336 research outputs found

    The interaction of minimum wage and severance payments in a frictional labor market: theory and estimation

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    We introduce a minimum wage and severance payments in an equilibrium labor market model with search frictions. We analyze how these policies affect endogenous job creation and destruction decisions and, more generally, the general equilibrium allocation. We structurally estimate the model's parameters and, with the resulting sets of estimates, we perform a quantitative welfare analysis. We conclude that when the dispersion in wages found in the sample is low and the share that workers receive from the surplus their job generates is below a particular level, the maximum level of welfare can be attained using either any of the two policies by themselves or an appropriate combination. However, as dispersion in wages increases, the minimum wage, by itself, can no longer reach the economy's maximum level of welfare; and when it is high enough, no policy in isolation can attain the economy's maximum level of welfare, a combination is required.Minimum wages, severance payments, matching models, Nash bargaining, welfare

    The shadow economy: a relevant factor for investment decisions in selected European Union countries

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    The estimation of sovereign risk indicators has a key role for the investment decisions. We were witnesses of inaccurate ratings before the last economic crisis, which altered significantly the results expected by many investors. Thus, we propose an improved rating estimation justifying the insertion of new variables, specifically, the shadow economy as a percentage of the GDP. We find that by taking it into account, the credit rating estimation improves. Our estimation assigns a higher sovereign risk to the new European Union member states, whereas the old European Union member states see their sovereign risk decreased

    Structural Estimation of the Newsvendor Model: An Application to Reserving Operating Room Time

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    The newsvendor model captures the trade-off faced by a decision maker that needs to place a firm bet prior to the occurrence of a random event. Previous research in operations management has mostly focused on deriving the decision that minimizes the expected mismatch costs. In contrast, we present two methods that estimate the unobservable cost parameters characterizing the mismatch cost function. We present a structural estimation framework that accounts for heterogeneity in the uncertainty faced by the newsvendor as well as in the cost parameters. We develop statistical methods that give consistent estimates of the model primitives, and derive their asymptotic distribution, which is useful to do hypothesis testing. We apply our econometric model to a hospital that balances the costs of reserving too much versus too little operating room capacity to cardiac surgery cases. Our results reveal that the hospital places more emphasis on the tangible costs of having idle capacity than on the costs of schedule overrun and long working hours for the staff. We also extend our structural models to incorporate external information on forecasting biases and mismatch costs reported by the medical literature. Our analysis suggests that overconfidence and incentive conflicts are important drivers of the frequency of schedule overruns observed in our sample

    Estandarizacion de lineas de productos y sistema de costeo en industria metalmecanica

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    125 p.La siguiente memoria para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil Industrial, tiene como objetivo en crear una propuesta de estandarización de los productos fabricados por la Industria Mecánica Vogt S.A., que en este caso en particular se enfoca exclusivamente en las bombas hidráulicas Vogt, incluyendo, un mejor manejo de los costos asociados que se traducen en posibles cambios en el valor de venta de estos productos. En su comienzo, se realizó un completo estudio de la situación actual de la empresa, conociendo sus orígenes, sus productos y su forma de fabricación. A continuación, se efectuó un diagnóstico general de la empresa, en el cual se presenta y fundamenta, la problemática a solucionar, junto con los objetivos a alcanzar con esta investigación. Luego de explicar detalladamente los procesos y procedimientos involucrados en la fabricación de las bombas Vogt, se procede con la integración de un marco teórico, el cual contiene la base de las herramientas que se utilizarán en el proceso de estandarización de los productos, donde se incluyen la creación de parámetros de estandarización que obedecen a la necesidad de la empresa, sin olvidar de algunas metodologías comúnmente utilizadas en el proceso de estandarización y costos. Finalmente, se dan a conocer las herramientas utilizadas en el proceso de estandarización, donde se utilizan los “parámetros de estandarización” para determinar cuáles productos son considerados estándar y cuales especiales, definiendo una nueva lista de productos a comercializar, además de eliminar líneas de productos que no cumplen con los objetivos impuestos en cuanto a ventas y costos, siendo reemplazados por las líneas estandarizadas. Se propone un método de costeo, donde se podrá integrar el valor agregado de producción, el cual no era traspasado al cliente. Con esto se obtiene reducción en los costos de producción, al eliminar productos de baja utilidad, y una notable disminución en los tiempos de entrega para productos terminados, eliminando multas por atrasos en entregas

    Jovens que tentam suicídio e narcisismo destrutivo: dois modelos compreensivos do fenômeno suicida

