144 research outputs found

    Contributions to project management 100 human talents from the process of formation of national police officer with a view to post-conflict

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    El artículo presentado contiene el desarrollo de un análisis a través del cual se incluyen los puntos que integran el Proyecto 100 como herramienta gerencial de la Policía Nacional de Colombia liderado por la Escuela de Cadetes de Policía General Santander y que contiene una visión prospectiva del ejercicio policial en escenarios próximos, en los cuales, de acuerdo a las dinámicas que se presentan a nivel de seguridad y de convivencia, se delinea el modelo institucional a futuro, perspectivas que han llevado a la Policía Nacional a posicionarse como una institución con fortalezas competitivas, destacándola como una de las más notables en su género dentro del ámbito internacional. Lo anterior porque el servicio policial plantea retos que demandan el mejoramiento continuo a la institución, por lo que representa la garantía de la seguridad para los ciudadanos, la calidad y profesionalización del servicio. De acuerdo al incremento de percepción de inseguridad en el país, se hace necesario crear los medios con los cuales se logre una formación adecuada de los hombres y mujeres policía, para que además de cumplir con su función constitucional, logren responder a la evolución de las tendencias sociales enmarcadas en una etapa de postconflicto. Igualmente, se complementa con los nuevos roles que debe asumir el policía y que a su vez influyen dentro de la dinámica de los procesos que se dan al interior de la institución, por la reformulación de metas en temas que vayan de acuerdo con los cambios en las necesidades de seguridad ciudadana y de convivencia de acuerdo a la evolución que tiene el entorno social del país.The paper presented contains the development of an analysis through which the items on the Project 100 as a management tool Colombia National Police led by the School of General Santander Police Cadet and contains a forward-looking exercise included police in future scenarios , in which , according to the dynamics that occur at the level of security and coexistence , the institutional model to future prospects have led the National Police to position itself as an institution with competitive strengths outlined , highlighting it as one of the most remarkable of its kind in the international arena. This arises because the policing challenges that demand continuous improvement to the institution, which is the guarantee of security for citizens, quality and professional service. According to the increased perception of insecurity in the country , it is necessary to create the means by which appropriate training of police men and women is achieved, so that in addition to fulfilling its constitutional role , fail to respond to evolving social trends framed in a post-conflict stage . It also complements the new roles to be assumed that the police and in turn influence the dynamics of the processes that occur within the institution by the reformulation of goals in areas that are aligned with changes in the needs of public safety and coexistence according to the evolution that has the social environment of the country

    L’adéquation fonctionnelle de l’habitat et l’empiètement urbain expliquent les variations temporelles et spatiales de l’abondance d’un oiseau champêtre en déclin, l’Outarde canepetière, Tetrax tetrax

