201 research outputs found

    Microcefalia antes da chegada do vírus Zika: uma revisão do assunto

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    The reports of cases of microcephaly in Brazil have posed a challenge for the public health, in particular, in Latin American countries such as Colombia, since despite their alleged relationship with the Zika virus, there is no information on the relation of other factors involved in the etiology of microcephaly are related with this increase in cases. There are also very few epidemiological statistics on the behavior of the etiological factors of microcephaly until the crucial year of 2015, not only in Brazil, but also in most Latin American countries. The changes in the incidence and prevalence of microcephaly are very variable due to the dissimilarities in the definitions, the development criteria and the differences among the populations with and without certified diagnostic standards and follow-up criteria for microcephaly. A general review of the microcephaly issue is made, in order to unify definitions, classification and etiology.Los reportes de casos de microcefalia en Brasil han significado un reto para la salud pública, especialmente en países de Latinoamérica como Colombia, pues a pesar de su presunta relación con el virus Zika, se desconoce cómo los otros factores implicados en la etiología de la microcefalia se relacionan con este aumento de casos. También se cuenta con pocas estadísticas epidemiológicas acerca del comportamiento de los factores etiológicos de microcefalia hasta el año clave de 2015, no solo en Brasil sino en la mayoría de países latinoamericanos. Las estimaciones de la incidencia y prevalencia de microcefalia son variables debido a diferencias en las definiciones, estándares de seguimiento y diferencias entre las poblaciones que tienen y las que no tienen validados los estándares de diagnóstico y seguimientos de microcefalia. Se realiza una revisión con una mirada general a la microcefalia, se unifican definiciones, clasificación y etiología.Os relatórios de casos de microcefalia no Brasil há significado um desafio para a saúde pública, especialmente nos países da América Latina como a Colômbia, pois a pesar de sua suposta relação com o vírus Zika, se desconhece como os outros fatores implicados na etiologia da microcefalia se relacionam com este aumento de casos. Também se conta com poucas estadísticas epidemiológicas sobre o comportamento dos fatores etiológicos de microcefalia até o ano chave de 2015, não só no Brasil se não na maioria de países latino-americanos. As estimações da incidência e prevalência de microcefalia são variáveis devido a diferenças nas definições, padrões de seguimento e diferenças entre as populações que têm e as que não têm validados os padrões de diagnóstico e seguimentos de microcefalia. Se realiza uma revisão com uma olhada geral à microcefalia, se unificam definições, classificação e etiologia

    Solea solea: landings data and LPUE standardization from official logbooks in Atlantic Iberian waters

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    Time series of abundance indices are the main source of information to calibrate stock assessment models. Standardized LPUEs (Landings per unit effort) derived from fishery-dependent data can be used as a proxy of the species abundance. In this study we present a first attempt of standardization of landings per unit of effort (LPUE) for soleid species. Soleid species, in particular the common sole (Solea solea), are important fisheries resources with high economic value, targeted by the Spanish fleet in Iberian Atlantic waters. Nevertheless, information on these resources is scarce. Time series data from 2009 to 2020 from the official logbooks of the Spanish fleet operating in the ICES subdivisions 8.c and 9.a. have been analysed in order to provide some insights into this fishery. Uncertainties in the accuracy of the identification of the species led to the aggregation of 6 taxa: Solea solea, Solea senegalensis, Solea elongata, Solea spp., Pegusa lascaris and Pegusa cadenati, as one single category, being the common sole, Solea solea, the most important taxon in terms of economic value and landings. Landings per unit of effort (LPUE) based on the estimated soleid species landed weight by fishing days (unit effort), for the most important métiers in terms of landings, were used as response variable. Generalised linear mixed models, fitted with a Gamma distribution, were employed, and several explanatory variables were tested to be included in the models: year, quarter, month, ICES division, statistical rectangle, landing port, vessel characteristics (LOA category, vessel power), depth, fishing time and number of fishing operations

    Investigación bibliométrica en aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en alumnado de Altas Capacidades

