48 research outputs found

    Behavioral characterization of a mouse model overexpressing DSCR1/ RCAN1

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    DSCR1/ RCAN1 is a chromosome 21 gene found to be overexpressed in the brains of Down syndrome (DS) and postulated as a good candidate to contribute to mental disability. However, even though Rcan1 knockout mice have pronounced spatial learning and memory deficits, the possible deleterious effects of its overexpression in DS are not well understood. We have generated a transgenic mouse model overexpressing DSCR1/RCAN1 in the brain and analyzed the effect of RCAN1 overexpression on cognitive function. TgRCAN1 mice present a marked disruption of the learning process in a visuo-spatial learning task. However, no significant differences were observed in the performance of the memory phase of the test (removal session) nor in a step-down passive avoidance task, thus suggesting that once learning has been established, the animals are able to consolidate the information in the longer term

    Management of a caseous lymphadenitis outbreak in a new Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) stock reservoir

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    Background: In 2010, an Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica) stock reservoir was established for conservation purposes in north-eastern Spain. Eighteen ibexes were captured in the wild and housed in a 17 hectare enclosure. Once in captivity, a caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) outbreak occurred and ibex handlings were carried out at six-month intervals between 2010 and 2013 to perform health examinations and sampling. Treatment with a bacterin-based autovaccine and penicillin G benzatine was added during the third and subsequent handlings, when infection by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was confirmed. Changes in lesion score, serum anti-C. pseudotuberculosis antibodies and haematological parameters were analyzed to assess captivity effects, disease emergence and treatment efficacy. Serum acute phase proteins (APP) Haptoglobin (Hp), Amyloid A (SAA) and Acid Soluble Glycoprotein (ASG) concentrations were also determined to evaluate their usefulness as indicators of clinical status.Once in captivity, 12 out of 14 ibexes (85.7%) seroconverted, preceding the emergence of clinical signs; moreover, TP, WBC, eosinophil and platelet cell counts increased while monocyte and basophil cell counts decreased. After treatment, casualties and fistulas disappeared and both packed cell volume (PCV) and haemoglobin concentration significantly increased. Hp, SAA and ASG values were under the limit of detection or showed no significant differences. Conclusions: A role for captivity in contagion rate is suggested by the increase in antibody levels against C. pseudotuberculosis and the emergence of clinical signs. Although boosted by captivity, this is the first report of an outbreak of caseous lymphadenitis displaying high morbidity and mortality in wild ungulates. Treatment consisting of both vaccination and antibiotic therapy seemed to prevent mortality and alleviate disease severity, but was not reflected in the humoural response. Haematology and APP were not useful indicators in our study, perhaps due to the sampling frequency. Presumably endemic and irrelevant in the wild, this common disease of domestic small ruminants is complicating conservation efforts for the Iberian ibex in north-eastern Spain

    Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 47 Número 3-4

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    Suelos. Física. Resistencia del suelo y susceptibilidad a la compactación en terrenos a monte sometidos a pastoreo. Por R. Pérez Moreira y F. Diaz-Fierros Viqueira.-- La reserva de agua útil de los suelos de Galicia. l. Relación con la textura y el contenido de materia orgánica. Por A. M. Martinez Cortizas.-- Química Empleo de aminas alifáticas en el estudio de asociaciones haloisita-esmectita en suelos. Por F. J. Aragoneses, J. Casas, y J. L. Martin de Vidales.-- Quelación por EDDHA de micronutrientes en suelos calizos. Ecuación de límite máximo. Por M. Juárez, J. Sánchez-Andréu, L. Pla y J. Jorda.-- Quelación por EDDHA de micronutrientes en suelos calizos. Ecuación de orden "n ".Por J. Sánchez-Andréu, M. Juarez, L. Pla y J. Jordá.-- Génesis, Clasificación y Cartografía Caracterización de un podsol ferro - húmico en el Puerto de la Quesera (Sierra del Ayllón). Por R. Espejo Serrano, F. Guerrero López y A. Saa Requejo.-- Natrixerales en el Baix Segre (Lleida). Por J. Bech i Borrás, J. Garrigo i Reixach y J. R. Torrento i Marselles.-- Aspectos micromorfológicos del horizonte superior en suelos artificiales (Sorribas) de las Islas Canarias. Por A. Rodríguez Rodríguez y J. M. Ontañón Sánchez.-- Fertilidad Influencia de diferentes factores del suelo sobre su contenido en microelementos asimilables: Mn, Fe, Cu y Zn. Por B. C. Ortega, Ma C. Ortega y J. G. de las Heras.--Incidencia de la salinidad del agua de riego en la mineralización del nitrógeno orgánico en suelos calizos del sureste español. Por J. García-Serna, J. Sánchez Andréu, M. Juárez y J. Mataix.-- Biología Vegetal-Fisiología Efectos de la toxicidad del flúor sobre el ciclo biológico en especies herbáceas dicotiledoneas. Por M. Ibarra, F. López Belmonte y Ma A. Diez.-- Efectos de la toxicidad del flúor sobre el ciclo biológico de especies de monocotiledoneas. Por M. Ibarra, F. López-Belmonte y Mª A . Diez.-- Proteasas ácidas en uvas Vitis vinifera (variedad Macabeo). l. Actividad proteásica durante su maduración. Por J. Marín Expósito, C. Miguel Gordillo, J. l. Maynar Mariño y J. L. Mesias Iglesias.-- Agro biología Efectos de enmiendas calcáreas en suelos fijadores de fósforo. Por S. G. Ramos Hernández y N. Aguilera Herrera.-- III. Trabajo Recapitulativo. Una deriva hacia hemiparasftismo de los líquenes epifitos: Análisis fisiológico de las relaciones con sus fitoforos. Por C. VicentePeer reviewed2019-08.- CopyBook.- Libnova.- Biblioteca IC

