116 research outputs found

    Crowdsourcing in the food industry: the impact of creator’s body type and gender on healthy food consumption

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    Dissertation presented as partial requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Business Intelligence and Knowledge ManagementInstead of resorting exclusively to marketing experts or designers, organizations are almost required to generate the desired results with the contribution of the “crowd” of consumers. With crowdsourcing activities, companies not only achieve great results, but also change the consumer role from passive to active and ready to collaborate in companies’ offers. The current research suggests that, in a crowdsourcing context, the physical appearance of the individual (normal vs. obese body type) who created a certain food product, has an influence in the perception towards the same food product. This study further tests the moderating influence based on gender, investigating the changes in the healthy eating behavior of male and female participants after randomly confronted with a picture of a normal versus an obese individual that created the product. This effect of the creator’s body type and gender on healthy food consumption is justified by the gender differences in terms of physical self-perception and social comparison. In two studies we test our hypothesis, evaluating the perception of healthiness and tastiness in two different sets of food products commonly perceived as healthy and unhealthy (pilot study) and the effect of creator’s body type and gender on healthy food consumption (study 1). The findings have implications for research and practice regarding body image and healthy food literature

    Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity: An Old but Unrecognized Condition

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    Patients who survive a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can sometimes experience symptoms of excessive sympathetic discharge. Despite being known about for more than 60 years, the diagnostic criteria for this condition have only recently been defined under the name "paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity". Failure to recognize this syndrome leads to excessive costs, prolonged hospital stays and delayed recovery for TBI patients. This case report describes a patient whose specific rehabilitation program was affected by a failure to identify this entity, even though he presented with many of the characteristics of this condition

    Planeamento estratégico através da implementação da metodologia Balanced Scorecard numa empresa de construção

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    Atualmente, existe uma constante necessidade de inovação tecnológica e organizacional das empresas, face às exigências do mercado e ao aumento constante da competitividade. No contexto da economia atual, e para contrariar a falta de investimento dos últimos anos, as empresas concentram-se no desenvolvimento de negócios bem estruturados e organizados, que satisfaçam as exigências de cada cliente. Revela-se, assim, muito importante a avaliação de desempenho para o alcance do seu sucesso, permitindo alinhar as atividades operacionais com a visão organizacional, fomentar a comunicação da estratégia e gerir o seu desempenho. É neste contexto que ganha importância o Balanced Scorecard, um instrumento que permite avaliar o desempenho organizacional, funcionando também como uma ferramenta de gestão. Tem, portanto, como principais objetivos definir claramente uma estratégia, definir objetivos, indicadores e medidas estratégicas, planear e estabelecer metas e melhorar continuamente os resultados obtidos. Esta ferramenta analisa a organização em quatro diferentes perspetivas: financeira, clientes, processos internos e apendizagem e crescimento. Cada uma delas deve estrututrar os seus próprios objetivos, indicadores, metas e iniciativas de forma a contribuir para o desenvolvimento da estratégia da organização e avaliar o seu desempenho. O desafio deste relatório é adaptar esta metodologia durante a realização de um estágio curricular na empresa Bysteel, que tem por base a implementação de um processo de gestão estratégica nas suas empreitadas, através do Balanced Scorecard. Este planemamento surge como um dos principais requisitos para uma gestão eficaz de custos e de tempo planeados para cada empreitada da Bysteel. Este processo torna-se bastante complexo dado que cada obra apresenta diferentes particularidades. A implementação desta metodologia numa empresa desta dimensão é um fator muito motivador, tornando-se ainda mais interessante pelo facto de se tratar de uma implementação numa nova vertente.At present, there is a constant need for technological and organizational innovation in companies, in order to face market’s requirements and also the exponentially increasing competition among them. In the current economy context and in opposition to the poor investment of the last years, companies are now focused in developing organized and well-structured businesses, which will allow them to satisfy their costumers’ requirements. Performance evaluation is very important to the following goals: to reach success, to line up the operational activities with the company’s vision, to increase the communication of the strategy and to manage its performance. In this context it is of great interest for companies the use of Balanced Scorecard Methodology, a strategic performance management tool. Its aim is to develop a clear strategy, defining objectives, key performance indicators and strategic measures, plannig as well as it establishes targets in order to continuously improving the results. This tool analyzes the organization in four different perspectives: financial, costumer/stakeholders, internal businesses and organizational capacity. Each one of them has its own strategic objectives, performance measures, targets and initiatives to develop the strategy of the organization and to evaluate its performance. The challenge of this report is to adapt the Balanced Scorecard to a Bysteel actual work, highlighting the company’s ideia of implementating a strategic management tool in its work. If successful, this plannig can bring a solution for an efficient management of costs and time for each work. The application of this tool turns out to be a big challenge, as each work has its unique details and particularities. Applying it in a company like Bysteel is a naturally very exciting and it becomes more interesting applying it in a different perspective

