273 research outputs found

    O Bairro dos Ourives, em Gondomar

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    O presente trabalho centra-se no estudo de um conjunto habitacional, situado na cidade de Gondomar, desenhado para trabalhadores de ourivesaria.Uma breve explanação da arte dos ourives fornece-nos dados da configuração de uma oficina, que ao longo do trabalho irá mostrar reflexos na forma como os moradores intervêm no espaço. No entendimento com o contexto da cidade, o lugar onde o Bairro dos Ourives se insere, demonstra um cuidado com a implantação topográfica. Numa abordagem cronológica, estas edificações são uma nova forma de habitar numa terra essencialmente rural no final dos anos de 1950, além de terem um impacto visual considerável relativamente aos edifícios antigos predominantes.Sobre esta nova espacialidade, debruçamo-nos sob o pensamento da Arquitectura Moderna aplicada em Portugal, desenvolvida num contexto político desfavorável a novas experiências que não as apoiadas pelo Estado. Neste contexto de pós segunda guerra, aos arquitectos não é indiferente a produção internacional, e no caso particular do Bairro dos Ourives, verifica-se a influência de linguagem da então vigorosa Arquitectura Moderna produzida no Brasil. Considerando os projectos internacionais que serviram de base a este estudo, o confronto permite-nos entender adaptações por parte do arquitecto João Braula Reis, tal como a sua ideologia de projecto (situação que será melhor compreendida ao avaliar grande parte da sua produção arquitectónica).O facto do Bairro dos Ourives ter sido promovido por um programa público - HE - que tinha como principal objectivo o acesso a uma habitação digna por parte da classe trabalhadora, é uma premissa que conseguimos verificar, após a análise deste exemplar. Ainda assim, ao aprofundarmos a compreensão das decisões projectuais que o arquitecto considerou ao desenhar este conjunto de edifícios, mesmo com todas as condicionantes económicas associadas, levantam-se posturas críticas que são um exercício enriquecedor para o conhecimento da prática disciplinar de projecto.This study is focused on a group of four row of terraced houses located in the municipality of Gondomar, whose built porpuse was housing the goldsmith workers of Gondomar municipality.A quick survey of goldsmith's workshop showed us data that, during the development of this study, lead to an undesrstanding of the way the inhabitants appropriated their living spaces in the mentioned houses. When approached in the context of the city, it's possible to notice a tight relationship between the architecture and the topography. Chronologically speaking, it's noticeable these houses represent a new way of living, in an yet rural location by the 1950's, besides having a strong visual impact amidst the old buildings surrounding it.This new spatiality and aesthetical concept is strongly influenced by Brazilian Modern architecture of middle XX century, applied in Portugal as an alternative way to the Stately old fashioned architecture, promoted by the Portuguese dictatorial government. After looking at Brazilian publications which were available by Portuguese architects at that time, including here João Braula Reis, the author of Bairro dos Ourives, it's possible to look back at the projects that were the basis for some architectural procedures seen in Gondomar houses. Likewise, this comparition also leads to realize the differences seen on it, which gives an understanding of the architects ideology and specific procedures towards this project. A look at other projects by this architect also adds valuable data on this subject.The public policies (HE - FCP) that resulted in this neighborhood aimed to provide the lower income population dwellings where the architecture quality was a key factor. Anyway, at the same time the positive achievements are recognized, a critical approach, seen within a complete understanding of the architects decisions towards this project , shows important data about the discipline of architectural design

    Application of image processing techniques to automate the seed vigor assessment process in soybean seedlings

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    Seed vigor is a quantitative or qualitative value that describes a seedlot quality based on their growth, giving information of importance in commercial and research areas. A study was performed in order to automate the seed vigor analysis on soybean seedlings, based on digital images captured by a scanner, using the HSV color mode, because it works better than RGB model, thresholding and removing seed area from seedling. The method of transition point identification between hypocotyl and primary root of soybean seedlings showed good results. The work continues in order to find a better way to remove the seed area from seedlings.FAPESP - Proc 06/57900-


