29 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial activities of the bacteriocin-like substances produced by lactic acid bacteria isolated from Moroccan dromedary milk

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    A total of 450 different colonies, isolated from 25 samples of dromedary milk collected from Laâyoune region of Morocco, were tested for antimicrobial compounds production. Out of these, 30 were determined to be lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and able to inhibit the growth of the indicator strain Listeria innocua CECT 4030. Seven isolates were selected by the large and clear zones of inhibition when tested by the agar well diffusion assay. They were classified by phenotypic and biochemical analysis as two Enterococcus durans (E204 and E214), two Lactococcus lactis (R75 and R76), one Enterococcus faecium R111, one Lactococcus cremoris R112 and one Enterococcus avium R122. Their antimicrobial compounds were detected in cell-free culture supernatant fluids under conditions that eliminate acid and hydrogen peroxide inhibition. The antimicrobial activity was altered after treatment with trypsin, -chymotrypsin, pepsin or papain which confirms the proteinaceous nature of the inhibition. It was heat stable even at autoclaving temperature (121°C for 15 min) and also active over a wide pH range (2 to 10). This fact suggests that bacteriocin-like produced by the seven LAB strains may find application as biopreservatives in food products.Key words: Dromedary milk, lactic acid bacteria, bacteriocin-like substances, antimicrobial activity

    Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate administration during early life: effects on performance, immunity and microbial community of European sea bass yolk-sac larvae

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    The reliable production of marine fish larvae is one of the major bottlenecks in aquaculture due to high mortalities mainly caused by infectious diseases. To evaluate if the compound poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) might be a suitable immunoprophylactic measure in fish larviculture, its capacity to improve immunity and performance in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) yolk-sac larvae was explored. PHB was applied from mouth opening onwards to stimulate the developing larval immune system at the earliest possible point in time. Larval survival, growth, microbiota composition, gene expression profiles and disease resistance were assessed. PHB administration improved larval survival and, furthermore, altered the larva-associated microbiota composition. The bacterial challenge test using pathogenic Vibrio anguillarum revealed that the larval disease resistance was not influenced by PHB. The expression profiles of 26 genes involved e.g. in the immune response showed that PHB affected the expression of the antimicrobial peptides ferritin (fer) and dicentracin (dic), however, the response to PHB was inconsistent and weaker than previously demonstrated for sea bass post-larvae. Hence, the present study highlights the need for more research focusing on the immunostimulation of different early developmental stages for gaining a more comprehensive picture and advancing a sustainable production of high quality fry

    Produção científica sobre nutrição no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil: uma revisão de literatura

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    Adolescência, álcool e drogas: uma revisão na perspectiva da promoção da saúde Adolescencia, alcohol y drogas: una reflexión en la perspectiva de la promoción de la salud Adolescence, alcohol and drugs: a reflection in the health promotion perspective

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    É durante a adolescência que o jovem forma sua personalidade e individualidade, e é também o período em que as drogas se fazem mais presentes. Com este estudo, objetivou-se desenvolver uma análise crítica sobre a necessidade de ações educativas na prevenção do uso de drogas entre adolescentes, verificando os fatores de risco a ele relacionados. Estudo de caráter reflexivo, no qual constatamos que a Segunda Conferência Internacional para a Promoção da Saúde foi pioneira ao introduzir o tema como prioritário na elaboração de políticas públicas. Estudos associam fatores socioeconômicos e envolvimento familiar como fatores de risco para o consumo de álcool e outras drogas. Entende-se que seja fundamental ajudá-los na vivência dessa fase de transição, destacando a família e a educação como primordiais em suas formações como sujeitos rumo à promoção da saúde.<br>En el período de adolescencia el joven forma su personalidad e individualidad y es una época en que las drogas están mas presentes. Con los objetivos de desarrollar un análisis crítico sobre la necesidad de acciones educativas en la prevención del uso de drogas entre ellos y verificar los factores de riesgo relacionados. El estudio reflexivo tuvo apoyo en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional para la Promoción de la Salud que indica la introducción del tema como prioridad en la planificación de las políticas públicas. Estudios asocian los factores sociales y económicos así como las relaciones familiares como factores de riesgo para el consumo de alcohol y otras drogas. Es fundamental ayudarlos, destacando la importancia de la familia y educación como de grande relevancia en sus vidas así como formar sujetos dirigidos a la promoción de la salud.<br>During the adolescence the young form their own personality and individuality, and this is the period that the drugs make it selves more present. This study objective to develop a critical analysis on the necessity of educative actions in the prevention of the drug's consumption between adolescents and being verified the risk factors related to them. This is a reflective article in which we evidenced that the Second International Conference for the Health Promotion was pioneering when introducing the subject as priority in the elaboration of public politics. Studies associate social and economics factors, and practical familiar as risk factors for the alcohol consumption and other drugs. It was understood that is basic to help them in the experience of this transition's phase, detaching family and education as primordial in their formations as citizens, in the route to the health promotion