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    Species response to land use can be examined under a functional perspective, where habitats are described according to species´ resource dependencies. Distribution or abundance models based on resource availability rather than land use types can be more informative about the ultimate processes behind observed population or distribution trends. Habitat use may depend on resources available, as well as disturbances that affect accessibility to such resources. Increasing human presence and urban encroachment may thus alter the relationships between habitat suitability and species abundance. Using 10 years of field data, we investigated whether variability in Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax) abundance was explained by functional habitat suitability (assessed through resource-based models) and urban encroachment. We found that spatial and temporal variations in Little Bustard abundance were explained by functional habitat suitability and avoidance of urban areas, but that the significance of each variable varied with spatial scale. Little Bustard abundance at each observation point significantly increased with local nesting but not foraging habitat suitability, and decreased with increasing proportion of urban areas. At larger spatial scales, temporal changes in Little Bustard abundance were highly significantly related to changes in foraging habitat suitability. Moreover, the positive relationship between foraging habitat suitability and Little Bustard abundance weakened as the proportion of urban areas increased, and almost disappeared when the proportion of urban areas was more than 5%. Our results underline the benefits of using resource-based models to better understand processes that relate animal abundance and habitat suitability, while simultaneously considering avoided elements of the landscape.Le comportement des espèces en fonction de l’affectation des terres peut être examiné dans une perspective fonctionnelle, selon laquelle les habitats sont décrits suivant la dépendance des espèces envers les ressources. Les modèles de répartition ou d’abondance fondés sur la disponibilité des ressources, plutôt que sur le type d’affectation des sols, peuvent être plus informatifs sur les processus ultimes qui sous-tendent les tendances observées en matière de population ou de répartition. L’utilisation de l’habitat peut dépendre des ressources disponibles et des perturbations qui affectent l’accessibilité à ces ressources. La présence humaine croissante et l’empiètement urbain accru peuvent donc modifier les relations entre l’adéquation de l’habitat et l’abondance des espèces. En utilisant 10 ans de données prises sur le terrain, nous avons cherché à savoir si la variabilité de l’abondance de l’Outarde canepetière (Tetrax tetrax) s’expliquait par l’adéquation fonctionnelle de l’habitat (évaluée par des modèles basés sur les ressources) et l’empiètement urbain. Nous avons constaté que les variations spatiales et temporelles de l’abondance de l’Outarde canepetière s’expliquaient par l’adéquation fonctionnelle de l’habitat et l’évitement des zones urbaines, mais que l’importance de chaque variable variait selon l’échelle spatiale. L’abondance de l’outarde à chaque point d’observation a augmenté significativement avec l’adéquation de l’habitat local pour la nidification mais pas pour l’alimentation, et a diminué avec la proportion croissante de zones urbaines. À des échelles spatiales plus grandes, les changements temporels de l’abondance de l’outarde étaient fortement liés aux changements de l’adéquation de l’habitat pour l’alimentation. De plus, la relation positive entre l’adéquation de l’habitat pour l’alimentation et l’abondance de l’outarde a diminué à mesure que la proportion de zones urbaines augmentait, et l’espèce était presque totalement absente lorsque la proportion de zones urbaines était supérieure à 5 %. Les présents résultats soulignent les avantages de l’utilisation de modèles fondés sur les ressources pour qu’on comprenne mieux les processus qui relient l’abondance des animaux et l’adéquation de l’habitat, tout en considérant simultanément les éléments du paysage qui sont évités.CSICBanco Santander FGCSIC MCYT-REN2003-07851/GLO CGL2004-02568/BOS CGL2007-66322/BOS CGL2008-04282/BO

    Sexual differences in blood parasite infections, circulating carotenoids and body condition in free-living red-legged partridges

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    The fieldwork was financed by CYCIT project CGL2004-06147-CO2/BOSA central issue in avian ecology deals with the trade-off between investment life-history components, such as reproductive effort, and parasite and disease resistance. During reproduction, differences in the particular needs of males and females may further affect the outcome of such trade-off. However, most studies performed to date on avian species have focused on males, while less is known about this subject in females. We investigated haemoparasite infections (genera Haemoproteus, Plasmodium and Leucocytozoon) in relation to sex, year, body condition and plasma concentrations of carotenoids in wild-breeding Red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa). Our aim was to examine whether there are differences in infections between sexes and how parasite infections relate to carotenoid levels, physical condition and breeding parameters in non-passerine wild birds. Males captured early in the breeding season were in better body condition than females, indicating a marked sexual difference in this trait in wild Red-legged partridges. The prevalence of blood parasites in males was higher than in females. However, we found that females infected by blood parasites had lower plasma carotenoid concentrations than uninfected females, whereas no association between infection and carotenoid levels was found in males. This suggests sex-related differences in the use of carotenoids to fight infections or for parasite resistance. A possible explanation of this contrasting pattern between sexes is that reproduction may not have to involve the same costs for males and females. We suggest that males would be under strong sexual selection and would trade health for signalling, which could simultaneously explain highest parasite prevalence being found in males and the contrasting patterns in blood carotenoid levels between males and females. Females in contrast, that were in worst body condition during early breeding season, were more sensitive to infections, diverting carotenoids to immune function more than males.CYCIT project CGL2004-06147-CO2/BO

    Biased adult sex ratios in Western Europe populations of Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax as a potential warning signal of unbalanced mortalities

