36 research outputs found
Multimodal Stimulation of Colorado Potato Beetle Reveals Modulation of Pheromone Response by Yellow Light
Orientation of insects to host plants and conspecifics is the result of detection and integration of chemical and physical cues present in the environment. Sensory organs have evolved to be sensitive to important signals, providing neural input for higher order multimodal processing and behavioral output. Here we report experiments to determine decisions made by Colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata, in response to isolated stimuli and multimodal combinations of signals on a locomotion compensator. Our results show that in complete darkness and in the absence of other stimuli, pheromonal stimulation increases attraction behavior of CPB as measured in oriented displacement and walking speed. However, orientation to the pheromone is abolished when presented with the alternative stimulation of a low intensity yellow light in a dark environment. The ability of the pheromone to stimulate these diurnal beetles in the dark in the absence of other stimuli is an unexpected but interesting observation. The predominance of the phototactic response over that to pheromone when low intensity lights were offered as choices seems to confirm the diurnal nature of the insect. The biological significance of the response to pheromone in the dark is unclear. The phototactic response will play a key role in elucidating multimodal stimulation in the host-finding process of CPB, and perhaps other insects. Such information might be exploited in the design of applications to attract and trap CPB for survey or control purposes and other insect pests using similar orientation mechanisms
Ătude de lâinfluence dâun polluant organique sur les caractĂ©ristiques gĂ©otechniques dâun sol argileux
On prĂ©sente une Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale en laboratoire portant sur lâĂ©volution du comportement de mĂ©langes sable/argile (kaolinite) dans des proportions variables, quand le liquide interstitiel passe de lâeau Ă un hydrocarbure non miscible Ă lâeau (pĂ©trole). Lâeffet du fluide interstitiel a Ă©tĂ© examinĂ© sur plusieurs paramĂštres; la conductivitĂ© hydraulique, la compressibilitĂ© et la rĂ©sistance mĂ©canique mesurĂ©e lors dâessais de cisaillement direct. Les mesures de conductivitĂ© hydraulique, effectuĂ©es lors dâessais au consolidomĂštre, montrent que celle-ci chute fortement lors de la transition eau/pĂ©trole, pour des Ă©chantillons dâargile pure, mais quâelle est peu affectĂ©e par cette transition pour les mĂ©langes sableux, ce qui pourrait sâexpliquer par lâexistence dâune macroporositĂ© pour ces compositions. La compressibilitĂ© de lâargile pure mesurĂ©e Ă lâĆdomĂštre est environ quatre fois plus grande pour des Ă©chantillons saturĂ©s au pĂ©trole que pour des Ă©chantillons saturĂ©s Ă lâeau. Enfin des essais de cisaillement non drainĂ©s Ă la boĂźte ont permis dâĂ©tablir quâune augmentation sensible de la rĂ©sistance au cisaillement Ă court terme des mĂ©langes sable/argile testĂ©s intervenait quand les sols Ă©taient saturĂ©s au pĂ©trole, par rapport aux mĂȘmes sols Ă lâeau. Une Ă©tude plus approfondie faisant appel notamment Ă des essais triaxiaux devrait permettre de prĂ©ciser quantitativement cette tendance