    Avaliação auditiva no recém-nascido e suas implicações éticas Hearing evaluation on newborn babies and its ethical implications

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    O estudo tem por finalidade examinar a produção bibliográfica que investigou o uso do teste das emissões otoacústicas em recém-nascidos realizado em hospitais, dando ênfase à aprovação do referido artigo junto ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. O método constitui-se numa revisão bibliográfica de artigos nacionais publicados em revistas brasileiras. A busca se deu por meio de bancos de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) (http://www.bireme.br), e site de busca (http://www.google.com.br), referentes aos anos de 2004 a 2006, usando os descritores emissões otoacústicas e triagem auditiva ou expressões equivalentes em neonatos, em hospitais. Outro meio foi a busca manual nas listas de referências dos artigos selecionados. Após aplicação dos critérios de inclusão, foram selecionados nove artigos em cinco tipos de revistas. A citação da aprovação do Comitê de Ética e assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido pelo responsável estiveram presentes na grande maioria dos artigos, demonstrando a preocupação e respeito dos pesquisadores da área para com o sujeito participante no estudo.<br>The study has as purpose to examine the bibliographic production that investigates the use of the test of otoacoustic emissions in newborn babies done in hospitals. It gives emphasis in the approval of the mentioned article along the Research Ethics Committee. The method consists on bibliographic revision of national articles published in Brazilian journals. The research was realized in databases of the virtual library in health (http://www.bireme.br) and at the search engine Google (http://www.google.com.br), considering the period of 2004 to 2006. The key words used were: otoacoustic emissions and hearing triage or equivalent expressions in newborn babies in hospitals. Another source was the manual search in reference lists of the selected articles. After the application of the inclusion rules, nine articles were selected in five different journals. The citation of the approval of the Ethics Committee and the signature of the Free Consent Term, which were cleared by the responsible, were present in the majority of the articles and it demonstrates the concern and respect of the researchers of this area with the participant citizen on the study

    Conflitos vivenciados pelas adolescentes com a descoberta da gravidez Conflictos vivenciados por las adolescentes con el descubrimiento del embarazo Conflicts experienced by female adolescents with the discovery of pregnancy

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    O estudo investigou os conflitos vivenciados pelas adolescentes com a descoberta da gravidez. A pesquisa descritiva com 12 adolescentes grávidas foi realizada em Jucás-Ceará. Os achados foram analisados após agrupamento em categorias temáticas emergidas das falas das entrevistadas ao responderem à indagação: Como tem vivenciado a gravidez na adolescência? Verificou-se que a gravidez era vista como um problema indesejado e que as adolescentes tinham medo de partilhar sua descoberta com a família ou o companheiro. Foram observadas reações dos pais ou responsáveis e o baixo nível socioeconômico como determinantes da não aceitação da gestação. Concluiu-se que a gravidez na adolescência constitui-se um problema de Saúde Pública, que deve ser visualizado amplamente, percebendo-se a adolescente e seus problemas cotidianos.<br>En el estudio se investigó los conflictos vivenciados por las adolescentes al descubrir su embarazo. Esta investigación descriptiva realizada con 12 adolescentes embarazadas se llevó a cabo en Jucás-Ceará. Los hallazgos fueron analizados después del agrupamiento en categorías temáticas que emergieron de los discursos de las entrevistadas al responder a la pregunta: Cómo has vivenciado el embarazo en la adolescencia? Se verificó que el embarazo era visto como un problema indeseado y que las adolescentes tenían miedo de compartir su descubrimiento con la familia o el compañero. Fueron observadas reacciones de los padres o responsables y el bajo nivel socioeconómico como determinantes de la no aceptación de la gestación. Se concluyó que el embarazo en la adolescencia se constituye en un problema de Salud Pública, que debe ser visualizado ampliamente, percibiéndose a la adolescente y sus problemas cotidianos.<br>This descriptive research with 12 pregnant teenagers was conducted in Jucás, State of Ceará. The findings were analyzed after being grouped in the thematic categories that emerged from the interviews carried out with the young women, who were asked to answer the question: How have you been experiencing pregnancy in adolescence?It was verified that pregnancy was seen as an undesired problem and that the pregnant teenagers were afraid to share their state with their family or partner. It was observed that the reaction from parents or legal guardians and the low socio-economic level were determinant for the non-acceptance of pregnancy. It was concluded that pregnancy in adolescence is an issue that belong to the realm of Public Health, and that it must be seen as part of a wider picture, in which the adolescents and their daily problems need to be considered