1,596 research outputs found

    Technology strategies in the process of student retention and efficiency of academic management

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    This article discusses the application of Information and Communication Technologies and strategies for best practices in order to capture and maintain faculty students' attention. It is based on a case study of ten years, using a complete information system. This system, in addition to be considered an ERP, to support the activities of academic management, also has a strong component of SRM that provides support to academic and administrative activities. It describes the extent to which the presented system facilitates the interaction and communication between members of the academic community, using the Internet, with services available on the Web complementing them with email, SMS and CTI. Through a perception, backed by empirical analysis and results of investigations, it demonstrates how this type of practice may raise the level of satisfaction of the community. In particular, it is possible to combat failure at school, avoid that students leave their course before its completion and also that they recommend them to potential students. In addition, such a strategy also allows strong economies in the management of the institution, increasing its value. As future work, we present the new phase of the project towards implementation of Business Intelligence to optimize the management process, making it proactive. The technological vision that guides new developments to a construction based on Web services and procedural languages is also presented

    Aplicação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação como estratégia para a retenção de aunos

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    Este artigo aborda a aplicação das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação como estratégias de boas práticas que conduzem à retenção e captura de alunos do ensino superior. É baseado num estudo de caso de oito anos, de utilização de um completo sistema de informação. Este sistema, além de constituir um ERP, de suporte às actividades de gestão académica, dispõe ainda de uma forte componente de SRM que confere suporte às actividades administrativas e lectivas. É descrito em que medida o sistema apresentado facilita a interacção e comunicação entre os membros da comunidade académica, recorrendo à internet, com serviços disponíveis na Web complementando-os com correio electrónico, SMS e CTI. Através de uma percepção, sustentada por análise empírica e por resultados de inquéritos, demonstra-se como este tipo de boas práticas pode elevar o nível de satisfação da comunidade. Muito em particular, é possível combater o insucesso escolar, evitar que alunos abandonem os seus cursos antes do seu término e que os recomendem a potenciais alunos. Em complemento, este tipo de estratégia permite ainda fortes economias na gestão da instituição, elevando o seu valor. Como trabalho futuro, é apresentada a nova fase do projecto que envereda pela aplicação de Business Intelligence para optimização do processo de gestão, tornando-o pró-activo. Também é apresentada a visão tecnológica que orienta os novos desenvolvimentos, para uma arquitectura baseada em serviços Web e linguagens de definição processual

    (Post) Colonial Thought and Writings

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    SFRH/BPD/107783/2015 UID/HIS/04666/2013O volume resulta da Conferência «Pensamento e Escritos (Pós) Coloniais» que teve lugar no dia 20 de abril de 2016 na FCSH/NOVA, e contém os textos de Adriano Moreira, Eduardo Lourenço, Helder Macedo e José-Augusto França, bem como a súmula do debate subsequente. Nomes incontornáveis nas áreas da política, ensaio, literatura e história da arte, os quatro autores pensaram e escreveram sobre o colonialismo português, triangulando a reflexão arte/política/império num testemunho singular de olhares que se cruzam e articulam entre si. This volume contains the proceedings from the conference entitled (Post) Colonial Thought and Writings held on 20th April 2016 at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH) of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. It includes papers by Adriano Moreira, Eduardo Lourenço, Helder Macedo and José- Augusto França as well as a summary of the discussion that followed. The four authors, all leading figures in the areas of politics, essays, literature and the history of art, reflected on and wrote about Portuguese colonialism, triangulating art, politics and empire in a unique testimony of perspectives and views that interweave and interconnect.publishersversionpublishe

    Viagem na Belle Époque: os portugueses e o estrangeiro

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    The great leisure travel movement that occurred in the 19th century came late to Portugal, largely due to the influence of the geo-political vicissitudes of the first half of the 19th century, particularly the French invasions and the consequent refuge of the Portuguese court to Brazil, as well as the subsequent liberal civil war. In this changing atmosphere, the foreign dimension became, for Portuguese nationals, an imperative that was more desired and sung about than experienced, so that it was only towards the end of the century that the necessary conditions were met for some Portuguese to pack their bags and set off across borders. Hence, their testimonies (literary and artistic) are precious records of an iconic time: the Belle Époque. This article proposes a transversal reflection based on the legacy left by some of the Portuguese travellers between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, crossing a phenomenon that is transversal to western society in mutation in a consideration of travel as an element of modernity. In this sense, and bringing together a set of names of Portuguese culture who experienced the journey abroad, it is intended to perspective a thematic of authorial worldview heir to the journey of the Portuguese Expansion whose genealogy shaped the globe on a planetary scale and which the twenty-first century is heir to

