33 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurship in European countries

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    Purpose This study aims to pursue better understanding and investigation of the factor that can have an impact on the level of entrepreneurial activity. To achieve this, statistical analysis was conducted. Indicators from 22 countries of the European Union were reunited to compare the differences between entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach To analyse entrepreneurial intentions in Europe, two databases of the Global Databases Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) were used, namely, “GEM NES Key Indicators 2007-2015” and “GEM APS Key Indicators 2001-2015”, available at www.gemconsortium.org/data/sets, considering only the data from 2015 and analysed with IBM SPSS Statistics tool. Each original database includes 60 countries, and this study is limited to an analysis of only countries of the European continent, resulting in a sample of 22 countries. Findings The major determinants of the entrepreneurial intention in the countries studied were: “perceived capacity”; “entrepreneurial intention” itself which will, in fact, influence the “rate of nascent entrepreneurship”; “governmental and political factors” in relation to the respective “financing for the entrepreneur”; and “basic education and training” in entrepreneurship which influences “research and development”. Research limitations/implications This study has few limitations because, as it refers to a European analysis, it would require a more generalized analysis of the factors, such as to include more and better indicators for the demographic, economic and institutional determinants of the entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurship in the European countries under study. For future research on the explanation of commercial activity, we must address the methodological problem of distinguishing the effect of business intentions from other determinants, as these also influence entrepreneurial attitudes. Despite the conceptual and empirical limitations, the conclusions of the study imply and provide several recommendations for the future policy of entrepreneurship in Europe. Practical implications In the past decades, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions have gained increasing attention from academics, governments and politicians around the world. It is seen as a critical factor for economic growth and development of a country, as it contributes to the solution of fundamental macroeconomic issues such as increased employment, development of competitiveness, innovation and the creation of economic and social values. Therefore, academics and researchers, governments and politicians are interested in identifying the differences and causes between countries that influence the level of entrepreneurship as a phenomenon associated with business activity in a country. Social implications Results reveal that some of the key determinants of entrepreneurial intention in the European countries are related to policy factors, like “governmental and political factors” and “basic education and training” in entrepreneurship. In this way, the study can help politicians elaborate the policies related to entrepreneurship, implying an increase in entrepreneurial intentions in a country and consequently implications for socio-economic development. Originality/value To achieve the originality of the study, two databases of the GEM of 2015 were used and duly adapted. In this way, the value of the article is very significant, as it is possible to group data from several countries, to test hypotheses and to arrive at very useful conclusions that may be of interest to policymakers at both the European and national levels. The adoption of adequate policies promotes and supports entrepreneurship in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy, which is the European Union’s growth strategy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Parto Pré-termo: Experiência do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, E.P.E.

