17 research outputs found

    Análisis de la pérdida de textura de la carne de Yamú (Brycon amazonicus) por efecto de la congelación

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    El propósito de este trabajo consistió en evaluar el efecto de la conservación en frío sobre la carne del pescado Yamú (Brycon amazonicus), utilizando un diseño factorial 2 X 2 X 3; utilizando dos temperaturas diferentes de almacenamiento (0˚C±1,6°C y -8±1°C) y dos tiempos de conservación (13 horas y 61 horas), adicionalmente se estudió el sistema con animales de dos orígenes distintos (cultivo y rio). Durante el experimento se analizaron los cambios en el perfil proteico y en la estructura muscular, a las muestras de filetes en estado fresco y almacenado. Fueron realizados análisis microestructurales por medio de microscopía electrónica de barrido y microscopía óptica. Las propiedades fisicoquímicas fueron determinadas por medio de análisis de capacidad de retención de agua CRA, pH, perfil proteico (SDS - Page) y textura de la carne. Los resultados del análisis de las imágenes de la microestructura de la carne mostraron un efecto negativo de la conservación en frío sobre el músculo en general, observándose alteraciones en la superficie muscular. Así mismo los resultados obtenidos del análisis de la microscopia óptica y microscopia electrónica de barrido, mostraron que el efecto del frío en el músculo afectó el tejido conectivo, evidenciándose una pérdida de textura. Por otro lado el perfil proteico sufrió alteraciones leves en la Miosina de cadena pesada (WHC), Troponina (~80KDa) y en la Actina (~45KDa), aspecto que sugiere que durante la conservación en frío de la carne de Yamú, la degradación de las proteínas miofibrilares puede ser responsable de la pérdida de textura. El origen de los peces tuvo efecto significativo en los cambios de textura (p0.05), por su parte el tiempo de almacenamiento tuvo efecto significativo sobre las tres características tecnológicas de la carne (CRA, pH y Textura) (p0.05); por su parte la temperatura de almacenamiento no afectó de manera significativa la CRA (p0.05).Abstract. The purpose of this work consisted in evaluating the effect of the storage in cold on the flesh of the fish Yamú (Brycon amazonicus), using two different storage temperatures (0˚C and - 8˚C) and two different times of conservation(13 hours and 61 hours). In addition, we studied the system with fish from two different resources (cultivated and river). Samples of fresh and stored fillets were used during the experiment; changes were analyzed in the protein profile and in the muscle structure. Microstructural analyses were done by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The physical-chemical properties were determined by the analysis of water retention capacity CRA, pH, protein profile and the texture of the flesh. The results of the microstructure images showed a negative effect on the muscle preservation caused by the storage in cold. The outcome obtained from the analysis of the optical and scanning electron microscopy, showed that the effect of the cold on the muscle affected the connective tissue too. On the other hand protein Profile suffered minor alterations in myosin heavy chain (WHC ) , troponin ( ~ 80 kDa ) and actin ( ~ 45 kDa ) , effect that suggest during cold storage of meat Yamu , the degradation of myofibrillar proteins may be responsible for the loss of texture. The origin of the fish had a significant effect on changes in texture (p0.05), while the variation of pH, only emphasized the texture of fish stored for 61 hours. However, the storage time had a significant effect on the three technological characteristics of the meat (CRA, pH and texture) (p 0.05); while, the storage temperature did not affect significantly the CRA (p 0.05), but it influenced the texture and pH of the Yamú meat (p 0.05)Maestrí

    Cambios microestructurales y efecto sobre las proteínas miofibrilares de la carne del pescado yamú (Brycon amazonicus) durante la conservación en frío

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    El propósito de este trabajo consistió en evaluar el efecto de la conservación en frío sobre la carne del pescado yamú (Brycon amazonicus). La metodología consistió en analizar bajo dos temperaturas (0±1,6°C y -8±1°C), dos periodos de conservación (13 y 61 horas) y dos orígenes distintos (cultivo y rio), cambios en el perfil proteico, microestructural, propiedades fisicoquímicas (capacidad de retención de agua-CRA, pH, textura de la carne de filetes de yamú. Las alteraciones microestructurales fueron realizadas por medio de microscopia electrónica de barrido y óptica. Los resultados del análisis de las imágenes de la microestructura de la carne mostraron un efecto negativo de la conservación en frío sobre el músculo, evidenciándose una afectación en el tejido conectivo. Por otro lado, el análisis de perfil proteico permitió evidenciar que durante la conservación en frío de la carne de yamú, proteínas cómo la miosina de cadena pesada, la actina y la α-actinina presentaron degradación. Adicionalmente, el origen de los peces y la temperatura de almacenamiento tuvieron efecto significativo en los cambios de textura (P≤0.05) por su parte el tiempo de almacenamiento tuvo efecto significativo sobre las tres características tecnológicas de la carne (CRA, pH y Textura) (P≤0.05); y la temperatura de almacenamiento no afectó de manera significativa la CRA (P>0.05).This study aimed to evaluate the effect of cold storage on yamu fish meat (Brycon amazonicus). The methodology consisted of analyzing two temperatures (0±1.6°C and -8±1°C), two storage periods (13 and 61 hours) and two different sources (farm and river), and determine changes in the protein profile, microstructural, physical and chemical properties (water retention capacity-WRC, pH, texture of yamu meat fillets). The microstructural changes were observed with optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results of the image analysis of the meat microstructure showed a negative effect from cold storage on the muscle, affecting the connective tissue. Otherwise, the analysis of protein profile demonstrated protein degradation during the cold storage of the yamu meat, such as for heavy chain myosin, actin and α-actinin. In addition, the origin of the fish and the storage temperature had a significant effect on the texture changes (P≤0.05); meanwhile, the storage time had a significant effect on the three technological characteristics of the meat (WRC, pH and texture) (P≤0.05). The storage temperature did not significantly affect the WRC (P>0.05)

