178 research outputs found

    Variables and distance covered during the World Cup Southafrica'10

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue relacionar las variables contextuales y la velocidad media de los desplazamientos realizados por los equipos que participaron durante la Copa del Mundo Sudáfrica 2010. Se estudiaron 128 registros, medidos a través de la velocidad media en metros por minuto (m∙min1), durante los 64 partidos celebrados. Las variables contextuales fueron: tipo de competición, continente, resultado del partido, ranking FIFA del equipo y ranking FIFA del rival. Únicamente se han encontrado diferencias significativas en las variables continente (F=3,861;p=0,005) y resultado del partido en interacción con tipo de competición (F=3,999;p=0,029). Los resultados de este trabajo permiten aumentar el conocimiento referente a la influencia de las diferentes variables contextuales en la intensidad de desplazamiento de los equipos mientras disputan un partido de competición y, en consecuencia, gestionar la importancia de estos requerimientos energéticos con relación a la evaluación del rendimiento físicoThe aim of this study was to determine whether there is any influence from different contextual variables on the physical performance of the teams during the South African World Cup 2010. The physical performances of 128 teams were studied, measured by distance travelled in meters per minute (m∙min-1), during the 64 matches played in South Africa 2010. The contextual variables were: type of competition, continent, match score, FIFA team ranking, and FIFA opponent ranking. Significant differences were found only in the continent variable (F=3.86,p=0.005) and match score in interaction with type of competition (F=3.999,p=0.029). The results of this study provide increasing knowledge concerning the influence of contextual variables on the physical demands on teams during a competition match and, therefore, will help to manage the importance of these energy requirements in relation to physical performanc

    Deporte con dispositivos de posicionamiento global (GPS) : aplicaciones y limitaciones

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    En el presente documento se hace una revisión no exhaustiva sobre la aplicabilidad y limitaciones de los dispositivos GPS en el ámbito deportivo. En el trabajo se detallan aspectos claves que técnicos e investigadores deberían considerar para valorar los límites de su aplicabilidad al tiempo que maximizar su uso. Las temáticas que se abordan pueden concretarse es los siguientes: funcionamiento, limitaciones, diferentes usos motivados por la variedad en la tipología de variables que registra, oportunidades de sincronización con el vídeo o con la representación 2D del movimiento de los jugadores en el espacio (para posteriores análisis más pormenorizados), así como la disponibilidad de la información en 'tiempo real'. Además, la tecnología GPS está dando sus primeros pasos para aportar información no solo de las demandas físicas o energéticas de los deportistas, sino también de las conductas colectivas que jugadores y equipos despliegan en sus actividades (partido, juegos reducidos, etc). Valoradas las limitaciones y valoradas sus aplicaciones los usuarios podrán beneficiarse de los dispositivos GPS cuando se apliquen al análisis del rendimiento en la competición y el entrenamiento. Esta tecnología puede ayudar a entrenadores y atletas en el desarrollo de sus trabajos o actividades con precisión, inmediatez y riqueza informacional.In this paper a non-exhaustive review of the applicability and the limitations of GPS devices in sport have been detailed. The work explains the key aspects that technicians and researchers in this setting should keep in mind about the features of this kind of system while they maximize their advantages. The issues addressed are the following: operation, limitations, alternatives in the types of variables that they can register, opportunities to sync with video files or to see 2D representation of the players motion in the field (for more detailed analysis), and the possibility to use in 'real time'. Furthermore, the GPS technology is taking its first steps to provide information not only about the physical or energy demands from the athletes, but also about collective behaviour that players and teams use in their activity (match, small-side games, etc.). Knowing their limitations and maximizing their applications, users would be able to obtain big benefits from the GPS devices in order to apply them in training and match analysis of performance. This technology can help coaches and athletes in the development of their jobs or activities with accuracy, immediacy and informational wealth.No presente documento faz-se uma revisão não exaustiva sobre a aplicabilidade e as limitações dos dispositivos GPS no âmbito desportivo. De igual modo, são detalhados os aspectos-chave que técnicos e investigadores devem considerar para avaliar os limites da sua aplicabilidade e maximizar o seu uso. As temáticas que se abordam podem concretizar-se no seguinte: funcionamento, limitações, diferentes usos motivados pela variedade na tipologia de variáveis que regista, oportunidades de sincronização com o vídeo ou com a representação 2D do movimento dos jogadores no espaço (para posteriores análises mais pormenorizadas), assim como a disponibilidade de informação em "tempo real". Adicionalmente, a tecnologia GPS está a dar os primeiros passos para fornecer informação não apenas das exigências físicas ou energéticas dos desportistas, mas também dos seus comportamentos colectivos que jogadores e equipas despendem nas suas actividades (jogos, jogos reduzidos, etc.). Avaliadas as limitações e as suas aplicações, os usuários podem beneficiar dos dispositivos GPS quando aplicadas a análises de rendimento em competição e treino. Esta tecnologia pode auxiliar treinadores e atletas no desenvolvimento dos seus trabalhos ou actividades com precisão, rapidez e riqueza informacional