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    In order to explain the operating mechanisms of electromagnetic influences on plant development and the facts found in the literature, this article has the general objective of studying such influences and the mechanism acting in this phenomenon, in order to describe it as a possible scientific solution. The quali-quantitative methodology, defined by main experimentation that will evaluate the water and nutrient transport mechanism, namely: observation of water absorption by seeds of 3 species, lettuce, tomato and melon, divided into two groups, control and experimental. The latter being under the influence of permanent bar magnets of Neodymium, magnetic induction, performing collections of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), from TDS Meter V1.0 sensors, compatible with Arduino software, in time intervals of 2 hours. The results obtained corroborate what is described in the literature, demonstrating an intensified decrease in the amount of water and also solutes in the experimental groups, compared to the controls, so that the seeds under magnetic influences absorbed all the water and nutrients in a shorter time than the same under natural conditions, which is plausible in relation to the intensification of plant metabolism resulting from electromagnetic influences, and the identification of a possible synergistic mechanism of Diffusion-Osmosis.Para explicar os mecanismos operantes das influências eletromagnéticas sobre o desenvolvimento vegetal, o presente artigo tem por objetivo investigar as influências e mecanismos atuantes neste fenômeno, a fim de descrever o processo difusivo com e sem presença de campo magnético sobre as amostras. A metodologia utilizada é de cunho quali-quantitativo, definida por experimentação principal que avaliará o mecanismo de transporte de água e nutrientes, à saber: observação da absorção de água por sementes de 3 espécies, alface, tomate e melão, divididas em dois grupos, controle e experimental. Sendo que este último estava sob a influência de imãs permanentes de Neodímio em barra, de indução magnética, realizando coletas de Sólidos Totais Dissolvidos, a partir de sensores TDS Meter V1.0, compatíveis com o software Arduino, em intervalos de tempo de 2 h. Os resultados obtidos corroboram com o que é descrito na literatura, demonstrando a diminuição intensificada da quantidade de água e também solutos nos grupos experimentais, em comparação aos controles, de modo que as sementes sob influências magnéticas absorveram toda a água e nutrientes em menor tempo do que as mesmas em condições naturais, o que é plausível em relação a intensificação no metabolismo vegetal oriundo das influências eletromagnéticas, e a identificação de um possível mecanismo sinérgico de Difusão-Osmose. Palavras-chave: eletromagnetismo; termodinâmica; metabolismo vegetal; canais iônicos.   Diffusion-osmosis mechanism in plant systems under influences of neodymium stationary magnetic fields   ABSTRACT: To explain the operating mechanisms of electromagnetic influences on plant development and the facts found in the literature, this article aims to investigate the influences and mechanisms acting on the specific mechanisms, to describe the diffusive process with and without the presence of magnetic field on the samples. The methodology used is a quality-quantitative methodology, defined by main experimentation that will evaluate the water and nutrient transport mechanism: observation of water absorption by seeds of 3 species, lettuce, tomato and melon, divided into two groups, control and experimental. The latter is under the influence of permanent bar magnets of Neodymium, magnetic induction, performing collections of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), from TDS Meter V1.0 sensors, compatible with Arduino software, in time intervals of 2 hours. The results obtained corroborate what is described in the literature, demonstrating an intensified decrease in the amount of water and solutes in the experimental groups, compared to the controls, so that the seeds under magnetic influences absorbed all the water and nutrients in a shorter time than the same under natural conditions, which is plausible in relation to the intensification of plant metabolism resulting from electromagnetic influences, and the identification of a possible synergistic mechanism of Diffusion-Osmosis. Keywords: electromagnetism; thermodynamics; plant metabolism; ionic channels

    Usage of Arduino-based Datalogger for thermal comfort variables monitoring

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    Environmental monitoring is an effective tool to identify problems in anthropic areas, and the emergence of cyber-physical sensors contributes to technological advances in the area. This paper introduces a device based on the Arduino cyber-physical platform to monitor air temperature and relative humidity in real-time with high efficiency. With the relationship between these two environmental variables, it will be possible to calculate the Heat Index (CI), the Temperature and Humidity Index (ITU), the Effective Temperature Index (ET), and the Thermal Discomfort Index (IDT). The Datalogger developed is easily programmable and easy to assemble and presented stable operation and proper functioning