    Coligação Portuguesa para a Diversidade Cultural

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    A Coligação Portuguesa Para a Diversidade Cultural é uma associação que foi criada pela Convenção para a Proteção e Promoção da Diversidade das Expressões Culturais, assinada em 2005, pela UNESCO, e tem como objetivo defender todos os pontos descritos nesta Convenção. Tem por excelência a capacidade de contactar diretamente com os artistas, de promover e proteger a diversidade das expressões culturais, tendo a capacidade de unir várias artes. Detém vários objetivos que interessam a profissionais da cultura defender, junto dos poderes públicos, europeus ou internacionais, como está previsto na convenção. Num mundo que se torna a cada dia mais globalizado, é necessária a criação de mais veículos de resposta, para não se perderem direitos fundamentais, como o caso dos direitos dos artistas, cuja luta é primordial. Tendo em conta que a maioria do público consegue aceder cada vez mais a filmes, música, jogos, através de dispositivos electrónicos, torna-se mais fácil a cópia ilegal das obras, sendo ainda mais importante a luta pela manutenção dos direitos autorais. O presente relatório tem como objetivo demonstrar a importância da Coligação Portuguesa para a Diversidade Cultural, bem como os benefícios que a respetiva Convenção de 2005 apresentam para a sociedade. Percebendo os valores a eles associados, os seus objetivos, as áreas onde podem atuar e os efeitos que poderiam ter na sociedade social. Culminando ainda com as ideias base dos direitos dos artistas. Este relatório é a junção prática do que foi a minha experiência profissional na Coligação, a parte histórica da mesma, o conceito e estudo sobre a convenção e direito dos artistas.The Portuguese Coalition for Cultural Diversity is an association that was created in 2005 with the aim to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions, in respect of the UNESCO convention. It has the capacity of contacting directly with the artists, of promoting and protecting the diversity of cultural expressions, with the added ability of uniting different art forms. Its goals are defended by the culture sector professionals in relation to Public, European or international powers. In a world that is becoming increasingly globalized, it’s necessary to create more response mechanisms in order to guarantee fundamental rights, like it is in the case of the artists’ rights. Audiences today have easy access to movies, music and games on electronic devices – as it becomes easier to make illegal copies of these art forms, the more important it is to fight for the artists’ rights. This report aims to demonstrate the importance of the Portuguese Coalition for Cultural Diversity association and the benefits for society of the 2005 Convention. It explains the values associated to the Convention, its objectives, the areas in which it can act and the effects it can have in society, as well as the basic legislation on artists’ rights. This is the practical combination of what was my professional experience working with the Portuguese Coalition, and my study of its history, the Convention and the artists’ rights legislation

    A reabilitação cardíaca em contexto comunitário : correção postural da pessoa idosa com doença cardiovascular