    Evolution of the use of corticosteroids for the treatment of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in Spain between March and November 2020: SEMI-COVID national registry

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    Objectives: Since the results of the RECOVERY trial, WHO recommendations about the use of corticosteroids (CTs) in COVID-19 have changed. The aim of the study is to analyse the evolutive use of CTs in Spain during the pandemic to assess the potential influence of new recommendations. Material and methods: A retrospective, descriptive, and observational study was conducted on adults hospitalised due to COVID-19 in Spain who were included in the SEMI-COVID- 19 Registry from March to November 2020. Results: CTs were used in 6053 (36.21%) of the included patients. The patients were older (mean (SD)) (69.6 (14.6) vs. 66.0 (16.8) years; p < 0.001), with hypertension (57.0% vs. 47.7%; p < 0.001), obesity (26.4% vs. 19.3%; p < 0.0001), and multimorbidity prevalence (20.6% vs. 16.1%; p < 0.001). These patients had higher values (mean (95% CI)) of C-reactive protein (CRP) (86 (32.7-160) vs. 49.3 (16-109) mg/dL; p < 0.001), ferritin (791 (393-1534) vs. 470 (236- 996) µg/dL; p < 0.001), D dimer (750 (430-1400) vs. 617 (345-1180) µg/dL; p < 0.001), and lower Sp02/Fi02 (266 (91.1) vs. 301 (101); p < 0.001). Since June 2020, there was an increment in the use of CTs (March vs. September; p < 0.001). Overall, 20% did not receive steroids, and 40% received less than 200 mg accumulated prednisone equivalent dose (APED). Severe patients are treated with higher doses. The mortality benefit was observed in patients with oxygen saturation </=90%. Conclusions: Patients with greater comorbidity, severity, and inflammatory markers were those treated with CTs. In severe patients, there is a trend towards the use of higher doses. The mortality benefit was observed in patients with oxygen saturation </=90%

    Los cocodrilos de México como recurso natural. Presente, pasado y futuro

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    Since 1970, information on Mexican crocodiles as a resource, is very scarce. Crocodiles have been exploited since 1870, with a peak captura between 1930 and 1940, affecting for sure their natural populations. Some natural populations of Crocodylus have been studied in recent times, several of them in hearty condition. We do not know the status of the natural populations of Caiman in México. Since 1923, crocodiles have been protected and subjected to research. At present, crocodiles are protected by the Norma Oficial Mexicana for the flora and fauna species. There are just a few publications on conservation of Mexican crocodiles. The species of México are considered under the Apendix II of CITES. Crocodylus moreletii is species that offers the better chance of farming. In the close future it will be imperative to survey the natural populations of the country and determining the impact of the past conservation measurements. It is necessary to establish more natural areas for the preservation of crocodiles. In order to know better the farming technics for Mexican species, it is necesary to evaluate the publised information, to stablish new lines of research in this field. It is necesary to offer environmental-crocodile education and divulgation for a better understanding of crocodiles in nature

    Anfibios, Reptiles y otros animales de la Expedición Malaspina (1789-1794) en Nueva España, un capítulo inédito de la Zoología Mexicana

