1,542 research outputs found

    Natural AChE inhibitors from plants and their contribution to Alzheimer´s disease therapy

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    As acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors are an important therapeutic strategy in Alzheimer's disease, efforts are being made in search of new molecules with anti-AChE activity. The fact that naturally-occurring compounds from plants are considered to be a potential source of new inhibitors has led to the discovery of an important number of secondary metabolites and plant extracts with the ability of inhibiting the enzyme AChE, which, according to the cholinergic hypothesis, increases the levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain, thus improving cholinergic functions in patients with Alzheimer's disease and alleviating the symptoms of this neurological disorder. This review summarizes a total of 128 studies which correspond to the most relevant research work published during 2006-2012 (1st semester) on plant-derived compounds, plant extracts and essential oils found to elicit AChE inhibition.Fil: Murray, Ana Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Faraoni, María Belén. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Castro, Maria Julia. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Alza, Natalia Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Cavallaro, Valeria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; Argentin

    Estudio sobre la asociación entre nivel de actividad física y síntomas de depresión y ansiedad en estudiantes universitarios de 18 a 30 años de Lima bajo el contexto actual de distanciamiento social por COVID-19

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    ANTECEDENTES: La revisión de la literatura científica evidencia asociación entre el nivel de actividad física y los síntomas de depresión y ansiedad. Sin embargo, hay pocos estudios sobre dicha relación en la población universitaria, bajo el contexto actual de pandemia por COVID-19 en Lima Metropolitana-Perú. OBJETIVOS: Determinar si hay asociación entre las variables de interés. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal basado en una encuesta online anónima distribuida por “bola de nieve” entre 189 participantes. La actividad física se evaluó mediante el cuestionario IPAQ-SF. Los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión fueron evaluados a través del cuestionario DASS-21. RESULTADOS: No se encontró asociación entre actividad física y síntomas de ansiedad (RPc = 0,89; IC al 95%: 0,50-1,58; p= 0,698 y RPa = 0,92; IC al 95%: 0,52-1,60; p= 0,776). Sin embargo, sí se encontró asociación entre actividad física y síntomas depresivos tanto en el análisis crudo (RPc = 0,50; IC al 95%: 0,27-0,92; p= 0,026) y en el ajustado por variables confusoras como la edad y carrera de medicina (RPa = 0,54; IC al 95%: 0,30-0,97; p=0,041). CONCLUSIONES: Se encontró asociación entre actividad física y síntomas depresivos en la población estudiada.BACKGROUND: A review of the scientific literature shows an association between the level of physical activity and the depression and anxiety symptoms. However, there are few studies about this relationship in college students under the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Metropolitan-Lima, Peru. OBJECTIVES: Determine if there is an association between the variables of interest. METHODS: A cross-sectional study based on anonymous virtual survey distributed via snow-ball sampling method was performed among 189 participants. Physical activity was assessed using the IPAQ-SF questionnaire. Anxiety and depression symptoms were evaluated through the DASS-21 questionnaire. RESULTS: No association was found between physical activity and anxiety symptoms (PR Crude = 0,89; 95% CI: 0,50-1,58; p= 0,698 y PR Adjusted = 0,92; 95% CI: 0,52-1,60; p= 0,776). However, an association was found between physical activity and depression symptoms in both the crude analysis (PR Crude = 0,50; 95% CI: 0,27-0,92; p= 0,026) and after adjusted analysis by confounder variables such as age and medical degree (PR Adjusted = 0,54; 95% CI: 0,30-0,97; p= 0,041). CONCLUSIONS: An association between physical activity and depression symptoms was found in the studied population.​Tesi

    Quality of life in diabetes mellitus and the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health: a study of some aspects

