621 research outputs found

    El Colegio de Doncellas Nobles de la Asunción de Valladolid: Arte e imagen visual corporativa

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    El Colegio de Doncellas Nobles de Valladolid fue la única iniciativa con vínculos cercanos a la Universidad -Obispo de Valladolid y Colegio de San Gregorio- que en el siglo XVI trató de acercar la enseñanza a muchachas célibes y a viudas sin recursos. Sus fundadores le dotaron de una imagen visual corporativa -heráldica y hábitos- que solo tiene parangón en los colegios mayores masculinos de Salamanca, Alcalá y Valladolid.The College of Noble Maidens of Valladolid was the only initiative closely associated with the University -Bishop of Valladolid and Saint Gregory College- which in the 16th Century attempted to bring learning to single girls and widows with no resources. The founders gave it a corporate visual image -heraldry and uniforms- comparable only to those of the halls of residence for males in Salamanca, Alcalá and Valladolid

    Escudo del I Duque de Lerma en el MUVa

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    En el MUVa se conserva un escudo del duque de Lerma que coincide en su diseño y cuarteles con los que se encuentran en la iglesia del Monasterio de San Pablo de Valladolid. Por sus formas y hechura, procede de los diseños realizados por Nicolás de Campis, rey de armas Bourgogne de Felipe II y Felipe III, un oficial de armas experto en diseño heráldico que dominaba las técnicas del dibujo y de la acuarela.A coat-of-arms of the Duke of Lerma is conserved in the MUVa, whose design and quarters coincide with those found in the monastery church of San Pablo in Valladolid. The shape and workmanship would indicate it is one of the designs carried out by Nicolas Deschamps, Bourgogne king of arms of Philip II and Philip III, an arms officer with expertise in heraldic design who had mastered the techniques of drawing and water-colour

    Diseño de las instalaciones de climatización y producción de ACS de un Hotel*** en Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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    Este proyecto supone la descripción de los trabajos de cálculo de las necesidades de climatización, ventilación y producción de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS) de un hotel definidos en el Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas definido por la propiedad de un hotel, situado en la localidad de Santa Cruz de Tenerife y en base a las normativas existentes y cumpliendo con los requisitos establecidos para este tipo de proyectos. El edificio consta de cinco plantas. Las cuatro últimas albergan exclusivamente habitaciones, mientras que en la planta baja se encontrarán también las zonas comunes (restaurante, cafetería, salas de reuniones) y la zona de administración. Una vez obtenidas las cargas térmicas, y calculadas las necesidades de ACS, se ha propuesto un sistema de recuperación de calor de caudal de refrigerante variable. El aire exterior se introducirá en el edificio mediante tres unidades de tratamiento de aire ubicadas en cubierta, justificando la ausencia de los elementos más comunes en este tipo de sistemas. En cuanto a la producción de ACS, se usará el calor recuperado de los sistemas de climatización para el aporte. Teniendo en cuenta que la carga térmica, así como las necesidades de agua caliente de un hotel son muy variables, los sistemas elegidos, así como su disposición, buscan maximizar la eficiencia energética en el funcionamiento de la instalación.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    A synthetic data generation system for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome questionnaires

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    Artificial intelligence or machine-learning-based models have proven useful for better understanding various diseases in all areas of health science. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) lacks objective diagnostic tests. Some validated questionnaires are used for diagnosis and assessment of disease progression. The availability of a sufficiently large database of these questionnaires facilitates research into new models that can predict profiles that help to understand the etiology of the disease. A synthetic data generator provides the scientific community with databases that preserve the statistical properties of the original, free of legal restrictions, for use in research and education. The initial databases came from the Vall Hebron Hospital Specialized Unit in Barcelona, Spain. 2522 patients diagnosed with ME/CFS were analyzed. Their answers to questionnaires related to the symptoms of this complex disease were used as training datasets. They have been fed for deep learning algorithms that provide models with high accuracy [0.69–0.81]. The final model requires SF-36 responses and returns responses from HAD, SCL-90R, FIS8, FIS40, and PSQI questionnaires. A highly reliable and easy-to-use synthetic data generator is offered for research and educational use in this disease, for which there is currently no approved treatment