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    Adult sex ratios (ASRs) have proved to correlate with population trends, which make them potential useful indicators of a species’ population trajectory and conservation status. We analysed ASRs and proportion of juveniles in flocks of an endangered steppe bird, the Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax, using surveys made during the non-breeding period in seven areas within its Western European range (one in Portugal, four in Spain, and two in France). We found overall male-biased ASRs, as all the seven surveyed areas showed a male-biased ASR mean value. Five areas were below the threshold median value (female sex ratio = 0.4) considered to be consistent with an increased probability of extinction, according to earlier population viability analyses for the species.Wealso found a significant positive correlation between female ratio and the proportion of young individuals in the non-breeding flocks surveyed. Our results (strongly male-biased ASRs) support the hypothesis that the viability of Little Bustard populations in Western Europe is threatened by an excess of female mortality, something that should be quantified in the future, and emphasise the value of monitoring sex ratio as a population viability indicator in species where monitoring survival is difficult to achieve.Comunidad de Madrid S2013/MAE-2719 S2013/MAE2719Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Spanish Governmen

    Claves para una gestión agraria enfocada a la gestión de la perdiz roja

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    Trabajo presentado al I Seminario Nacional de Perdices, celebrado en León del 13 al 15 de mayo de 2011.Durante la redacción de este capítulo Fabián Casas disfruto de un contrato JAE-Doc del Programa «Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios» cofinanciada por el FSE. Estos trabajos no hubieran podido llevarse a cabo sin el apoyo y la financiación de la Consejería de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente de la JCCM (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha), la CYCIT (MCYT-REN200307851/GLO and CGL2004-02568/BOS), la FGCSIC (proyecto cero “Steppe-Ahead”) y la Comisión Europea (proyecto HUNT (212160, FP7-ENV-2007-11).Peer Reviewe

    Propuesta para el mejoramiento de la operación de picking en el almacén de la empresa Ingebombas Ltda

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    Ingebombas es una empresa que ve como oportunidad de mejora su almacén de productos, esto se da principalmente debido a que jamás se había realizado un estudio que permitiera hacer un diagnostico acerca de la manera en que se ejecuta la operación actual, durante dicho análisis se pudo ver que el operario podría estar incurriendo en recorridos que podrían ser mejorados y de esta manera la productividad del operario dentro de la operación.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Are farm-reared red-legged partridge releases increasing hunting pressure on wild breeding partridges in central Spain?

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    Wild red-legged partridge populations have experienced important declines in recent decades. With an aim to increase or maintain hunting quotas, releases of farm-reared red-legged partridges have concomitantly increased. However, the sustainability of this management practice is increasingly questioned. Farm-reared partridges suffer a high mortality rate immediately after release, and many released birds may already be dead before hunting takes place. Therefore, it is possible that if hunters adjust harvest to the number of farm-reared released birds, this may lead to an overhunting of the wild breeding stocks. We investigated here whether autumn mortality by hunting of radio-tracked birds that bred in the previous summer differed between hunting estates that use or do not use releases as part of their management practices. Although our sample size was limited (32 radio-tagged birds monitored throughout the hunting season in four estates, with only one conducting releases), our results report novel data that support this cause for concern. We found that hunting was the main cause of mortality and that the proportion of hunted partridges was much higher in the estate with releases of farm-reared birds than in the three estates that did not use releases. Therefore, the release of farm-reared partridges, instead of reducing hunting pressure on the breeding stock through a potential dilution effect, may have an opposite effect. This should be confirmed with more spatial replicates, but raises serious concerns regarding the long term sustainability of wild partridge populations and their exploitation for hunting purposes in estates that overhunt partridge populations due to releases.This study was supported by the Comunidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Bases científicas preliminares para un plan de conservación de la perdiz roja en Castilla-La Mancha) and Spanish Ministry of Science (MCYT-REN200307851/GLO and CGL2004-02568/BOS). FC was supported by the Andalucía Talent Hub Program launched by the Andalusian Knowledge Agency, cofounded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (COFUND–Grant Agreement n° 291780) and the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Junta de Andalucía.Peer Reviewe

