86 research outputs found


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    O Instituto Federal Catarinense – Campus Concórdia (IFC – Concórdia) localizado no município de Concórdia, Região Oeste Catarinense, iniciou as atividades em março de 1965, como Ginásio Agrícola. Já em 2008, passou a integrar o Instituto Federal Catarinense. Atualmente, conta com três cursos em nível técnico (integrados ao ensino médio) e cinco de nível superior. Dentre os cursos de ensino superior inclui-se o de Medicina Veterinária, iniciado em 2010. O Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária iniciou seus trabalhos de extensão no ano de 2013. Em 2016, primeiro ano de publicação de resultados em forma de boletim, o Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária do IFC – Concórdia apresenta as principais enfermidades diagnosticadas que acometem os animais de produção na região do Alto Uruguai Catarinense. O objetivo é auxiliar os veterinários de campo em seus trabalhos na propriedade rural, disponibilizando a casuística dos diagnósticos nos animais de produção detectada pelo laboratório. Ainda, instigar os acadêmicos do curso de Medicina Veterinária para a realidade das necropsias a campo e do importante serviço de extensão que isso significa à região.Os resultados obtidos nesta revisão são oriundos não apenas de animais enviados ao laboratório, mas principalmente de animais atendidos a campo nas propriedades rurais, atuando diretamente com o produtor e o veterinário de campo. Neste trabalho contou-se com a participação dos alunos do curso de Medicina Veterinária do IFC, o que possibilitou a eles uma vivência aprofundada da problemática que será encontrada na sua prática profissional

    Isolation of Salmonella enterica in opossum (Didelphis aurita and Didelphis albiventris) of the São Paulo State, Brazil

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    No Brasil, não há relato de estudos de Salmonella em gambás, sendo assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo determinar a frequência de isolamento de Salmonella enterica em gambás (D. aurita e D. albiventris) no Estado de São Paulo. No período de janeiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2006, foram necropsiados 106 D. aurita e 40 D. albiventris e colhidos fragmentos de intestinos delgado, grosso e suabe da cloaca. As amostras foram plaqueadas diretamente em ágar Mac Conkey, paralelamente suspendidas nos caldos Rappaport-Vassiliadis e Tetrationato e posteriormente plaqueados em ágar XLT4. As colônias sugestivas de Salmonella foram confirmadas através de provas bioquímicas e sorotipagem. Encontrou-se Salmonella enterica em 17,0% (18/106) dos D. aurita. Destes, 50% apresentaram positividade no intestino delgado (ID), 88,9% no intestino grosso (IG) e 66,7% na cloaca. Da espécie S. enterica, as subespécies encontradas foram: diarizonae (11,1%) houtenae e enterica (5,5% cada um); enquanto da subespécie S. enterica enterica os sorotipos foram Newport (83,3%), Typhimurium e Cerro (5,5% cada um). Nos D. albiventris, 17,5% (7/40) eram positivos, sendo que se encontraram 42,8% no ID, 85,7% no IG e 71,4% na cloaca. O sorotipo mais prevalente também foi Newport (71,4%), seguido por Typhimurium, Bareilly e Thompson (14,3% cada um). Através dos resultados obtidos neste estudo pode-se comprovar a presença de Salmonella enterica no trato intestinal de gambás no Brasil.In Brazil there is not report of Salmonella in opossum, so then, the objective of this study is to determine the isolation frequency of Salmonella enterica in opossum in São Paulo State, Brazil. From January 2005 to December 2006, 106 D. aurita and 40 D. albiventris were necropsied and samples from small and large intestine and cloacal swab were collected. These samples were submitted to direct plating in Mac Conkey agar and parallel suspension in Rappaport-Vassiliadis and Tetrationate broths with posterior streaking in XLT4 agar. The characterization of the isolates was done through biochemical tests and serotyping. Salmonella enterica was found in 17.0% (18/106) of the D. aurita; 50% presented the bacteria in the small intestine (SI), 88.9% in the large intestine (LI) and 66.7% in the cloaca. Of the S. enterica were found the subspecies: diarizonae (11.1%), enterica and houtenae (5.5% each); and the serotypes of the S. enterica enterica were Newport (83.3%), Typhimurium and Cerro (5.5% each). In the D. albiventris 17.5% (7/40) were positive; 42.8% in the SI, 85.7% in the LI and 71.4% in the cloaca. Newport (71.4%) was also the most frequent serotype and the second were Typhimurium, Bareilly and Thompson (14.3% each). The presence of Salmonella enterica in the intestines of opossums in Brazil was proved

