39 research outputs found

    Hacia la transversalidad entre asignaturas como mejora de la práctica docente en el ámbito de la Ingeniería Industrial

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    El presente artículo describe el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje que se está realizando, como innovación educativa, en un periodo de tiempo que abarca dos cursos académicos consecutivos. Se ha definido como herramienta de trabajo el diseño de un aprendizaje basado en proyectos, con un carácter transversal, involucrando, para ello, a los estudiantes que proceden de estudios de Grado de Ingeniería en la Energía y del Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías Industriales de la Universidad de Málaga (España). Se trata de un proyecto que busca la transversalidad y permitirá exportar el esquema de trabajo a otras asignaturas de Ingeniería, en las que el trabajo de campo y de gabinete requiere de colaboración entre alumnos/as, no necesariamente de la misma titulación y manifestará las fortalezas y debilidades del proceso seguido. Además, se han planteado situaciones reales en las que datos tomados por distintos/as alumnos/as sirven de soporte para el resto, equiparando el trabajo realizado en las distintas asignaturas como una cadena de producción de ingenieríaUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Proyecto de Innovación Educativa PIE13/076 del Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica y Profesorado de la Universidad de Málag

    Length-weight relationships and relative condition factor in razor surgeonfish, Prionurus laticlavius (Teleostei: Acanthuridae) from the southwestern coast of the Gulf of California, Mexico: Relación peso-longitud y factor de condición relativo del navajón barbero Prionurus laticlavius (Teleostei: Acanthuridae) de la costa sudoccidental del Golfo de California, México

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    The razor surgeonfish, Prionurus laticlavius, listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species under the Least Concern category, plays an important ecological role as energy regulator in reef communities, but it is sought by the aquarium and aquaculture industry, and also is consumed by people. This study estimated the length-weight relationship (LWR) and relative condition factor (Krel) in P. laticlavius. The equation for length-weight relationship was TW= 0.02 TL3.01 for the Overall category, and the relative condition factor was 1.28. A total of 379 fish (3-45.6 cm total length) were collected in the southwestern coast of the Gulf of California using harpoon (for large fishes) and hand net (for small fishes), of which 181 were females (20.2-45.6 cm), 137 males (20.6-43.4 cm), and 61 juveniles (3-19.5 cm). Allometric coefficient b of LWR for the Overall category suggested isometric growth (b = 3.01), positive allometric growth for juveniles (b = 3.14), and negative allometric growth for adults (2.75). Results of Krel showed higher values for females during the warm season. The population showed a good nutritional condition, mainly in the warm season. This work is the first to estimate LWR and Krel for P. laticlavius, which will inform stock assessment and the management of this species in the Gulf of California

    Instituto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de Concentración concentration photovoltaics hybrid system first year of operation and improvements

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    A photovoltaic (PV) hybrid system combines PV with other forms of electricity generation, usually a diesel generator. The system presented in this paper uses concentration photovoltaic (CPV) as the main generator in combination with a storage system and the grid, configured as the backup power supply. The load of the system consists of an air conditioning system of an office building. This paper presents the results obtained from the first months of operation of the CPV hybrid system installed at Instituto de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos de Concentración facilities together with exhaustive simulations in order to model the system behaviour and be able to improve the self-consumption ratio. This system represents a first approach to the use of a CPV in office buildings complemented by an existing AC-coupled hybrid system. The contribution of this paper to the analysis of this new system and the existing tools available for its simulation, at least a part of it, can be considered as a starting point for the development of these kinds of systems

    Using the emotional functioning in clinical practice to detect psychological distress in patients with advanced thoracic and colorectal cancer

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    Purpose: Patients with advanced cancer suffer significant decline of their psychological state. A rapid and reliable evaluation of this state is essential to detect and treat it and improve quality of life. The aim was to probe the usefulness of the emotional function (EF) subscale of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire C30 (EF-EORTC-QLQ-C30) to assess psychological distress in cancer patients. Methods: This is a multicenter, prospective, observational study involving 15 Spanish hospitals. Patients diagnosed with unresectable advanced thoracic or colorectal cancer were included. Participants completed the Brief Symptom Inventory 18 (BSI-18), the current the gold standard, and the EF-EORTC-QLQ-C30 to assess their psychological distress prior to initiating systemic antineoplastic treatment. Accuracy, sensitivity, positive predictive value (PPV), specificity, and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated. Results: The sample comprised 639 patients: 283 with advanced thoracic cancer and 356 with advanced colorectal cancer. According to the BSI scale, 74% and 66% displayed psychological distress with an EF-EORTC-QLQ-C30 accuracy of 79% and 76% in detecting psychological distress in individuals with advanced thoracic and colorectal cancer, respectively. Sensitivity was 79 and 75% and specificity was 79 and 77% with a PPV of 92 and 86% and a NPV of 56 and 61% (scale cut-off point, 75) for patients with advanced thoracic and colorectal cancer, respectively. The mean AUC for thoracic cancer was 0.84 and, for colorectal cancer, it was 0.85. Conclusion: This study reveals that the EF-EORTC-QLQ-C30 subscale is a simple and effective tool for detecting psychological distress in people with advanced cancer

    The Relationship between Therapeutic Alliance and Quality of Care in Patients with Advanced Cancer in Spain

