12 research outputs found

    Precios y calidad de las importaciones españolas de productos textiles

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    Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de estudiar los niveles relativos de precios y calidad de las importaciones españolas de productos textiles según su origen geográfico; para ello, se calculan índices translog de precios que permiten atribuir las diferencias en el valor unitario de los flujos de importación a los distintos niveles de calidad de los productos que los integran y a diferencias en sus precios. El análisis se lleva a cabo para el período 1993-1997, con una desagregación de seis dígitos de la Nomenclatura Combinada y datos de EUROSTAT. Se obtiene que las diferencias en los valores unitarios de las importaciones españolas según su origen son muy notables, correspondiendo los mayores niveles a las procedentes de países europeos en comparación con las que proceden de China y los países asiáticos. El menor valor unitario de las importaciones asiáticas responde, fundamentalmente, a sus menores precios y, aunque los niveles de calidad son por lo general favorables a las importaciones de países europeos, las diferencias sobre tales niveles son menos [email protected]; [email protected]

    Is eco-efficiency in greenhouse gas emissions converging among European Union countries?

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    Eco-efficiency refers to the ability to produce more goods and services with less impact on the environment and less consumption of natural resources. This issue has become a matter of concern that is receiving increasing attention from politicians, scientists and researchers. Furthermore, greenhouse gases emitted as a result of production processes have a marked impact on the environment and are also the foremost culprit of global warming and climate change. This paper assesses convergence in eco-efficiency in greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union. Eco-efficiency is assessed at both country and greenhouse-gas-specific levels using Data Envelopment Analysis techniques and directional distance functions, as recently proposed by Picazo-Tadeo et al. (Eur J Oper Res, 220:798–809, 2012). Convergence is then evaluated using the Phillips and Sul (Econometrica, 75:1771–1855, 2007) approach that allows testing for the existence of convergence groups. Although the results point to the existence of different convergence clubs depending on the specific pollutant considered, they signal the existence of at least four clear groups of countries. The first two groups are core European Union high-income countries (Benelux, Germany, Italy, Austria, the United Kingdom and Scandinavian countries). A third club is made up of peripheral countries (Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece) together with some Eastern countries (Latvia and Slovenia), while the remaining clubs consist of groups containing Eastern European countries

    Adelante / Endavant

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    Séptimo desafío por la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres del Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere "Purificación Escribano" de la Universitat Jaume

    Multiregion, multifactor Test of the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek using sapnish regional data

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    We study the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) model of trade empirically using regional data rather than country data. Unlike Davis et al. (1997) that find that the HOV model performs remarkably well using Japanese regional data, our findings for the Spanish regions suggest that the HOV model performs poorly after relaxing the “strict” assumptions of world factor price equalisation, world identical and homothetic preferences and Hicks-neutral technological differences across regions. The limited explanatory capacity of the endowment-driven models complements the findings of economic geography models that predict well the regional pattern of production and trade specialization of Spanish regions

    Ventaja comparativa, dotaciones factoriales y comercio de las regiones españolas con la Unión Europea

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    Este trabajo analiza por primera vez el contenido factorial del comercio de las regiones españolas con la Unión Europea, usando las tablas Input-Output regionales disponibles. Los resultados indican que las regiones españolas presentan una ventaja comparativa revelada acorde con su abundancia factorial relativa. Con cifras en torno al año 1995, la mayoría de regiones excepto Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cataluña, Madrid y País Vasco se revelan abundantes en el factor tierra con respecto a la UE-15. Existe un subconjunto de regiones con distintos niveles de desarrollo que se revelan abundantes en capital físico respecto a la UE-15; por un lado, Cataluña y Madrid; por otro, Aragón, Canaria, Extremadura y Galicia. Sólo tres regiones, Aragón, Navarra y País Vasco, se revelan relativamente abundantes en capital humano frente a la EU-15

    Testing the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek model using spanish regional data