    Miopatia por acúmulo de polissacarídeo em dois equinos da raça Percheron

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    Polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) is a genetic disorder or by undetermined cause characterized by the abnormal accumulation of glycogen and polysaccharides in skeletal muscle fibers. The present report describes two Percheron horses, from different properties in the municipality of Pouso Redondo - SC, with locomotor clinical signs that started after work. The clinical signs observed were rigid gait, mainly of the pelvic limbs, muscle weakness, and recumbency. In the first case, the animal was diagnosed with severe multifocal rhabdomyonecrosis, moderate multifocal myoglobin nephrosis and severe diffuse transmural fibrinonecrotic gastritis. PSSM was confirmed by the presence of polysaccharide inclusions in myofiber sarcolemma visualized by periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining. In the second case, the horse presented two episodes of muscle disorder after work. The therapeutic protocol was based on penicillin, flunixin meglumine and fluid therapy with ringer lactate. An increase in creatine kinase (669.0 UI/L) and aspartate aminotransferase (669.0 UI/L) was observed in the serum biochemical evaluation. Research for mutation in the GYS1 gene was performed, with a positive heterozygote result. After rest and gradual recovery, the horse was only submitted to light work, with no return of the clinical condition since then. Thus, this report describes two cases of PSSM with distinct clinical evolution and diagnostic methods.A miopatia por acúmulo de polissacarídeos (PSSM) é uma desordem genética ou de causa indeterminada caracterizada pelo acúmulo anormal de glicogênio e polissacarídeos nas fibras musculares esqueléticas. O presente relato descreve dois cavalos Percheron, oriundos de diferentes propriedades do município de Pouso Redondo – SC, com sinais clínicos locomotores que iniciaram após o trabalho. Os sinais clínicos observados foram marcha rígida, principalmente dos membros pélvicos, fraqueza muscular, e decúbito. No primeiro caso, o animal foi diagnosticado com rabdomionecrose multifocal acentuada, nefrose mioglobínica multifocal moderada e gastrite fibrinonecrótica transmural difusa acentuada. A PSSM foi confirmada pela presença de inclusões polissacarídicas no sarcolema de miofibras visualizadas pela coloração com ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). No segundo caso, o equino apresentou dois episódios de disfunção muscular após o trabalho. O protocolo terapêutico foi baseado em penicilina, flunixin megluminee fluidoterapia com ringer lactato. Um aumento de creatina quinase (669,0 UI/L) e aspartato aminotransferase (669,0 UI/L) foi observado na avaliação bioquímica sérica. Foi realizada pesquisa de mutação no gene GYS1, com resultado heterozigoto positivo. Após repouso e recuperação gradual, o cavalo foi submetido apenas a trabalhos leves, sem retorno do quadro clínico desde então. Assim, este relato descreve dois casos com PSSM com evolução clínica e métodos diagnósticos distintos

    Primary uterine hemangiosarcoma in a spider monkey (Ateles paniscus)

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    Hemangiosarcoma is a common neoplasm in dogs and less frequently seen in cats. In nonhuman primates, this tumor is rarely reported. A 17 year-old female spider monkey (Ateles paniscus) was submitted an ultrasound exam due to gestation suspicion, which was seen a circular mass intra-uterine measuring 1.3 cm. New exams shown increase of the mass to 4.4 x 3.0 cm associated with a viable fetus. Was realized cesarean with ovariohysterectomy and excision of the mass; however the animal died in less than 24 hours after the surgery. In the necropsy, severe hemoabdomen was evidenced, although the surgical stumps were properly ligated and the complete sutures. Macroscopically, the uterine mass was soft, dark heterogeneous and measuring 5.0 cm in diameter. Histologically was visualized proliferation of spindle cells that form vascular channels replete of erythrocytes and some with thrombus, marked pleomorphism, nucleolus evident, binucleated cells and mitotic figures were rare. The immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed, using streptavidin-biotin peroxidase technique (Dako Cytomation, USA) with the use of antibodies CD31 (clone JC/70A), CD34 (clone QB-END/10). The IHC showed a specific antigen-antibody reaction for CD31. According to localization, morphology and IHC, the present study reports a primary uterine hemangiosarcoma in a spider monkey that caused hemostatic abnormalities and consequent death of the animal

