5,358 research outputs found

    Tropical Mudejar: Mosque-type chapels in Mexico and their role in early Spanish America.

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    Mudejar, the architectural style that emerged in Spain during the Reconquista, is relatively common in Spanish Colonial architecture in America, but it was merely an echo of the contemporary buildings constructed in Spain during the years of the colony. The presence of completely Islamic structures, however, such as the Mosque-type chapels, defy that observation, because the hypostyle plan had not been used in Spain for at least a hundred years. This research compares five chapels built in Mexico during the sixteenth century that follow a hypostyle plan, which resemble mosques in almost every aspect. It also proposes that these Mosque-type churches were a creative solution to accommodate the indigenous population, their patterns of worship and their number during the early years of the colony. These Islamic-inspired designs precede the open-air chapels, which became a common feature in sixteenth century Mexican architecture. An additional transcultural element given by the main users and builders of these chapels enrich the panorama of Mudejar art, mixing Native American religion and culture with an already rich Spanish Mudejar taste

    Participation Cartography: The Presentation of Self in Spatio-Temporal Terms

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    In this paper, I focus on disclosures by one participant as enabled by a kind of artistic practice that I term “participation cartography.” By using “participation cartography” as a framework for the analysis of Running Stitch (2006), a piece by Jen Southern (U.K.) and Jen Hamilton (Canada), I demonstrate that disclosures by participants in this practice are to be seen as a form of self-mapping that positions the self in relation to a given performance space. These self-positionings present the self in spatio-temporal terms and by means of performative narratives that re-define the subject from an isolated individual into a participant within an unfolding live process

    Applying A Methodology For Educating Students With Special Needs: A Case Study

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    The introduction of innovative educational technologies opens up new ways of interacting with students. We propose to exploit this potential to help in the education of children with special needs. We analyze the state of the art of tools supporting the teaching process, focusing on the omissions of existing research. We propose a new framework to help throughout the whole teaching process and describe its application to Proyecto Aprender (Learn Project), an educational resource targeting children with learning difficulties. Finally, we outline some conclusions and current/future research lines

    Current-Mode Techniques for the Implementation of Continuous- and Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks

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    This paper presents a unified, comprehensive approach to the design of continuous-time (CT) and discrete-time (DT) cellular neural networks (CNN) using CMOS current-mode analog techniques. The net input signals are currents instead of voltages as presented in previous approaches, thus avoiding the need for current-to-voltage dedicated interfaces in image processing tasks with photosensor devices. Outputs may be either currents or voltages. Cell design relies on exploitation of current mirror properties for the efficient implementation of both linear and nonlinear analog operators. These cells are simpler and easier to design than those found in previously reported CT and DT-CNN devices. Basic design issues are covered, together with discussions on the influence of nonidealities and advanced circuit design issues as well as design for manufacturability considerations associated with statistical analysis. Three prototypes have been designed for l.6-pm n-well CMOS technologies. One is discrete-time and can be reconfigured via local logic for noise removal, feature extraction (borders and edges), shadow detection, hole filling, and connected component detection (CCD) on a rectangular grid with unity neighborhood radius. The other two prototypes are continuous-time and fixed template: one for CCD and other for noise removal. Experimental results are given illustrating performance of these prototypes

    Implantación de un Flujo de Trabajo Automatizado(Workflow), en los procesos recepción de muestras de suelo y entrega de órdenes de trabajo, en el área Laboratorio de Materiales de Construcción MTI (Ministerio de Transporte e Infraestructura), segundo semestre del año 2016

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    El presente documento tiene como objetivo principal la implantación de un Flujo de Trabajo Automatizado (Workflow), en los procesos recepción de muestras de suelos y entrega de órdenes de trabajo, en el área Laboratorio de Materiales de Construcción MTI (Ministerio de Transporte e Infraestructura) y está dirigido a docentes, estudiantes y público en general. El objetivo del flujo de trabajo automatizado (Workflow) y los procesos de Negocio (BPMN) es dar respuesta a las empresas que demuestran una problemática en sus procesos internos. El levantamiento de información para la conclusión del proyecto se realizó a través de entrevistas, observación y consultas de bibliografía existente lo que permitió obtener mayor conocimiento sobre el funcionamiento de los procesos a automatizar

    Seguimiento al diseño y construcción de Super Whitetopping en la vía calle 81 entre carrera 7 a 11 en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.

