1,253 research outputs found

    Competências penais dos Julgados de Paz: divulgação e ampliação

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em CriminologiaEste projeto de estudo centra-se na ampliação e na divulgação das competências penais dos Julgados de Paz, sendo apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais da Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de licenciada em Criminologia, sob a orientação do Professor Doutor Pedro Cunha. Este projeto completa o estágio realizado no Julgado de Paz do Porto, onde foi possível observar uma falta de conhecimento por parte das pessoas sobre os Julgados de Paz e as suas competências, principalmente, em relação as competências penais, uma vez que existem muito poucos processos sobre essa matéria. Portanto, pretende-se interligar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do estágio com a aprendizagem obtida ao longo destes três anos de licenciatura, com o objetivo de contribuir para a melhoria e a divulgação da justiça alternativa. O projeto tem como objetivo principal perceber se os Julgados de Paz são capazes de aumentar as suas competências em matéria penal e divulgar essas medidas nas forças de segurança, de modo a que seja possível informar melhor os cidadãos. A proposta apresentada seria efetuar um inquérito por questionário aos juízes de paz, mediadores e advogados, no qual se iriam analisar as opiniões de cada um sobre a ampliação das competências penais. Outra proposta para a divulgação dessas competências é a realização de uma ação de formação com todos os agentes das forças de segurança. Deste modo, acredito que os agentes tornar-se-iam capazes de informar as pessoas sobre os Julgados de Paz e que seria possível resolverem os seus conflitos de matéria civil e penal neste tribunal, sem que tenham que apresentar queixa.This study project focuses on the expansion and disclosure of criminal jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, being presented to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University Fernando Pessoa as part of the requirements for the degree of licensed in Criminology under the guidance by Professor Pedro Cunha. This project completes the traineeship in Justice of the Peace of Porto, where I observed a lack of knowledge by the people about the Justices of the Peace and their skills, particularly in relation to criminal jurisdiction, since there are very few prosecutions on this matter. Therefore, we intend to interconnect the knowledge acquired during the internship with the learning obtained during these three years of degree, in order to contribute to the improvement and dissemination of alternative justice. The project's main objective is to understand if the Justices of the Peace are able to increase their jurisdiction in criminal matters and disclose these measures in the security forces, so it's possible to better inform the citizens. The proposal would be make a questionnaire survey to the judges of peace, mediators and lawyers, in which it would analyze the opinions of each one about the expansion of criminal jurisdiction. Another proposal for the disclosure of these jurisdiction is the realization of a training program with all security force agents. In this way, I believe that agents would become able to inform people about the Justices of the Peace and it would be possible to resolve their conflicts of civil and criminal matters in this court without having to press charges

    "2º Ciclo de seminários em biopatologia"- o sucesso da iniciativa

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    O II Ciclo de Seminários em Biopatologia, realizado na Universidade Fernando Pessoa, entre os dias 9 de Janeiro e 12 de Março de 2008, teve por objectivo continuar a dar a conhecer as múltiplas vertentes da Investigação Científica desenvolvida em Portugal, nomeadamente em áreas como células estaminais, cancro, doenças infecciosas, entre outras. The 2nd series of Seminars in Biopathology occurred in Universidade Fernando Pessoa, between January 9th and 12th of March, and the objective was to present the multiple approaches of the scientific research in Portugal in areas like stem cells, cancer, infectious disease and others

    The influence of team culture on team performance: the mediating role of team commitment and team work engagement

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    This study inquiries into the direct influence of team culture on team performance and the mediating role of both team commitment and team work engagement on their relationship. Through a questionnaire, we collected a sample of 86 participants who were employed in teams and statistically analysed the data. Methods included data analysis in IBM SPSS Statistics 27, Hayes's PROCESS Macro 3.1 (2018). Results corroborate the existence of a positive relationship between team culture and team commitment, team work engagement and team performance. The results also show a mediating effect of team commitment and team work engagement between team culture and team performance. This study can be a launch point for further research on the importance of team cultures within an organisation.Este estudo investiga a influência direta da cultura de equipa na sua performance e o papel mediador do "team commitment" e do "team work engagement" no seu relacionamento. Por meio de um questionário, coletámos uma amostra de 86 participantes que trabalhavam em equipas e analisámos estatisticamente os dados. Os métodos incluíram a análise de dados no IBM SPSS Statistics 27, Hayes's PROCESS Macro 3.1 (2018) e comparação de médias. Os resultados corroboram a existência de uma relação positiva entre a cultura de equipa e o "team commitment", "team work engagement" e a performance de equipa. Os resultados também mostraram um efeito mediador do "team commitment" e do "team work engagement" entre a cultura de equipa e a "team performance". Este estudo pode ser um ponto de partida para pesquisas futuras sobre a importância da cultura de equipa dentro de uma organização