    Influence of varied pitch shape on soccer players physiological responses and time-motion characteristics during small-sided games.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pitch shape modifications on heart rate responses and time-motion characteristics in soccer players during 5-a-side small-sided games (SSGs). Players completed four different SSG dimensions: (1) short narrow pitch (SN; 40 × 25 m), (2) short wide pitch (SW; 66 × 25 m), (3) long narrow pitch (LN; 40 × 50 m), and (4) long wide pitch (LW; 66 × 50 m). Twenty amateur soccer players (age: 21 ± 5 yr; stature: 176.8 ± 1.9 cm; body mass: 72.7 ± 3.7 kg) were monitored using a heart rate monitor and a 10 Hz GPS device. Mean maximum heart rate (%HRmax), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), peak running speed, total distance covered (TD), distance covered in four speed categories, number of moderate and high accelerations (Ac), decelerations (Dc), changes of direction (COD) and player load were recorded. Increasing the pitch length had a greater effect compared to increasing the pitch width especially on RPE (3.8, 6.3, 4.9 and 6.6 AU to SN, LN, SW and LW, respectively) and time-motion characteristics such as TD (101, 127, 108 and 131 m·min-1 to SN, LN, SW and LW, respectively), peak speed (4.8, 6.1, 5.2 and 6.2 m·s-1 to SN, LN, SW and LW, respectively), and the number of accelerations, decelerations, and changes of direction. The data demonstrates that increasing the length rather than the width of 5-a-side SSG has a greater impact on players’ responses in terms of increasing workloads

    La Teoría de la Generalizabilidad en las primeras fases del método observacional aplicado en el ámbito de la iniciación deportiva : calidad del dato y estimación de la muestra

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    This paper addresses, from the observational methodology, the study of early stages of sports initiation, in terms of reliability and estimation of the sample, from the use of the Generalizability Theory. The purpose of this study was: 1) to analyse data quality of the ad hoc observational tool applied to Basque pelota, 2) to learn about the accuracy of generalizing from a hypothetical coding and recording of different numbers of games. Fleiss' and Cohen's Kappa coefficients were calculated, and an analysis of variance and generalizability were implemented. Study results support the conclusion that we have a tool for evaluating the game that is applicable in the formative stages of Basque pelota, and the number of games necessary to generalize with a particular degree of accuracy.Este trabajo aborda, desde la metodología observacional, el estudio de las primeras etapas del proceso de iniciación deportiva, en cuanto a la fiabilidad y estimación de la muestra, a partir del uso de la Teoría de la Generalizabilidad. El propósito de este estudio fue 1) analizar la calidad del dato de la herramienta de observación configurada ad hoc aplicada a la pelota vasca; 2) conocer la precisión de generalización a partir de una hipotética codificación y registro de diferente número de partidos. Para ello se calcularon las Kappas de Fleiss y Cohen, y se implementaron análisis de la varianza y de generalizabilidad. Los resultados del estudio permiten concluir que se dispone de una herramienta para la evaluación de la acción de juego aplicable en las etapas formativas de pelota vasca y el número de partidos necesarios para generalizar con un grado de precisión particular