    Temporal response of post-activation performance enhancement induced by a plyometric conditioning activity

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    IntroductionTo better understand the post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) effect promoted by a plyometric conditioning activity (CA), the aim of this study was to investigate the temporal response of PAPE after a plyometric CA.MethodsFourteen healthy and active adults visited the laboratory 3 times, with an interval of 7 days between each visit. On the first day they were familiarized with the countermovement jump (CMJ) test and plyometric CA. In the second and third visits, participants performed either plyometric CA or control (remaining seated) in a crossover design. The CMJ test was performed pre and 1-, 3-, 6-, and 9-min post the plyometric CA or control. The comparisons were performed using the repeated measure two-factor ANOVA and Bonferroni adjustment (significance level adopted P ≤ 0.05).ResultsTime (P < 0.01), condition (P < 0.01), and interaction (P < 0.01) effects were reported for CMJ comparisons. For the control condition, CMJ increased at 3 min compared to pre (P = 0.03) and at 3 min compared to 1 min (P = 0.03). For the plyometric CA, CMJ increased at 1- (P < 0.01), 3- (P < 0.01), and 6-min (P = 0.02) compared to pre. For condition comparisons, CMJ was different at 1- (P < 0.01), 3- (P < 0.01), 6- (P < 0.01), and 9-min (P = 0.02). The Effect size of the comparisons of all moments compared to pre was null (d < 0.20) for control and small (d < 0.50) for plyometric CA.DiscussionIt is possible to conclude that the plyometric CA promoted a PAPE effect for up to 9-min. Strength and conditioning coaches and practitioners may consider multiple sets of plyometric CA to produce immediate enhancement of power in the lower limbs

    Management of Jaw Fracture Caused by Gunshot Wound - Case Report / Manejo de fratura de mandíbula causada por ferimento por arma de fogo - Relato de caso

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    Introduction: Firearm injuries rank second in the deaths and deaths of people in the urban area. The severity of the injury varies according to the caliber of the weapon used and the distance between a weapon and a victim. The maxillofacial complex has been the target of this type of injury, due to the aggravating increase in the rates of violence, especially in large urban centers. This article presents a case of serious gunshot injury to the jaw. Presentation of Case: Male patient, victim of urban violence, shot by a firearm projectile in the face, presenting comminuted fracture in the mandible with the projectile housed in the posterior, upper medial region of the mandibular branch. Being the patient submitted to treatment of the mandibular fracture. Results: Patient submitted to erich bar installation, and maxillomandibular block and after regression of the face edema, under general anesthesia, the jaw fracture was fixed with a 2.4 reconstruction plate, with 60-day outpatient follow-up. satisfactorily. Discussion and Conclusion: The treatment of maxillofacial injuries by firearm projectiles is a great challenge for surgeons and still controversial in the literature, in relation to the type of approach, whether conservative or surgical, and in relation to the optimal time to perform a possible intervention, with With the advent of synthetic materials. The surgical approach has become the choice for the vast majority of cases of facial injuries caused by firearms


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    O Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve é um estágio de pré-demência, marcado pelo déficit cognitivo, que compartilha sintomas com a depressão, como declínio no humor, ansiedade e irritabilidade. Devido a essa semelhança clínica, se faz necessário o diagnóstico diferencial entre ambas. Para o tratamento, a reabilitação neuropsicológica, sendo um exemplo o Grupo de Memória, é eficaz mesmo quando há dúvida diagnóstica. Este estudo trata-se do relato de caso de uma paciente atendida no Hospital Dia do Idoso. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por alunos do segundo ano da Faculdade de Medicina da UniEvangélica, durante estágio na própria instituição, sob supervisão necessária. No caso relatado, percebeu-se a falta de estabelecimento de um diagnóstico diferencial entre CCL e depressão, devido ao fato de o paciente apresentar sintomas característicos de ambos os transtornos. A intervenção instituída como tratamento do quadro foi eficaz, visto que se baseou no Grupo de Memória, reabilitação neuropsicológica que forneceu tanto apoio cognitivo ao paciente como emocional


