243 research outputs found

    Drug Related Deaths (DRD) – Data collection

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    Comunicação oral realizada no Reitox academy for the EMCDDA partner countries_SICAD, Lisboa, 2023N/

    Post mortem toxicology higher concentrations and a place for cocaine

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    Comunicação oral realizada no envento: Expert meeting on Drug-Related Deaths (DRD) - EMCDDA 10-11 outubro 2023N/

    Mass Spectrometry and Workflow in Forensic Toxicology

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    Apresentação oral realizada on-line no encontro Advanced Analytical Tools: Multiple Applications for Mass Spectrometry, 18 de Abril de 2022.N/

    Madeira and Azores regions, cluster of a-PHP a-PiHP related deaths

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    Comunicação oral realizada no evento Expert meeting on Drug-Related Deaths (DRD) - EMCDDA, Lisboa, 10-11 outubro 2023.N/

    UPLC MS/MS Method for the Analysis of Cardiovascular Medications in Putrefied Specimens obtained from an Exhumation Autopsy

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    Poster apresentado no Symposium Alternative Sampling Strategies in Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Set 18-19 de 2014, Ghent (Bélgica)N/

    Drought-stressed tomato plants trigger bottom–up effects on the Invasive Tetranychus evansi

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    19 p.-5 fig.-3 tab.Climate change will bring more drought periods that will have an impact on the irrigation practices of some crops like tomato, from standard water regime to deficit irrigation. This will promote changes in plant metabolism and alter their interactions with biotic stressors. We have tested if mild or moderate drought-stressed tomato plants (simulating deficit irrigation)have an effect on the biological traits of the invasive tomato red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi. Our data reveal that T evansi caused more leaf damage to drought-stressed tomato plants ( 1.5 fold for both drought scenarios). Mite performance was also enhanced, as revealed by significant increases of eggs laid ( 2 fold) at 4 days post infestation (dpi), and of mobile forms ( 2 fold and 1.5 fold for moderate and mild drought, respectively) at 10 dpi.The levels of several essential amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, valine) and free sugars in tomato leaves were significantly induced by drought in combination with mites. The non-essential amino acid proline was also strongly induced, stimulating mite feeding and egg laying when added to tomato leaf disks at levels equivalent to that estimated on drought-infested tomato plants at 10 dpi. Tomato plant defense proteins were also affected by drought and/or mite infestation, but T. evansi was capable of circumventing their potential adverse effects. Altogether, our data indicate that significant increases of available free sugars and essential amino acids, jointly with their phagostimulant effect, created a favorable environment for a better T. evansi performance on drought-stressed tomato leaves. Thus, drought-stressed tomato plants, even at mild levels, may be more prone to T evansi outbreaks in a climate change scenario, which might negatively affect tomato production on area-wide scales.This work was funded by an INIA grant:GENOMITE, Proposal No 618105 FACCE Era Net Plus-Food security, Agriculture, Climate Change (new generation sustainable tools to control emerging mite pests under climate change).Peer reviewe

    La influencia del contenido en el razonamiento predictivo: un estudio evolutivo con estereotipos de género

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    The influence of gender stereotypes on predictive reasoning isanalysed. The sample comprised 120 participants aged 5, 11, and 17, who solved tasks with base rate information on feminine or masculine stereotypes such as activities, professions and physical appearance. The task also used individuating information related to the characteristics of the person performing the activity, profession, or his/her physical appearance. Participants had to decide the sex of the person on the basis of the task data and were asked to explain their choice. The results show that young children pay particular attention to base rate information, the 11-year-olds to the individuating information and the adolescents attempt to integrate the two types. The results indicate that the masculine stereotype is a more stable basis for predictions.Este estudio analiza la influencia de los estereotipos de género en el razonamiento predictivo. La muestra fue de 120 personas de 5, 11 y 17 años que tenían que resolver tareas, conteniendo una información distribucional sobre el estereotipo femenino o masculino como actividades, ocupaciones o apariencia fisica. También se presentaba una informacióndiagnóstica respecto a las caracteristicas de una persona ligadas al estereotipo de género. En cada edad, se manipuló la congruencia de las fuentes de la tarea a favor o en contra del estereotipo. Los participantes tenían que decidir el sexo de una persona teniendo en cuenta los datos presentados y explicar su elección. La tendencia general es que los pequeños prestan sobre todo atención a la información distribucional, los preadolescentes a la información diagnóstica y los adolescentes a ambas por igual, siendo capaces de integrarlas. Los resultados varían en función del estereotipomasculirzo o femenino, siendo en general el primero una base más sólida y estable para hacer predicciones

    Programación anual para curso de 3º de ESO en la especialidad de Música

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, curso 2013-2014.[ES]Programación personal para aplicar a grupos de 3º de la ESO en centros de Secundaria de Castilla y León bajo la Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE). Contiene introducción, 15 unidades didácticas y anexos.[EN]This is a personal programming to teach music to students in the third year of High School. It is framed in Spanish Education Law called Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE) and it is made to apply in the province of Castilla y León. It contains and introduction, 15 teaching units and annexes

    Simulation of a solar domestic water heating system, with different collector efficiences and different volumen storage tanks

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    This paper shows the modeling and dynamic simulation, of a domestic solar water heating installation. The results of simulations performed on an annual basis for a solar system, operated in Santander (Spain), which provides hot water for a family (four persons) are presented. The installation consists in a solar flat collector, a water storage tank, a source of auxiliary energy, and a device for blending water. The mathematical model is used to evaluate the annual variation of the solar fraction respect to the volume of the storage tank, demand hot water temperature required, difference of this temperature and preset storage tank water temperature, and consumption profile of the domestic hot water demand. The results for a number of designs with different storage tank volumes, show that the systems with greater volume yield higher solar fraction values. However, when a larger storage tank volume is used, the solar fraction is less sensitive to a variation of these operation parameters. The results of this simulation may be used to design a solar collector system

    Selection criteria for weighting factor in linear regression

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    Poster apresentado no 54th Annual meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) 28 de agosto - 1 setembro 2016, Brisbane, AustraliaN/