10 research outputs found

    La simulación como metodología para el aprendizaje de habilidades no técnicas en Enfermería.

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    Introducción La simulación clínica es una metodología docente que trata de situar al alumnado en un contexto que imite algún aspecto de la realidad y en establecer en ese ambiente, situaciones similares a las que se deberá enfrentar en un futuro. Las competencias no técnicas se basan en el CRM (Crew Resource Management) y en la cultura de seguridad y hacen referencia, entre otras, al trabajo en equipo, el liderazgo y a la comunicación eficaz. Objetivos El objetivo general de esta tesis es comprobar la posibilidad de adquirir competencias no técnicas mediante el uso de la simulación en la formación de grado de Enfermería, independientemente de la realización previa de prácticas asistenciales externas en salas hospitalarias. Metodología Esta investigación tuvo lugar en la Facultad de Enfermería y Podología de la Universidad de Valencia durante el año académico 2013-14. La población a estudio fue el alumnado de cuarto curso de la titulación de Grado en Enfermería que realizó 11 casos de simulación cumplimentando una rúbrica de evaluación denominado Evaluación integral de habilidades no técnicas. Esta rúbrica, está formada por los componentes: Trabajo en equipo, Atención al paciente y Derivación y Registro, con lo que, además de evaluar las habilidades técnicas relacionadas con cada caso, se evalúan también las habilidades no técnicas realizando un total de 1400 evaluaciones. Resultados El uso de la simulación clínica constituye un método efectivo para lograr el desarrollo de las competencias no técnicas estudiadas. Los resultados indican que el alumnado adquiere las habilidades no técnicas independientemente de haber realizado previamente o no prácticas hospitalarias. Por tanto, se puede afirmar, que el uso de la simulación facilita la adquisición de estas habilidades.SUMMARY Introduction Clinical simulation is a teaching methodology that tries to place students in a context imitating some aspects of the reality and to establish, in this environment, similar situations to those that they will have to face in the future. Non-technical competencies are based on the CRM (Crew Resource Management) and on the safety culture and refer to teamwork, leadership and effective communication, among others. Objectives The overall objective of this thesis is to prove the possibility to acquire non-technical competencies using simulation for the training in Nursing degree, regardless of the fulfilment of previous internship in hospital wards. Methodology This study was carried out in the Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry of the University of Valencia during the academic year 2013-14. The population under study was the group of fourth year students of Nursing Degree. They carried out 11 cases of simulation, completing an assessment questionnaire named Comprehensive assessment of non-technical skills. This questionnaire consists of the components: Teamwork, Patient care and referral, and register, therefore, in addition to assess the technical skills relating to each case, the non-technical skills are also assessed, carrying out a total of 1400 assessments. Results The use of clinical simulation constitutes an effective method to achieve the development of the studied non-technical competencies. The results indicate that students get non-technical skills independently of the fulfilment or not of previous internship. Thus, it can be assumed that the use of simulation facilitates the acquisition of these skills

    Impact of the implementation of identification-situation-background-assessment-recommendation (ISBAR) tool to improve quality and safety measure in a lithotripsy and endourological unit

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    A lack of professional communication and collaboration may be one of the main causes of medication errors. The objective was to evaluate the results of the implementation of ISBAR as a communication and safety tool in a Lithotripsy and Endourologic Unit of a tertiary public hospital

    Quality assessment in initial paediatric trauma care : Systematic review from prehospital care to the paediatric intensive care unit

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    Background Trauma is the most common cause of death and disability in the paediatric population. There are a huge number of variables involved in the care they receive from health care professionals. Aim The aim of this study was to review the available evidence of initial paediatric trauma care throughout the health care process with a view to create quality indicators (QIs). Study Design A systematic review was performed from Cochrane Library, Medline, Scopus and SciELO between 2010 and 2020. Studies and guidelines that examined quality or suggested QI were included. Indicators were classified by health care setting, Donabedian's model, risk of bias and the quality of the publication with the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) assessment. Results The initial search included 686 articles, which were reduced to 22, with 15 primary and 7 secondary research articles. The snowball sampling technique was used to add a further seven guidelines and two articles. From these, 534 possible indicators were extracted, summarizing them into 39 and grouping the prehospital care indicators as structure (N = 5), process (N = 12) and outcome (N = 3) indicators and the hospital care indicators as structure (N = 4), process (N = 10) and outcome (N = 6) indicators. Most of the QIs have been extracted from US studies. They are multidisciplinary and in some cases are based on an adaptation of the QIs of adult trauma care. Conclusions There was a clear gap and large variability between the indicators, as well as low-quality evidence. Future studies will validate indicators using the Delphi method. Relevance to Clinical Practice Design a QI framework that may be used by the health system throughout the process. Indicators framework will get nurses, to assess the quality of health care, detect deficient areas and implement improvement measures

    Proyecto de investigación: Implantación de un programa de primeros auxilios para el alumnado de secundaria de Xirivella.