    Typhlocolitis by Edwardsiella tarda in a Cow

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    Background: Edwardsiella tarda has been report as etiology of gastroenteritis in both human and veterinary medicine, usually associated with exposure to aquatic environments in immunocompromised individuals. The present report describes a case of typhlocolitis in a cow in the west region of Santa Catarina state, Brazil. Case: After clinically evaluation of animal and proceeding euthanasia and realized the necropsy. Tissue samples were collected, and routinely processed for histological examination. Histopathological lesions were described as mild, moderate and severe. Tissue and swabs samples of small and large intestine were sent to standard microbiological culture processing. At necropsy, cattle presented severe dehydration and emaciation. Eye and vaginal mucosa were severely congested. The opening of the abdominal cavity revealed a great amount of greenish fluid and a large amount of fecal material, associated with diffuse severe peritonitis, evidenced by hyperemia and severe deposition of fibrin in the visceral and parietal peritoneal surface. In the serosa of the cecum, there were two points of rupture, observed in the proximal colon. The mucosa of cecum and colon were severely edematous, hyperemic, and presented diffusely distributed pinpoint round hemorrhages, as well as fibrinonecrotic material adhered to the surface. Histologically, in the mucosa of cecum and colon, moderate to severe diffuse inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells associated with multifocal severe necrosis were observed. Moderate diffuse fibrin deposition was evidenced in the submucosa and muscular, as well as multifocal moderate necrosis in the muscular layer. In the serous, severe diffuse inflammatory infiltrate of neutrophils associated with fibrin deposition and innumerous coccoid bacterial colonies were observed. The samples subjected to bacterial isolation showed growth of Edwardsiella tarda. All samples were negative for Salmonella spp. and Yersinia spp.Discussion: The final diagnosis was established through the association of clinical history, clinical signs, gross and histopathological lesions, as well as, bacterial isolation of the etiological agent, Edwardsiella tarda. In this case, it is conjectured that the reservoirs which cattle had access represented the source of infection. The fact that the animal was in the immediate postpartum period may have predisposed to the development of clinical disease due to immunosuppression. In domestic animals, Edwardsiella tarda has been reported in swine, and as a cause of septicemia in calves. Clinically, intestinal manifestations observed in edwardsiellosis in cattle are indistinguishable from several other conditions that cause diarrhea, such as infectious, nutritional or parasitic diseases. The main differential diagnoses are salmonellosis and yersiniosis due to the similarities regarding to gross and histopathological lesions in these cases compared to cases of edwardsiellosis. Salmonellosis is characterized by grey to yellowish, fetid diarrhea in which blood and mucus are oftentimes observed. At necropsy, catarrhal, hemorrhagic or fibrinous enteritis may be evidenced. The lesions initially are seen in the ileum. However, in the chronic stages of infection, foci of necrosis and ulceration may be noted mainly in the cecum and colon. Histologically, a fibrin layer associated with necrosis and mucosal ulceration can be observed in the small intestine and initial portion of large intestine. Inflammatory infiltrate composed predominantly by neutrophils, as well as fibrin thrombi in capillaries and venules are also observed. Lesions observed are similar that described in ulcerative colitis by E. tarda in human patients. In conclusion, Edwardsiella tarda can lead to a fatal typhlocolitis in cattle, being an important differential diagnosis in cases of acute diarrhea.Arya A.V., Rostom A., Dong W.F. & Flynn A.N. 2011. Crohn’s Disease Exacerbation Induced by Edwardsiella tarda Gastroenteritis. Gastroenterology. 5(3): 623-627.Engel J.J. & Martin T.L. 2006. Edwardsiella tarda as a cause of postdysenteric ulcerative colitis. International Journal Colarectal Disease. 21(2): 184-185.Ewing W.H., McWhorter A.C., Escobar M.R. & Lubin A.H. 1965. Edwardsiella, a new genus of enterobacteriaceae based on a new species, E. tarda. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 15(1): 33-38.Gelberg H.B. 2013.Sistema Alimentar, Peritônio, Omento Mesentério e Cavidade Peritonial. In: McGavin M.D. & Zachary F.M. (Eds). Bases da patologia em veterinária. 2.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, pp.378-382.Janda J.M. & Abbott S.L. 1993.Infections Associated with the Genus Edwardsiella: the role of Edwardsiella tarda in human disease. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 17(4): 742-748.Leung K.Y., Siame B.A., Tenkink B.J., Noort R.J. & Mok Y.K. 2012. Edwardsiella tarda – Virulence mechanisms of an emerging gastroenteritis pathogen. Microbes and Infection. 14(1): 26-34. Litton K.M. & Rogers B.A. 2016.  Edwardsiella tarda Endocarditis Confirmed by Indium-111 White Blood Cell Scan: An Unusual Pathogen and Diagnostic Modality. Case Reports in Infectious Diseases. 2016:1-3.  Magalhães H., Freitas M.A., Santos J.A. & Costa C.H.C. 1984. Septicemia por Edwardsiella tarda, em bezerro. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira. 19(3): 367-370.Hirai Y., Ashata-Tago S., Ainoda Y., Fujita T. & Kikuchi K. 2015.Edwardsiella tarda bacteremia. A rare but fatal water – and foodborne infection: Review of the literature and clinical cases from a single centre. The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology. 26(6): 313-318. Mikamo H., Ninomiya M., Sawamura H. & Tamaya T. 2003. Puerperal intrauterine infection caused by Edwardsiella tarda. Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy. 9(4): 341-343.Mohanti B.R. & Sahoo P.K. 2007. Edwardsiellosis in fish: a brief review. Journal of biosciences. 32(7): 1331-1344. Owens D.R., Nelson S.L. & Addinon J.B. 1974. Isolation of Edwardsiella tarda from Swine. Appllied microbiology. 27(4): 703-705.Park S.B., Aokil T. & Jung T.S. 2012. Pathogenesis of and strategies for preventing Edwardsiella tarda infection in fish. Veterinary Research. 43(1): 67.Riet-Correa F., Schild A.L., Méndez M.D.C. & Lemos R.A.A. 2007.Doenças de Ruminantes e Equídeos. 3.ed. Santa Maria: Pallotti, 998p. Slaven E.M., Lopez F.A., Hart S.M. & Sanders C.V. 2001. Myonecrosis Caused by Edwardsiella tarda: A Case Report and Case Series of Extraintestinal E. tarda Infections. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 32(10): 1430-1433.Tamada T., Koganemaru H., Mastsumoto K. & Hitomi S. 2009.Urosepsis caused by Edwardsiella tarda Journal of infection and chemotherapy. 15(3): 191-194.Thune R.L., Stanley L.A. & Cooper R.K. 1993. Pathogenesis of gram-negative bacterial infections in warm water fish. Annual Reviem of Fish Diseases. 3: 37-68.Uzal F.A., Plattiner B.L. & Hostetter J.M. 2015. Alimentary system. In: Maxie M.G. (Ed). Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer’s Pathology of domestic animals.v.2. 6th edn. Saint Louis: Elsevier, pp.167-177. Wang I.K., Kuo H.L., Chen Y.M., Lin C.L., Chang H.Y., Chuang F.R. & Lee M.H. 2005. Extraintestinal manifestations of Edwardsiella tarda infection. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 59(8): 917-921.

