1,305 research outputs found


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    The prevalence of pregnant women and consumers of alcoholic drinks varies according to the study consulted, but all of them show non negligible percentages. The consequences of this consumption are very diverse, and can produce negative effects at any moment of the gestation. A consensus exists that admits that it there is no minimum safe amount of alcohol that the women can ingest, so the general recommendation is that they refrain throughout the whole prenatal and lactation period. The main objective of the programme of attention to these people is to find a suitable control that focuses on the welfare of the mother and the foetus. Such a programme consists of three key elements: identification/uptake, quantification of the amount ingested and monitoring. The professionals responsible are the nurses of primary attention, who within the health team, are shown to be essential in the correct attention to this collective.La prevalencia de mujeres embarazadas y consumidoras de bebidas alcohólicas varía en función del estudio consultado, pero en todos se muestra con un porcentaje nada despreciable. Las consecuencias de este consumo son muy diversas, pudiéndose producir efectos negativos en cualquier momento de la gestación. Existe un consenso al admitir que no existe una cantidad mínima segura de alcohol que la mujer pueda ingerir, por lo que la recomendación general es que se abstenga durante todo el período prenatal y lactancia. El programa de atención a estas personas tiene como principal objetivo conseguir un control adecuado que repercuta en el bienestar de la madre y el feto. Dicho programa consta de tres elementos claves: identificación/captación, cuantificación de las cantidades ingeridas y seguimiento. Las profesionales responsables son las enfermeras de atención primaria, que dentro del equipo de salud, se muestran imprescindibles para la correcta atención a este colectiv

    Recovery of an Abandoned Singular Infrastructure as a Key Factor for Regional Sustainable Development; A Study Case: “El Caminito del Rey” [“The King’s Little Path”]

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    Although the realm of sustainable development has been sharply associated with energy savings and a decrease in contamination, the concept deserves a much more comprehensive approach. Sustainable development, as the only respectful and safe way to progress, involves—besides the mentioned rational use of energy and resources—a broad variety of economic, technical, cultural, and behavioral issues. In this context, the total or partial recovery of abandoned singular infrastructure facilities for alternative uses (leisure time activities for human welfare) is to be considered an original, interesting, and efficient approach. In this research, the so-called “El Caminito del Rey” [The King’s Little Path] will be studied as a paradigmatic model of successful achievement. The path is located in Málaga, South of Spain, and was originally built to provide access to a hydroelectric power plant. Due to the construction of new routes, the track and walkways were progressively abandoned. The recovery enterprise was conceived in the framework of circular economy-based planning and with full respect to environmental requirements. The facts and figures that will be presented and analyzed will show that when the project is thoroughly designed and carefully implemented, the rehabilitation of obsolete infrastructure facilities located in natural spaces is suitable, feasible, and profitable. Prudent and rational use of these assets for alternative purposes (human welfare through rural tourism and open-air activities) may be fruitful not only in economic terms but also in environmental, cultural, and social ones. The main objective of the current work is to demonstrate that obsolete abandoned facilities can be rehabilitated into worthwhile amenities that may turn into key factors for the sustainable development of determined rural areas. Moreover, the “El Caminito del Rey” experience could represent a model for similar development projects

    Updating of nursing diagnosis on the computerised registry of the Andalusian Health Service