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    O presente relatório retrata o trabalho realizado e as competências adquiridas, enquanto fisiologista do exercício, ao longo de um ano letivo de estágio em Reabilitação Cardíaca em contexto comunitário, no Centro de Reabilitação Cardiovascular da Universidade de Lisboa, no Clube Coronário de Lisboa e na BeeLife Clinical Exercise Centers. Numa primeira fase é descrito o panorama das DCV e abordada a fisiopatologia das doenças, em específico a DAC e a IC, as suas implicações no exercício e a importância de reabilitação cardíaca. Numa segunda fase, são descritos os modos de funcionamento dos programas de reabilitação cardíaca, as experiências vividas e o contributo que o estagiário deixou aos programas por onde passou. Por último, é feito uma reflexão dos dois anos de mestrado passando pelo momento de escolha até à finalização do estágio, evidenciando as competências adquiridas neste último ano.The following report portrays the work and skills acquired, as an exercise physiologist, over a school year of na internship in Cardic Rehabilitation in a community context, at the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Center of the University of Lisbon, at the Clube Coronário de Lisboa and at BeeLife Clinical Exercise Centers. Firstly, it is made a framework of cardiovascular diseases and the pathophysiology is adressed, specifically coronary artery disease and heart failure, their implications for exercise and the importance of cardiac rehabilitation. After that, the ways of functioning of cardiac rehabilitation programs are described

    Pathophysiology of Blood–Brain Barrier Permeability Throughout the Different Stages of Ischemic Stroke and Its Implication on Hemorrhagic Transformation and Recovery

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    The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a dynamic interface responsible for maintaining the central nervous system homeostasis. Its unique characteristics allow protecting the brain from unwanted compounds, but its impairment is involved in a vast number of pathological conditions. Disruption of the BBB and increase in its permeability are key in the development of several neurological diseases and have been extensively studied in stroke. Ischemic stroke is the most prevalent type of stroke and is characterized by a myriad of pathological events triggered by an arterial occlusion that can eventually lead to fatal outcomes such as hemorrhagic transformation (HT). BBB permeability seems to follow a multiphasic pattern throughout the different stroke stages that have been associated with distinct biological substrates. In the hyperacute stage, sudden hypoxia damages the BBB, leading to cytotoxic edema and increased permeability; in the acute stage, the neuroinflammatory response aggravates the BBB injury, leading to higher permeability and a consequent risk of HT that can be motivated by reperfusion therapy; in the subacute stage (1-3 weeks), repair mechanisms take place, especially neoangiogenesis. Immature vessels show leaky BBB, but this permeability has been associated with improved clinical recovery. In the chronic stage (>6 weeks), an increase of BBB restoration factors leads the barrier to start decreasing its permeability. Nonetheless, permeability will persist to some degree several weeks after injury. Understanding the mechanisms behind BBB dysregulation and HT pathophysiology could potentially help guide acute stroke care decisions and the development of new therapeutic targets; however, effective translation into clinical practice is still lacking. In this review, we will address the different pathological and physiological repair mechanisms involved in BBB permeability through the different stages of ischemic stroke and their role in the development of HT and stroke recovery.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Econometric analysis of sawn timber production in Brazil