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    Introdução: o parto pré-termo continua a ser um problema sério em Portugal. Vários mecanismos têm sido apontados para a ocorrência do parto antes de estarem completas as 37 semanas de gestação, no entanto não se têm desenvolvido medidas eficazes para reduzir o número de partos pré-termo. Valorizar as condições de risco continua a ser a melhor atitude face a este problema. Objetivos: com este estudo pretendemos identificar os fatores, de risco acrescido para o parto pré-termo, nas mulheres da Cova da Beira. Assim, a finalidade desta investigação assenta na fundamentação de intervenções clínicas preventivas. Metodologia: procedemos a uma investigação observacional retrospetiva através da consulta de processos clínicos de utentes do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, E.P.E. Foram incluídas todas a mulheres com parto pré-termo ocorrido entre 1 de janeiro de 2013 e 31 de dezembro de 2015, excluindo-se aquelas com gravidez múltipla. Para estudo comparativo, obteve-se um grupo controlo de mulheres com parto de termo no mesmo período e instituição. Consultando os registos clínicos, identificaram-se várias características (variáveis) maternas e gestacionais com potencial risco para parto pré-termo. Usando o SPSS Statistics versão 23.0, para cada variável fizemos análises comparativas entre os grupos, avaliando possíveis associações. Posteriormente, realizou-se um modelo de regressão logística para perceber quais os fatores de risco maternos que melhor explicam a ocorrência de parto pré-termo espontâneo. Resultados: no período considerado a percentagem de partos pré-termo foi aproximadamente 6,6%. As grávidas com parto pré-termo apresentaram associação estatística com: baixa escolaridade (p<0,001), ausência de trabalho assalariado (p<0,001), estado civil solteira (p=0,028); hábitos tabágicos (p=0,027); seguimento em consulta de psiquiatria (p=0,001); antecedente de parto pré-termo (p<0,001); antecedente de aborto (p=0,044); vigilância inadequada da gravidez (p<0,001); anemia na gravidez (p=0,001); infeção do trato urinário (p<0,001) ou infeção vaginal (p=0,048) durante a gravidez; doença hipertensiva na gravidez (p<0,001); pré-eclâmpsia (p=0,002) e ameaça de parto pré-termo (p=0,002). Considerando apenas os partos pré-termo espontâneos, o modelo de regressão logística, destaca a doença hipertensiva na gravidez e a baixa escolaridade como fatores de risco dominantes. Conclusões: no sentido de prevenir o parto pré-termo, na região da Cova da Beira, o diagnóstico precoce e controlo da doença hipertensiva na gravidez afiguram-se de grande importância, tal como a promoção de igualdade de acesso ao ensino. No entanto, na prática clínica, há que considerar que o parto pré-termo é um processo multifatorial, pelo que o médico deve estar atento e valorizar os múltiplos fatores de riscos.Introduction: preterm birth remains a serious problem in Portugal. Several mechanisms have been suggested for the occurrence of childbirth before the 37 weeks of gestation, however, there are no effective measures to prevent preterm birth. Identifying the risk conditions and acting upon them is still the best attitude towards this problem. Objectives: the intention of this study is to identify the increased risk factors for preterm birth in woman located in Cova da Beira. Thus, the purpose of this investigation is to find the basis of preventive clinical interventions. Methods: we performed a retrospective observational research through the consultation of clinical records of patients of the Cova da Beira Hospital Center. All women with preterm birth between January 1st 2013 and December 31th 2015 were included, except the ones with multiple pregnancies. To perform a comparative study, we obtained a control group of women with term birth in the same period and institution. Several maternal and gestational characteristics (variables) with potential risk for preterm birth were identified by consulting the clinical records. Using SPSS Statistics version 23.0, for each variable a comparative analysis between groups was done, evaluating possible associations. Subsequently, a logistic regression model was developed to understand which maternal risk factors better explain the occurrence of spontaneous preterm birth. Results: in the considered period, the percentage of preterm childbirth was approximately 6.6%. Pregnant women with preterm birth presented a statistical association with: low education (p<0,001); absence of wage labor (p<0,001); single marital status (p=0,028); smoking habits (p=0,027); psychiatry follow-up (p=0,001); history of preterm birth (p<0,001); history of abortion (p=0,044); inadequate prenatal care (p<0.001); anemia during pregnancy (p=0,001); urinary tract infection (p<0,001) or vaginal infection (p=0,048) during pregnancy; hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (p<0,001); pre-eclampsia (p=0,002) and threat of preterm birth (p=0,002). Considering only the spontaneous preterm births, the logistic regression model emphasizes hypertensive disorder of pregnancy and low education as the most dominant risk factors. Conclusions: to prevent preterm birth in the Cova da Beira region, early diagnosis and control of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy seem to be of great importance as well as the promotion of equal access to education. However, in clinical practice it must be considered that preterm birth is a multifactorial process thus the physician must be aware of the multiple risk factors

    Empresas de inserção como instrumento de empreendedorismo social em Portugal: estudo exploratório com base na percepção dos principais implicados

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    Este trabalho incide sobre Empresas de Inserção (EI), abordadas como uma forma específica de empreendedorismo social. O principal objectivo do estudo empírico é obter alguns elementos que permitam uma primeira avaliação deste programa em Portugal, 10 anos após a sua criação, na perspectiva dos principais implicados – entidades promotoras e trabalhadores. Tal avaliação, que passa pela identificação das principais dificuldades e benefícios sentidos pelos intervenientes, poderá contribuir para identificar as potencialidades e fragilidades da medida EI do Mercado Social de Emprego (MSE) e repensar o seu desenho no sentido de aumentar a sua eficácia. Trata-se, pois de um estudo de natureza exploratória para o qual foi utilizada a estratégia de estudos de caso múltiplos de natureza qualitativa. Para a recolha de dados utilizaram-se várias técnicas mas as mais importantes foram as entrevistas, aplicadas às entidades cujos entrevistados foram os técnicos responsáveis das respectivas EI e os questionários, aplicados aos beneficiários/trabalhadores dessas mesmas EI. Os resultados do estudo indicam que as principais motivações pelos quais as Entidades em estudo se candidataram à medida EI relaciona-se com o dar resposta a novas necessidades das famílias e populações locais e ao combate à exclusão social através da oportunidade que é dada, a trabalhadores desfavorecidos face ao mercado de trabalho, de adquirirem competências profissionais e pessoais que lhes serão úteis no futuro. As dificuldades sentidas pelas Entidades foram sobretudo ao nível do recrutamento e selecção dos trabalhadores, à rotatividade dos postos de trabalho e ao equilíbrio financeiro difícil de alcançar. Todavia, em termos gerais, a avaliação que os vários intervenientes - entidades e trabalhadores - fazem da experiência é positiva. Estes resultados não explicam, pois, quais as razões subjacentes ao decréscimo do número de EI criadas nos últimos anos, conforme dados estatísticos apresentados no trabalho. Tal situação pode estar ligada à actual conjuntura de recessão económica, não só a nível nacional mas também internacional

