717 research outputs found

    Cooperation and locality: an analysis in the context of flowers agribusiness

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo sobre a cooperação e o papel da localidade no contexto do agronegócio de flores e plantas ornamentais. Para tanto, traz seu arcabouço teórico estruturado no tripé: localidade, cooperativismo e ações conjuntas. Essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida em duas importantes regiões de produção e comercialização: Holambra e Mogi das Cruzes. A abordagem metodológica utilizada foi de pesquisa exploratória com a condução de um levantamento do tipo survey. A pesquisa de campo obteve 90 questionários válidos, cujos entrevistados foram produtores rurais, que pertencem a pelo menos uma das cooperativas e/ou associações presentes nas localidades estudadas. Os resultados mostram que há uma prática de ações de parcerias entre os produtores pesquisados e que a etnia aparece como um dos fatores indutores dessa cooperação.This paper presents a study about cooperation and the locality role flowers and ornamental plants agribusiness. Thus, the theoretical framework is based on: locality, cooperatives and joint actions. This research was developed in two important regions of production and commercialization: Holambra and Mogi das Cruzes. The methodological approach was based on an exploratory research in which a survey was performed. The field research got 90 valid questionnaires from producers, related at least to one of the cooperatives and/or associations in studied localities. The results show that there are partnership actions among the interviewed producers, which have strong influences of the ethnic factor on this cooperation.CNP

    As plataformas digitais de suporte à comunicação do projeto "Merak(i) - Chypre: en franchissant la Ligne Verte"

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    Nota: 15 valoresO presente projeto consiste na criação e desenvolvimento de algumas plataformas digitais de forma a dar visibilidade a uma intervenção artística - Merak(i): en franchissant la Ligne Verte - que pretende aliar a arte a uma vertente mais social, de consciencialização da situação de conflito vivida até hoje no Chipre. Esta intervenção artística foi criado por uma cidadã cipriota, atualmente a viver em Bruxelas, que tenciona apresentar o mesmo em diversos pontos da Europa e, com isso, tentar criar um espaço para o diálogo entre os próprios cipriotas, envolvendo também a comunidade da União Europeia. Com este trabalho de projeto foi criada uma ponte que ligou o marketing digital a outros conhecimentos como o design e as artes. Foram exploradas estratégias e criados conteúdos que auxiliaram à divulgação do projeto nos planos físico e digital. A criação de um website que serve de plataforma para apresentar e informar sobre a intervenção artística e a estratégia SEO para o mesmo, a utilização de redes sociais como um palco digital ou a solução de conseguir um financiamento a partir de uma campanha crowdfunding, são alguns dos pontos apresentados e explicados no projeto apresentado.This essay consists of the creation and development of digital platforms to present the artistic project - Merak(i): en franchissant la Ligne Verte. It aims to conciliate art with a social approach and to bring awareness to the conflict situation which remains until today in Cyprus. This artistic project was created by a Cyprian citizen, currently living in Brussels, who wishes to present her project in different cities of Europe and create a space for people to dialogue and express themselves, not only between Cyprian citizens but also the entire European community. With this essay, it is intended to understand and create a bridge that connects digital marketing to other areas of expertise like design and arts. Some strategies and content will be created in order to help spread the artistic project in the physical and the digital plan. Some of the main goals are the creation of a website, that will be a platform to present the artistic project, and the SEO strategy; the use of social media as a digital stage; and the solution of finding some financial support via a crowdfunding campaign

    Dinâmica da população de Manilkara huberi (Ducke) A. Chev. durante 26 anos após a exploração florestal em uma área de terra firme na Amazônia brasileira

