874 research outputs found

    Barcelona com a ciutat turística

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    L'article presenta una anàlisi de les forces històriques, polítiques, econòmiques i socials que han afectat l'evolució de l'estructura urbana de Barcelona des dels temps medievals fins als anys 1970. Aquest article argumenta que les característiques urbanes de Barcelona i el seu atractiu com a destí turístic no són merament el resultat d'una gran transformació urbana recent o de la recuperació de l'arquitectura Modernista, sinó fruit d'una evolució històrica llarga i tumultuosa de la ciutat. La història urbana de Barcelona il·lustra així com el paisatge urbà d'una ciutat amb gran atractiu turístic és per una banda, resultat de la planificació urbanística, però també d'esdeveniments socials, econòmics i polítics que sovint produeixin resultats inesperats.El artículo presenta un análisis de las fuerzas históricas, políticas, económicas y sociales que han afectado la evolución de la estructura urbana de Barcelona desde los tiempos medievales hasta los años 1970. Este artículo argumenta que las características urbanas de Barcelona y su atractivo como destino turístico no son meramente el resultado de una gran transformación urbana reciente o de la recuperación de la arquitectura Modernista, sino fruto de una evolución histórica larga y tumultuosa de la ciudad. La historia urbana de Barcelona ilustra, de esta manera, cómo el paisaje urbano de una ciudad con gran atractivo turístico es, por un lado, el resultado de la planificación urbanística, pero también de sucesos sociales, económicos y políticos que a menudo producen resultados inesperados

    Regulation of IGFBP-5 and Osteoblast Functions by Nuclear Factor I

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    The Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) system is a major target of GC inhibition in bone. We found that GCs inhibit expression of IGF binding protein-5 (IGFBP5) which binds IGFs and stimulates osteoblast activity by IGF dependent and independent mechanisms. GC-induced inhibition of IGFPB5 promoter activity was mediated by a composite response element that has binding sites for transcription factor activator protein 2 (AP-2) and nuclear factor I (NFI). The work in this dissertation identifies the NFI gene family as an important regulator of IGFBP-5 transcription primarily in human, as well as murine osteoblasts. The mechanism of IGFBP5 gene regulation involves direct binding of the NFI members to its cis element located in the IGFBP5 promoter region. Knockdown of NFI mRNA expression had diverse effects on IGFBP5 expression depending on the gene isoform member, suggesting that NFI isoforms have different roles regulating this gene. NFI had important roles during the process of osteoblast differentiation and mineralization, in the MCT3T3-E1 cell culture model. Knockdown of murine Nfix gene expression delayed the mineralization of this cell line, and also decreased mRNA expression levels of early and late osteoblastogenesis makers, in particular osteocalcin. An understanding of the role of the NFI gene family and the role of this family in the process of osteoblastogenic maker gene regulation can provide a new alternative for pharmacological target genes for the treatment of osteoporosis, a condition that widely affects Americans

    Vascular risk factors in primary open angle glaucoma

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    To determine whether cardiovascular risk factors distribution differ between primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and control subjects. To assess the strength of this association in POAG. To analyze the most frequent pathology in this group of patients for a better selection of medical treatment. METHODS: Observational cross-sectional study in patients with a diagnosis of POAG. Fifty glaucoma patients were selected with consecutive sampling between those who had been admitted to an tertiary hospital by any reason and compared with fifty admitted to the same hospital patients without POAG diagnosis in the same period of time. The variables age, sex, the reason for admission to hospital classified by diagnosis related group (DRG) and diagnostic mayor criteria (DMC), treatment for glaucoma, stroke, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, ischaemic cardiopathy, Raynaud phenomenon, low blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia and tobacco were investigated. RESULTS: An association was found between POAG and stroke (prevalence ratio=2.16;CI al 95%=1.01-2.20; p=0.074*), low blood pressure (prevalence ratio=5; CI=1.14-2.63; p=0.092*) and high blood pressure (prevalence ratio=1.35; p=0.16) but it didn't reach to the statistical level of signification. No association with the remaining variables was found with this size sample. The most frequent reason for hospital admission in the study group were respiratory and circulatory system disease. Circulatory (24 y 22% respectively)with the pneumonia the most frequent DRG (10%). In the control group, the most frequent reason were circulatory and respiratory system disease (24 y 16% respectively). The chronic obstructive airway disease (COAD) was the most frequent DRG in this group (6%). The vascular risk factors most frequently found in both of the groups was high blood pressure (54 and 40% ) and the stroke (26-12%). The medical glaucoma treatment in these patients were the beta-blockers only (24.3%) or in association (18.9%). CONCLUSIONS: POAG is associated with stroke and blood pressure variations (high and low). The respiratory (pneumonia and COAD) and circulatory system diseases (congestive heart failure-CHF- and ischaemic cardiopathy) are the most frequently mortality cause in this group of patients. The most frequent medical therapy used for glaucoma are the beta-blockers which are contraindicated in COAD and CHF patients