    Explorando e-materiais na construção de um novo design da moda

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    A Moda no século XXI, emerge sob uma nova forma de expressão e de comunicação resultante da interação entre o Design e a Tecnologia. Desta simbiose, surgem novos e fascinantes mundos visuais, onde o aleatório é trabalhado em analogias artísticas que trazem consigo dois conceitos, “Ser digital” e “Mobile”. Nas sociedades atuais, assiste-se à globalização da eletrónica portátil, aos avanços no campo da tecnologia de miniaturização sem fios e em rede e fomenta-­se o uso diário de dispositivos eletrónicos portáteis. As possibilidades oferecidas por determinadas linguagens de programação, nomeadamente o Processing - e microprocessadores, como é exemplo o Arduíno, alteraram o papel e o trabalho do Designer de Moda colocando-o perante uma mudança de paradigma que vai levar a novos domínios da criação artística e à adoção de novos materiais e materialidades. A tese que aqui apresentamos teve como base esta realidade, reflete o nosso percurso de investigação que se objetivou na exploração das potencialidades criativas dos materiais com características computacionais - de controlo, de interação e de projeção gráfica e auditiva, hoje comummente designados por Tecnologia Wearable - quando aplicados ao Design da Moda.The Fashion in the twenty-­first century, emerging in a new form of expression and communication resulting from the interaction between the Design and Technology. This symbiosis, new and fascinating visual worlds arise where the random is working on artistic analogies that bring with them two concepts, "Being Digital" and "Mobile". In today's society, witnessing the globalization of portable electronics, the advances in wireless technology and miniaturization in network and fosters-­daily use of portable electronic devices. The possibilities offered by certain programming languages, namely Processing -­ and microprocessors, as exemplified by the Arduino, changed the role and work of the Fashion Designer putting him before a paradigm shift that will lead to new areas of artistic creation and the adoption of new materials and materiality. The thesis presented here was based on this reality reflects our journey of research that is aimed at exploiting the creative potential of the materials with computer features -­ control, interaction and graphic and audio projection, now commonly referred to as Technology Wearable - when applied to the Design of Fashion

    The impact of chorionicity on maternal and fetal outcomes

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    Background: Women carrying twin pregnancies receive extensive antenatal counselling on fetal risks, but less is known about whether the presence of two placentas confers dissimilar maternal risks. We pretend to determine the impact of chorionicity on the maternal and fetal outcome, evaluating the possibility of finding the association between complications and the presence of two placental masses.Methods: We conducted a retrospective observational cohort study of 550 twin pregnancies monitored at a level-3 hospital, between January 2004 and December 2018.Results: Of the 550 pregnancies, 419 (76.2%) were bichorionic and 131 (23.8%) were monochorionic. Caesarean delivery was more frequent in monochorionic group (70.2% vs. 61.8%, p=0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in the proportion of adverse maternal outcomes between bichorionic and monochorionic pregnancies, despite a trend towards higher proportions in bichorionic group. Regarding fetal outcomes, monochorionic twins were delivered earlier (mean gestational age of 34+4 weeks vs. 35+1 weeks, p=0.04) and the proportion of preterm delivery cases between 32+0 and 36+6 weeks was higher in monochorionic pregnancies (72.5% vs. 54.9%, p=0.002). Stillbirth of one or both twins was more frequent in monochorionic group (3.1% vs. 0.5%, p=0.03).Conclusions: The presence of two placental masses does not seems to confer an increase in maternal risks, despite a trend towards higher proportions of adverse outcomes in bichorionic pregnancies. However, monochorionicity is associated with an increase in fetal risks, particularly prematurity. Counselling and monitoring of bichorionic or monochorionic pregnancies may be identical with respect to maternal risks, but chorionicity should be considered when evaluating fetal risks

    COMBINA-PT: a Large Corpus-extracted and Hand-checked Lexical Database of Portuguese Multiword Expressions

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    This paper presents the COMBINA-PT project, a study of corpus-extracted Portuguese Multiword (MW) expressions. The objective of this on-going project is to compile a large lexical database of multiword (MW) units of the Portuguese language, automatically extracted from a balanced 50 million word corpus, interpreted with lexical association measures and manually validated. MW expressions considered in the database include named entities and lexical associations with different degrees of cohesion, ranging from frozen groups, which undergo little or no variation, to lexical collocations composed of words that tend to occur together and that constitute syntactic dependencies, although with a low degree of fixedness. This new resource has a two-fold objective: (i) to be an important research tool which supports the development of MW expressions typologies and their lexicographic treatment; (ii) to be of major help in developing and evaluating language processing tools able of dealing with MW expressionsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Corpus-based extraction and identification of Portuguese Multiword Expressions

