305 research outputs found

    Tailoring the spatiotemporal structure of biphoton entanglement in type-I parametric down-conversion

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    We investigate the spatiotemporal structure of the biphoton entangled state produced by parametric down-conversion (PDC) at the output face of the nonlinear crystal. We analyze the geometry of biphoton correlation for different gain regimes (from ultralow to high), different crystal lengths, and different tuning angles of the crystal. While for collinear or quasicollinear phase matching a X-shaped geometry, nonfactorizable in space and time, dominates, in the highly noncollinear conditions we observe a remarkable transition to a factorizable geometry. We show that the geometry of spatiotemporal correlation is a consequence of the angle-frequency relationship imposed by phase matching and that the fully spatiotemporal analysis provides a key to control the spatiotemporal properties of the PDC entangled state and in particular to access a biphoton localization in time and space in the femtosecond and micrometer range, respectively

    High-sensitivity imaging with multi-mode twin beams

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    Twin entangled beams produced by single-pass parametric down-conversion (PDC) offer the opportunity to detect weak amount of absorption with an improved sensitivity with respect to standard techniques which make use of classical light sources. We propose a differential measurement scheme which exploits the spatial quantum correlation of type II PDC to image a weak amplitude object with a sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit imposed by shot-noise.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Towards spontaneous parametric down conversion from monolayer MoS2

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    We present a detailed study of the second order nonlinearity of 2D (mono-atomic layer) dichalcogenide MoS2, both in the visible and in the IR regime, and test its potential for spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC), the amplification of vacuum fluctuations mediated by optical nonlinearity. We develop a model of SPDC from a deeply subwavelength nonlinear medium, where phase matching conditions are completely relaxed, and make predictions about the rate of emitted photons, their momentum, polarisation and spectrum. We show that detection in the visible spectral region is hindered by the strong photoluminescence background. Moving to the IR regime we observe indications of SPDC by performing polarization, power dependence and lifetime measurements around 1560 nm. We show that the signal from a single monolayer is qualitatively different from that generated by multi-layer MoS2. Finally, we characterize the latter as a new kind of photo-luminescence emission which is enhanced at the edges of multi-layer MoS2

    Contribution of red blood cells to the compensation for hypocapnic alkalosis through plasmatic strong ion difference variations

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    Introduction Chloride shift is the movement of chloride between red blood cells (RBC) and plasma (and vice versa) caused by variations in pCO2. The aim of our study was to investigate changes in plasmatic strong ion diff erence (SID) during acute variations in pCO2 and their possible role in the compensation for hypocapnic alkalosis.Methods Patients admitted in this year to our ICU requiring extracorporeal CO2 removal were enrolled. Couples of measurements of gases and electrolytes on blood entering (v) and leaving (a) the respiratory membrane were analyzed. SID was calculated as [Na+] + [K+] + 2[Ca2+] \u2013 [Cl\u2013] \u2013 [Lac\u2013]. Percentage variations in SID (SID%) were calculated as (SIDv \u2013 SIDa) x 100 / SIDv. The same calculation was performed for pCO2 (pCO2%). Comparison between v and a values was performed by paired t test or the signed-rank test, as appropriate. Results Analysis was conducted on 205 sample-couples of six enrolled patients. A signifi cant diff erence (P <0.001) between mean values of v\u2013a samples was observed for pH (7.41 \ub1 0.05 vs. 7.51 \ub1 0.06), pCO2 (48 \ub1 6 vs. 35 \ub1 7 mmHg), [Na+] (136.3 \ub1 4.0 vs. 135.2 \ub1 4.0 mEq/l), [Cl\u2013] (101.5 \ub1 5.3 vs. 102.8 \ub1 5.2 mEq/l) and therefore SID (39.5 \ub1 4.0 vs. 36.9 \ub1 4.1 mEq/l). pCO2% and SID% signifi cantly correlated (r2 = 0.28, P <0.001). Graphical representation by quartiles of pCO2% is shown in Figure 1. Conclusions As a reduction in SID decreases pH, the observed movement of anions and cations probably limited the alkalinization caused by hypocapnia. In this model, the only source of electrolytes are blood cells (that is, no interstitium and no infl uence of the kidney is present); it is therefore conceivable to consider the observed phenomenon as the contribution of RBC for the compensation of acute hypocapnic alkalosi

    Integrated Generation of High-dimensional Entangled Photon States and Their Coherent Control