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    Introducción. El conocimiento por parte de la población de los primeros auxilios sigue siendo a fecha de hoy una asignatura pendiente; habiéndose encontrado experiencias previas que mejoran éstos al ser implantadas acciones formativas en diferentes grupos de edad. Objetivo. Se plantea analizar la modificación de los conocimientos en Primeros Auxilios del alumnado de E.S.O de los institutos de Xirivella al implantar un curso de Primeros Auxilios. Metodología. Se valora la realización de una acción formativa en el alumnado de ESO de Xirivella, realizando una medición pre y post mediante la utilización de un cuestionario que previamente había sido validado en el profesorado. Resultados y Conclusiones. Al tratarse de un proyecto de investigación no se pueden establecer resultados y conclusiones de éste, no obstante, la búsqueda bibliográfica previa indica que la implantación de un programa formativo permite la capacitación del alumnado en la atención inicial en primeros auxilios

    La seguridad del paciente a través del análisis de Anatomía de Grey, temporada 6, capítulo 6. Vi lo que vi

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    La seguridad del paciente constituye un problema de Salud Pública por las repercusiones que tiene en el proceso asistencial y en las personas atendidas. La visualización del capítulo 'Vi lo que vi' de Anatomía de Grey permite valo‐ rar la importancia de un proceso de búsqueda de causas de un error y al mismo tiempo permite detectar situacio‐ nes cotidianas (estrés, organización, factores personales y ambientales) que aumentan la posibilidad de aparición de errores en el aula. Este proceso de búsqueda de situaciones permite al alumnado tomar conciencia de la importan‐ cia no sólo de los aspectos personales, sino de la multicausalidad del origen de los errores y la importancia de la pla‐ nificación sanitaria

    Self-Perception of Dependence as an Indicator of Smartphone Addiction¿Establishment of a Cutoff Point in the SPAI-Spain Inventory.

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    Background: In recent years, the abusive use of the smartphone has reached a situation that could be considered pathological. In this sense, different instruments to assess this problematic use or addiction to the smartphone are used. One of these instruments is the Smartphone Addition Inventory (SPAI), which has been validated in the Spanish language (SPAI-Spain). The main difficulty of these scales is to establish a cut-off point that determines such mobile addiction. On the other hand, self-perception was used in different addictions as a predictor of the problem. Aim: The objective of this study was to establish the cut-off point in the scores of the SPAI-Spain, using as a reference the self-perception of addiction values. Methods: A receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was carried out, establishing as the cut-off point the one that presented a higher value of Youden J, indicative of its sensitivity and specificity. Results: 2958 participants from the university community completed the SPAI-Spain questionnaire. Differences in SPAI-Spain scores were found among age groups and gender, even though not all of them were statistically significant. When using the self-perception of smartphone addiction as the benchmark value, a score of 44 was established as the cutting point of the SPAI-Spain questionnaire, with a Youden J corresponding to 0.416. Conclusions: The implementation of a cut-off point of the SPAI-Spain questionnaire makes it an instrument that allows early identification of those individuals at risk of addiction, as well as the establishment of preventive and/or intervention measure

    Determinants of Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Pain Among Nurses in a Tertiary Hospital in Spain

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    Background: All nurses should receive training and education regarding pain as part of their pre-graduate stage, as its assessment and appropriate management when treating patients largely depends on them. With the right knowledge it is possible to reduce its high prevalence, as well as the serious consequences it can lead to. Aim: To determine the level of knowledge and attitudes towards pain of final-year nursing students in Spain. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study using a convenience sample of five Spanish universities during the academic year 2020-2021. The Spanish version of the Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (KASRP) was used. In addition, socio-demographic variables such as age, sex, relationship status, employment status, and the number of dependants were collected. The specific palliative or oncology subjects of each university was also assessed. Results: A total of 224 questionnaires were collected. One of the nursing universities obtained the best score in the KASRP (59.75%) which was significant (p = .001). This university was the only one that offers specific subjects in palliative or oncologic care. A training deficit in aspects related to pain assessment and pharmacologic concepts was detected. We found no relationship between the KASRP and the different sociodemographic variables. Conclusions: Specific training in palliative care improves the students' knowledge regarding pain, although the results did not reach an acceptable minimum. The universities' training programs for Spanish students need to be adapted in order to achieve better results