    Estudio de la Percepción Subjetiva del Esfuerzo en Tareas de Entrenamiento en Fútbol a través de la Teoría de la Generalizabilidad

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    The purpose of this study was to ascertain the perceived exertion by soccer players (on a 10-point scale) during brief side-games during the training process. A total of 14 amateurs took part in 27 brief side-games over nine training sessions that altered the order, spatial orientation andnumber of players per team. The variance was analysed through the General Linear Model (GLM) with these three facets and the accuracy of generalization was estimated. Furthermore, an ANOVA analysis was performed to determine the degree of significance of the differences between variables. The results indicate that both the change in spatial orientation and number of players per team affect the perception of the task's intensity, improving the players' perception when the space is not oriented and the number of players is reduced, while the order facet did not provide the model with any variability. We conclude that the inclusion and modification of the orientation and number of players per team variables allow coaches to optimize the training process in soccer

    Positional comparisons in the impact of fatigue on movement patterns in hockey.

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    The aim of this study was to examine the influence of match period on the movement patterns of hockey players according to their playing position under the introduction of quarters. Methods: Sixteen sub-elite level Spanish National League male hockey players participated in the study (age: 25.5 ± 2.9 years; body mass: 74.6 ± 5.5 kg). Global Positioning Systems (GPS) devices were used to monitor players running performance during 17 competitive matches (113 match-play profiles). Only players who played for at least 85% of the game were analyzed. Players were categorized into three positions: backs, midfield and forwards. Results: Moderate to large differences in relative total distance were found between midfielders and both backs and forwards in all quarters (ES: 0.4-1.2). ES for total distance was moderate for midfields compared to backs during the first quarter (moderate ES: 0.7). Midfields and forwards covered more distance (m and m·min-1) in high velocity zones compared to backs (ES: 0.6). Acceleration activities (n·min-1) at moderate and high intensities decreased in all groups across quarters with ES moderate-to-very-large (ES: 0.4-1.4). Relative sprinting distance decreased in back players, (ES: 0.8). Backs sprinted had fewer repeated sprint bouts (n and n·min-1) less as game progressed (ES: 1.0). Conclusions: During competitive match-play a degree of positional variation can be observed across the quarters. The relative distance and the number of accelerations and decelerations at moderate and high intensity decreased across the quarters. No between quarters differences in regards to high-speed activity were reported.pre-print588 K

    Comparing external total load, acceleration and deceleration outputs in elite basketball players across positions during match play

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    The aim of this study was to compare external load, calculated by an accelerometer training load model, the number and intensity of accelerations and decelerations, and the acceleration:deceleration ratio between playing positions during basketball matches. Twelve elite male basketball players (mean±SD, age: 25.5±5.2 years; (range: 19-36 years); body height 201.4±8.6 cm; body mass: 98.4±12.6 kg) were monitored during two official matches. An accelerometer training load model and the number of accelerations and decelerations were used to assess physical demands imposed on basketball players. Magnitude-based inferences and effect sizes (ES) were used to assess possible differences between positions: point guards (PG), shooting guards (SG), small forwards (SF), power forwards (PF) and centers (C). Elite basketball players in all positions presented higher maximal decelerations than accelerations (ES=2.70 to 6.87) whereas the number of moderate accelerations were higher than the number of moderate decelerations (ES=0.54 to 3.12). Furthermore, the acceleration:deceleration ratio (>3 m∙s-2) was significantly lower in players on the perimeter (PG and SG) than in PF and C (ES=1.03 to 2.21). Finally, PF had the lowest total external load (ES=0.67 to 1.18). These data allow us to enlarge knowledge of the external demands in basketball matches and this information could be used in the planning of training programs

    Análisis de la carga externa de competición en un periodo de congestión en hockey hierba

