1,426 research outputs found

    Study of spacecraft transponder power amplifier Final report

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    Communications satellite wideband transponder feasibility study with direct RF to RF CONVERSION and TWT in re-entrant mod

    A Case for Online Algorithms

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    Cyberneticists agree that metamorphic communication are an interesting new topic in the field of robotics, and mathematicians concur. After years of appropriate research into XML, we verify the simulation of cache coherence, demonstrates the appropriate importance of software engineering. Our focus in this position paper is not on whether suffix trees and multicast algorithms are often incompatible, but rather on constructing an adaptive tool for controlling IPv6 (Chalcocite)

    Ethical duties of nephrologists:when patients are nonadherent to treatment

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    When providing care, nephrologists are subject to various ethical duties. Beyond the Hippocratic notion of doing no harm, nephrologists also have duties to respect their patients' autonomy and dignity, to meet their patients' care goals in the least invasive way, to act impartially, and, ultimately, to do what is (clinically) beneficial for their patients. Juggling these often-conflicting duties can be challenging at the best of times, but can prove especially difficult when patients are not fully adherent to treatment. When a patient's nonadherence begins to cause harm to themselves and/or others, it may be questioned whether discontinuation of care is appropriate. We discuss how nephrologists can meet their ethical duties when faced with nonadherence in patients undergoing hemodialysis, including episodic extreme agitation, poor renal diet, missed hemodialysis sessions, and emergency presentations brought on by nonadherence. Furthermore, we consider the impact of cognitive impairment and provider-family conflict when making care decisions in a nonadherence context, as well as how the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic might affect responses to nonadherence. Suggestions are provided for ethically informed responses, prioritizing a patient-narrative approach that is attentive to patients' values and preferences, multidisciplinarity, and the use of behavioral contracts and/or technology where appropriate

    Tectonic displacement and far-field isostatic flexure of pluvial lake shorelines, Dixie Valley, Nevada

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    Abstract Shoreline features formed by the late Pleistocene pluvial Lake Dixie in Dixie Valley, central Nevada, record crustal deformation resulting from isostatic rebound of the Lake Lahontan basin, and from Holocene and historic surface faulting. Constructional beach bars on the east side of Dixie Valley show eastward tilt of 0.16 m/km, indicating that lithospheric flexure due to isostatic rebound is symmetrical with the west side of the Lahontan basin. The tilt signal is potentially complicated by post-Lake Dixie fault displacements on the west side of the valley. However, elevation changes recorded geodetically across the analogous 1983 Borah Peak, Idaho earthquake ruptures suggest that coseismic deformation is probably not significant on the east side of the valley relative to the shoreline elevation uncertainties and the overall tilt signal. A survey of faulted shorelines on the west side of the valley suggest that previous fault slip rates estimated from an earlier survey of these same shorelines are in error by nearly a factor of two. Better constrained slip rates from elsewhere along the fault indicate Holocene vertical slip rates of 0.3-0.5 mm/a, consistent with estimates of long term slip rates on the Dixie Valley fault

    HIV cure research in the time of COVID-19 - Antiretroviral therapy treatment interruption trials: A discussion paper

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    This discussion paper addresses the safety of HIV cure studies, particularly those involving stopping antiretroviral therapy, known as an analytic treatment interruption (ATI) in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. More than 30 studies listed on ClinicalTrials.gov include an ATI and many others were planned to begin over the next 12 months but most were halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We consider the ethics, risks and practical considerations to be taken into account before re-opening HIV cure clinical trials, noting the specific risks of ATI in the context of circulating SARS-CoV-2

    Narrow 0\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e state in \u3csup\u3e20\u3c/sup\u3eNe and 0\u3csub\u3e6\u3c/sub\u3e\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e and 0\u3csub\u3e7\u3c/sub\u3e\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e rotational bands

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    A reanalysis of old data removes the (0+,2+) ambiguity for a very narrow state at Ex(20Ne)=11.55 MeV and gives a unique 0+ assignment. Such a 0+ state corresponds well to a predicted state at 11.494 MeV of unusually small reduced widths for decay to both the ground and first excited state of 16O. This new 0+ state is a better 06+ band head for the 8p-4h states at 15.159 MeV (6+) and 18.538 MeV (8+) than the currently accepted 0+ state at 12.44 MeV. Possible 2+ and 4+ members are considered. The higher 0+ level at Ex=12.44 starts a new 07+ band, and candidates for this band are critically discussed

    A stepped wedge cluster randomized trial of graphical surveillance of kidney function data to reduce late presentation for kidney replacement therapy.

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    Late presentation for kidney replacement therapy (KRT) is an important cause of avoidable morbidity and mortality. Here, we evaluated the effect of a complex intervention of graphical estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) surveillance across 15% of the United Kingdom population on the rate of late presentation using data routinely collected by the United Kingdom Renal Registry. A stepped wedge cluster randomized trial was established across 19 sites with eGFR graphs generated from all routine blood tests (community and hospital) across the population served by each site. Graphs were reviewed by trained laboratory or clinical staff and high-risk graphs reported to family doctors. Due to delays outside the control of clinicians and researchers few laboratories activated the intervention in their randomly assigned time period, so the trial was converted to a quasi-experimental design. We studied 6,100 kidney failure events at 20 laboratories served by 17 main kidney units. A total of 63,981 graphs were sent out. After adjustment for calendar time there was no significant reduction in the rate of presentation during the intervention period. Therefore, implementation of eGFR graph surveillance did not reduce the rate of late presentation for KRT after adjustment for secular trends. Thus, graphical surveillance is an intervention aimed at reducing late presentation, but more evidence is required before adoption of this strategy can be recommended. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier Inc.

    The Functional and Molecular Effects of Doxycycline Treatment on Borrelia burgdorferi Phenotype

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    Recent studies have shown that Borrelia burgdorferi can form antibiotic-tolerant persisters in the presence of microbiostatic drugs such as doxycycline. Precisely how this occurs is yet unknown. Our goal was to examine gene transcription by B. burgdorferi following doxycycline treatment in an effort to identify both persister-associated genes and possible targets for antimicrobial intervention. To do so, we performed next-generation RNA sequencing on doxycycline-treated spirochetes and treated spirochetes following regrowth, comparing them to untreated B. burgdorferi. A number of genes were perturbed and most of those which were statistically significant were down-regulated in the treated versus the untreated or treated/re-grown. Genes upregulated in the treated B. burgdorferi included a number of Erp genes and rplU, a 50S ribosomal protein. Among those genes associated with post-treatment regrowth were bba74 (Oms28), bba03, several peptide ABC transporters, ospA, ospB, ospC, dbpA and bba62. Studies are underway to determine if these same genes are perturbed in B. burgdorferi treated with doxycycline in a host environment