    Recomendaciones 2005 sobre resucitación cardiopulmonar pediátrica del European Resucitation Council

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    The last edition of the guidelines for paediatric life support (PLS) were issued in 2000, based on the consensus published by the American Heart Association in collaboration with the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR), after evidence-based evaluations of resuscitation that culminated in the publication of the guidelines 2000 for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in paediatrics. This process was repeated in 2005 and the resulting science consensus ended with the publication in November 2005 of the new recommendations in paediatrics in Resuscitation, Circulation and Paediatrics. The European Resuscitation Council (ERC) has applied these new recommendations that included substantial changes to the life support guidelines. After being working since 2000 with the previous algorithms of CPR, healthcare professionals have to retrain, learn and diffuse the changes done. In this paper, we tried to promote the recycling showing to the healthcare professionals the new guidelines in vital support in paediatrics, comparing to the previous ones. Finally we expose the new algorithms in paediatric life support.La última revisión de los algoritmos en soporte vital pediátrico (SVP) se realizó en el año 2000, fruto del consenso internacional publicado por la American Hearth Association (AHA) en colaboración con el Internacional Liaison Comité on Resuscitation (ILCOR), tras la revisión de los estudios científicos basados en la evidencia sobre resucitación y que culminó con la publicación de las guías 2000 para RCP pediátrica. Este proceso se repitió en el año 2005 y el resultado del consenso científico culminó con la publicación en noviembre de 2005 de las nuevas recomendaciones en pediatría en las publicaciones científicas Resuscitation, Circulation y Pediatrics. La European Resuscitation Council (ERC) ha adoptado estas nuevas recomendaciones que incluyen cambios sustanciales en soporte vital básico pediátrico (SVBP). Tras estar trabajando desde el año 2000 con los antiguos algoritmos de RCP, tenemos que reciclarnos, asimilar y divulgar los cambios introducidos. Con el presente artículo, pretendemos colaborar en dicho reciclaje, exponiendo a los profesionales de la sanidad las nuevas normas de SVBP, comparándolas con las anteriores. Por último expondremos los nuevos algoritmos de soporte vital pediátrico que nos acompañarán en los próximos años

    Patient Safety Through the Analysis of «Grey’s Anatomy»; Season 6, Episode 6. I Saw What I Saw

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    Patient safety constitutes a public health problem due to the repercussions that has in the care process and in the patients. The viewing of Grey’s Anatomy Episode “I saw what I saw” allows to value the importance of searching for the causes of an error and, at the same time, allows to detect commonplace situations (stress, organization, personal and ambient factors) that increase the possibility of errors in class. The process enables students to realize the importance not only of personal aspects, but of multiple possible causes of errors and the importance of health planning.La seguridad del paciente constituye un problema de Salud Pública por las repercusiones que tiene en el proceso asistencial y en las personas atendidas. La visualización del capítulo “Vi lo que vi” de Anatomía de Grey permite valorar la importancia de un proceso de búsqueda de causas de un error y al mismo tiempo permite detectar situaciones cotidianas (estrés, organización, factores personales y ambientales) que aumentan la posibilidad de aparición de errores en el aula. Este proceso de búsqueda de situaciones permite al alumnado tomar conciencia de la importancia no sólo de los aspectos personales, sino de la multicausalidad del origen de los errores y la importancia de la planificación sanitaria

    Aprendizaje multidisciplinar mediante la simulación avanzada

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    Se trata del trabajo en equipo multidisciplinar (por alumnado y profesorado de diferentes titulaciones (enfermería, medicina y farmacia) que trabajarán conjuntamente para la resolución de un caso clínico cuyo desenlace dependerá de la interacción y trabajo colaborativo de todos ellos y ellas. La necesaria colaboración para la adquisición de competencias clínicas hace que se fomenten tanto el trabajo transdisciplinar como el respeto y el conocimiento 'del otro'. Música: Elektrique by Fortadelis Producció: Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa (http://www.uv.es/sfpie