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    Decorrente do processo de envelhecimento da população mundial, houve aumento do interesse pelo Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve (CCL) devido à dificuldade em se estabelecer limites entre a perda cognitiva normal e a patológica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral revisar a literatura acerca do CCL, com o intuito de melhorar índices de diagnóstico precoce. Como objetivo específico, buscou-se estudar a fisiopatologia e o perfil epidemiológico, bem como os testes diagnósticos e os tratamentos disponíveis. Foram levantados estudos das bases de dados Lilacs, Scielo e Pubmed, além de periódicos, obtendo-se 15044 artigos e, destes, usou-se 24. O CCL foi definido como um estágio intermediário entre o declínio cognitivo normal e as demências, e como um fator de risco para progressão de demências. A epidemiologia indicou que a prevalência e incidência do CCL têm aumentado, possuindo porém diferenças de dados entre regiões de estudos realizados. Além disso, mostrou uma grande taxa de conversão de CCL para demência, como a doença de Alzheimer. Sua fisiopatologia inclui alterações cerebrais como redes neurofibrilares, placas amilóides e mecanismos biomoleculares alterados. Os testes neuropsicológicos estudados mostraram que os indivíduos diagnosticados com CCL e outras demências apresentaram desempenhos inferiores aos demais pacientes com declínio cognitivo normal. Visando reabilitar os pacientes com CCL e evitar a progressão dessa doença para a demência, vários tratamentos e intervenções são utilizados e apresentam resultados bastante eficazes, mostrando ser a intervenção precoce um importante fator para promoção de melhor qualidade de vida à população idosa

    Acute, chronic, and post-mortem toxicity: a review focused on three different classes of new psychoactive substances

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    Purpose: New psychoactive substances (NPS) are not controlled under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 or the 1971 Convention, but they may pose a public health threat. Knowledge of the main properties and toxicological efects of these substances is lacking. According to the current Drugs Law (Law n. 11.343/2006), the Brazilian Surveillance Agency issues directives for forbidden substances in Brazil, and structural classes of synthetic cannabinoids, cathinones, and phenylethylamines are considered illicit drugs. Considering that data on these controlled substances are scattered, the main objective of this work was to collect and organize data to generate relevant information on the toxicological properties of NPS. Methods: We carried out a literature review collecting information on the acute, chronic, and post-mortem toxicity of these classes of NSP. We searched info in fve scientifc databases considering works from 2017 to 2021 and performed a statistical evaluation of the data. Results: Results have shown a general lack of studies in this feld given that many NPS have not had their toxicity evaluated. We observed a signifcant diference in the volume of data concerning acute and chronic/post-mortem toxicity. Moreover, studies on the adverse efects of polydrug use are scarce. Conclusions: More in-depth information about the main threats involving NPS use are needed

    Analytical challenges for identification of new psychoactive substances: a literature-based study for seized drugs

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    Correct identification of substances is essential to understand drug use and trafficking trends and guide measures for harm reduction and treatment. Two steps are needed to verify the nature of a substance properly: a presumptive test and a confirmatory test. There are presumptive tests which presents deficiencies, such as providing false-positive and false-negative results. Confirmatory tests are more reliable but they are more expensive. With the appearance of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), identifying and characterizing illicit substances has become more challenging. This paper focuses on presenting information about NPS characteristics and analysis. For this purpose, we have reviewed the literature to address the main aspects of five groups of NPS: amphetamine-type stimulants, synthetic cannabinoids, N-methoxybenzyl-methoxyphenylethylamine (NBOMe), synthetic opioids, and benzodiazepines. We present the main characteristics of each group and certain aspects of presumptive and confirmatory tests regarding these groups. Our findings show obstacles in developing methodologies that can correctly identify these substances, and problems can increase as new structures appear. This information can be helpful to drive research into identifying NPS and inform law enforcement and law practitioners about the main characteristics of each group and the main questions involving their identification