    Casuística de Diagnósticos do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária no ano de 2014

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    Este trabalho apresenta a casuística de diagnósticos no ano de 2014 do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária do IFC Campus Concórdia. Foram 121 diagnósticos em bovinos, 29 em ovinos e 46 em suínos, totalizando 196. Destes, 165 (84,2%) foram através de necropsias e 31 (15,8%) através de amostras formolizadas enviadas por veterinários. Em bovinos as doenças mais incidentes foram endocardite com 6 casos (5,0%), babesiose e peritonite com 5 casos cada (4,1%); e leucose enzoótica bovina com 4 casos (3,3%). Já em ovinos foi hemoncose com 7 casos (24,1%) e em suínos foi circovirose com 9 casos (19,6%); colibacilose com 7 casos (15,2%) e doença do edema com 6 casos (13,0%).

    Leucose mieloide em poedeira caipira negra de “fundo de quintal” do Estado de Santa Catarina

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    This paper describes an atypical case of myeloid leukosis that occurred in an adult Black Rock hen that lived in a backyard chicken flock. The bird showed interruption of egg production, weight gain, and pelvic limb paresis. At necropsy, multiple whitish friable nodules were observed on the skin, subcutaneous, muscles, sternum, synsacrum, trachea, lung, bone marrow, liver, kidneys; besides enlarged liver, spleen and kidneys. Histopathology showed the proliferation of neoplastic round cells with vesicular eccentric nuclei and enlarged cytoplasm containing eosinophilic granules. These findings are compatible with myeloid leukosis.Este trabalho descreve um caso atípico de leucose mieloide em galinha poedeira negra adulta, pertencente a uma criação de fundo de quintal. A ave apresentou interrupção na postura, peso excessivo e paresia dos membros pélvicos. À necropsia observaram-se nodulações esbranquiçadas e macias em pele, subcutâneo, musculatura, esterno, sinsacro, traqueia, pulmão, medula óssea, fígado e rins, além de aumento do fígado, baço e rins. Na histologia evidenciouse proliferação de células arredondadas, com núcleos vesiculares e excêntricos, e citoplasma repleto de grânulos eosinofílicos, caracterizando leucose mieloide

    Uso da imuno-histoquímica e genotipagem do gene da proteína priônica para detecção de Scrapie em ovinos no estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Scrapie is a contagious disease of sheep and goats caused by prions (PrPSc). This study described an outbreak of Scrapie in sheep in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. An 1-year and 3-month-old sheep developed clinical signs characterized by motor incoordination of the pelvic limbs, pruritus and alopecia for three days. The 38 sheep from the flock that were over 1 year of age underwent biopsies of the third eyelid and rectal mucosa, in addition to anti-PrPsc immunohistochemistry (IHC). Blood containing EDTA was collected for PRNP gene genotyping from these sheep. Of the 38, 16 (42.10%) had immunostaining against PrPSc. IHC-positive animals were euthanized and necropsied, as well as lambs from positive mothers. Different organs of the 19 necropsied animals were collected in 10% buffered formalin for histopathological examination and anti-PrPSc IHC of the obex. The histopathology of the obex of the female with neurological signs presented discrete multifocal vacuolization of the cytoplasm of neurons and neuropil. The anti-PrPSc IHC showed that two out of the 19 obex samples had cytoplasmic immunostaining in neurons. The genotypes reported were ARQ/ARQ in 47.36%, ARR/ARQ in 36.84%, ARQ/VRQ in 10.52% and ARQ/VRR in 5.28%. The genotyping helps to identify susceptible animals and select animals more resistant to the development of Scrapie. The anti-PrPSc IHC from lymphoid biopsies, and genotyping demonstrated the high number of positive sheep classified in susceptible group.Scrapie é uma doença contagiosa de ovinos e caprinos causada por príons (PrPSc). O objetivo desse estudo é descrever um surto de Scrapie em ovinos no estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Uma ovelha de 1 ano e 3 meses desenvolveu sinais clínicos caracterizados por incoordenação motora dos membros pélvicos, prurido e alopecia durante três dias. Os 38 ovinos do rebanho que tinham idade acima de 1 ano foram submetidos a biópsias de terceira pálpebra e mucosa retal, além de imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) anti-PrPsc. Coletou-se sangue contendo EDTA para genotipagem do gene prnp destes ovinos. Dos 38 ovinos, 16 (42,10%) apresentaram imunomarcação na avaliação IHQ anti-PrPsc. Os animais positivos na IHQ foram eutanasiados e necropsiados, bem como os cordeiros das mães positivas. Diferentes órgãos dos 19 animais necropsiados foram coletados em formalina tamponada a 10% para exame histopatológico e IHQ anti-PrPsc do óbex. Na histopatologia do óbex da fêmea com sinal neurológico havia vacuolização do citoplasma de neurônios e neurópilo multifocal discreta. Na IHQ anti-PrPsc das 19 amostras de óbex, dois apresentaram imunomarcação citoplasmática em neurônios. Os genótipos encontrados foram ARQ/ARQ em 47,36%, ARR/ARQ em 36,84%, ARQ/VRQ em 10,52% e ARQ/VRR em 5,28%. A genotipagem auxilia a identificar os animais susceptíveis e seleciona animais mais resistentes ao desenvolvimento do Scrapie. A IHQ anti-PrPsc de biópsias de tecidos linfoides e a genotipagem demonstram o elevado número de ovinos positivos classificados no grupo susceptível