    Structural studies on molybdenum-dependent enzymes: from transporters to enzymes

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    Molybdenum (Mo) and tungsten (W) are heavy metals that can be found in the active site of several enzymes important for the metabolism of carbon, sulfur and nitrogen compounds. This Thesis describes the structural studies of two proteins that are involved in Mo and W uptake (TupA and ModA), of a Mo-containing aldehyde oxidoreductase (PaoABC) and of its chaperone PaoD. The main techniques used for the structural characterization of these proteins are X-ray crystallography and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), which are presented in Chapter 1, including a brief introduction about the importance of Mo and W in biological systems. Mo or W cofactor biosynthesis requires the presence of molybdate and tungstate inside the cells, which is achieved by specific ABC transport systems. Chapter 2 presents a small introduction about these transport systems, followed by the structural characterization and analysis of ModA and TupA from Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20. The tridimensional structures were determined by X-ray crystallography and SAXS, and the implication in the molybdate/tungstate uptake and discrimination between ligands discussed. The results show that TupA has a high selectivity for tungstate, while ModA is not able to distinguish between the two oxyanions. An important residue for TupA selectivity was identified, R118, paving the way for future biotechnological applications. Chapter 3 focuses on Mo-containing enzymes and cofactor maturation. The tridimensional structure of the Escherichia coli periplasmic aldehyde oxidoreductase PaoABC was solved at 1.7 Å resolution, revealing the presence of an unexpected [4Fe-4S] cluster that was not previously reported. The PaoABC structure has unique features, being the first example of an heterotrimer (αβγ) from the xanthine oxidase family. The activation of PaoABC is dependent on its interaction with the chaperone PaoD, which was also studied. The stabilization of E. coli PaoD is extremely challenging but the results here presented show that the presence of ionic liquids during thawing avoids protein aggregation. This allowed the identification of two promising crystallization conditions using polyethylene glycol and ammonium sulfate as precipitant agents. Chapter 4 describes the use of SAXS for the characterization of a multi-component biosensor to detect chronic myeloid leukemia, demonstrating the versatility of this technique to determine the envelope of biological molecules as oligonucleotides. The main conclusions derived from the work here described, as well as future perspectives, are drawn in Chapter 5

    Suplementos alimentares numa farmácia comunitária

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    Monografia realizada no âmbito da unidade de Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de CoimbraA procura por um estilo de vida mais saudável implementou um crescimento na comercialização de produtos notificados como Suplementos Alimentares, aumentando assim a necessidade de uma maior fiscalização e uma maior colaboração entre as entidades competentes de modo a garantir a segurança alimentar para os consumidores. Considerados géneros alimentícios, os Suplementos Alimentares não necessitam de estudos de segurança e eficácia previamente à sua comercialização, estando a sua segurança responsabilizada pelo fabricante e a sua fiscalização pelas autoridades competentes. Os Suplementos Alimentares são considerados pela população seguros e inócuos e não necessitam de indicação médica, fatores que tornam o papel do Farmacêutico ainda mais relevante no aconselhamento prestado na farmácia comunitária. Previamente à dispensa do Suplemento Alimentar, o Farmacêutico deve tomar conhecimento da terapêutica habitual do utente, objetivando a identificação precoce de possíveis interações dos constituintes dos Suplementos Alimentares com a medicação habitual, garantindo assim a segurança do utente. A presente monografia teve como objetivos a análise da regulamentação dos Suplementos Alimentares em Portugal, a análise dos Suplementos Alimentares mais vendidos numa farmácia comunitária, as possíveis interações que poderão ocorrer aquando a sua toma com medicamentos e o papel do Farmacêutico.The seek for a healthier lifestyle enhanced the commercialization of notified products as Dietary Supplements, arising the need of a greater inspection and collaboration between the competent authorities in order to assure the food safety for the consumer. Considered as food, the Dietary Supplements don’t need safety and effectiveness studies before their commercialization, being the safety held by the manufacturer and the inspection by the competent authorities. The Dietary Supplements are considered safe and innocuous by the population and they don´t need medical indication, which make the role of the Pharmacist even more relevant in the provided counselling at the community pharmacy. Prior for the dispensing, the Pharmacist must be aware of the patient’s usual medication, aiming the early identification of possible interactions between the Dietary Supplements’ constituents and usual medication, assuring the patient’s safety. The present manuscript aimed at analyzing the Dietary Supplements’ regulatory system, the best sellers at the community pharmacy, the possible interactions that may occur during their administration with drugs and the role of the Pharmacist

    Emotional contexts and empathic responses-what can we expect from the chimpanzee?

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    Tese de mestrado, Biologia (Biologia Evolutiva e do Desenvolvimento), 2009, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasResumo alargado em português disponível no documentoAs social species, mechanisms of social cohesion must exist to secure the harmony within the group and defence of the survival of the kind. Empathy could have emerged to answer just that: an internal mechanism allowing the embodiement of emotions that ensures the efficient contagion of emotional states for the synchrony of individuals within the group. Even though understanding the actions and emotions of others is a pragmatic need of social animals, the study of empathy remained crippled through many years due to the erroneous idea of human exclusivity. The new tools brought by psychological, behavioural and neural sciences not only make it possible, but urge the redefinition of many abilities we thought until now to be exclusive to man. The present study reviews what we know so far regarding the study of empathy, and presents behavioural work towards the systematic approach to the phenomenon. With the purpose of inferring on the existence of emotional empathy in chimpanzees, presenting a method of systematic data collection and investigating further into the empathic process, the present study was carried out for the course of four months in South Africa, at Jane Goodall's Institute sanctuary, Chimp Eden. Behavioural sampling was carried out to register empathy triggers and group scans were conducted in order to obtain measures of Relationship Quality and Proximity and ascertain their possible relation to the empathic response. The present study presents results that support the existence of empathy in chimpanzees and proposes the next steps in the systematic study of the phenomenon, either in laboratory or wild conditions