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    Introducción: Los registros informatizados son, hoy día, una herramienta más de trabajo para los profesionales de enfermería. Gracias a ellos se mejora la calidad de los propios registros, ayudan al desarrollo de la disciplina, favorecen la función investigadora, mejoran la comunicación entre profesionales, son una fuente de información acerca del paciente y permiten analizar los datos para comprobar la consecución de objetivos. Dentro de los registros informáticos, los diagnósticos enfermeros ocupan un papel muy importante tanto para la propia profesión como para el resto del sistema sanitario. Objetivo: Realizar una comparativa entre la taxonomía NANDA disponible en el programa informático Diraya del Servicio Andaluz de Salud y la taxonomía de NANDA Internacional (NANDA-I) 2015-2017, para comprobar si el desarrollo teórico de los diagnósticos enfermeros va acompañado paralelamente de un desarrollo en los registros informáticos. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo. Se analizaron todas las etiquetas diagnósticas enfermeras disponibles en el programa informático Diraya del Servicio Andaluz de Salud y se compararon con la actualización de NANDA-I 2015-2017. Resultados: El programa informático Diraya dispone de 153 etiquetas diagnósticas frente a las 235 disponibles en NANDA-I 2015-2017. De estas 153, 102 siguen vigentes, 16 han sido retiradas y 35 han sido modificados en su estructura. Además, existen 98 etiquetas diagnósticas ausentes en Diraya habiendo sido aprobadas por NANDA-I. Conclusiones: No existe, un desarrollo paralelo entre los diagnósticos de enfermería de NANDA-I y los registros informáticos de Diraya.Introduction: Computerised records are, nowadays, another tool for nursing professionals. Thanks to them, the quality of records themselves is improved, the development of the discipline is contributed to, the research function is favoured, and communication between professionals is encouraged. In addition, they are a source of information on patients, and allow data to be analysed to check the achievement of objectives. Within the computerised records, nursing diagnoses play a very important role both for the profession itself and for the rest of the healthcare service. Objective: To compare the NANDA taxonomy available in the Diraya software of the Andalusian Healthcare Service and the taxonomy of NANDA International (NANDA-I) 2015-2017, aiming at finding out whether theoretical development of nursing diagnosis is accompanied by a parallel development of computerised records. Material and Method: Descriptive study. All nurse diagnostic labels available in the Diraya software of the Andalusian Healthcare Service were analysed and compared with the NANDA-I 2015-2017 update. Results: The Diraya software has 153 diagnoses labels against the 235 available in NANDA-I 2015-2017. Out these 153, 102 are still in force, 16 have been withdrawn, and 35 have been structurally modified. Also, there are 98 diagnoses labels which are not included in Diraya even though they were approved by NANDA-I. Conclusions: There is no parallel development between NANDA-I nursing diagnoses and Diraya's computerised records

    Autopercepción de la enfermedad en pacientes diagnosticados de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que acuden a consulta de enfermería

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    In order to perform an appropriate health  intervention, it is necessary that the patient is self-identified with the disease diagnosed. The aim of this study is to know whether the diabetic patients are self-identified with this disease and to check whether this fact influences on the metabolic control or not. Material and Method: This is a descriptive study carried out on diabetic patients attending nurse appointment. The variables were the following: self-identification as a diabetic, glycosylated haemoglobin, gender, age, working situation, study level, living together or not, years of diagnosis, and kind of treatment. Inferencial statistical analysis performed using X2 and t-Student tests.   Results: 26,3% of the sample is not self-identified with diabetes. There is no statistical significance between this variable and the figures of glycosylated haemoglobin. However, there is a strong relationship between the age and the diagnosis years. No significant data is found in the other variables. Conclusions: There is a high percentage of patients who are not aware of their pathology, this fact increments according to the age and decreases according to the diagnosis years. There are not any differences in relation to metabolic control between those who are self-identified and those who are not.  Que el paciente se autoidentifique con la enfermedad que le ha sido diagnosticado y sea consciente de ella es fundamental para una correcta intervención sanitaria. El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer si los pacientes diabéticos se autoidentifican con su enfermedad y comprobar si esto influye en el control metabólico. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo realizado a los pacientes diabéticos que acudieron a consulta de enfermería. Las variables fueron: autoidentificación como diabético, hemoglobina glicosilada, sexo, edad, situación laboral, nivel de estudios, convivir o no con pareja/cónyuge, años de diagnóstico y tipo de tratamiento. Se realizó análisis estadístico inferencial mediante los test de X2 y t de student. Resultados: El 23,6% de la muestra no se autoidentifica con la diabetes. No existe significación estadística entre esta variable y las cifras de hemoglobina glicosilada. Sin embargo, sí existe relación con la edad y los años de diagnóstico. En el resto de variables tampoco se hallan datos significativos. Conclusiones: Existe un alto porcentaje de pacientes que no son conscientes de su patología, algo que aumenta con la edad y disminuye con los años de diagnóstico. No existen diferencias en el control metabólico entre los que sí se autoidentifican y los que no