    Complicaciones en la evolución de los hemangiomas y malformaciones vasculares

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    The differentiation of haemangiomas and vascular malformations is histological, clinical and prognostic. Although the majority of haemangiomas evolve towards spontaneous resolution, as many as 10% of cases can develop complications with ulceration, pain and haemorrhaging. Besides, the localisation of haemangiomas in the head and neck, next to vital structures, can compromise their functions. Hence, compression of the airway might be a vital emergency. Periorbital haemangiomas can give rise to amblyopia due to sensory deprivation or due to a restrictive strabismus. Lumbosacral haemangiomas must be studied with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance because of their frequent association with alterations in the midline at the level of the spine, anus, genitals or kidneys. Amongst visceral haemangiomas, hepatic haemangiomas are the most serious due to their association with congestive cardiac insufficiency. The association of extensive facial haemangiomas with anomalies of the central nervous system, vascular, cardiac, ocular and sternal anomalies, is denominated PHACE syndrome and is frequently complicated by mental deficiency, convulsions or ictus. Vascular malformations of trigeminal localisation are associated in up to 15% of cases with glaucoma or choroidal or leptomeningeal haemangiomas (Sturge- Weber syndrome). Combined vascular malformations localised in the extremities can become complicated with thrombophlebitis, regional osteolysis and even distant thromboembolisms (Klippel-Treneaunay Syndrome). On the other hand, there is a coagulopathy due to consumption (Kassabach-Merrit Syndrome) that can complicate some vascular tumours such as the Kaposiform haemangioendothelioma and the tufted angioma. Finally, the complications of the treatments employed are reviewed

    Creación de imagen, visibilidad y turismo como estrategias de crecimiento económico de la ciudad

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar como el crecimiento económico de Barcelona desde mediados de los años noventa se ha basado en la producción de una economía de servicios avanzados, en el que las estrategias de creación de imagen y el turismo han jugado un papel primordial. En este proceso destaca el papel promotor de macro-eventos como los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992, los cuales han sido herramientas de cambio del modelo económico de Barcelona; y se identifica la importancia de la colaboración público-privada y la planificación estratégica. Se analiza el impacto económico del turismo para la ciudad en el periodo 1990-2010, y se concluye con una reflexión en torno a las implicaciones sobre el espacio público que esta estrategia de crecimiento conlleva.O objectivo deste artigo é analisar o crescimento económico de Barcelona, desde meados dos anos 90, baseado numa economia de serviços avançados, onde as estratégias de criação da imagem e a dinamização do turismo tiveram papel primordial. Neste processo destaca-se o papel promotor de macro-eventos, como os Jogos Olímpicos de 1992, ferramentas para a mudança do modelo económico de Barcelona, salienta-se a importância da colaboração público-privada e da planificação estratégica e analisa-se o impacto económico do turismo para a cidade no período de 1990-2010. Conclui-se com uma reflexão em torno das implicações sobre o espaço público que esta estratégia de crescimento encerra.The aim of this paper is to analyse how Barcelona's economic growth since the 1990s has been based on the production of advanced services, in which image creation and tourism have played a key role. In this context, we emphasise the role played by macro-events, such as the 1992 Olympic Games, which have brought about important changes to Barcelona's economic model, and we highlight the importance of public-private partnerships and strategic planning. Additionally, we analyse the economic impact of tourism upon the city in the period 1990-2010, and we conclude with some reflections on the implications upon public space entailed by this growth strategy.Création d'image, visibilité et tourisme comm e stratégies de croissance économique de la ville. L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser comment la croissance économique de Barcelone à partir de la moitié des années 1990 s'est basée sur la production d'une économie de services avancés, au sein de laquelle les stratégies de création d'image et le tourisme ont joué un rôle primordial. Dans ce processus émerge l'importance de la promotion de macro-événements comme les Jeux Olympiques de 1992, lesquels sont considérés comme outils de changement du modèle économique de Barcelone. S'identifient également ici la collaboration public-privée et la planification stratégique. L'article analyse l'impact économique du tourisme dans la ville durant la période 1990-2010, et propose une réflexion sur les implications de l'espace public entraînées par cette stratégie de croissance