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    This study aimed to investigate the variation in players’ physical demands profile during a major national men field hockey tournament which consisted of 3 matches on consecutive days. Ten Spanish National League hockey players participated in the study (age: 24.2 ± 2.6 years; body mass: 74.2 ± 5.7 kg; height 176.8 ± 5.1 cm). Participants´ physical demands were monitored using global positioning system devices (SPI Elite, GPSports). Activity was categorized into total distance (m), relative total distance (m·min-1), low speed running (LSR; 19 km·h-1 m·min-1), sprinting relative to minute played (SR; >23.0 km·h-1 m·min-1) and number of sprints (SN; >23.0 km·h-1/ n/min). The number of acceleration and deceleration efforts were analyzed using intensity thresholds (low: 1-1.9 m·s-2 n·min-1; moderate: 2-2.9 m·s-2 n·min-1; high: >3 m·s-2 n·min-1). The data were analyzed using one-way repeated measures ANOVA coupled with magnitude-based inferences. Players reduced distance covered at moderate- and high-speed running, sprints relative minute played and the number of moderate accelerations, and moderate and high decelerations per minute played in the third match compared to the first match. The results of this investigation show that intensity activity were the most affected variables with congestion schedulepost-print457 K

    Demandas cinemáticas de competición internacional en el hockey sobre hierba femenino.

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    Objective. To compare the kinematic demands on international women field hockey players during official competition matches. Materials and methods. Sixteen women players (age: 24.7 ± 2.8; weight: 57.9 ± 5.9 kg; height: 165.2 ± 4.9 cm) belonging to the Spanish national team were monitored during 5 matches of the European Championship using global positioning systems (GPS). The analyses were carried out according to the players’ positions (defenders, midfielders and forwards), the quarters in the game (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4), and the number of minutes played. The data analysed included distances, accelerations and decelerations in different intensity ranges. Results. The defenders showed less high-intensity activity (speeds, accelerations and decelerations) than midfielders and forwards (9.4 ± 2.4%; ES: 0.78 with the midfielders and 33.1 ± 7.2%; ES: 2.1, with the defenders). The analysis by quarters showed that in Q4 activity was the highest for all positions. In terms of the number of minutes played, the cluster analysis grouped the players into 3 groups according to the number of minutes played (<32, 32-45 and >45 minutes). The athletes who played <32 covered the greatest distance at a sprint (>21 km/h) and high-intensity distance (>15 km/h) per minute of play compared to the group who played >45 minutes. Conclusions. The results of this study show that the physical demands on élite women hockey players depend on their position on the field, and that there is more activity in the last quarter and less relative high-intensity kinematic activity among the players who play more minutes during the match.Objetivo. Comparar las demandas cinemáticas de jugadoras internacionales de hockey sobre hierba durante partidos de competición oficial. Material y métodos. Dieciséis jugadoras (edad: 24.7 ± 2.8 años; peso: 57.9 ± 5.9 kg; altura: 165.2 ± 4.9 cm) pertenecientes a la selección absoluta española fueron monitorizadas mediante sistemas de posicionamiento global (GPS) durante 5 partidos del Campeonato de Europa. Los análisis fueron llevados a cabo en función de la demarcación de las jugadoras (defensas, medias y delanteras), de los cuartos de juego (C1, C2, C3, C4), y en base a los minutos jugados. Los datos analizados incluyeron distancias, aceleraciones y desaceleraciones en diferentes rangos de intensidad. Resultados. Las defensas presentaron menor actividad a alta intensidad (velocidades, aceleraciones y desaceleraciones) que medias y delanteras (9.4 ± 2.4%; TE: 0.78 con las medias y 33.1 ± 7.2%; TE: 2.1, con las defensas). El análisis por cuartos mostró que en el C4 la actividad fue mayor para todas las demarcaciones. En cuanto a minutos jugados, el análisis clúster agrupó a las jugadoras en 3 grupos en función de los minutos jugados ( 45 minutos). Las deportistas que jugaron < 32 cubrieron mayor distancia a esprint (> 21 km/h) y distancia a alta intensidad (> 15 km/h) por minuto de juego en comparación con el grupo de > 45 min jugados. Conclusiones. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que las demandas físicas en jugadoras de élite de hockey dependen de la demarcación en el campo, con mayor actividad en el último cuarto y con menor actividad cinemática de alta intensidad relativa en las jugadoras que acumulan más minutos durante el partido.post-print426 K