    O Elogio da Sedentarização na Viagem Contemporânea: Literatura, Pintura e Ecrã

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    Se é verdade que a época em que nos encontramos é “a” época das viagens, não é menos exato que os turistas/viajantes se deslocam cada vez mais fechados frente ao ecrã do lar, viajando através dele. De facto, as novas tecnologias apenas permitem que nos “desloquemos” de outro modo ao interior de nós mesmos, não prejudicando a essência da viagem mas sim possibilitando uma outra forma de experienciar o mundo. Graças ao mundo em rede e à modernidade tecnológica, é hoje possível ver e “estar” em qualquer espaço do globo terrestre, ou seja, tornou-se quase impossível iniciar uma viagem até um ponto desconhecido e não catalogado. Então porque não abdicar da experiência material e, em vez disso, desfrutar da comodidade de viajar no sofá através do relato de outros, sem despender de dinheiro e padecimentos? Porque não tomar de empréstimo a odisseia dos que se deslocam e fazê-la nossa, personalizando-a? Mas ainda assim, alguém poderá dizer que a viagem não acontece? Este artigo pretende mergulhar no outro lado do espelho da viagem, na dinâmica de quem escolhe o elogio da sedentarização para viajar de uma “outra” forma. O viajante de “poltrona” dos tempos de Plínio, o Velho (século I) evoluiu até chegar à época contemporânea numa dinâmica transfronteiriça que se define a partir de um mundo paralelo mas não menos rico.If it is true that the age we find ourselves in is “the” age of travelling then it is no less accurate to say that tourists and travellers increasingly travel shut off from the world in front of their screens at home, travelling via them. In fact, the new technologies merely enable us to “travel” within ourselves in another way, not jeopardising the essence of travelling but rather allowing us a different way of experiencing the world. Thanks to our networked world and technological modernity, it is possible today to see and to “be in” any place on our earthly planet; in other words, it has become virtually impossible to set off on a journey to any unknown, uncatalogued spot. So why not abdicate from the material experience and, instead, enjoy the comforts of armchair travelling through the accounts of others, spending no money and suffering no woes? Why not borrow the odyssey of those who travel and make it our own, personalising it? But even then, could anyone claim the journey did not happen? This article aims to delve into travelling’s other side, taking the dynamic of the individual who chooses sedentarism to travel in “another” way. The armchair traveller from the time of Pliny the Elder (first century) evolved until he reached the contemporary era in a cross-border dynamic that is defined from a parallel world, but one that is no less rich

    A Fé na Arte Colonial

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013 SRFH/BPD/107783/2015Pela força da duração do Estado Novo, pode-se afirmar, sem qualquer dúvida, que a arte colonial sob o governo de Oliveira Salazar resultou de um programa comemorativo e auto-apologético que constituiu um veículo privilegiado de legitimação do império colonial português. De qualquer modo, a relação entre arte e poder, entre fé e império produziu-se num duplo jogo: se, por um lado, a arte necessitou do regime nomeadamente no seu papel de mecenas, por outro, o poder político usou-a para tornar visível o seu discurso, numa constante recorrência ao passado histórico-colonial. Isso significou que o Estado foi um impulsionador, patrocinador, edificador e, simultaneamente, condicionador do discurso artístico imperial e colonial de nítida retórica simbólicaauthorsversionpublishe

    Fragmentos da Viagem na Obra de Julião Sarmento

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    SFRH/BPD/107783/2015 UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Biological control of chestnut blight in Portugal

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    Plant protection is a multi-disciplinary subject and different strategies need to be addressed for sustainable plant health management Biological control is an ecosystem-based approach extending from lab based investigation to fie ld applications. Hipovirulence is a specific method for biological control of Chestnut Blight a lethal disease of the American and European chestnut. The causal pathogen of Chestnut Blight is Cryphonectria parasitica a fungus of Asian origin which is an A2 quarantine organism in Europe. Chestnut Blight was recorded in Portugal since 1990, one of the last European countries where Chestnut Blight has been introduced, and is now well established and widespread with a fast expansion in all regions of chestnut. Biological control with hypovirulent strains of C. parasitica is considered an efficient mean to control the disease and improve chestnut recovered. One of the first goa ls of this study is applying hipovirulence as a biological method for Chestnut Blight control and producing a solid scientific base to extend the method all over the chestnut region. it will have a very high practical impact on crop productivity, and on social perception of applied research. Field records and studies include parameters related to trees (dendrometric parameters and plant health status) and the physical characteristics of the plots (type of soil, exposure, geographic coordinates, age of trees, actual management of soil, etc.). Other scientific issues are related with population structure of the pathogen, namely: evolutionary forces that are present or dominate at population level (clonality, selfing, self-incompatibility, vc type structure, vc type segregation, CHV presence, CHV species). The effect of the founder population and driven forces on actual and future populations can be answered with the data generated by this work. The study can also be an innovative and a realistic approach and has potential for large and extended field application with a real positive impact in chestnut productionFCT -PTDC/AGR-PRO/4606/201