    Calibration with concurrent PT axes

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    The introduction of active (pan-tilt-zoom or PTZ) cameras in Smart Rooms in addition to fixed static cameras allows to improve resolution in volumetric reconstruction, adding the capability to track smaller objects with higher precision in actual 3D world coordinates. To accomplish this goal, precise camera calibration data should be available for any pan, tilt, and zoom settings of each PTZ camera. The PTZ calibration method proposed in this paper introduces a novel solution to the problem of computing extrinsic and intrinsic parameters for active cameras. We first determine the rotation center of the camera expressed under an arbitrary world coordinate origin. Then, we obtain an equation relating any rotation of the camera with the movement of the principal point to define extrinsic parameters for any value of pan and tilt. Once this position is determined, we compute how intrinsic parameters change as a function of zoom. We validate our method by evaluating the re-projection error and its stability for points inside and outside the calibration set.Postprint (published version

    Effect of Abiotic Climatic Factors on the Gonadal Maturation of the Biocontrol Agent Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Wiedemann, 1830) (Diptera: Syrphidae)

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    The hoverfly Sphaerophoria rueppellii is currently one of the most effective predators commercially available for aphid pest control. However, knowledge of the reproductive system of males and females of this syrphid is limited. The present article aims to report how changes in the temperature and photoperiod may affect development of the gonads (ovaries and testes), oviposition, and fecundity during the lifespan of S. rueppellii. Four environmental conditions (14L:10D, T: 20 ± 1 °C; 12L:12D, T: 20 ± 1 °C; 14L:10D, T: 25 ± 1 °C; and 12L:12D, T: 25 ± 1 °C) were used to determine oviposition, hatching percentage, and lifespan during a period of 30 days after the adult emergence. The maturation of the ovaries was done under three treatments (barley leaves with aphids always available; barley leaves two days per week with aphids available; no barley leaves available), and in the same environmental conditions noted above. Males at 14L:10D, 20 ± 1 °C; and 14L:10D, 25 ± 1 °C; were used to analyze and study the maturation of the testes. Females at 14L:10D; T: 25 ± 1 °C showed a significant difference in oviposition, percentage of hatching, and rate of eggs. A detailed description of the male and female gonads was undertaken, and it was determined that the conditions in which males sexually mature early are at 14L:10D, 25 ± 1 °C. These results will improve the application of S. rueppellii in crops, for the control of aphid pests

    Mouse for Computer Control from the Joystick of the Wheelchair

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    Becoming autonomous is one of the biggest challenges for many people with disabilities. Increasing their autonomy usually involves the use of a wheelchair and any kind of digital assistant, such as a computer or a tablet, to communicate, to work or even for leisure. In such a situation, those people are obliged to use two different human interfaces to move a pointer and to drive the wheelchair. A joystick is the most common option to control a wheelchair. On the other hand, there are many different adapted interfaces to emulate the use of a mouse. This paper presents a system, BJoy Ring mouse, which captures the motion of the joystick on a wheelchair. The captured signal is used to move the cursor or the pointer of any digital device including an USB port. This system avoids any mechanical or electronic change in the joystick to keep its original safety and warranty. Communication between the device and the computer (or any other digital assistant) uses the USB protocol, although it could be easily improved to a Bluetooth wireless connection. Validation tests with real users proved this system to be useful aid for people with motor disabilities

    A synthetic data generation system for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome questionnaires

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    Computational models; Data acquisitionModelos computacionales; Adquisición de datosModels computacionals; Adquisició de dadesArtificial intelligence or machine-learning-based models have proven useful for better understanding various diseases in all areas of health science. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) lacks objective diagnostic tests. Some validated questionnaires are used for diagnosis and assessment of disease progression. The availability of a sufficiently large database of these questionnaires facilitates research into new models that can predict profiles that help to understand the etiology of the disease. A synthetic data generator provides the scientific community with databases that preserve the statistical properties of the original, free of legal restrictions, for use in research and education. The initial databases came from the Vall Hebron Hospital Specialized Unit in Barcelona, Spain. 2522 patients diagnosed with ME/CFS were analyzed. Their answers to questionnaires related to the symptoms of this complex disease were used as training datasets. They have been fed for deep learning algorithms that provide models with high accuracy [0.69–0.81]. The final model requires SF-36 responses and returns responses from HAD, SCL-90R, FIS8, FIS40, and PSQI questionnaires. A highly reliable and easy-to-use synthetic data generator is offered for research and educational use in this disease, for which there is currently no approved treatment