    El Distrito de riego de Repelón: diagnóstico y evaluación ambiental de la actividad agrícola

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    El grupo de investigadores de la Corporación Universidad de la Costa, desarrollaron este libro, motivados por la conservación de su región y preocupados por la problemática en el embalse El Guajaro y el distrito de riego de Repelón, teniendo en cuenta que estos desempeñan un importante rol a nivel ambiental y económico en el sur del departamento del Atlántico, puesto que en ellos se desarrollan actividades de pesca y agricultura

    Los suelos agrícolas del distrito de riego de Repelón, Atlántico

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    La cartilla presenta resultados de investigación del proyecto titulado: Efecto del cambio climático sobre el transporte de plaguicidas en el Distrito de Riego de Repelón, Atlántico (INV. 1106-01-001-11) desarrollado por la Universidad de la Costa (Barranquilla) y Universidad de Córdoba (Montería)

    Aqueous extraction of seed oil from mamey sapote (Pouteria sapota) after Viscozyme L treatment

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    In this study, aqueous enzymatic extraction (AEE) was evaluated during the process of obtaining oil from mamey sapote seed (OMSS). Viscozyme L enzyme complex was used at pH 4 and 50 ◦C during the optimization of the extraction process by central composite design and response surface methodology. Optimal conditions were: 3.5% (w/w) of enzyme (regarding the seed weight), 5.5 h of incubation time, 235 rpm of agitation rate, and 1:3.5 of solid-to-liquid ratio. These conditions enabled us to obtain an OMSS yield of 66%. No statistically significant differences were found in the fatty acid profile and physicochemical properties, such as the acid and iodine values and the percentage of free fatty acids, between the oil obtained by AEE or by the conventional solvent extraction (SE). However, the oxidative stability of the oil obtained by AEE (11 h) was higher than that obtained by SE (9.33 h), therefore, AEE, in addition to being an environmentally friendly method, produces a superior quality oil in terms of oxidative stability. Finally, the high oil content in mamey sapote seed, and the high percentage of oleic acid (around 50% of the total fatty acid) found in this oil, make it a useful edible vegetable oil

    Contamination level and spatial distribution of heavy metals in water and sediments of El Guájaro Reservoir, Colombia

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    Heavy metals have become a subject of special concern worldwide, mainly due to high persistence in the environment, toxicity, biogeochemical recycling and ecological risk. Therefore, the objective of this investigation was to analyze the spatial–temporal distribution of heavy metals in water and sediments to determine the environmental status of El Guájaro Reservoir, where such studies have not been developed. Two measurement campaigns (dry and wet period) were carried out and eight sampling stations were selected. A comparison of water and sediment quality parameters with existing national and international regulations was done. Also, heavy metal distribution maps were generated, and the geoaccumulation index was calculated to identify sources and sediments contamination level. Based on the obtained results, agriculture and mining activities are the main causes of the reservoir contamination. This metals levels could be a potential risk for the aquatic life and the populations that are supplied from this water body

    Generations No.7: Annual rendezvous with culture

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    Nuestra Institución se mueve articulada en tres ejes misionales: docencia, investigación y extensión; es precisamente en esta última, como parte de la labor de extensión cultural de la Universidad, que anualmente efectuamos la Feria del Libro de Bucaramanga, Ulibro. Cito al periodista mexicano Sergio González Rodríguez: “Tenemos que reaprender que la literatura no es solo entretener, tiene que servir para pensar, para analizar”, y a eso le apuesta la UNAB desde hace 12 años con Ulibro: una excusa para promover la cultura y el hábito de la lectura.Editorial; Por Alberto Montoya Puyana…3 Ulibro; Por Laura Camila Romero Martínez…4 La voz del graduado…6 Recomendaciones para elaborar una hoja de vida; Por Ana Carolina Torres P.…8 ABC de los posgrados; Por Carolina Toscano V....10 Comunicación y Artes Mensaje integral; Por Claudia Santamaría Valbuena…16 La conversación como salud; Por Carlos Germán Celis E....18 Ciudades inteligentes; Por Clara Inés Peña de Carrillo…20 Educación farmacéutica; Por Yaneth Rocío Orellana Hernández y Sergio Daniel Quiroga Flórez…22 La enseñanza del Derecho; Por Mario Guevara Mendoza…25 También comienza por casa; Por Hugo F. Prada A…28 Los macroproyectos Investigaciones UNAB; Por Miguel Ángel Hernández Rey…30 Graduados destacados; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…34 Generaciones en cifras; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…42 Centro de Apoyo y Formación Empresarial; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…43 6ª Feria del Empleo; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…46 Encuentros…48Our Institution moves articulated in three missionary axes: teaching, research and extension; It is precisely in the latter, as part of the cultural outreach work of the University, that we annually hold the Bucaramanga Book Fair, Ulibro. I quote the Mexican journalist Sergio González Rodríguez: “We have to relearn that literature is not only entertaining, it has to serve to think, to analyze”, and that is what the UNAB has been betting on for 12 years with Ulibro: an excuse to promote culture and the habit of reading

