1,327 research outputs found

    Unveiling meanings about equity and equality: A tour of instruments and eductional policies aimed at the transformation for gender equality from the right to education

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    This article allows us to travel through different supranational and international educational policies, as well as studies and reports of educational policies, in order to reveal the deep implications that are in parity - gender equality approaches in education. The route will also give us the evolution, as well as the steps forward and backward, related to the Right for Education from the gender equality approach. We will be aware of the transformational impact that the recent theoretical and methodological approaches developed by UNESCO offer to gender equality, against other approaches from supranational policies that focus on gender parity. Finally, we offer some clues about how important is the Right for Education from a gender perspective in the new post-2015 global agendaEl presente artículo nos permite transitar por diferentes instrumentos educativos internacionales, así como por estudios e informes de políticas educativas, para ir desvelando las implicaciones profundas que se encuentran en los enfoques de paridad-igualdad de género en la educación. El recorrido que realizaremos nos ofrecerá igualmente la evolución, y los pasos dados hacia delante y hacia atrás, del derecho a la educación desde la perspectiva de la igualdad de género, pudiendo tomar conciencia del potencial transformador que albergan las recientes aproximaciones teóricas y metodológicas desarrolladas por organismos como UNESCO, frente a políticas supranacionales que han priorizado la paridad de género frente a la igualdad de género. Ofreceremos algunas claves sobre la relevancia del derecho a la educación desde la perspectiva de género en la nueva agenda mundial post-201

    Homophily, Echo chamber, Affective polarization and radicalization against the migration: Case study #Openarms on Twitter

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    The Mediterranean sea is one of the deadliest migration routes in the world and has once again become a political enclave with the Spanish humanitarian ship called “Open Arms”. This ship was institutionally blocked during a nineteen days cruise, and involved in diplomatic disputes in the divisions in the EU. Media echoed this humanitarian crisis and reopened the debate of migration and asylum policies, especially through Twitter. This social network was used by European politicians to defend and detect their political position and ideas. In reaction to the event and the political positions, citizenship was expressed massively. Various social actors and the NGO OpenArms itself also made use of this social network to request a safe landing, urgent evacuations, manifest and show through multimedia content the situation they were in. The online reaction of the public opinion to this “refugee crisis” has been observed through the netnography and social networks analysis, identifying leaderships. It has been detected communities and social distance through certain algorithms. The results show ideologically similar online communities that leads to affective polarization. The social-emotional online interaction drives to the emergence of collective emotional states, which ends up affecting online behaviors that are shown in conducts in the offline field.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Begomovirus quasispecies adapt to hosts by exploring different sequence space without changing their consensus sequences

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    Geminiviruses possess single-stranded circular DNA genomes that depend on cellular polymerases for replication in the host nucleus. In plant hosts, geminivirus populations behave as ensembles of mutant and recombinant genomes. This favours the emergence of new geminivirus strains able to produce new diseases or overcome the genetic resistance of cultivars. In warm and temperate areas several whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses of the genus Begomovirus cause the tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) with important economic consequences. TYLCD is frequently controlled in commercial tomato production using the Ty-1 resistance gene. Over a 45 day period we studied the evolution of infectious clones from three TYLCD-associated begomoviruses: Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus and the recombinant Tomato yellow leaf curl Axarquia virus. The evolution of their viral progeny was examined in susceptible tomato (ty1/ty1), resistant tomato (Ty1/ty1), common bean, and the wild reservoir Solanum nigrum. We found that in addition to affecting viral accumulation kinetics, the host influenced the sequence space explored by these begomoviruses. In tomato, viral dynamics was not influenced by the presence of the Ty-1 gene. Interestingly, positive adaptation of the coat protein gene was only observed in the common bean and S. nigrum, which correlates with these plants having viral quasispecies with the highest degree of complexity and heterogeneity. Our results underline the importance of analysing the mutant spectra of begomovirus infections, especially in wild reservoirs, which have the potential to give rise to large numbers of emergent variants in spite of the invariance of their consensus sequences.Junta de Andalucía proyecto: P10-CVI-6561. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Our ten years of work on transparet box business simulation

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    Traditional business games are of the so-called black-box type (BBBS=Black box business simulator); that is to say, the internal structure which generates the results of the simulation after decision-making is not known. As a result, the player normally operates by trial and error and bases his decisions on the symptoms of the problem (the observed behaviors of the system's variables) and not on the real causes of the problem (the system's structure). Since 1988 José A.D. Machuca has insisted that the business games based on System Dynamics models should be Transparent-box business simulators (TBBSs). That means that, during the game, the user has access to the structure of the underlying model and is able to relate it to the observed behaviors. The hypothesis is that such transparency would facilitate causal reflection and favor systemic learning of business problems. In 1990, the G.I.D.E.A.O. Research Group took action on this idea and centered one of its lines of research on this matter, with three main objectives: a) Creation of TBBSs, b) Introduction of TBBSs in undergraduate and graduate Management courses as well as in executive training, c) Experimentation in controlled environments in order to test the hypothesis mentioned in the above paragraph. Now, ten years after the birth of the idea, we would like to share in this paper the results obtained during that period

    Comparative study on high temperature mechanical behavior in 3YTZP containing SWCNTs or MWCNTs

