127 research outputs found

    The Political Economy of the Indie Blockbuster: Fandom, Intermediality, and The Blair Witch Project

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    The primary focus of this chapter is on what could be broadly described as The Blair Witch Project\u27s political economy. This includes a consideration of the film\u27s relationship to patterns of ownership and the economic structures of film production, distribution, and marketing within the structure of the entertainment industry and in the context of its critical and popular reception. The second half of the essay historicizes BWP in relation to film production and exhibition in the 1890s, and concludes with an examination of its mythic status as an independent film that threatened to undermine Hollywood\u27s blockbuster paradigm. By placing BWP in these broader historical, cultural, and institutional contexts there comes a greater understanding of this individual film and contemporary film in general

    Global Media, Communication Technology, and the War on Terror

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    From the telegraph, radio, film, and television to the Internet and mobile satellite networks, media and communication technologies have been integral to the waging and representation of war. Always eager to improve communications, surveillance, and weapons systems, military institutions have funded and developed new communication technologies and media since at least the 19th century, and journalism and entertainment have long been central to governments’ propaganda efforts. In the current context of the Iraq War and the “war on terror,” most accounts of international communication equate media with news (ignoring other genres) and often neglect the crucial role that audiences and newer technologies play within wartime global media culture

    Conglomeration, New Media, and the Cultural Production of The War on Terror

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    Comments on the role of the mass media in promoting the war on terrorism launched by United States President George W. Bush in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Eagerness of the U.S. film industry to participate the war on terrorism; Support of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency on intelligence-related television programs and film projects; Role of the Internet in disseminating information regarding the war on terrorism

    Scott, Ian. American Politics in Hollywood Film (Book Review)

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    Book review by James Castonguay. Scott, Ian. American Politics in Hollywood Film. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011. ISBN 9780748640249, ISBN 9780748640232 (pbk.

    Hypertext Scholarship and Media Studies

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    Partitions postprojective et préinjective des extensions triviales de représentation finie

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    Mon mémoire de maîtrise porte sur l'étude des partitions postprojectives et préinjectives des extensions triviales. Au cours de ce mémoire, nous introduirons les notions de base de la théorie des représentations et nous donnerons une caractérisation des modules postprojectifs et préinjectifs ainsi qu'une caractérisation des algèbres de représentation finie à partir de leurs partitions postprojectives (ou préinjectives). Par la suite, nous considérerons les extensions triviales de représentation finie, et comparerons, pour chaque telle algèbre, le nombre de classes dans leur partition postprojective avec le nombre de classes dans leur partition préinjective. Nous terminerons ce mémoire en construisant un contre-exemple à une conjecture, émise par Ibrahim Assem lors d'un séminaire de recherche, selon laquelle le nombre de classes de la partition postprojective d'une extension triviale de représentation finie est égal au nombre de classes de sa partition préinjective

    Gloria Patri, Gender, and the Gulf War: A Conversation with Mary Kelly

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    Mary Kelly\u27s gallery size installation, entitled Gloria Patri, was first shown at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum, Cornell University in 1992. Gloria Patri focuses on the issues of heroism, mastery, and war within the context of a pathologized masculinity; that is, on the identification by both men and women with masculine ideals of mastery, domination, and control, and their simultaneous physical and psychological collapse. This crisis of masculine mastery is set against the backdrop of the Persian Gulf War

    Evidence of Late Ediacaran Hyperextension of the Laurentian Iapetan Margin in the Birchy Complex, Baie Verte Peninsula, Northwest Newfoundland: Implications for the Opening of Iapetus, Formation of PeriLaurentian Microcontinents and Taconic – Grampian Orogenesis