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    Este trabajo implica una revisión del trabajo de investigación sobre el aprendizaje mediado por tecnología en estudiantes de alta capacidad. El estudio fue realizado por medio de un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en la renombrada base de datos Scopus. Fueron evaluados, sin filtro temporal, 35 artículos publicados entre 1993 y 2018, de los cuales se analizó una selección de indicadores de productividad científica, colaboración, consumo e impacto, así como variables estructurales y de contenido. Aunque el número de artículos no sea muy alto, los resultados mostraron un aumento en las publicaciones científicas recientes centradas en procesos de aprendizaje mediados por estudiantes de alta capacidad y una concentración de publicaciones en revistas de ciencias sociales y psicología, además de mostrar los patrones emergentes en estos artículos, publicaciones y temas de interés en este campo. Finalmente, se sugiere una revisión de las prácticas de diseminación de resultados y un enfoque de cuestiones relacionadas con los efectos de la tecnología en el aprendizaje, en relación con el sexo, la edad, el papel de las familias y la formación inicial y continua. This paper is a review of a research regarding technology-mediated learning for gifted students. The study was carried out through a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production in the well-known Scopus database. Thirty-five articles published between 1993 and 2018 were evaluated without a time filter, from which a selection of indicators of scientific productivity, collaboration, consumption and impact, as well as structural and content variables were analyzed. Although the number of articles is not very high, the results showed an increase in recent scientific publications focused on learning processes mediated by high-capacity students and a concentration of publications in Social Science and Psychology journals, in addition to showing, in these articles, the emerging patterns of authorship, publication and topics of interest in this field. Finally, it is suggested to review the practices for disseminating findings and addressing issues related to the effects of technology on learning in terms of gender, age, family role, and initial and continuing education

    Criterion-related validity and reliability of the 2-km walk test and the 20-m shuttle run test in adults: The role of sex, age and physical activity level

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    Objectives: To analyze the criterion-related validity and the reliability of fitness field tests for evaluating cardiorespiratory fitness in adults, by sex, age, and physical activity level. Design: Cross-sectional. Methods: During 3 weeks, sociodemographic, anthropometric measurements, a treadmill maximal test, the 2-km walk test, and the 20-m SRT were performed in 410 adults aged 18–64 years. Measured and estimated VO2max (by Oja's and Leger's equations) were analyzed. Results: Measured VO2max was associated with estimated VO2max by the 2-km walk test and 20-m SRT (r = 0.784 and r = 0.875, respectively; both p < 0.01). Bland–Altman analysis showed a mean difference of −0.30 ml* kg−1 * min−1 (p < 0.001, d = −0.141) in the 2-km walk test, and 0.86 ml* kg−1 * min−1 (p = 0.051) in the 20-m SRT. Significant mean differences between test and retest were found in the time to complete the 2-km walk test (−1.48 ± 0.51 s, p = 0.004, d = −0.014) and in the final stage reached in the 20-m SRT (0.04 ± 0.01, p = 0.002, d = 0.015). Non-significant differences were found between test and retest in the estimated VO2max by Oja's (−0.29 ± 0.20 ml* kg−1 * min−1 , p > 0.05) and Leger's eqs. (0.03 ± 0.04 ml* kg−1 * min−1 , p > 0.05). Moreover, both test results and estimated VO2max equations showed a high test–retest reliability. Conclusions: Both tests were valid and reliable for evaluating cardiorespiratory fitness in adults aged 18–64 years, regardless of sex, age, and physical activity level

    Significado y concepciones de conceptos matemáticos escolares

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    Este estudio ejemplifica un análisis de contenido según varias componentes de significado de un concepto matemático escolar, desarrollado para tres tópicos diferentes del currículo escolar de matemáticas. El trabajo muestra diversas concepciones inferidas de las respuestas obtenidas a través de la aplicación de cuestionarios semánticos y con tres grupos diferentes de estudiantes y de futuros maestros. Tres conceptos se han elegido: la fracción, como relación parte-todo, las razones trigonométricas, así como los números positivos y negativos. En el trabajo se ejemplifica cada componente semántica diferente con solo uno de ellos. Los resultados muestran el dominio de tales nociones, sus diferentes interpretaciones, cómo han sido expresadas y los modos en que han sido usadas. Dichos resultados también muestran una variabilidad y riqueza de respuestas acerca de cada concepto, que se identifican y describen en términos de los componentes semánticos

    Delirium superpuesto a demencia: revisión de una entidad clínica subdiagnosticada

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    &nbsp; Both delirium and dementia are frequent pathologies globally, in both cases the prevalence increases as people age, therefore, taking into account the current population trend towards ageing, the study of these clinical entities has become more relevant. In this article, the key points of delirium and the types of dementia are remembered, and at last what has been published up to date about these two entities together is presented, as well as the challenges that will be faced in the future on this topic.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Tanto el delirium como la demencia son patologías frecuentes a nivel mundial, ambas presentan una mayor prevalencia conforme aumenta la edad; por ello, con la actual tendencia poblacional al envejecimiento, el estudio de estas entidades clínicas ha tomado cada vez mayor relevancia. En este artículo se recuerdan los puntos clave del delirium, los tipos de demencia y, finalmente, se presenta una revisión de lo que se ha publicado en la literatura hasta el momento sobre estas dos entidades en conjunto, así como los retos a futuro en este tema