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    We demonstrate the generation of high-dimensional entangled photon pairs with a Hilbert-space dimensionality larger than 100 from an on-chip nonlinear microcavity, and introduce a coherent control scheme using standard telecommunications components

    Integrated sources of photon quantum states based on nonlinear optics

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    The ability to generate complex optical photon states involving entanglement between multiple optical modes is not only critical to advancing our understanding of quantum mechanics but will play a key role in generating many applications in quantum technologies. These include quantum communications, computation, imaging, microscopy and many other novel technologies that are constantly being proposed. However, approaches to generating parallel multiple, customisable bi- and multi-entangled quantum bits (qubits) on a chip are still in the early stages of development. Here, we review recent advances in the realisation of integrated sources of photonic quantum states, focusing on approaches based on nonlinear optics that are compatible with contemporary optical fibre telecommunications and quantum memory platforms as well as with chip-scale semiconductor technology. These new and exciting platforms hold the promise of compact, low-cost, scalable and practical implementations of sources for the generation and manipulation of complex quantum optical states on a chip, which will play a major role in bringing quantum technologies out of the laboratory and into the real world

    Optically induced metal-to-dielectric transition in Epsilon-Near-Zero metamaterials

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    This work was supported by the EPSRC grant EP/ J004200/1. D.F. acknowledges financial support from the European Research Council under the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC GA 306559 and EPSRC (UK, Grant No. EP/J00443X/1). L.C. and M.C. acknowledge the support from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s FP7 Programme THREEPLE (GA 627478) and KOHERENT (GA 299522). A.C. and C.R. acknowledge support from U.S. Army International Technology Center Atlantic for financial support (Grant No. W911NF-14-1-0315).Epsilon-Near-Zero materials exhibit a transition in the real part of the dielectric permittivity from positive to negative value as a function of wavelength. Here we study metal-dielectric layered metamaterials in the homogenised regime (each layer has strongly subwavelength thickness) with zero real part of the permittivity in the near-infrared region. By optically pumping the metamaterial we experimentally show that close to the Epsilon-Near-Zero (ENZ) wavelength the permittivity exhibits a marked transition from metallic (negative permittivity) to dielectric (positive permittivity) as a function of the optical power. Remarkably, this transition is linear as a function of pump power and occurs on time scales of the order of the 100 fs pump pulse that need not be tuned to a specific wavelength. The linearity of the permittivity increase allows us to express the response of the metamaterial in terms of a standard third order optical nonlinearity: this shows a clear inversion of the roles of the real and imaginary parts in crossing the ENZ wavelength, further supporting an optically induced change in the physical behaviour of the metamaterial.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Scalable and effective multi-level entangled photon states: A promising tool to boost quantum technologies

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    Multi-level (qudit) entangled photon states are a key resource for both fundamental physics and advanced applied science, as they can significantly boost the capabilities of novel technologies such as quantum communications, cryptography, sensing, metrology, and computing. The benefits of using photons for advanced applications draw on their unique properties: photons can propagate over long distances while preserving state coherence, and they possess multiple degrees of freedom (such as time and frequency) that allow scalable access to higher dimensional state encoding, all while maintaining low platform footprint and complexity. In the context of out of-lab use, photon generation and processing through integrated devices and off-the-shelf components are in high demand. Similarly, multi-level entanglement detection must be experimentally practical, i.e., ideally requiring feasible single-qudit projections and high noise tolerance. Here, we focus on multi-level optical Bell and cluster states as a critical resource for quantum technologies, as well as on universal witness operators for their feasible detection and entanglement characterization. Time-and frequency-entangled states are the main platform considered in this context. We review a promising approach for the scalable, cost-effective generation and processing of these states by using integrated quantum frequency combs and fiber-based devices, respectively. We finally report an experimentally practical entanglement identification and characterization technique based on witness operators that is valid for any complex photon state and provides a good compromise between experimental feasibility and noise robustness. The results reported here can pave the way toward boosting the implementation of quantum technologies in integrated and widely accessible photonic platforms

    Scaling On-Chip Entangled Photon States to Higher Dimensions

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    Considerable efforts have recently focused on advancing quantum information pro- cessing by increasing the number of qubits (the simplest unit of quantum information) in nonclassical systems such as ultracold atoms and superconducting circuits. A complementary approach to scale up infor- mation content is to move from two-level (qubit) to multilevel (quDit) systems