    Avian responses to an extreme weather event: The case of the ‘Filomena’ snowstorm in Madrid (central Spain)

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    [EN] Cold spells and severe weather may have detrimental effects in wild birds, but owing to the stochastic nature of these events, it is not always possible to measure their impacts. In January 2021, a strong snowstorm known as ‘Filomena’ affected Spain, mainly the region of Madrid (Central Spain), which was fully covered with snow and suffered freezing temperatures for a fortnight. Using bird surveys conducted in the winter-spring of 2020 and 2021 (before and after Filomena) at same locations, we addressed the possible impact of the cold spell in three widespread gamebirds: Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus), Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica) and Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa). No significant abundance differences were found between years for none of the species and hunting pressure was only significantly reduced for Partridges, hence this species may have been negatively affected by Filomena. Results suggest that in response to Filomena, Pigeons conducted partial migration in search of better conditions, while Magpies aggregated in certain areas of Madrid and Partridges endured the harsh conditions within their home ranges. Our results highlight the importance to alleviate negative impacts of extreme weather events in wild birds through management actions, especially for sedentary species.SIFundación Artemisa

    Variaciones estacionales en las preferencias de hábitat de la ganga ibérica en estepas agrícolas

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    [EN]: We investigated habitat use and preferences of pin-tailed sandgrouse Pterocles alchata in agrarian pseudo-steppes of central Spain. We used radio-tracking to characterise habitat selection throughout the year and look for seasonal variations. Pin-tailed sandgrouses selected ploughed fields all year round, except in winter when they preferred stubble fields. Pasturelands were used more often than expected in the breeding and post-breeding seasons and fallows in winter and pre-breeding seasons. Cereal crops, olive groves and vineyards were avoided. Our results indicate that appropriate habitat management for the pin-tailed sandgrouse should take into consideration its habitat preferences during the full annual cycle.[ES]: Estudiamos el uso y las preferencias de hábitat de la ganga ibérica Pterocles alchata en el centro de España. Mediante radio-seguimiento caracterizamos el uso y selección de hábitat a lo largo de un ciclo anual, e investigamos las variaciones estacionales. Las gangas seleccionaron campos labrados durante todo el año, excepto en invierno, cuando prefirieren los rastrojos. Los pastos fueron seleccionados positivamente en la estación de cría y en la post-reproductiva, y los barbechos en la invernal y pre-reproductiva. Las siembras de cereal, olivares y viñedos fueron evitados. Un correcto manejo del hábitat de la ganga ibérica debería tener en cuenta sus preferencias de hábitat durante el ciclo anual completo.The study was financed by the Dirección General de Investigación (projects CGL2007-66322/BOS and CGL2008-04282/BOS), and the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia of Castilla-La Mancha (projects PAI08-0171-9582 and PAC06-137). The Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Rural of the Junta of Castilla-La Mancha allowed us to capture and radio-tag the birds. C. A. Martín holds a postdoctoral contract (I3P Programme, CSIC), and F. Casas was supported by a postdoctoral grant of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (JCCM).Peer Reviewe

    Anycast on the Move: A Look at Mobile Anycast Performance

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    International audienceThe appeal and clear operational and economic benefits of anycast to service providers have motivated a number of recent experimental studies on its potential performance impact for end users. For CDNs on mobile networks, in particular, anycast provides a simpler alternative to existing routing systems challenged by a growing, complex, and commonly opaque cellular infrastructure. This paper presents the first analysis of anycast performance for mobile users. In particular, our evaluation focuses on two distinct anycast services, both providing part of the DNS Root zone and together covering all major geographical regions. Our results show that mobile clients tend to be routed to suboptimal replicas in terms of geographical distance, more frequently while on a cellular connection than on WiFi, with a significant impact on latency. We find that this is not simply an issue of lacking better alternatives, and that the problem is not specific to particular geographic areas or autonomous systems. We close with a first analysis of the root causes of this phenomenon and describe some of the major classes of anycast anomalies revealed during our study, additionally including a systematic approach to automatically detect such anomalies without any sort of training or annotated measurements. We release our datasets to the networking community