    Lobbies: The Hidden Side of Digital Politics

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    In recent years, lobbies have been one of the least transparent and most influential political players. Given the concealed nature of their activities and, until 2008, the nearly complete lack of EU legislation regulating their transparency, very few scientific studies have addressed these influential organizations. Though not well-known, their significance and relevance have become increasingly important in the development, introduction, and implementation of public policies. There are thousands of registered lobby groups in Brussels, ranging from private sector groups, environmental advocates, and foreign foundations to so-called paradiplomatic groups that represent regions and factions of territorial entities of Member States. Lobby groups attempt to draw the contours around social problems and solutions, suggesting issues for public debate and defining the conceptual limits of an issue based on their own ideologies, all of which leads them to seek media presence. This chapter will address lobbies in two ways: in political media channels and organizational political communication, especially during the pre-campaign and campaign season. In it, we provide an overview of the trends, challenges, and dangers that lobbies present. Likewise, we will analyze the major trends in their strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pretensión punitiva en el delito de colusión: estudio de caso, en la Fiscalía Provincial Corporativa Especializada en Delitos de Corrupción de Funcionarios, Tercer Despacho, Huancayo - 2018.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación científico-jurídico, parte del siguiente problema: ¿Cómo es la pretensión punitiva en el delito de colusión: estudio de caso, en la Fiscalía Provincial Corporativa Especializada en Delitos de Corrupción de Funcionarios, Tercer Despacho, Huancayo - 2018? siendo el objetivo general: Describir la pretensión punitiva en el delito de colusión simple: estudio de caso, en la Fiscalía Provincial Corporativa Especializada en Delitos de Corrupción de Funcionarios, Tercer Despacho, Huancayo – 2018. La presente investigación no tiene hipótesis, pero, tiene el supuesto general y los supuestos específicos, toda vez que, es una investigación con enfoque cualitativo. Los métodos que se emplearon son el inductivo, el análisis y el hermenéutico. La investigación se ubica dentro del tipo de investigación básica, en el nivel descriptivo, con un diseño de estudio de caso. La unidad de análisis, está constituida por la pretensión punitiva que se encuentra en el documento denominado REQUERIMIENTO MIXTO que pertenece al caso signado con carpeta fiscal 2206015500-2016-52 del Tercer Despacho de la Fiscalía Provincial Corporativa Especializada en Delitos de Corrupción de Funcionarios de Huancayo - Junín. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó las técnicas de recolección de datos en la observación, la entrevista y el análisis del documento, con sus respectivos instrumentos de recolección de datos de guía de observación, guía de entrevista y la ficha de análisis del documento

    Classes of operators preserved by extensions or liftings

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    A standard way to obtain extensions (resp. liftings) of operators is by making the so-called operations of push-out (resp. pull-back). In this paper we study the preservation of some classes of operators associated with an operator ideal Aunder push-out extensions or pull-back liftings. We show several examples of classical operator ideals whose associated classes are preserved, we prove that the preservation of those classes under push-out extension or pull-back lifting implies that the space ideal of Asatisfies the 3-space property, and we derive some results for Athat are useful in the study of commutative diagrams of operators.that of the three authors has been supported in part by MINECO (Spain), Project MTM2016-76958

    Proposals of a procedure to asses Pollutographs. Application to Murcia's Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs). Póster

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    Directives 91/271/EEC and 93/481/EEC set norms regarding the management of Combined Sewer Overflows. European Commission monitors the implementation status and implementation programmes. In fact, during the year 2019 all the utilities should be able to quantify the pollution spilled during storm events. And afterwards, plans have to be developed in order to reduce the impact of such events. In this paper, we proposed a method to estimate the transported pollution during events as well as to serve as a tool for developing plans to lessen the corresponding pollution. The procedure is divided into three steps: A. Periodical measurements of all relevant pollutants, e.g. total suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand, in wet and dry weather. Such pollutant “concentrations” are correlated with the turbidity, updating the relation among them [1]. B. Continuous measures of the turbidity. Turbidity is continously register in the sewer areas near overflow spillways. Turbidimeters are a very convenient equipment for this purpose [2]. Actually, it is reliable, its measures are very correlated with the total suspended solid concentration and its maintenance is easy. In this way, combining A. and B. turbidity measures provide us a real-time estimation of the pollutant concentration. on real time. C. Assesment of each catchment hydrograph. Depending on the available data, this step could be based on a design, a measured or a simulated hydrograph. In order to apply this methodology to Murcia’s Combined Sewer System, we have used simulated hydrographs based on real measured rainfall. Murcia’s utility has developed a calibrated SWMM model, and therefore, using the rainfall data, it is possible to estimate hydrographs for all the relevant points of the system. D. Estimation of each catchment pollutograph. Combining the pollutant concentration, estimated in the previous steps, with the hydrographs, we can asses how the mass of pollutants are transported. This information allows us to comply with EU Directives, but it will also be useful to design Murcia’s strategy to minimize environmental impacts

