215 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un plan de mantenimiento preventivo en los activos fijos para incrementar la productividad en una empresa de fabricación de calzado del Cercado de Lima, 2019

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    El presente trabajo de investigación describe la situación actual de una empresa dedicada a la fabricación de calzados cuya problemática gira entorno a la baja productividad causada por el carente mantenimiento que se hacen en las máquinas. De esta manera, se plantea una propuesta de un plan de mantenimiento preventivo dirigido a las máquinas que pertenecen al área de producción. El objetivo principal de esta propuesta es incrementar la productividad hasta un 70% en un período de tres meses, generando que la empresa logre ser más competente en el sector al que pertenece, sin perder la calidad de sus productos. La metodología utilizada incluyó las técnicas y herramientas de observación directa del proceso productivo en la fabricación de calzado que elabora la empresa, así como una encuesta dirigida a los trabajadores del área de producción para saber sus conocimientos sobre la situación de la organización. Además, esta propuesta de mantenimiento se basa en los 2 pilares del mantenimiento productivo total: mantenimiento autónomo y planeado. Los datos obtenidos de los últimos tres meses muestran que la productividad promedio es de 56.13%, ello debido a las paradas imprevistas de las máquinas que no cuentan con un programa de mantenimiento preventivo. Por lo tanto, la propuesta de un plan de mantenimiento preventivo plantea usar cronogramas, instructivos, así como hojas de vida de cada máquina involucrada en el proceso permitiendo tener mayor control del estado en que se encuentren los activos fijos de la empresa, alargando su ciclo de vida y disminuyendo las paradas no planificadas.Campus Lima Centr

    Web 2.0 Tools for RolePlay Methodology in an Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Environment

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es, en primer lugar, proponer una actividad a través de la metodología activa denominada juego de rol en un contexto interdisciplinar, esto es, una actividad que aboga por la interacción de alumnos con roles profesionales específicos de diferentes disciplinas, como bien demanda la sociedad actualmente. En segundo lugar, se hace especial hincapié en la integración de herramientas digitales de la llamada Web 2.0, concretamente, en el uso de wikis, blogs y podcasts para poder llevar a cabo de forma satisfactoria el juego de rol interdisciplinar propuesto.The main aim of this work is, first of all, to propose an activity by means of a the active methodology called roleplay in an interdisciplinary context, that is to say, an activity that pleads for the interaction of undergraduate students with specific professional roles from different disciplines, as current society demands. Secondly, we will pay special attention to the integration of digital tools of the so called Web 2.0, mainly, to the use of the wikis, blogs, and podcasts so as to carry out successfully the proposed interdisciplinary roleplay task

    Síntesis y caracterización de nano-monocristales de Glicina-Nitrato de Sodio, GSN, con propiedades ópticas no-lineales

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    Cristales de glicina-nitrato de sodio (GSN) fueron sintetizados a partir de evaporación de soluciones acuosas a temperatura ambiente. Tales cristales fueron caracterizados por espectroscopia infrarroja (IR), espectroscopia ultravioleta-visible (UV-Vis), difracción de rayos-X (DRX), análisis térmico (DTA-TGA) y microscopia electrónica de barrido (MEB). La espectroscopia UV-Vis muestra que los materiales son transparentes en el rango de 500- 1000 nm, indicando que son deseables para la generación de segundo armónico. Los resultados de difracción de rayos-X confirman que se cristalizan en el sistema  monoclínico grupo espacial Cc con parámetros de red a = 14,329 D, b = 5,2662 D, c = 9,1129 D, con ángulo β = 119,10°. El análisis térmico muestra que los cristales son estables por debajo de los 190 °C, lo cual es de suma importancia para aplicaciones tecnológicas futuras

    Influence of a Functional Nutrients-Enriched Infant Formula on Language Development in Healthy Children at Four Years Old

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    Nutrition during early life is essential for brain development and establishes the basis for cognitive and language skills development. It is well established that breastfeeding, compared to formula feeding, has been traditionally associated with increased neurodevelopmental scores up to early adulthood. We analyzed the long-term effects of a new infant formula enriched with bioactive compounds on healthy children’s language development at four years old. In a randomized double-blind COGNIS study, 122 children attended the follow-up call at four years. From them, 89 children were fed a standard infant formula (SF, n = 46) or an experimental infant formula enriched with functional nutrients (EF, n = 43) during their first 18 months of life. As a reference group, 33 exclusively breastfed (BF) were included. Language development was assessed using the Oral Language Task of Navarra-Revised (PLON-R). ANCOVA, chi-square test, and logistic regression models were performed. EF children seemed to show higher scores in use of language and oral spontaneous expression than SF children, and both SF and EF groups did not differ from the BF group. Moreover, it seems that SF children were more frequently categorized into “need to improve and delayed” in the use of language than EF children, and might more frequently present “need to improve and delayed” in the PLON-R total score than BF children. Finally, the results suggest that SF children presented a higher risk of suffering language development than BF children. Secondary analysis also showed a slight trend between low socioeconomic status and poorer language skills. The functional compound-enriched infant formula seems to be associated with beneficial long-term effects in the development of child’s language at four years old in a similar way to breastfed infants.This project has been funded by Ordesa Laboratories, S.L. Contract University of Granada General Foundation, No. 3349 and SMARTFOODS (CIEN) Contract University of Granada General Foundation, No. 4003, Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; funded in part by HORIZON 2020 EU DynaHEALTH Project (GA No.633595). Natalia Sepúlveda-Valbuena has been granted with a scholarship from Fundación Carolina, Madrid, Spai