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509813333Changes in the structure of Manilkara huberi population in a 64 ha area at the Tapajos National Forest were evaluated in a 26-year period after logging. Data were obtained in 36 50m x 50m permanent sample plots that were assessed in eight occasions from 1981 to 2007, after the timber harvest, considering trees with DBH (diameter at 1,30m above the ground) >5cm. Density, frequency, basal area and importance value index of the species in the eight occasions were calculated. Diameter distribution of Manilkara huberi four years before logging was compared to diameter distribution 28 years after logging. Manilkara huberi population was lightly dynamic on abundance, frequency and basal area in the study area during the 26-year period after logging, indicating the need of a special and suitable management and silvicultural treatments to boost its natural regeneration and the growth of the young trees. Basal area of the species is growing very slowly indicating that it will probably need more than one hundred years to recover the initial stock.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509813333Foram avaliadas as mudanças ocorridas na estrutura da população de Manilkara huberi (Ducke) A. Chev. em uma área de 64 ha na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, em um período de 26 anos após a exploração. Os dados foram obtidos em 36 parcelas permanentes de 50 m x 50 m, que foram medidas em oito ocasiões, de 1981 a 2007, após a colheita da madeira, considerando os indivíduos com DAP (diâmetro a 1,30 m do solo) ≥ 5 cm. Foi calculada a densidade, frequência, dominância e índice de valor de importância da espécie nas oito ocasiões. Comparou-se a distribuição diamétrica dos indivíduos de Manilkara huberi aos quatro anos antes da exploração com a distribuição aos 28 anos após a exploração. A população de Manilkara huberi foi pouco dinâmica em densidade, frequência e dominância, no período de 26 anos após a exploração, indicando que necessita de manejo específico e da aplicação de tratamentos silviculturais que venham a promover o aumento da sua regeneração natural na floresta e o crescimento das plantas mais jovens. A reposição da área basal da espécie é muito lenta, indicando que vai precisar de, provavelmente, mais de cem anos para recuperar seu estoque inicial, considerando a intensidade de exploração aplicada

    Sistema IoT para suporte à administração escolar

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, 2018.Um grande problema nas Escolas Públicas do Distrito Federal é a evasão escolar, que eleva o índice de permanência dos alunos em uma mesma série, contribuindo para um baixo rendimento no Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB). Gera também, uma cultura desagradável dentro de uma comunidade escolar, pois a vaga acaba sendo desperdiçada com o abandono do discente. Outra situação desfavorável é a falta de contato entre a escola e os responsáveis pelos alunos, que muitas vezes não ficam sabendo das faltas, tendo ciência apenas quando ele já se encontra reprovado e em condição de abandono pelo sistema escolar. Isso acarreta conflitos familiares e jurídicos, tendo em vista que a lei do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, em seu artigo 53o, garante ao estudante o acesso à escola pública. Com o objetivo de reduzir esse problema da evasão escolar, foi idealizada a construção de um "software" para monitorar a entrada e saída dos alunos de uma Escola, auxiliando a gestão no monitoramento da frequência dos estudantes e facilitando a comunicação como os seus responsáveis. Assim sendo, foi organizado um trabalho, primeiro, foram realizadas entrevistas com alunos e funcionários de uma Unidade Escolar, em seguida foi construído o "software" para implantação do sistema de controle e, por último, foram treinados os funcionários para que pudessem manipulá-lo.A major problem in the Public Schools of the Distrito Federal is school dropout, which raises the permanence index of students in the same grade, contributing to a low income in the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB). It also generates an unpleasant culture within the school community, as the vacancy ends up being wasted with the abandonment of the student. Another unfavorable situation is the lack of contact between the school and those responsible for the students, who often do not know about the absences, being aware only when he is already rejected and in a condition of abandonment by the school system. This leads to family and legal conflicts, since the statute of the Child and Adolescent Statute, article 53, guarantees the student access to the public school. With the aim of reducing this problem of school dropout, it was conceived the construction of a software to monitor the entrance and exit of the students of a School, assisting the management in the monitoring of the frequency of the students and facilitating the communication as its responsible ones. Therefore, a work was organized in several stages. First, interviews were conducted with students and staff of a School Unit, then we built the software, deployed the system, and trained employees to manipulate it

    PillCam® SB3 capsule: does the increased frame rate eliminate the risk of missing lesions?