    Fluvial base level control on the differential rejuvenation of the Olvera- Zaframagón gypsum karst system (NE Cádiz province)

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    El presente trabajo analiza la evolución del relieve en un sector localizado entre la depresión del Guadalquivir y la cuenca de Ronda, en la Cordillera Bética noroccidental, representado por extensos afloramientos de arcillas y yesos triásicos, sobre los que destacan relieves rocosos aislados formados por bloques de calizas jurásicas, como el peñón de Zaframagón, al oeste del municipio de Olvera. Estos bloques dibujan una antigua superficie de erosión con pendiente hacia el NO, muy probablemente asociada a la progresiva continentalización de la cuenca del Guadalquivir durante el Plioceno. Los afloramientos triásicos están afectados por una intensa karstificación en forma de dolinas y simas y otras depresiones de fondo plano, de tipo polje, en las zonas interfluviales. La incisión diferencial de los ríos Guadamanil y Guadalporcún, en la parte alta de la cuenca del río Guadalete, parece haber condicionado el desarrollo vertical de las formas kársticas. El río Guadalporcún corta transversalmente al peñón de Zaframagón a través de un corto pero profundo cañón, que ha actuado como obstáculo a la incisión del río, lo que ha provocado una menor tasa de encajamiento con respecto al río Guadamanil. Este encajamiento diferencial ha afectado al desarrollo de las formas kársticas de absorción que drenan a uno y otro río, generando simas más profundas en la vertiente que drena al Guadamanil. Por otro lado, en las laderas del valle de este río se ha reconocido una secuencia de surgencias escalonadas, cuyas alturas con respecto al cauce coinciden con las alturas generales asignadas a los niveles de terrazas cuaternarias definidos para la cuenca fluvial del Guadalete. Todos estos aspectos apuntan a que el desarrollo vertical del karst de Olvera-Zaframagón durante el Pleistoceno ha estado muy condicionado por el comportamiento del nivel de base, tanto a escala regional como local.The present work deals with the relief evolution in an area of the northwestern sector of the Betic Ranges. It is characterized by extensive outcrops of Triassic clays and gypsums over which several isolated reliefs of Jurassic carbonate rocks stand out, like the Zaframagón Rock, West of Olvera village. The flattened summits of all these carbonate blocks delimit an old erosion surface sloping NW, very probably related to the progressive continentalization of the nearby, formerly marine, Guadalquivir Tertiary Depression during the Pliocene. The Triassic gypsums are presently affected by intense karstification in form of dolines and shafts, as well as other flat-bottomed depressions similar to poljes in the interfluve areas. Differential incision in the Guadamanil and Guadalporcún Rivers, located in the head of the Guadalete fluvial basin, seems to have conditioned the vertical development of karst forms in the region. The Guadalporcún River crosses the Zaframagón Rock through a short but deep gorge. The Rock has acted as an obstacle to the river incision and this has hampered its vertical erosion if compared to the one of the Guadamanil River. This differential incision has affected the development of absortion karst forms which drain to both rivers: dolines and shafts are deeper when draining to the Guadamanil River valley. The slopes of the valley are plenty of active and inactive springs, drawing a sequence of stepped outflow points, whose relative heights coincide with the general heights assigned to the Quaternary fluvial terrace levels regionally defined for the Guadalete River basin. All these aspects suggest a strong relationship between the Pleistocene vertical development of the Olvera-Zaframagón karst system and the behavior of the base level, both at regional and local levels