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    The Birchy Complex of the Baie Verte Peninsula, northwestern Newfoundland, comprises an assemblage of mafic schist, ultramafic rocks, and metasedimentary rocks that are structurally sandwiched between overlying ca. 490 Ma ophiolite massifs of the Baie Verte oceanic tract and underlying metasedimentary rocks of the Fleur de Lys Supergroup of the Appalachian Humber margin. Birchy Complex gabbro yielded a Late Ediacaran U–Pb zircon ID–TIMS age of 558.3 ± 0.7 Ma, whereas gabbro and an intermediate tuffaceous schist yielded LA–ICPMS concordia zircon ages of 564 ± 7.5 Ma and 556 ± 4 Ma, respectively. These ages overlap the last phase of rift-related magmatism observed along the Humber margin of the northern Appalachians (565–550 Ma). The associated ultramafic rocks were exhumed by the Late Ediacaran and shed detritus into the interleaved sedimentary rocks. Psammite in the overlying Flat Point Formation yielded a detrital zircon population typical of the Laurentian Humber margin in the northern Appalachians. Age relationships and characteristics of the Birchy Complex and adjacent Rattling Brook Group suggest that the ultramafic rocks represent slices of continental lithospheric mantle exhumed onto the seafloor shortly before or coeval with magmatic accretion of mid-ocean ridge basalt-like mafic rocks. Hence, they represent the remnants of an ocean – continent transition zone formed during hyperextension of the Humber margin prior to establishment of a mid-ocean ridge farther outboard in the Iapetus Ocean. We propose that microcontinents such as Dashwoods and the Rattling Brook Group formed as a hanging wall block and an extensional crustal allochthon, respectively, analogous to the isolation of the Briançonnais block during the opening of the Alpine Ligurian–Piemonte and Valais oceanic seaways.Le complexe de Birchy de la péninsule de Baie Verte, dans le nord-ouest de Terre-Neuve, est constitué d’un assemblage de schistes mafiques, de roches ultramafiques et de métasédiments qui sont coincés entre des massifs ophiolitiques d’ascendance océanique de la Baie Verte au-dessus, et des métasédiments du Supergroupe de Fleur de Lys de la marge de Humber des Appalaches en-dessous. Le complexe de gabbro de Birchy a donné une datation U-Pb sur zircon ID-TIMS correspondant à la fin de l’Édiacarien, soit 558,3 ± 0,7 Ma, alors qu’un gabbro et un schiste tufacé intermédiaire montrent une datation LA-ICP-MS Concordia sur zircon de 564 ± 7,5 Ma et 556 ± 4 Ma, respectivement. Ces datations chevauchent la dernière phase de magmatisme de rift observée le long de la marge Humber des Appalaches du Nord (565-550 Ma). Les roches ultramafiques associées ont été exhumées vers la fin de l’Édiacarien et leurs débris ont été imbriqués dans des roches sédimentaires. Les psammites de la Formation de Flat Point susjacente ont donné une population de zircons détritiques typique de la marge laurentienne de Humber des Appalaches du Nord. Les relations chronologiques et les caractéristiques du complexe de Birchy et du groupe de Rattling Brook adjacent, permettent de penser que ces roches ultramafiques pourraient être des écailles de manteau lithosphérique continental qui auraient été exhumées sur le plancher océanique peu avant ou en même temps que l’accrétion magmatique de roches mafiques basaltiques de type dorsale médio-océanique. Par conséquent, elles seraient des vestiges d’une zone de transition océan-continent formée au cours de l’hyper-extension de la marge de Humber avant l’apparition d’une dorsale médio-océanique plus loin au large dans l’océan Iapétus. Nous proposons que des microcontinents comme de Dashwoods et du groupe de Rattling Brook ont constitués respectivement un bloc de toit et un allochtone crustal d’extension, de la même manière que le bloc Briançonnais a été isolé lors de l’ouverture des bras océaniques alpins de Ligurie-Piémont et de Valais.Fil: Van Staal, Cees R.. Geological Survey of Canada; CanadáFil: Chew, Dave M.. Trinity College Dublin; IrlandaFil: Zagorevski, Alexandre. Geological Survey of Canada; CanadáFil: Mcnicoll, Vicki. Geological Survey of Canada; CanadáFil: Hibbard, James. North Carolina State University; Estados UnidosFil: Skulski, Tom. Geological Survey of Canada; CanadáFil: Castonguay, Sébastien. Geological Survey of Canada; CanadáFil: Escayola, Monica Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos; ArgentinaFil: Sylvester, Paul J.. Memorial University Of Newfoundland; Canad
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