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    ResumoEstudos que objetivam analisar o mercado madeira serrada no Brasil merecem destaque por fornecerem orientações sobre sua tendência. Após o avanço no uso de painéis de madeira, o mercado sofreu influências por esse substituto, se fazendo necessárias análises econométricas para dimensionar e planejar a produção, diminuindo riscos e incertezas de comercialização. Esse mercado é dividido em madeiras de não coníferas e coníferas, que contribuem atualmente com 62% e 38% do mercado, respectivamente. Com base em uma série temporal anual da produção brasileira de madeira serrada de não coníferas e coníferas no período de 1961 a 2009, publicada pela Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2011), o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a metodologia Box & Jenkins (Box; Jenkins, 1976) para realizar previsões da produção desse mercado. Os modelos foram avaliados com base nos critérios de Akaike e Schwarz, na significância dos coeficientes, no princípio de parcimônia e no comportamento dos resíduos. Pelos resultados, conclui-se que o modelo autorregressivo de média móvel (ARIMA) (2,1,1) foi adequado para prever a produção de madeira serrada de não coníferas, e o modelo ARIMA (1,1,1) para prever a produção de madeira serrada de coníferas. A metodologia pode ser utilizada para previsão desse mercado. AbstractEconometric analysis of sawn timber production in Brazil. Studies that aim to analyze the lumber market in Brazil are noteworthy for providing guidance on its trend. After advance in wood panels using the market has been influenced by this replacement, and it was necessary an econometric analysis to scale and plan production, reducing risks and uncertainties. Such market is divided into non-coniferous woods and conifers, which currently contribute to 62% and 38% of the market, respectively. Based on an annual time series of non-coniferous and coniferous sawn timber Brazilian production in the 1960 to 2009 period, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2011),the present research aimed to evaluate the methodology Box & Jenkins (BOX; JENKINS, 1976) to forecast the production of this market. The models were evaluated based on the Akaike and Schwarz criteria, at the coefficients significance, at the parsimony principle and at the waste behavior. According to results, the moving average auto-regressive model (ARIMA) (2,1,1) was adequate to predict the non-coniferous sawn timber production and the ARIMA (1,1,1) model to predict the conifers sawn wood production. The methodology can be used for such market prediction.Keywords: Lumber production; time series; Box & Jenkins methodology.AbstractStudies that aim to analyze the lumber market in Brazil are noteworthy for providing guidance on its trend. After advance in wood panels using the market has been influenced by this replacement, and it was necessary an econometric analysis to scale and plan production, reducing risks and uncertainties. Such market is divided into non-coniferous woods and conifers, which currently contribute to 62% and 38% of the market, respectively. Based on an annual time series of non-coniferous and coniferous sawn timber Brazilian production in the 1960 to 2009 period, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2011),the present research aimed to evaluate the methodology Box & Jenkins (BOX; JENKINS, 1976) to forecast the production of this market. The models were evaluated based on the Akaike and Schwarz criteria, at the coefficients significance, at the parsimony principle and at the waste behavior. According to results, the moving average auto-regressive model (ARIMA) (2,1,1) was adequate to predict the non-coniferous sawn timber production and the ARIMA (1,1,1) model to predict the conifers sawn wood production. The methodology can be used for such market prediction.Keywords: Lumber production; time series; Box & Jenkins methodology

    Genetic diversity and population structure of Cynara cardunculus L. in southern Portugal

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    Cynara cardunculus L. is a cardoon species native to the Mediterranean region, which is composed of three botanical taxa, each having distinct biological characteristics. The aim of this study was to examine wild populations of C. cardunculus established in Portugal, in order to determine their genetic diversity, geographic distribution, and population structure. Based on SSR markers, 121 individuals of C. cardunculus from 17 wild populations of the Portuguese Alentejo region were identified and analysed. Ten SSRs were found to be efficient markers in the genetic diversity analysis. The total number of alleles ranged from 9 to 17 per locus. The expected and observed means in heterozygosity, by population analysed, were 0.591 and 0.577, respectively. The wild population exhibited a high level of genetic diversity at the species level. The highest proportion of genetic variation was identified within a geographic group, while variation was lower among groups. Geographic areas having highest genetic diversity were identified in Alvito, Herdade da Abo´boda, Herdade da Revilheira and Herdade de São Romão populations. Moreover, significant genetic differentiation existed between wild populations from North-Alentejo geographic locations (Arraiolos, E´ vora, Monte da Chamine´ ) and Centro Hortofrutı´cola, compared with other populations. This study reports genetic diversity among a representative number of wild populations and genotypes of C. cardunculus from Portugal. These results will provide valuable information towards future management of C. cardunculus germplasm.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio