de SST 52 7.2.2. Fase 2. Evaluación de estándares mínimos 56 7.2.3. Fase 3. Diseño del plan de acción anual del SG – SST 65 8. Conclusiones 69 9. Recomendaciones 72 Bibliografía 73 Anexos 84EspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el TrabajoEspecialización en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabaj

    Predicting toxicity properties through machine learning

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    It is currently known that the high power of a drug does not fully determine its efficacy. Several properties must also be considered, including absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity [8]. These are the ADME-Tox properties, which are fundamental in the discovery of new effective and safe drugs. Since ignoring these properties is the main cause of failure in the development of new drugs, it is understandable that some techniques arise, such as machine learning, which apply some predictor variables as molecular characteristics to obtain models to determine some of these ADME-Tox properties. In silico models are booming because of the exorbitant expenses involved in discovering a new drug using traditional trial-and-error methods [2], and they have proven to be an effective approach to increase efficiency in drug discovery and development processes. The objective of this study is to analyze the best current machine learning techniques for predicting toxicity as an ADME-Tox property

    Transferencia del conocimiento de las prácticas exitosas de Ideaxión entre las plantas de producción de cemento y concreto de Argos, ubicadas en CCA y Colombia

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto proponer una metodología que sea adecuada para transferir el conocimiento de las prácticas exitosas de Ideaxion a las plantas de producción de cemento de Argos ubicadas en el Caribe, Centroamérica y Colombia -- La investigación parte de una revisión del estado del arte que permita comprender las diferentes posturas teóricas, conceptuales y metodológicas referidas a la transferencia de conocimiento -- Una vez realizada dicha revisión, se propone identificar los diferentes métodos, técnicas, metodologías, herramientas y prácticas que en Argos tienen como propósito la transferencia de conocimiento -- Seguidamente, se presentan también los métodos, técnicas, herramientas y prácticas de transferencia de conocimiento que se han venido utilizando en Ideaxion durante los últimos cinco años -- Con base en lo anterior, se procede entonces a diseñar la propuesta de un conjunto de métodos, prácticas, estilos, recursos y conocimientos que permitan desarrollar de manera efectiva y eficiente actividades para transferencia de conocimiento entre las plantas de cemento de Argos ubicadas en CCA y Colombia -- La propuesta se denomina Metodología para la transferencia de prácticas exitosas en Argos, y pretende ser una herramienta útil para el uso en todas las áreas de la compañíaThe purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology to transfer knowledge between successful practices registered in Ideaxion and the cement production plants located in the Caribbean, Central America and Colombia -- The research is addressed through a review of the state of the art that seeks to understand different theoretical, conceptual and methodological positions of knowledge transfer -- Once this review has been carried out, it is proposed to identify the different methods, methodologies, techniques, resources and practices that aim to transfer knowledge in Argos -- And also present the methods, techniques, tools and practices of knowledge that have been used in Ideaxion during the last five years -- Based on the foregoing, we proceed then to design the proposal of a group of methods, practices, styles, resources and knowledge that allow to effectively and efficiently develop activities for knowledge transfer between the cement plants of Argos located in CCA and Colombia -- The proposal is called Methodology for the transfer of successful practices in Argos, and aims to be a useful tool for use in all areas of the compan

    En busca de un horizonte común para la Biblioteca digital de arqueología náutica (NADL). Reflexiones sobre ciencia, método, teoría y plantillas

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    [EN] Data sharing is a fundamental process for the advancement of both natural and social sciences. Starting from the idea that computers and the internet have drastically changed the world in the last decades, this paper advocates for the creation of a space where archaeologists from around the world can share information about maritime history and exchange data with colleagues. Following the principles of open access, we argue that raw data publication is necessary and significant for the development and democratization of the discipline. This study explains the fundamental aspects of the Nautical Archaeology Digital Library (NADL) and its efforts to standardize information collection for shipwrecks and related sites, so that scholars can create a community to disseminate both raw data and complete information in the field of maritime archaeology. To achieve this, our purpose is to facilitate the development of common-ground methodology and terminology that promotes an intelligible dialogue within the global community of nautical archaeologists. This paper addresses some considerations on terminology and systematization in scientific disciplines and discusses the theoretical and methodological issues linked to the process of making a template for recording shipwrecks. Furthermore, this article analyses some of the problems related to the standardization of description processes and the necessity to create a flexible system that accounts for data diversity. The third section discusses how science is greatly enhanced by publishing information in open access platforms.Highlights:Standardization of data allows robust comparative and inter-subjective analysis of coastal and maritime projects, shipwrecks and nautical technology.Research is strongly benefited by sharing information underlying publications and raw data generated within a project in open source platforms.Digital databases such as NADL enhance cooperative research, as well as teaching and outreach strategies.[ES] Compartir información es un proceso fundamental para el desarrollo de las ciencias naturales y sociales. Partiendo de la idea de que las computadoras e Internet han cambiado drásticamente el mundo en las últimas décadas, este trabajo aboga por la creación de un espacio en el que arqueólogos de alrededor del mundo puedan compartir información sobre historia marítima e intercambiar datos con otros colegas. Siguiendo los principios del libre acceso, sostenemos que la publicación de datos en bruto es necesaria y significativa para el desarrollo y democratización de la disciplina. Este artículo explica los fundamentos de la Biblioteca Digital de Arqueología Náutica (NADL: https://nadl.tamu.edu/) y sus esfuerzos por estandarizar el registro de la información sobre naufragios y sitios relacionados, para que los investigadores puedan crear una comunidad de divulgación, tanto de datos primarios como de información completa en el campo de la arqueología marítima. Para lograrlo, nuestro propósito es contribuir al desarrollo de una metodología y terminología común que promueva un diálogo inteligible entre la comunidad global de arqueólogos náuticos. En este artículo presentamos algunas consideraciones sobre la terminología y la sistematización en las disciplinas científicas y discutimos los problemas teóricos y metodológicos vinculados al proceso de creación de una plantilla para el registro de naufragios. Además, reflexionamos sobre algunos de los problemas relacionados con la estandarización de los procesos descriptivos y la necesidad de crear un sistema flexible que refleje la diversidad de los datos. Finalmente, discutimos cómo la ciencia se ve enormemente favorecida por la publicación de información en plataformas de libre acceso.This paper is a result of a T3 Texas A&M University grant. We want to thank the NADL community for their input. This paper is based on extensive discussions among the community. We would also like to thank Prof. José Luis Lerma, the editorial team of VAR and the reviewers for their insightful comments.Borrero L., R.; Schwindingera, P.; Castelli, A.; Ciarlo, NC.; Torres, R.; Manders, M.; Castro, F.... (2021). Seeking a common ground for the Nautical Archaeology Digital Library (NADL). Reflections on science, method, theory and templates. Virtual Archaeology Review. 12(24):11-24. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.14331OJS11241224Adams, J. (2001). Ships and Boats as Archaeological Source Material. World Archaeology, 32(3), 292-310. https://doi.org/10.1080/00438240120048644Bailey, G. (2007). Time perspectives, palimpsests, and the archaeology of time. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 26(2), 198-223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaa.2006.08.002Berkeley, G. (1998). A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge. Oxford University Press.Campbell, R. N. (2009). What is Science? 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    Engineering the Osmotic State of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 for Efficient Cell Disruption and Downstream Processing of Poly(3-Hydroxyalkanoates)

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    In the last decade, the development of novel programmable cell lytic systems based on different inducible genetic constructs like the holin–endolysin and lysozyme appears as a promising alternative to circumvent the use of costly enzymes and mechanical disrupters for downstream processing of intracellular microbial products. Despite the advances, upon activation of these systems the cellular disruption of the biocatalyst occurs in an extended period, thus delaying the recovery of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA). Herein the osmotic state of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 was engineered by inactivating the inner-membrane residing rescue valve MscL, which is responsible mainly for circumventing low-osmolarity challenges. Then the major outer membrane porin OprF and the specific porin OprE were overproduced during PHA producing conditions on decanoate-grown cells. The engineered P. putida strains carrying each porin showed no impairment on growth rate and final biomass and PHA yield after 48 h cultivation. Expression of both porins in tandem in the mutant strain KTΔmscL-oprFE led to a slight reduction of the biomass synthesis (∼10%) but higher PHA accumulation (%wt) relative to the cell dry mass. Each strain was then challenged to an osmotic upshift for 1 h and subsequently to a rapid passage to a hypotonic condition where the membrane stability of the KTΔmscL-oprFE suffered damage, resulting in a rapid reduction of cell viability. Cell disruption accounted for >95% of the cell population within 3 h as reported by colony forming units (CFU), FACS analyses, and transmission electron microscopy. PHA recovery yielded 94.2% of the biosynthesized biopolymer displaying no significant alterations on the final monomer composition. This study can serve as an efficient genetic platform for the recovery of any microbial intracellular compound allowing less unit operation steps for cellular disruption

    Improved cognitive outcomes in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis treated with daclizumab beta: Results from the DECIDE study.

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    BACKGROUND: Cognitive impairment is common in multiple sclerosis (MS), with cognitive processing speed being the most frequently affected domain. OBJECTIVE: Examine the effects of daclizumab beta versus intramuscular (IM) interferon (IFN) beta-1a on cognitive processing speed as assessed by Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). METHODS: In DECIDE, patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) (age: 18-55 years; Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score 0-5.0) were randomized to daclizumab beta ( n = 919) or IM IFN beta-1a ( n = 922) for 96-144 weeks. SDMT was administered at baseline and at 24-week intervals. RESULTS: At week 96, significantly greater mean improvement from baseline in SDMT was observed with daclizumab beta versus IM IFN beta-1a ( p = 0.0274). Significantly more patients treated with daclizumab beta showed clinically meaningful improvement in SDMT (increase from baseline of ⩾3 points ( p = 0.0153) or ⩾4 points ( p = 0.0366)), and significantly fewer patients showed clinically meaningful worsening (decrease from baseline of ⩾3 points ( p = 0.0103)). Odds representing risk of worsening versus stability or improvement on SDMT were significantly smaller for daclizumab beta ( p = 0.0088 (3-point threshold); p = 0.0267 (4-point threshold)). In patients completing 144 weeks of treatment, the effects of daclizumab beta were generally sustained. CONCLUSION: These results provide evidence for a benefit of daclizumab beta versus IM IFN beta-1a on cognitive processing speed in RRMS. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT01064401 (Efficacy and Safety of BIIB019 (Daclizumab High Yield Process) Versus Interferon β 1a in Participants With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (DECIDE)): https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01064401
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