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    Modelo do Estudo: O trabalho visa apresentar resultados de investigações anteriores do autor referentes a modelos compreensivos para o comportamento suicida. Comentários: No primeiro modelo discute-se a “história natural de jovens que tentam suicídio”, que implica num mundo interno sentido como esvaziado, estimulando a busca de relações simbióticas, que quando ameaçam desfazer-se levam a risco de desestruturação e fantasias de busca da plenitude com a morte. No segundo, “narcisismo destrutivo” mostra-se como autoexigências cruéis, quando não satisfeitas, levam a sensação de fracasso e loucura, o ato suicida parecendo ser uma saída. Finalmente discutem-se esses modelos em relação ao maior risco suicida em médicos e estudantes de medicina. .      Model of the study: The paper presents the results of the author’s previous investigations referred to comprehensive models of suicidal behavior. Comments: The first model shows the “natural history of the suicide attempt in youngsters”. In this model is identified an empty internal world that stimulate the search of symbiotic relationships. When these relationships threat to finish appear the risk of breakdown. Then emerge phantasies of search prime in death. In the second, “destructive narcissism” its explained how cruel self demands, when not satisfied, takes to the feeling of fail or insanity. The suicidal act seems to be a solution. Finally these models are discussed bringing into relation with the higher suicide risk of physicians and medicine students .  &nbsp

    Narcisus: polymorphism of versions and its psychoanalitical interpretations

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    In this paper are presented different versions of the myth of Narcisus, everyone of which with variations in details, what leads us to different possibilities of psychoanalytic interpretations. This polymorphism in the various forms of reports and of its multiple comprehensions seems to reflect the indifferentiation of the initial stages of mind development and the complexity its study offers to. The question remains overt and so we wish it does, in order to make progressing the study of this so basic and controversial concept in the psychoanalytic theory.Apresentamos neste trabalho diferentes versões do mito de Narciso, cada qual com diversificadas variações de detalhes, implicando diferentes possibilidades de interpretações psicanalíticas. Este polimorfismo das formas de relato do mito e de suas múltiplas compreensões parece refletir a própria indiferenciação dos estágios iniciais do desenvolvimento da mente humana e da complexidade que seu estudo oferece. Trata-se de uma questão em aberto e que assim deixamos permanecer, para favorecer novas reflexões para fazer progredir o estudo deste conceito básico, mas controvertido, da teoria psicanalítica.698

    The sickle cell disease as a Public Health problem in Brazil

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    Sickle cell anemia is the most prevalent hereditary disease in Brazil. However, the Brazilian literature registers no investigations into the public health aspects of the disease. This present study investigates the way of life of 80 adult patients (49 women and 31 men) with a diagnosis of sicklecell anemia, at a blood center in Brazil. The late diagnosis of the disease was one of the most significant aspects observed in this group of patients. It was also observed that the dominant problem faced by adult patients with sickle cell anemia is of an economic nature, mainly due to lack of professional opportunities. However, patients can well undertake economic activities under adequate medical supervision, according to their own limitations and potentialities. The psychoterapeutic orientation was well accepted by patients regardless of sex. It is concluded that there exists need for the establishment of community programs for early diagnosis and medical, social and psychological orientation for sickle cell anemia patients in Brazil.Apesar de a anemia falciforme ser a doença hereditária de maior prevalência no Brasil, a literatura nacional carece de investigações a respeito dos seus aspectos de Saúde Pública. Investigou-se a realidade vivida por 80 pacientes adultos (49 mulheres e 31 homens) com diagnóstico de anemia falciforme, seguidos regularmente em centro hematológico. O diagnóstico tardio da doença foi um dos principais aspectos detectados na casuística examinada. Observou-se que a problemática maior do paciente adulto com a anemia falciforme esta centrada nos aspectos econômicos, sobretudo na falta de oportunidades profissionais, apesar de os mesmos poderem participar do mercado de trabalho, desde que estejam recebendo tratamento médico adequado e exerçam funções compatíveis com as suas limitações e potencialidades. A orientação psicoterapêutica teve uma grande aceitação pelos pacientes, sem diferença significativa entre os sexos. Concluiu-se haver necessidade da implantação de programas comunitários de diagnóstico precoce e de orientação médica, social e psicológica dos doentes com a anemia falciforme no Brasil, bem como de aconselhamento genético não diretivo dos casais de heterozigotos com o traço falciforme

    Análisis multitemporal del uso efectivo del territorio en la cuenca del arroyo “Las Conchitas-Plátanos"

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    El presente trabajo consistió en estudiar, durante las últimas 5 décadas, los cambios en el uso efectivo del territorio, por causas antrópicas, en la cuenca del arroyo “Las Conchitas-Plátanos” perteneciente a la Franja Costera Sur del Río de la Plata. La misma se ubica en los partidos de Berazategui y Florencio Varela de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Dicho análisis se llevó a cabo a través del uso de fotos aéreas e imágenes satelitales procesadas y analizadas en un entorno SIG.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Análisis multitemporal del uso efectivo del territorio en la cuenca del arroyo “Las Conchitas-Plátanos"

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    El presente trabajo consistió en estudiar, durante las últimas 5 décadas, los cambios en el uso efectivo del territorio, por causas antrópicas, en la cuenca del arroyo “Las Conchitas-Plátanos” perteneciente a la Franja Costera Sur del Río de la Plata. La misma se ubica en los partidos de Berazategui y Florencio Varela de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Dicho análisis se llevó a cabo a través del uso de fotos aéreas e imágenes satelitales procesadas y analizadas en un entorno SIG.Facultad de Ingenierí