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    O diabetes mellitus (DM) pode ter um efeito profundo na qualidade de vida dos pacientes e a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF) é um instrumento válido para verificar a influência dos componentes de saúde na qualidade de vida. O objetivo deste estudo, é apresentar a distribuição de freqüência das categorias das CIF do Core Set resumido para DM, com comprometimento grave em um grupo de pacientes com a qualidade de vida muito afetada pelo diabetes. Métodos: Foram estudados 38 pacientes diabéticos, 76,3 % com DM2 e 23,7 % com DM1, utilizando-se dados clínicos, informação de qualidade de vida associada ao diabetes do questionário AddQoL e incapacidade associada ao diabetes: categorias do Core Set resumido da CIF com comprometimento grave e completo, e categorias cuja informação era insuficiente para especificar a gravidade do comprometimento. Análise estatística: análise descritiva dos dados. Resultados: Categorias de funções corporais mais gravemente afetadas foram b130, b210, b530, b540, de estruturas corporais foram s220, s410, s740, de atividades/participação foram d240, d570 e de fatores ambientais foram e110, e115. As estruturas menos classificadas foram pâncreas (s550), globo ocular (s220) e sistema nervoso parassimpático (s150). Conclusão: No grupo estudado de diabéticos com complicações crônicas, controle metabólico inadequado e qualidade de vida muito afetada pela doença, a presença de incapacidade no cuidado pessoal e de barreiras ambientais, é sugestivo de que estes fatores possam contribuir para uma pior qualidade de vida, embora comprometimentos nas funções e estruturas corporais tenham sido os mais prevalentes.Diabetes mellitus (DM) can have a profound impact on the patients’ quality of life and the International Classification on Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is a valid tool to verify the influence of the health components on quality of life. Objective: The aim of this study is to present the frequency distribution of the ICF categories of the summarized Core Set for DM with severe involvement in a group of patients whose quality of life was deeply affected by DM. Methods: A total of 38 patients with DM were studied, of whom 76.3 % had DM2 and 23.7% had DM1, using the clinical data, information on the quality of life associated to DM from the AddQoL questionnaire and the disability associated to diabetes: categories of the summarized Core Set of the ICF with severe and complete involvement and categories of which information was insufficient to specify the severity of the involvement. Statistical analysis: The descriptive analysis of the data was performed. Results: The bodily function categories that were more severely affected were b130, b210, b530, b540; categories of body structures were s220, s410, s740; of activities/participation were d240, d570 and of environmental factors were e110, e115. The least classified structures were the pancreas (s550), ocular globe (s220) and parasympathetic nervous system (s150). Conclusion: In the studied group of patients with DM that presented chronic complications, inadequate metabolic control and quality of life that was deeply affected by the disease, the presence of disability in self-care and environmental barriers suggests that these factors can contribute to a worsening in the quality of life, although bodily function and structure involvements were the most prevalent ones

    Epidemiological Profile of Patients with Conjuntival Tumors in a Reference Ophthalmological Hospital in Eastern Amazonia

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    This research aimed to report the prevalence of conjunctival tumors, and their severity between genders, age groups, and to observe the distribution of their laterality in patients of a public health service in Belém do Pará, in the Eastern Amazon, Brazil. Methods: Data were collected,at the Bettina de Souza Ferro University Hospital,in253medical records for the last 12 years (2010 to 2022),regarding conjunctival tumors were removed and examined histopathologically by the Department of Ophthalmology of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). The incidence of tumorsundergoing excision surgery,the malignancy rate, and margins were investigated, and matched for gender, age, and laterality. Results: Subjects included161men and 92 women, with a mean age of 49.4± 47.2 years. Of these, 193 were benign tumors (76.3%), the most commonly found: 99 Pterygium; followed by 28Epidermoid Carcinomas;24Pyogenic Granulomas;20Intraepithelial Neoplasia and 18squamous papilloma. Among the 31 cases (23.7%) of malignant tumors, the number of male patients was 21 and female patients 10. Most malignant tumors were composed of squamous cell carcinoma (28 cases), followed by melanoma (3 cases). The mean age of patients with malignant tumors removed was 65.0 ± 31 years, as malignant tumors were more prevalent in older patients (chi-square,p<0.001). Conclusions: The most common conjunctival tumors were thepterygium and Epidermoid Carcinomas, more present in male patients, younger and older, respectively

    D3.8 Lexical-semantic analytics for NLP

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    UIDB/03213/2020 UIDP/03213/2020The present document illustrates the work carried out in task 3.3 (work package 3) of ELEXIS project focused on lexical-semantic analytics for Natural Language Processing (NLP). This task aims at computing analytics for lexical-semantic information such as words, senses and domains in the available resources, investigating their role in NLP applications. Specifically, this task concentrates on three research directions, namely i) sense clustering, in which grouping senses based on their semantic similarity improves the performance of NLP tasks such as Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), ii) domain labeling of text, in which the lexicographic resources made available by the ELEXIS project for research purposes allow better performances to be achieved, and finally iii) analysing the diachronic distribution of senses, for which a software package is made available.publishersversionpublishe