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    The therapeutic alliance is an important factor in successful cancer treatment, particularly for those with advanced cancer. This study aims to determine how the therapeutic alliance relates to prognostic preferences and satisfaction with the physician and medical care among patients with advanced cancer. We conducted a cross-sectional study to explore the therapeutic relationship, trust, satisfaction with healthcare, and prognostic preferences among 946 patients with advanced cancer at 15 tertiary hospitals in Spain. Participants completed questionnaires with self reported measures. Most were male, aged > 65 years, with bronchopulmonary (29%) or colorectal (16%) tumors and metastatic disease at diagnosis. Results revealed that 84% of patients had a good therapeutic alliance. Collaborative and affective bond was positively associated with a preference to know the prognosis and satisfaction with care and decision. There was no difference in a therapeutic alliance based on clinical or sociodemographic factors. The therapeutic alliance between patient and physician is essential for successful treatment outcomes and better overall satisfaction. Therefore, it is vital for healthcare providers to focus on establishing and maintaining a strong relationship with their patients. To achieve this, transparency and care should be prioritized, as well as respect for the preferences of patients regarding the prognosis of their illness

    Can Oncologists Prompt Patient Prognostic Awareness to Enhance Decision-Making? Data From the NEOetic Study

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    Introduction: Anti-neoplastic therapy improves the prognosis for advanced cancer, albeit it is not curative. An ethical dilemma that often arises during patients’ first appointment with the oncologist is to give them only the prognostic information they can tolerate, even at the cost of compromising preference-based decision-making, versus giving them full information to force prompt prognostic awareness, at the risk of causing psychological harm. Methods: We recruited 550 participants with advanced cancer. After the appointment, patients and clinicians completed several questionnaires about preferences, expectations, prognostic awareness, hope, psychological symptoms, and other treatment-related aspects. The aim was to characterize the prevalence, explanatory factors, and consequences of inaccurate prognostic awareness and interest in therapy. Results: Inaccurate prognostic awareness affected 74%, conditioned by the administration of vague information without alluding to death (odds ratio [OR] 2.54; 95% CI, 1.47-4.37, adjusted P = .006). A full 68% agreed to low-efficacy therapies. Ethical and psychological factors oriented firstline decision-making, in a trade-off in which some lose quality of life and mood, for others to gain autonomy. Imprecise prognostic awareness was associated with greater interest in low-efficacy treatments (OR 2.27; 95% CI, 1.31-3.84; adjusted P = .017), whereas realistic understanding increased anxiety (OR 1.63; 95% CI, 1.01-2.65; adjusted P = 0.038), depression (OR 1.96; 95% CI, 1.23-3.11; adjusted P = .020), and diminished quality of life (OR 0.47; 95% CI, 0.29-0.75; adjusted P = .011). Conclusion: In the age of immunotherapy and targeted therapies, many appear not to understand that antineoplastic therapy is not curative. Within the mix of inputs that comprise inaccurate prognostic awareness, many psychosocial factors are as relevant as the physicians’ disclosure of information. Thus, the desire for better decision-making can actually harm the patient

    CPV hybrid system in ISFOC building, first results

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    PV Off-Grid systems have demonstrated to be a good solution for the electrification of remote areas [1]. A hybrid system is one kind of these systems. The principal characteristic is that it uses PV as the main generator and has a backup power supply, like a diesel generator, for instance, that is used when the CPV generation is not enough to meet demand. To study the use of CPV in these systems, ISFOC has installed a demonstration hybrid system at its headquarters. This hybrid system uses CPV technology as main generator and the utility grid as the backup generator. A group of batteries have been mounted as well to store the remaining energy from the CPV generator when nedeed. The energy flows are managed by a SMA system based on Sunny Island inverters and a Multicluster-Box (figure 1). The Load is the air-conditioning system of the building, as it has a consumption profile higher than the CPV generator and can be controlled by software [2]. The first results of this system, as well as the first chances of improvement, as the need of a bigger CPV generator and a better management of the energy stored in the batteries, are presented in this paper

    Acción de repetición en Colombia: ¿Eficaz o Ineficaz?

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    Este trabajo producto de los resultados y del análisis de la Investigación desarrollada entre 2008 y 2009, pretende definir los factores que inciden en la ineficacia de la acción de repetición, acción que fue constituida como herramienta del derecho administrativo para reponer al erario público, el dinero pagado por condenas al Estado, con conductas dolosas o gravemente culposas de sus agentes. Fallas en su procedimiento, en la presentación y desarrollo del debate probatorio, vacíos sustanciales en la norma, e incidencia de la cultura a falta de dolientes al Estado, son algunos de los factores identificados en la investigación que determinan la falta de eficacia y el no cumplimiento de la finalidad de la acción de repetición, aspectos que se abordan en el presente estudio

    Criterios biológicos y ecológicos: aportes para la identificación, caracterización y delimitación de los humedales interiores de Colombia.

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    Este producto es elaborado por el Programa Biología de la Conservación y Uso de la Biodiversidad en el marco del convenio 005 (13-014) entre el Instituto Humboldt y el Fondo Adaptación, en este documento se asume los principios generales de los ecosistemas, en los que se caracterizan como sistemas complejos, abiertos, dinámicos e integrados en donde los patrones ecológicas y la diversidad biológica son el resultado de un proceso biogeográfico que a su vez es afectado por procesos antrópicos. Es por ello que los ecosistemas de humedales de interior son considerados unidades funcionales en los que son necesarias las conexiones de la transición de hábitats en función de la pendiente natural (cuenca aguas arriba y abajo), hacia los ecosistemas adyacentes terrestres y dentro del cuerpo de agua (entre las zonas someras y profundas).Bogotá, ColombiaPrograma Biología de la Conservación y Uso de la Biodiversida

    una mirada desde las Ciencias de la Conducta

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    Este libro es el resultado de los trabajos presentados en el 1er Congreso Internacional "Convivencia y bienestar con sentido humanista para una cultura de paz"