    Seventeenth century parochial manuscripts from Almada: study and conservation

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    This paper discusses the historical context, material study, conservation condition and treatment of two parochial manuscripts of Almada from the seventeenth century: the Commitment book of the Virgem de Nossa Senhora da Piedade from the Brotherhood of Nossa Senhora da Piedade, dating from 1606; and the Indulgences and Spiritual Graces book, from the Brotherhood of Santíssimo Sacramento, dating from 1616. The study of these two manuscripts was developed using different analytical techniques: μ-EDXRF (micro-Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy), FORS (Fibre Optics Reflectance spectroscopy), μ-Raman (Micro-Raman spectroscopy), μ-FTIR (micro-Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy), microspectrofluorimetry and SERS (Surface-Enhanced Raman spectroscopy). These were applied to characterise the material support and writing inks from both books and the painting materials of the illumination of the Commitment book. This multi-analytical approach was also used to identify previous conservation interventions, which turned out to be essential for the conservation treatment decision for both manuscripts. In the conservation decision it was taken into account the manuscripts writing supports differences. Based on the IDAP system (Improved Damage Assessment of Parchment, www.idap-parchment.dk), it was evaluated the conservation condition of the Indulgences book – made of parchment. This diagnostic system was also adapted – to assess the Commitment book – made of paper – taking into account the main characteristics of this cellulosic material and its alterations. The diagnosis and conservation for both manuscripts are shortly described, considering the support materials of the text block, previous interventions and state of conservation.authorsversionpublishe

    Measurement of the direct rebound effect on residential electricity consumption in the European Union Countries

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    Due to the rebound effect caused by the improvement in energy efficiency, the decrease in energy consumption may not be translated as expected. This study is the first to estimate the magnitude of direct rebound effect for the long and short run and the impact of climate change on residential electricity consumption for the European Union countries. In order analyse the direct rebound effect a panel data from 1996 to 2017 was used, and a panel ARDL model was applied. The results show that the magnitude of the direct rebound effect in the long run is 35%. The climate changes have a positive effect on the electricity consumption both in the long and short run. This study suggests that policy makers should have both the rebound effect and the climate changes in mind when formulating their energy policies.Devido ao efeito rebound causado pela melhoria na eficiência energética, a diminuição no consumo de energia pode não ser traduzida como o esperado. Este estudo é o primeiro a estimar a magnitude do efeito rebound direto para o longo e curto prazo bem como o impacto que as mudanças climáticas têm no consumo residencial de eletricidade para os países da União Europeia. Para analisar o efeito rebound direto, foram utilizados dados em painel de 1996 a 2017 tendo sido aplicado o modelo ARDL em painel. Os resultados mostram que o efeito rebound direto no longo prazo é de 35%. As mudanças climáticas têm um efeito positivo no consumo de eletricidade tanto no curto como no longo prazo. Este estudo sugere que os formuladores de políticas, ao formular as políticas energéticas, devem ter tanto o efeito rebound quanto as mudanças climáticas em conta

    Sequencing batch airlift reactors (SBAR): a suitable technology for treatment and valorization of mineral oil wastewaters towards lipids production

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    Produced water (PW) and spent oil-based wastewaters are some of the largest mineral oil wastewaters produced. Due to the high toxicity of hydrocarbons, several countries set stringent discharge limits and its treatment is compulsory before discharge. In this work, biological treatment of mineral oil wastewaters coupled with the production of bacterial lipids is demonstrated in sequential batch airlift reactors (SBAR). Two SBAR (2 L working volume) were used for treatment of PW and lubricant-based wastewater (LW), inoculated with Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2 (SBARAb+PW) and Rhodococcus opacus B4 (SBARR.o+LW), respectively. A total petroleum hydrocarbon removal (TPH) efficiency up to 96% and 80% were achieved for SBARAb+PW and SBARR.o+LW, respectively. Intracellular lipids production in SBARAb+PW increased when lower TPH/N ratios and higher feast stage duration were applied (up to 0.74 g g-1 cell dry weight (CDW)), whereas in SBARR.o+LW higher lipids production was observed for higher TPH/N ratios (0.94 g g-1 in CDW). Triacylglycerols (TAG) were the main intracellular lipid accumulated in both SBARAb+PW and SBARR.o+LW operations, while wax ester (WE) production was only observed extracellularly in the SBARAb+PW.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under the scope of project SaltOil+ (POCI-01-0145-FEDER030180); the strategic programmes UIDB/04469/2020, UID/BIA/4050/ 2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) and UID/BIA/04050/2019; and by the BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Research of Rita M. Silva was supported by PhD grant SFRH/BD/116154/2016, funded by FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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