    ONOS-Controlled Disaggregated Optical Networks

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    State-of-art, potentials and limitations of the ONOS controller applied to disaggregated optical networks are reported. Focus is on the on-going ODTN project. Results of experimental demonstrations are reported to prove the feasibility of proposed approach

    Challenging Methods and Results Obtained from User-Generated Content in Barcelona’s Public Open Spaces

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    User-generated content (UGC) provides useful resources for academics, technicians and policymakers to obtain and analyse results in order to improve lives of individuals in urban settings. User-generated content comes from people who voluntarily contribute data, information, or media that then appears in a way which can be viewed by others; usually on the Web. However, to date little is known about how complex methodologies for getting results are subject to methodology-formation errors, personal data protection, and reliability of outcomes. Different researches have been approaching to inquire big data methods for a better understanding of social groups for planners and economic needs. In this chapter, through UGC from Tweets of users located in Barcelona, we present different research experiments. Data collection is based on the use of REST API; while analysis and representation of UGC follow different ways of processing and providing a plurality of information. The first objective is to study the results at a different geographical scale, Barcelona’s Metropolitan Area and at two Public Open Spaces (POS) in Barcelona, Enric Granados Street and the area around the Fòrum de les Cultures; during similar days in two periods of time - in January of 2015 and 2017. The second objective is intended to better understand how different types of POS’ Twitter-users draw urban patterns. The Origin-Destination patterns generated illustrate new social behaviours, addressed to multifunctional uses. This chapter aims to be influential in the use of UGC analysis for planning purposes and to increase quality of life

    Genetic analysis of rennet coagulation time, curd-firming rate, and curd firmness assessed over an extended testing period using mechanical and near-infrared instruments

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    Abstract The aims of this study were (1) to analyze rennet coagulation time (RCT), curd-firming rate, and curd firmness obtained by extending the standard 30-min testing time to 45min; (2) to estimate heritabilities of the aforementioned traits determined by mechanical (Formagraph; Foss Electric, Hillerod, Denmark) and near-infrared optical (Optigraph; Ysebaert, Frepillon, France) instruments, and to assess the statistical relevance of their genetic background by using the Bayes factor procedure, the deviance information criterion, and the mean squared error; (3) to estimate phenotypic and genetic relationships between instruments within trait and between traits within instrument; and (4) to obtain correlations for sire rankings based on the used instruments. Individual milk samples were collected from 913 Brown Swiss cows reared in 63 herds located in Trento Province (Italy). Milk coagulation properties (MCP) were measured using 2 different instruments: Formagraph and Optigraph. Both instruments were housed in the same laboratory and operated by the same technician. Each sample was analyzed simultaneously on each instrument. All experimental conditions (milk temperature and the concentration and type of rennet) were identical. For the analysis, univariate and bivariate animal models were implemented using Bayesian methods. Univariate analyses were conducted to test the hypothesis that the traits showed additive genetic determination. Deviance information criterion, Bayes factor, and mean squared error were used as model choice criteria. The main results were that (1) RCT could be measured on all samples by extending the observation time to 45min, and its genetic parameters ( h 2 =0.23) and breeding values could be estimated while avoiding the bias of noncoagulating samples; (2) curd-firming rate could be measured on almost all milk samples, and its genetic parameters could be estimated for the first time on a field data set ( h 2 =0.21); (3) for the first time, genetic parameters of curd firmness 45min after rennet addition ( h 2 =0.12) were estimated, and they were compared with curd firmness 30min after rennet addition ( h 2 =0.17); and (4) MCP estimated using the Optigraph appeared to be genetically different from those determined by Formagraph, with the partial exception of RCT (genetic correlation=0.97). Breeding strategies for the improvement of MCP must be planned with caution. Currently, the high throughput, ease of use, and reduced costs of analysis make predictions obtained from mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) on untreated milk samples a promising alternative to produce relevant data at the population level. The use of mechanical lactodynamographs to establish reference data for MIRS calibrations have been already studied, whereas the use of near-infrared optical lactodynamographs as a reference method for MIRS calibrations needs to be investigated
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