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    Effects on mechanical properties of the presence of either single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) or multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in a 3YTZP matrix have been investigated in this work. Thus, monolithic 3YTZP and 3YTZP containing 2.5 vol% either SWCNTs or MWCNTs were fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) at 1250 °C. Samples were crept at temperatures between 1100 and 1200 °C and stresses between 5 and 230 MPa. Raman spectroscopy measurements indicate the absence of severe damages in the CNTs structure after sintering and testing. Scanning electron microscopy studies show that microstructures do not evolve during creep tests. Mechanical results point out that monolithic 3YTZP exhibits a higher creep resistance than composites since CNTs facilitate grain boundary sliding during high-temperature deformation. SWCNTs and MWCNTs have a similar effect on the high temperature mechanical behavior in 3YTZP where the bundle length and the level of dispersion of CNTs play a crucial role.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2009-11078, MAT2012-34217Junta de Andalucía P12-FQM-107

    Characterization of basin 128 of the La Villa river in the Republic of Panama by Hydrobid

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    En el siguiente trabajo se trata la modelización de la cuenca 128, cuyo afluente principal es el Río La Villa y que se encuentra en la región del Arco Seco que es la región más seca de la República de Panamá mediante el programa Hydrobid, desarrollado por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y cuyo fin es mejorar la gestión del recurso hídrico en América Latina. La modelización hará uso de datos de estaciones hidrológicas y meteorológicas, así como de coordenadas de las mismas e información geográfica contenida en la base de datos AHD Tools que es la base de datos geográfica de Hydrobid y que delimita las áreas de drenaje de la zona en estudio. Los datos de las estaciones hidrometeorológicas calibrarán el modelo en un periodo de calibración establecido comparando flujos modelados con flujos medidos en una estación hidrológica para este periodo para poder asegurarse de utilizar parámetros de calibración correctos que permitan una modelización acorde a la realidad. Esta calibración permitirá realizar proyecciones hidrológicas en el futuro basándose en cambios de precipitación y temperatura. Los resultados muestran una proyección hidrológica hacia los años 2021-2041 con un escenario establecido en un estudio realizado previamente por expertos de Brasil y Costa Rica con el modelo Eta y el modelo CHIRPS y del cual hemos extraído información que nos permita establecer un porcentaje de variación de temperatura, así como de variación de precipitación, que son los dos insumos que necesita Hydrobid para simular un escenario futuro una vez simulados los caudales para el periodo de calibración escogido y los cuales sufrirán las modificaciones indicadas en Hydrobid. Los resultados de la calibración muestran coeficientes estadísticos aceptables, lo que indica que disponemos de un modelo confiable para realizar simulaciones de escenarios futuros y realizar otro tipo de análisis. La simulación de caudales en el periodo 2021-2041 indica que los volúmenes de agua en el Río La Villa irán disminuyendo paulatinamente debido al incremento de la temperatura, escenario que también se refleja en ambos Balances Hídricos Anuales donde se observan disminuciones en las reservas de agua y un aumento de la evapotranspiraciónMáster Universitario en Hidrología y Gestión de Recursos Hídrico

    La lactancia materna como prevención de la enterocolitis necrotizante en el lactante

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    Treball Final de Grau en Infermeria. Codi: IN1138. Curs: 2022/2023Introducción: La lactancia materna es el alimento ideal para los recién nacidos, recomendada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia por ser un factor protector frente a muchas enfermedades, en especial la enterocolitis necrotizante (ECN), patología digestiva adquirida más frecuente y grave en el periodo neonatal, especialmente en prematuros de muy bajo peso al nacer. Objetivo: Conocer el papel de la lactancia materna en la prevención de la enterocolitis necrotizante en el recién nacido Metodología: Se lleva a cabo una revisión integradora de la bibliografía en las bases de datos PubMed, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Scopus y Biblioteca Virtual de Salud mediante el uso de los Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) y Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Se aplican los filtros correspondientes en cada base de datos y se evalúa la calidad metodológica con las herramientas CASPe, TREND y STROBE. Resultados: Han sido obtenidos un total de 341 artículos que tras aplicar filtros, descartar artículos duplicados, realizar un cribado según los criterios de selección y excluir aquellos artículos que no se adecuaban con los objetivos planteados y no tenían una adecuada calidad metodológica, se quedaron en 17 artículos. Discusión: Se han expuesto los argumentos que aportan los diferentes autores sobre el papel de la lactancia materna en la prevención de la enterocolitis necrotizante, los beneficios de la lactancia materna en la prevención de enfermedades en el recién nacido, la diferencia en la incidencia de la ECN en función de la alimentación recibida y las estrategias eficaces para aumentar las tasas de lactancia materna. Conclusión: La lactancia materna es el factor protector más importante en la prevención de la ECN y enfermería posee un papel clave en su promoción durante el embarazo, parto y puerperio y en el apoyo a las mujeres.Introduction: Breastfeeding is the best food for newborns, recommended by the World Health Organization (OMS) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for being a protective factor against many diseases, especially necrotizing enterocolitis, the most frequent acquired digestive pathology and serious in the neonatal period, especially in very low birth weight preterm infants. Objective: To know the role of breastfeeding in the prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis in the newborn. Methodology: An integrative review of the bibliography was carried out in PubMed, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Scopus and Virtual Health Library databases using the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). The corresponding filters were applied in each database and the methodological quality was evaluated with the CASPe, TREND and STROBE tools. Outcomes: A total of 341 articles have been obtained which, after applying filters, discarding duplicate articles, performing a screening according to the selection criteria and excluding those articles that did not meet the stated objectives and did not have an adequate methodological quality, remained at 17 articles. Discussion: Have been exposed the arguments which different authors provided about the paper of breastfeeding in necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) prevention, the benefits of breastfeeding in the prevention of diseases in newborn, the NEC incidence difference according to the diet and the most efficient strategies to increase breastfeeding rates. Conclusion: Breastfeeding is the most important protective factor in ECN prevention and nursing plays a key role in promoting it during pregnancy, childbirth and in puerperium and in supporting women