    Turismo y Género. Una mirada desde Iberoamérica

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    En las últimas cuatro décadas ha crecido el interés de la academia, gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales por estudiar cómo ha sido, en qué circunstancias y qué efectos ha traído la incorporación de las mujeres al turismo. De esta forma se inicia un debate internacional en el que se cuestionan, por un lado, los efectos negativos de esta actividad en la vida de las mujeres y, por el otro, se realzan beneficios económicos que mejoran su calidad de vida y la de sus familias. A pesar del interés y la importante participación de mujeres en el sector turístico, aún son insuficientes los estudios enfocados en explicar y evidenciar su situación laboral. En este contexto, surge la idea de publicar un libro que compilara trabajos recientes en torno a las condiciones de las trabajadoras en el sector turístico de Iberoamérica.Esta obra se compone de tres secciones, Aproximaciones teórico metodológicas, Mujer y turismo en zonas rurales y La mujer en empresas turísticas, cuyas investigaciones abordan distintos temas para evidenciar los problemas enfrentados por las mujeres, proponer diversas soluciones y comprender su escenario laboral. En la primera sección, hay dos capítulos que proponen marcos teóricos para analizar el empoderamiento de las mujeres en el turismo rural. Los resultados de investigaciones de la segunda sección visibilizan las desigualdades, reflexionan y proponen acciones para mejorar las condiciones de las trabajadoras turísticas. En la última, en los tres capítulos, concentrados en las actividades empresariales, se estudian las desventajas y obstáculos de la empleada en alguna compañía turística.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

    Understanding the Role of Past Health Care Discrimination in Help-Seeking and Shared Decision-Making for Depression Treatment Preferences

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    As a part of a larger, mixed-methods research study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 21 adults with depressive symptoms to understand the role that past health care discrimination plays in shaping help-seeking for depression treatment and receiving preferred treatment modalities. We recruited to achieve heterogeneity of racial/ethnic backgrounds and history of health care discrimination in our participant sample. Participants were Hispanic/Latino (n = 4), non-Hispanic/Latino Black (n = 8), or non-Hispanic/Latino White (n = 9). Twelve reported health care discrimination due to race/ethnicity, language, perceived social class, and/or mental health diagnosis. Health care discrimination exacerbated barriers to initiating and continuing depression treatment among patients from diverse backgrounds or with stigmatized mental health conditions. Treatment preferences emerged as fluid and shaped by shared decisions made within a trustworthy patient–provider relationship. However, patients who had experienced health care discrimination faced greater challenges to forming trusting relationships with providers and thus engaging in shared decision-making processes

    De la impotencia al poder-no. Tópicos de la resistencia en la cultura iberoamericana

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    La pujante presencia de Iberoamérica en el ámbito geopolítico, así como en la literatura y las artes a nivel global, es indiscutible en nuestros días. A partir de ello, cobra vigencia analizar ciertos tópicos culturales de la demarcación. El marco teórico posestructuralista añade grandes posibilidades reflexivas al escrutinio investigativo. Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari, junto con Giorgio Agamben son los principales pensadores que introducen los ejes paradigmáticos de los estudios aquí reunidos, los cuales son producto de la colaboración internacional entre académicos de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México y la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, Colombia, a través de la Red de investigación “Crítica a las manifestaciones del poder: violencia y resistencia”.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    2-Pyridyl thiazoles as novel anti-Trypanosoma cruzi agents: structural design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation

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    The present work reports on the synthesis, anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activities and docking studies of a novel series of 2-(pyridin-2-yl)-1,3- thiazoles derived from 2-pyridine thiosemicarbazone. The majority of these compounds are potent cruzain inhibitors and showed excellent inhibition on the trypomastigote form of the parasite, and the resulting structure-activity relationships are discussed. Together, these data present a novel series of thiazolyl hydrazones with potential effects against Chagas disease and they could be important leads in continuing development against Chagas disease