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    Bajo los auspicios del Rey de España, la Expedición Malaspina (1789-1794), fue una de las más ambiciosas, proyectada y llevada al cabo bajo el comando de Alejandro Malaspina, para realizar observaciones político científicas en las posesiones españolas en América y Asia. En la expedición participaron varios naturalistas especializados en Botánica y Zoología. En los aspectos Zoológicos se encontraba el naturalista Antonio Pineda, que junto con todo un equipo de personas describieron e ilustraron gran cantidad de plantas y animales. Durante su incursión a la Nueva España recolectaron, describieron e ilustraron un número importante de plantas y animales. Se identifican las especies de anfibios y reptiles mencionados e ilustrados y se mencionan someramente las de otros grupos de animales mencionados. De las plantas recolectadas en toda la expedición se realizaron y publicaron trabajos, no obstante, los animales descritos. Ilustrados, disecados y preservado se mantuvieron almacenados por cerca de 200 años, hasta que en los últimos 20 años se ha empezado a revisar y se ha vislumbrado la trascendencia que hubiera tenido el estudio y publicación de todo este material, en el avance del conocimiento zoológico de ese tiempo

    Distribución de la culebra de mar Pelamis platurus en el pacífico mexicano

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    The yellow-bellied sea snake is the wider in distribution whiting the marine ophidians, occurring in the tropical and subtropical Pelamis platurus seas, from the east coast of Africa through the Indian and Pacific oceans to the Pacific Coast of the Americas. lt is possible to notice that Pelamis in the Pacific of Mexico, occurs mainly in tropical warm waters but also in the cold waters of the California Current and the most northem portion of the Gulf of California (cold at least in winter months). The question at this point is how can be explained those records of the snake in cold waters. The limiting factors for the distribution of this species are: the annual variation of the sea surface temperature and the depth of the water, the prevalent current and the pattem of storms, restricting the species to the water isotherm of 26º C, in correlation to the isobath of 100 m depth. As a function of the limiting factors it has been established the existence of resident populations capable of reproduce it selves, and the existence of waif individuals or populations in extreme ecological conditions for the survival of the species. The locality records of the species were analized, and it is observed that there are records of the species for all the Mexican states at the Pacific Coast of Mexico and the Gulf of California. Jalisco and Guerrero are the Mexican States showing the larger number of records. There are just a few records from the states of Baja Califorma, Baja Califorma Sur and Sonora. By analyzing the collecting dates, it was found that iii the region between Baja California and Jalisco, 67% of the records are from winter (January to April) and just 33% from the rest of the year. Most of the collecting dates (74%) between Colima and Chiapas, are from the warmer months of the year (May to December) and 26% from-the winter months at this latitude. It is possible that the specimens collected at larger latitudes reflect waif populations or individuals, carried accidentally by the North Pacific Current from some place in the north Pacific and located at those places as non resident individuals in extreme survival conditions. Most of the records analyzed belong to beached individuals, many of theme from the coasts between Jalisco and Oaxaca in almost every month of the year, but particularly in spring and The beached specimens may be were related also to storms, and dominant and intense winds that thrown the snakes toward the beach

    Un tunel como hibernaculum de Hyla plicata (Anura: Hylidae) en la Sierra Norte de Tlaxco, Tlaxcala, Mexico.

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    Se realizó un estudio sobre la presencia-ausencia de una población de Hyla plicata en un túnel artificial a una altitud de 3220 m, ubicado a 10 km E de Tlaxco, Tlaxcala. Con el fin de saber si estos hílidos eran residentes, o penetraban estacional o casualmente al refugio; si dentro de este sitio formaban grupos o permanecían aislados; si mostraban alguna preferencia climática y finalmente si el lugar podría constituir un hibernaculum para estos anfibios. Dentro del túnel se midieron las temperaturas: ambiente, sustrato, y agua, así como la humedad relativa a diferentes distancias de la entrada, desde junio de 1982 hasta enero de 1984. Los individuos de este deme, fueron marcados y recapturados durante todo el estudio. Los datos revelaron que las temperaturas promedio mensuales dentro del túnel oscilaron entre 9 y 12°C, mientras que en el exterior éstas fluctuaron entre 5.6 y 15.8°C. Los resultados indican que Hyla plicata penetra al túnel desde fines de septiembre hasta principios de octubre y permanece en él hasta fines de marzo y principios de abril. La entrada como la salida de estos anuros del refugio está relacionada tanto con descensos (5.6°C) como ascensos (15.8°C) en la temperatura ambiente exterior. Aún cuando en la zona las nevadas son escasas durante el invierno, las heladas son frecuentes por lo que se pueden presentar temperaturas de congelación. Estas variaciones ambientales sugieren que H. plicata, al igual que otros hílidos no es tolerante a la congelación, motivo por el cual utiliza este túnel para evadir las bajas temperaturas en la temporada invernal, al convertir este sitio en un verdadero hibernaculum. Posiblemente en lugares donde no existen túneles como el descrito, H. plicata evita las temperaturas de congelación al hibernar en cuevas madrigueras de mamíferos o grietas en las rocas