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    We study the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) model of trade empirically using regional data rather than country data. Our findings for the Spanish regions suggest that the HOV model performs remarkably well after relaxing the “strict” assumptions of world factor price equalisation and world identical and homothetic preferences. We also test whether Spanish regions share the same production techniques. Allowing for productivityadjusted factor price equalisation across regions or regional-specific input-output matrices contributes very little to improve the predictive capacity of the HOV model, suggesting that the state of technology and choice of techniques is quite similar across Spanish regions.Francisco Requena is member of INTECO (GRUPOS03/151) and is grateful for financial support from the Generalitat Valenciana, project number GV04B-070

    Exports dynamics and information spillovers: evidence from Spanish firms

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    This paper investigates the determinants of a firm’s export decision and focuses on the identification of spillovers from neighbouring firms. We use a panel of Spanish firms that started to export to at least one of 95 countries over the 2000-2006 period. Detailed data on the location of firms as well as on the destinations of their exports allows us to analyze the presence of spillovers across firms exporting to different countries. Results show evidence of information spillovers, i.e. new exporters acquire valuable information from other local firms on foreign consumer tastes, product standards or customs administration in a particular market. However the selection of the most productive firms to the most difficult markets decreases the impact of spillovers on firms exporting to these countries.export decision, export market, agglomeration, spillovers

    Comparative advantage, factor endowments and trade of Spanish regions with European Union

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    Este trabajo analiza por primera vez el contenido factorial del comercio de las regiones españolas con la Unión Europea, usando las tablas Input-Output regionales disponibles. Los resultados indican que las regiones españolas presentan una ventaja comparativa revelada acorde con su abundancia factorial relativa. Con cifras en torno al año 1995, la mayoría de regiones excepto Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cataluña, Madrid y País Vasco se revelan abundantes en el factor tierra con respecto a la UE-15. Existe un subconjunto de regiones con distintos niveles de desarrollo que se revelan abundantes en capital físico respecto a la UE-15; por un lado, Cataluña y Madrid; por otro, Aragón, Canarias, Extremadura y Galicia. Sólo tres regiones, Aragón, Navarra y País Vasco, se revelan relativamente abundantes en capital humano frente a la EU-15.This paper investigates the factor content of international trade of the Spanish regions with the EU-15, using the available regional Input-Output Tables around 1995. The results indicate that Spanish regions exhibit a revealed comparative advantage in line with the predictions of the factor proportions theory. All the regions but Asturias, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Madrid y Vasc Country arenet exporters of land. There is a mix of regions that are net exporters of physical capital according to their level of development: Aragón, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Extremadura, Madrid and Galicia. Finally, only three regions, Aragon, Navarra and Vasc Country, are net exporters of human capital

    The factor content of regional bilateral trade: The role of technology and demand

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    The Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) model in its strict form has been strongly rejected by the data. Relaxing some assumptions of the standard HOV model is key to find improvements in its performance. We apply the Davis and Weinstein (2001) methodology to analyse the validity of the HOV model using regions rather than countries. Surprisingly, our results using data for 17 Spanish regions are similar to theirs with international data for OECD countries. Accounting for technological differences improves the predictive capacity of the factor proportions model and including trade costs and geography reduces significantly the missing trade problem. However, relaxing the assumption of factor price equalisation does not improve the performance of the HOV model in a regional setting.Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) model Technological differences Gravity equation Spanish regions

    The factor content of regional bilateral trade: the role of technology and demand

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    The Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) model in its strict form has been strongly rejected by the data. Relaxing some assumptions of the standard HOV model is key to find improvements in its performance. We apply Davis and Weinstein (2001) methodology to analyse the validity of the HOV model using regions rather than countries. Surprisingly, our results using data for 17 Spanish regions are similar to theirs with international data for OECD countries. Accounting for technological differences improve the predictive capacity of the factor proportions model and including trade costs and geography reduce significantly the missing trade problem. However, relaxing the assumption of factor price equalisation does not improve the performance of the HOV model in a regional setting.Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) model, technological differences, gravity equation, Spanish regions