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    This presentation reports the methodology followed and the results attained on an on-going project aiming at building a large lexical database of corpus-extracted multiword (MW) expressions for the Portuguese language. MW expressions were automatically extracted from a balanced 50 million word corpus compiled for this project, furthermore statistically interpreted using lexical association measures and are undergoing a manual validation process. The lexical database covers different types of MW expressions, from named entities to lexical associations with different degrees of cohesion, ranging from totally frozen idioms to favoured co-occurring forms, like collocations. We aim to achieve two main objectives with this resource: to build on the large set of data of different types of MW expressions to revise existing typologies of collocations and to integrate them in a larger theory of MW units; to use the extensive hand-checked data as training data to evaluate existing statistical lexical association measures.Cet article présente la méthodologie suivie et les résultats obtenus dans le cadre d’un projet qui a pour objectif la construction d’une large base de données d’expressions multi-mots de la langue portugaise. Ces expressions multi-mots ont été automatiquement extraites d’un corpus équilibré de 50 millions de mots, interprétées statistiquement à l’aide de mesures d’association lexicales et ont été ensuite manuellement vérifiées. La base de données lexicales recouvre différent types d’expressions multi-mots avec différents degrés de cohésion, qui vont de la quasi totale fixité jusqu’aux groupes de mots qui se réalisent préférentiellement ensemble, comme les collocations. Le large ensemble de données de cette ressource permettra une révision des typologies d’unités multi-mots en portugais et l’évaluation de différentes mesures d’associations lexicales.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Lexical Database of Portuguese Multiword Expressions

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    This presentation focuses on an ongoing project which aims at the creation of a large lexical database of Portuguese multiword (MW) units, automatically extracted through the analysis of a balanced 50 million word corpus, statistically interpreted with lexical association measures and validated by hand. This database covers different types of MW units, like named entities, and lexical associations ranging from sets of favoured co-occurring forms with high corpus frequency and low cohesion to strongly lexicalized expressions with no, or minimum, variation. This new resource has a two-fold objective: to be an important research tool which supports the development of collocation typologies and their integration in a larger theory of MW units; to be of major help in developing and evaluating language processing tools able of dealing with MW expressions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MetaMap versus BERT models with explainable active learning: ontology-based experiments with prior knowledge for COVID-19

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    Emergence of the Coronavirus 2019 Disease has highlighted further the need for timely support for clinicians as they manage severely ill patients. We combine Semantic Web technologies with Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing with the aim of converting human-readable best evi-dence/practice for COVID-19 into that which is computer-interpretable. We present the results of experiments with 1212 clinical ideas (medical terms and expressions) from two UK national healthcare services specialty guides for COVID-19 and three versions of two BMJ Best Practice documents for COVID-19. The paper seeks to recognise and categorise clinical ideas, performing a Named Entity Recognition (NER) task, with an ontology providing extra terms as context and describing the intended meaning of categories understandable by clinicians. The paper investigates: 1) the performance of classical NER using MetaMap versus NER with fine-tuned BERT models; 2) the integration of both NER approaches using a lightweight ontology developed in close collaboration with senior doctors; and 3) the easy interpretation by junior doctors of the main classes from the ontology once populated with NER results. We report the NER performance and the observed agreement for human audits

    MetaMap versus BERT models with explainable active learning: ontology-based experiments with prior knowledge for COVID-19

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    Emergence of the Coronavirus 2019 Disease has highlighted further the need for timely support for clinicians as they manage severely ill patients. We combine Semantic Web technologies with Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing with the aim of converting human-readable best evi-dence/practice for COVID-19 into that which is computer-interpretable. We present the results of experiments with 1212 clinical ideas (medical terms and expressions) from two UK national healthcare services specialty guides for COVID-19 and three versions of two BMJ Best Practice documents for COVID-19. The paper seeks to recognise and categorise clinical ideas, performing a Named Entity Recognition (NER) task, with an ontology providing extra terms as context and describing the intended meaning of categories understandable by clinicians. The paper investigates: 1) the performance of classical NER using MetaMap versus NER with fine-tuned BERT models; 2) the integration of both NER approaches using a lightweight ontology developed in close collaboration with senior doctors; and 3) the easy interpretation by junior doctors of the main classes from the ontology once populated with NER results. We report the NER performance and the observed agreement for human audits