4,725 research outputs found

    Phase-ordering of conserved vectorial systems with field-dependent mobility

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    The dynamics of phase-separation in conserved systems with an O(N) continuous symmetry is investigated in the presence of an order parameter dependent mobility M(\phi)=1-a \phi^2. The model is studied analytically in the framework of the large-N approximation and by numerical simulations of the N=2, N=3 and N=4 cases in d=2, for both critical and off-critical quenches. We show the existence of a new universality class for a=1 characterized by a growth law of the typical length L(t) ~ t^{1/z} with dynamical exponent z=6 as opposed to the usual value z=4 which is recovered for a<1.Comment: RevTeX, 8 pages, 13 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Anomalous lifetime distributions and topological traps in ordering dynamics

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    We address the role of community structure of an interaction network in ordering dynamics, as well as associated forms of metastability. We consider the voter and AB model dynamics in a network model which mimics social interactions. The AB model includes an intermediate state between the two excluding options of the voter model. For the voter model we find dynamical metastable disordered states with a characteristic mean lifetime. However, for the AB dynamics we find a power law distribution of the lifetime of metastable states, so that the mean lifetime is not representative of the dynamics. These trapped metastable states, which can order at all time scales, originate in the mesoscopic network structure.Comment: 7 pages; 6 figure

    Thresholds for epidemic spreading in networks

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    We study the threshold of epidemic models in quenched networks with degree distribution given by a power-law. For the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model the activity threshold lambda_c vanishes in the large size limit on any network whose maximum degree k_max diverges with the system size, at odds with heterogeneous mean-field (HMF) theory. The vanishing of the threshold has not to do with the scale-free nature of the connectivity pattern and is instead originated by the largest hub in the system being active for any spreading rate lambda>1/sqrt{k_max} and playing the role of a self-sustained source that spreads the infection to the rest of the system. The susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) model displays instead agreement with HMF theory and a finite threshold for scale-rich networks. We conjecture that on quenched scale-rich networks the threshold of generic epidemic models is vanishing or finite depending on the presence or absence of a steady state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Physical profile comparison between 3x3 and 5x5 basketball training

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    El objetivo del estudio fue comparar las demandas físicas a partir de variables de distancia, velocidad y aceleración en baloncesto entre dos juegos reducidos, 3x3 y 5x5, mediante tecnología GPS. Diez mujeres (15 ±1,0 años) participaron en el estudio, durante dos sesiones de entrenamiento. Se aplicaron las reglas de las competiciones 3 contra 3 en una sola canasta y a media cancha. Las jugadoras participaron en dos juegos (5x5 y 3x3) durante 5 minutos cada uno. Las jugadoras fueron organizadas en función de su puesto específico. Las variables utilizadas para analizar los datos registrados se agruparon en: indicadores físicos globales (distancia total o DT, velocidad media o DT/min, Player Load o PL y Velocidad máxima o Vmax), distancia recorrida en diferentes rangos de velocidad y distancia recorrida en diferentes rangos de aceleración. El análisis de datos mostró valores más altos en el 3x3, existiendo diferencias significativas en las variables DT, DT/min y PL, distancia recorrida en el rango de >1,0 m/s-1 y en la mayoría de los rangos de aceleración. La interpretación de los resultados sugiere que el espacio afectó en la demanda física de las jugadorasThe aim of the study was to compare the physical requirements taking into account the variables of distance, velocity and acceleration in basketball between two small-sided games, 3x3 and 5x5, using GPS technology. Ten women (15 ±1.0 years) participated in the study, during two training sessions. The rules of 3v3 competitions were applied in a single basket half-court. The players participated in two games (5x5 and 3x3) during 5 minutes each. The players were organized according to their specific position. The variables used to analyze the recorded data were grouped into: global physical indicators (total distance or DT, average speed or DTmin, Player Load or PL and maximum speed or Vmax), traversed distance in different ranges of speed and traversed distance in different ranges of acceleration. The data-analysis showed higher values in the 3x3, being significant differences in the variables DT, DT/min and PL, traversed distance in the range of 1.0 m/s-1 and in most of the ranges of acceleration. The interpretation of the results suggests that space affected the physical demand of the player

    Room-temperature transverse-electric polarized intersubband electroluminescence from InAs/AlInAs quantum dashes

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    We report the observation of transverse electric polarized electroluminescence from InAs/AlInAs quantum dash quantum cascade structures up to room temperature. The emission is attributed to the electric field confined along the shortest lateral dimension of the dashes, as confirmed by its dependence on crystallographic orientation both in absorption measurements on a dedicated sample and from electroluminescence itself. From the absorption we estimate a dipole moment for the observed transition of =1.7 nm. The electroluminescence is peaked at around 110 meV and increases with applied bias. Its temperature dependence shows a decrease at higher temperatures limited by optical phonon emission.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Corrections to Scaling in the Phase-Ordering Dynamics of a Vector Order Parameter

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    Corrections to scaling, associated with deviations of the order parameter from the scaling morphology in the initial state, are studied for systems with O(n) symmetry at zero temperature in phase-ordering kinetics. Including corrections to scaling, the equal-time pair correlation function has the form C(r,t) = f_0(r/L) + L^{-omega} f_1(r/L) + ..., where L is the coarsening length scale. The correction-to-scaling exponent, omega, and the correction-to-scaling function, f_1(x), are calculated for both nonconserved and conserved order parameter systems using the approximate Gaussian closure theory of Mazenko. In general, omega is a non-trivial exponent which depends on both the dimensionality, d, of the system and the number of components, n, of the order parameter. Corrections to scaling are also calculated for the nonconserved 1-d XY model, where an exact solution is possible.Comment: REVTeX, 20 pages, 2 figure

    Condensation vs. phase-ordering in the dynamics of first order transitions

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    The origin of the non commutativity of the limits t→∞t \to \infty and N→∞N \to \infty in the dynamics of first order transitions is investigated. In the large-N model, i.e. N→∞N \to \infty taken first, the low temperature phase is characterized by condensation of the large wave length fluctuations rather than by genuine phase-ordering as when t→∞t \to \infty is taken first. A detailed study of the scaling properties of the structure factor in the large-N model is carried out for quenches above, at and below T_c. Preasymptotic scaling is found and crossover phenomena are related to the existence of components in the order parameter with different scaling properties. Implications for phase-ordering in realistic systems are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Statistical physics of the Schelling model of segregation

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    We investigate the static and dynamic properties of a celebrated model of social segregation, providing a complete explanation of the mechanisms leading to segregation both in one- and two-dimensional systems. Standard statistical physics methods shed light on the rich phenomenology of this simple model, exhibiting static phase transitions typical of kinetic constrained models, nontrivial coarsening like in driven-particle systems and percolation-related phenomena.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Overall time evolution in phase-ordering kinetics

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    The phenomenology from the time of the quench to the asymptotic behavior in the phase-ordering kinetics of a system with conserved order parameter is investigated in the Bray-Humayun model and in the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook model. From the comparison of the structure factor in the two models the generic pattern of the overall time evolution, based on the sequence ``early linear - intermediate mean field - late asymptotic regime'' is extracted. It is found that the time duration of each of these regimes is strongly dependent on the wave vector and on the parameters of the quench, such as the amplitude of the initial fluctuations and the final equilibrium temperature. The rich and complex crossover phenomenology arising as these parameters are varied can be accounted for in a simple way through the structure of the solution of the Bray-Humayun model.Comment: RevTeX, 14 pages, 18 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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