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    Since its emergence in 2000, small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) has assumed a pivotal role as an investigation method for small bowel diseases. The PillCam (R) SB2-ex offers 12 h of battery time, 4 more than the previous version (SB2). Rahman et al recently found that the PillCam (R) SB2-ex has a significantly increased completion rate, although without higher diagnostic yield, compared with the SB2. We would like to discuss these somewhat surprising results and the new potentialities of the PillCam (R) SB3 regarding the diagnostic yield of small bowel studies. PillCam (R) SB3 offers improved image resolution and faster adaptable frame rate over previous versions of SBCE. We recently compared the major duodenal papilla detection rate obtained with PillCam (R) SB3 and SB2 as a surrogate indicator of diagnostic yield in the proximal small bowel. The PillCam (R) SB3 had a significantly higher major duodenal papilla detection rate than the PillCam (R) SB2 (42.7% vs 24%, P = 0.015). Thus, the most recent version of the PillCam (R) capsule, SB3, may increase diagnostic yield, particularly in the proximal segments of the small bowel

    Mucosal healing in ulcerative colitis – when zero is better

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    Background and aims: Extensive evidence has underlined the importance of mucosal healing as a treatment aim for ulcerative colitis (UC). We aimed to assess differences in the incidence of clinical relapse at 12 months between UC patients with Mayo endoscopic scores (MES) 0 and 1. Methods: This retrospective study included consecutive patients in corticosteroid-free remission between 2008 and 2013 and with follow-up of at least 1 year, with MES 0 or 1 in complete colonoscopy. Clinical relapse was defined as need for induction treatment, treatment escalation, hospitalization or surgery. A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The study included 138 patients, 72 (52.2%) female, with mean age of 49 (+/- 14) years. Inflammatory activity was classified as MES 0 in 61 (44.2%) patients and MES 1 in 77 (55.8%) patients. Clinical relapse during follow-up was significantly more frequent in patients with MES 1 than MES 0 (27.3 vs 11.5%, p = 0.022), and in the multivariate analysis MES 1 was the only factor significantly associated with an increased risk of relapse (odds ratio 2.89, 95% confidence interval 1.14-7.36, p = 0.026). This association was encountered in the subgroup of patients with left-sided/ extensive colitis (29.7 vs 11.1%, p = 0.049), but not proctitis (25.0 vs 12.0%, p = 0.202). Conclusions: In patients with UC in corticosteroid-free remission, particularly those with left-sided colitis or extensive colitis, MES 1 was significantly associated with a 3-fold increased risk of relapse compared with endoscopic MES 0. Our results support the use of endoscopic MES 0 as the most suitable treatment endpoint to define mucosal healing in patients with UC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CO2 emission factors and carbon losses for off-road mining trucks

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    There are myriad questions that remain to be answered in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions trading. This article addresses carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emission factors and carbon losses from heavy equipment that is used to transport ores. Differences occurred between the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) emission factor and those that were obtained by considering incomplete combustion and on-site exhaust concentration measurements. Emissions from four off-road vehicles were analyzed. They operated at idle (loading, unloading, and queuing) and in motion (front and rear, loaded and unloaded). The results show that the average CO2 emission factors can be as low as 64.8% of the IPCC standard value for diesel fuel. On the other hand, carbon losses can be up to 33.5% and energy losses up to 25.5%. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the method that was developed here is innovative, simple, useful, and easily applicable in determining CO2 emission factors and fuel losses for heavy machinery

    O ensino da disciplina de contabilidade de gestão em Portugal

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    O objectivo do presente estudo centra-se no tipo de temáticas que actualmente integram os conteúdos programáticos ao nível dos bacharelatos e licenciaturas em que estas disciplinas são leccionadas. Os resultados do inquérito realizado aos responsáveis/regentes da disciplina Contabilidade Analítica, de Custos e/ou de Gestão evidenciam, ao nível dos bacharelatos e licenciaturas, um ensino da disciplina cuja ênfase ainda se centra nas temáticas tradicionais, com forte conotação em termos de aplicabilidade prática ao sector da transformação. É ao nível dos cursos de pós-graduação e de mestrado que se observa a inclusão de temáticas mais avançadas, indo de encontro ao ensino da verdadeira Contabilidade de Gestão.The purpose of this study is to focus on the type of themes that are included in curriculum programmes of bachelor’s and licentiate’s degrees where these disciplines are taught. The results of the questionnaire carried out to professors teaching the discipline: Analytical Accounting, Cost Accounting and/or Management Accounting, show us that according to bachelor’s and licentiate’s degrees, teaching still emphasizes traditional topics with strong connotation in terms of pratices in the manufacturing sector. More advanced issues are included in post-graduation and master’s degrees leading to knowledge and teaching of real Management Accounting