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    Con la realización de este trabajo, se busca analizar el diseño del pavimento y el proceso constructivo en cada una de las actividades del proyecto. Con los diferentes documentos de obra tales como, informes diarios de obra, registro fotográfico, diseño inicial, ensayos de materiales, avancé de obra

    Induction motor control: multivariable analysis and effective decentralized control of stator currents for high performance applications

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    Adequate control of the stator currents is a fundamental requirement for several high-performance induction motor (IM) control schemes. In this context, classical linear controllers remain widely employed due to their simplicity and success in industrial applications. However, the models and methods commonly used for control design lack valuable information –which is fundamental to guarantee robustness and high performance. Following this line, the design and existence of linear fixed controllers is examined using individual channel analysis and design. The studies here presented aim to establish guidelines for the design of simple (time-invariant, low order, stable, minimum-phase and decentralized), yet robust and highperformance linear controllers. Such characteristics ease the implementation task and are well suited for engineering applications, making the resulting controllers a good alternative for the stator currents control required for high-performance IM schemes; e.g., field oriented, passivity-based and intelligent control. Illustrative examples are presented to demonstrate the analysis and controller design of an IM, with results validated in a real-time experimental platform. It is shown that it is possible to completely decouple the stator currents subsystem without the use of additional decoupling elements

    Time-dependent Feshbach method to study resonant photoionization of He with ultrashort laser pulses

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    ABSTRACT: A time-dependent Feshbach formalism is proposed to study the resonant photoionization of the helium atom using ultrashort laser pulses. This spectral method consist in solving the time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation by expanding the time-dependent wavepacket in terms of eigenfunctions defined in two orthogonal halfspaces: a bound-like resonant Q and a non-resonant scattering-like P. The latter eigenfunctions for the projected Hamiltonians QHQ and PHP are not indeed eigenfunctions of the total Hamiltonian, so that the electrostatic coupling QHP acts as a leaking operator Q→P responsible for the temporal decay of resonances into the underlying continuum, keeping the physical insight of the Fano-Feshbach time independent formalisms. This method allows not only for accurate descriptions of the resonance parameters (energies, widths and Fano shape parameters) but also for the temporal evolution of the photodynamics involved in the resonant photoionization when using short laser pulses. We illustrate the performance of the method by analyzing the temporal formation of i) the one-photon ionization cross section below the second ionization threshold and the buildup of Fano profiles and ii) the up-down asymmetry of photoelectron angular distributions resulting from interferences of S-, P- and D-waves after simultaneous photoexcitation and decay of the lowest 1Se, 1Po and 1De resonant states, by using two sequential laser pulses with XUV harmonic frequencies separated by a time delay

    Application of eco-friendly new surfactants in pesticide formulations

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    El crecimiento de la población mundial permite proyectar para el año 2050 un número de habitantes estimado en 9.000 millones de personas. Un problema central será satisfacer la demanda de alimentos. Las ciencias agronómicas y sus distintas disciplinas deberán brindar las herramientas necesarias para incrementar, de manera eficiente y sustentable, la producción de agroalimentos. La lucha contra las plagas a través del empleo de plaguicidas amigables con el ambiente resultará fundamental para el desarrollo de la actividad agropecuaria. Los tensioactivos presentes en la mayoría de las formulaciones de plaguicidas son esenciales para potenciar la eficiencia biológica de los ingredientes activos, por medio del aumento de la estabilidad de los compuestos en solución o suspensión, y debido a las mejoras en propiedades tales como adherencia, distribución, estabilidad e incorporación en sitios de unión específicos. Generalmente, la selección de estos compuestos como coadyuvantes no tiene en cuenta el impacto ambiental que pueden generar por sus aplicaciones en formulaciones de plaguicidas. El presente proyecto tiene por objeto el desarrollo de nuevas formulaciones de plaguicidas que utilicen como coadyuvantes tensioactivos amigables con el ambiente y su posterior evaluación de las propiedades interfaciales, toxicológicas y de adsorción en distintos sustratos sólidos.Fil: Castro, Mariano Javier Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones En Produccion Animal; ArgentinaFil: Ojeda, Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Produccion Animal; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez Cirelli, Alicia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Produccion Animal; Argentin

    An applied method for assessing socioeconomic impacts of European fisheries quota-based management

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    Fishing activity is conditioned by diverse factors that determine and limit the capacity of fishermen to decide on their level of production (i.e., the fisheries output is determined exogenously). In the context of the input-output analysis, models have been developed that permit the assessment of socioeconomic impacts of an activity, but almost always from a perspective where demand is the driving force of the economy. Procedures have recently been developed to measure impacts in which both the existence of sectors subject to exogenous supply shocks and the existence of forward linkages with other sectors of the same economy are considered. The objective of this study is the application of this new methodology for the analysis of a specific case: fishing activity in Galicia (NW Spain). The socioeconomic impacts linked to the determination of annual fishing quotas by species for major fleet segments managed by European Union are quantified. This procedure is should be potentially be very useful as a fishing management tool. It provides more accurate estimations of the possible socioeconomic impacts of catch limitations and gives detailed information on the sectoral and spatial distribution of these impacts on the economy.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2014/022Xunta de Galicia | Ref. AGRUP2015/08Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. ECO2014-52412-