    Significative Differences of Blood Pressure Measurement Between Left and Right Sides, in Students and Teachers at the University Campus, a Horizontal Study

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    Se estudiaron 46 casos en voluntarios en el campus universitario tomando la presión arterial (PA) con un oscilómetro de muñeca, primero lado izquierdo y al minuto toma de PA en lado derecho con la finalidad de ver si los valores son iguales o hay diferencias significativas (más de 5 mm de Hg) de diferencia entre las dos tomas. [1]. Esto fue en 15 tomas de PA sistólica de pie y 17 tomas con diferencia en PA diastólica de pie, de éstos los casos 12, 13, 21, 22, 29 la diferencia fue en ambas. En los recostados con pies arriba 16 casos mostraron diferencias en PA sistólica y 18 en diastólica en éstos los casos 2, 11, 12, 13, 21, 24, 29, 33 y 44 fue en ambas. Así también se calcularon presión de pulso (PP) y presión arterial media (PAM) estos valores mostraron cambios inversamente proporcionales entre posturas de pie y recostada.There were 46 volunteers on the university campus whose blood pressure (BP) was measured with a wrist digitized oscillometer, on the left side first then the next minute time BP was taken on the right side to see if they are equal values or different in a significant (More than 5mm/Hg) way [1]. In the standing position, that difference happened in 15 measurements of systolic BP and in 17 measurements of diastolic BP. Cases 12, 13, 21, 22, and 29 had both measures different. In laying posture with legs up difference happened in 16 systolic BP (SBP) measurements and in 18 of diastolic BP (DBP). The studied cases numbered 2,11, 12, 13, 21, 24, 29, 33, and 44 had both measures different. In addition, pulse pressure (PP) and mean blood pressure (MBP) were compared, and both these values showed an inverse relationship in regard to the standing and laying postures

    Interdisciplinary Tutoring for the Development of Professional-Simulation Role-Plays

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    Current society is characterised by a growing tendency of interrelationship among different professional sectors in order to offer their potential customers a better quality of certain products or process. Thereby, and in the context of this interdisciplinarity, higher-education teachers must frame their teaching methodologies mainly focused on the acquisition of certain competences so that students could guarantee the development of their professional abilities. Taking this as a premise, we have performed an interdisciplinary role-play so as to allow our students to acquire those professional competences. However, to carry out this performance a well-organised tutorial plan, divided into several tutoring sessions, was required to succeed in the use of this active methodology

    A synbiotics, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, and milk fat globule membranes supplemented formula modulates microbiota maturation and neurodevelopment

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    Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2022.05.013.Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowledge the parents and children who participated in the study, and also the paediatricians and researchers of the EURISTIKOS team at the Department of Paediatrics as well as the Genetics Service at Centro de Instrumentación Científica e UGR for their contributions.Funding This project was supported by CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial) and FEDER (SMARTFOODS: IDI-20141206), Ordesa Laboratories, S.L. (Contract FE-UGR No. 3349), and The Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and partially supported by HORIZON 2020 EU DynaHEALTH Project (GA No.633595). Alicia Ruiz and Inmaculada Acuña were granted Ph.D. scholarships from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity. Tomás Cerdó was granted a Ph.D. scholarship from Carlos III Health Institute. Natalia Sepúlveda-Valbuena was granted with a scholarship from Fundación Carolina, Madrid, Spain.Background & aims The critical window of concurrent developmental paths of the nervous system and gut microbiota in infancy provides an opportunity for nutritional interventions with potential health benefits later in life. Methods We compared the dynamics of gut microbiota maturation and explored its association with neurodevelopment at 12 months and 4 years of age in 170 full-term healthy infants fed a standard formula (SF) or a new formula (EF) based on standard formula supplemented with synbiotics, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) and bovine milk fat globule membranes (MFGM), including a breastfed reference group (BF). Results Using Dirichlet Multinomial Modelling, we characterized three microbial enterotypes (Mixed, anaerobic and aerobic profile; Bact, Bacteroides-dominant; Firm, Firmicutes-enriched) and identified a new enterotype dominated by an unidentified genus within Lachnospiraceae (U_Lach). Enterotypes were associated with age (Mixed with baseline, U_Lach with month 6, Bact and Firm with months 12 and 18). Trajectories or timely enterotype shifts in each infant were not random but strongly associated with type of feeding. Trajectories in SF shifted from initial Mixed to U_Lach, Bact or Firm at month. Microbiota maturation in EF split into a fast trajectory as in SF, and a slow trajectory with Mixed to U_Lach, Bact or Firm transitions at months 12 or 18, as in BF. EF infants with slow trajectories were more often in–home reared and born by vaginal delivery to mothers with pre-pregnancy lean BMI. At 12 months of age, language and expressive language scores were significantly higher in EF infants with fast trajectories than in BF. Neurodevelopmental outcomes were similar between EF infants with slow trajectories and BF at 12 months and 4 years of age. Conclusions Feeding a synbiotics, LC-PUFA and MFGM supplemented formula in a specific infant environment promoted probiotic growth and retarded gut microbiota maturation with similar neurodevelopment outcomes to breastfed infants.CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial) and FEDER (SMARTFOODS: IDI- 20141206)Ordesa Laboratories, S.L. (Contract FE-UGR No. 3349)Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and CompetitivenessHORIZON 2020 EU DynaHEALTH Project (GA No.633595