    New trends for a classical enzyme: Papain, a biotechnological success story in the food industry

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    In recent years, proteases have arisen as standard biocatalysts in many industrial processes in different fields, such as pharmaceutical, medicine, detergent manufacturing and food science. Among them, papain is undoubtedly one of the most frequently studied and widely used proteases in the food industry around the world. However, the latest advances in recombinant papain expression systems, genetically engineered biocatalysts, new purification and isolation strategies, and enzymatic immobilization will enhance the development of new applications of papain, as well as improve and optimize classical applications. Scope and approach This review addresses not only the latest advances in classic applications, such as meat tenderization and protein hydrolysates, but also the most innovative applications in different industries such as food, animal feed, bioactive peptides production, water treatment, baking and brewing, among many others. In addition, papain is a perfect example of a successful industrial enzyme that covers all the steps of the biocatalytic cycle that are necessary for the industrial implementation of any biocatalyst. This cycle includes the production and extraction of the enzyme concerned (from natural or recombinant sources), functional and structural characterization, genetic improvement, immobilization and, finally, industrial application. This review describes the complete biocatalytic cycle of papain. Key findings and conclusions Papain is clearly a case of industrial and commercial success over the last 40 years. The key to this success has been continual biotechnological and process engineering innovation, which has opened up a new range of possibilities for this exciting biocatalyst. However, further efforts are needed in protein engineering and characterization of new mutants to reach the full potential of this enzyme.Fundación Santander, Universidad Europea6.609 JCR (2017) Q1, 3/133 Food Science and TechnologyUE

    Effect off tenderization process over bovine meat sold on department of Atlantic

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    Esta investigación consistió en evaluar el efecto del proceso de maduración sobre las propiedades fisicoquímicas de la carne de ganado bovino. Se determinó el perfil proteico y algunas propiedades fisicoquímicas (textura, color, pH y CRA) de seis muestras de músculo (Longisimus dorsi) en fresco (0 días) y luego del proceso de maduración (21 días a 4°C). Los resultados mostraron una variación significativa en los análisis de textura de las muestras en fresco, con respecto a las de 21 días (P≤0,05). Por otro lado, no se encontraron diferencias significativas para las características de color, pH y CRA. Las electroforesis de las muestras permitieron observar ~10 bandas, algunas de las cuales durante el proceso de maduración presentaron una leve degradación, lo que sugiere que la proteólisis incide directamente en la textura.This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of the maturation process on the physicochemical properties of beef cattle. The protein profile and some physicochemical properties (texture, color, pH and WHC) from six samples of muscle (Longisimus dorsi) fresh and after maturing process (21 days at 4°C) were determined. The results showed a significant variation in texture analysis of fresh samples, compared to 21 days samples (P≤0.05) On the other hand, no significant differences for the characteristics of color, pH and WHC were found. Electrophoresis of samples, allowed to observe ~ 10 bands, some of which during the maturation process showed a slight degradation, suggesting that proteolysis directly affect the texture.Sin financiación0.217 SJR (2016) Q3, 220/315 Agronomy and Crop ScienceUE

    Immobilization of papain: A review

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    Papain is a cysteine protease from papaya, with many applications due to its broad specificity. This paper reviews for first time the immobilization of papain on different supports (organic, inorganic or hybrid supports) presenting some of the features of the utilized immobilization strategies (e.g., epoxide, glutaraldehyde, genipin, glyoxyl for covalent immobilization). Special focus is placed on the preparation of magnetic biocatalysts, which will permit the simple recovery of the biocatalyst even if the medium is a suspension. Problems specific to the immobilization of proteases (e.g., steric problems when hydrolyzing large proteins) are also defined. The benefits of a proper immobilization (enzyme stabilization, widening of the operation window) are discussed, together with some artifacts that may suggest an enzyme stabilization that may be unrelated to enzyme rigidification.We gratefully recognize the support from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación from Spanish Government (project number CTQ2017-86170-R) and CSIC for the project AEP045. The FPU fellowship (Ministerio de Educacion) for Mr. Morellon–Sterling is gratefully recognized. Dr. Tacias-Pascacio thanks the financial support from “Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente” (PRODEP) from Mexican Government. ABM would like to thank Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades and FEDER (Project RTI2018-095291-B-I00) and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2018/076) for financial support