    Abortion Due to Neospora caninum in Dairy Cattle in Southern Santa Catarina State, Brazil

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    Background: Neosporosis is a cosmopolitan disease known as the main infectious cause of abortion in cattle, reported in several states in Brazil. The transplacental transmission in cattle is responsible for perpetuating the disease in the herd. In the state of Santa Catarina, previous studies on this protozoan in cattle are mostly serological surveys. To increase information about this reproductive disorder, this work describes the diagnosis of abortions due to Neospora caninum in dairy cattle from state of Santa Catarina and the follow-up for 4 years in a farm affected by neosporosis.Case: From 2015 to 2019, necropsy was performed on 10 aborted bovine fetuses, between fifth and eighth month of pregnancy, with 1 fetus aborted in 2015, 3 in 2016, 2 in 2017 and, 4 in 2019, all originating from the same dairy property in the southern region of state of Santa Catarina. No macroscopic lesions were found. Histopathology revealed mild to moderate multifocal mononuclear necrotizing encephalitis in 5 fetuses, and multifocal mild mononuclear myositis and myocarditis in 4 and 3 fetuses, respectively. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using primers based on the Nc-5 gene was positive for N. caninum in five fetuses. Three visits were performed in the farm for epidemiological evaluation and blood samples collection for IgG antibodies anti-N. caninum (IFAT). The total herd was 170 Jersey, Holstein and crossbred cattle, raised in a semi-confined system with mechanical milking system. Since 2014, there has been a significant increase in abortions cases, approximately 20 cows had abortions; in the year 2015, approximately 10; in 2016, less than 5; in 2017, 4 cows aborted; in 2018, 11 abortions and, in 2019, there were 4 abortions. An increase in the rate of return to estrus was also reported, and both primiparous and multiparous cows had reproductive disorders. Abortions were recorded throughout the year and occurred predominantly between the fourth and sixth month of pregnancy. In 2016, an Indirect Immunofluorescence Reaction (IFAT) was performed on sera from 26 cows (13 with a history of reproductive disorders and another 13 without disorders). Of these, 50.0% (13/26) were seropositive, with titers ranging from 100 to 1600 (cutoff ≥100). The Enzyme Immunoassay (ELISA) of the entire herd was carried out in 2017, with 26.54% (43/162) of seropositivity, 8.02% (13/162) suspect, and 30.4% (17/56) had reproductive disorders. It was observed that only animals born on the property were used for replacement, there was less possibility of direct contact between dogs on the property with milking facilities, placental and fetal remains, properly disposing of these, incinerating or burying. Thirty animals were discarded from the property, 25 of which had reproductive disorders. All young female daughters of seropositive cows remained on the property for replacement. During the evaluation period, all dogs were eliminated.Discussion: In this study, the diagnosis of neosporosis was made through epidemiology, histopathological lesions characterized by mononuclear encephalitis, myocarditis and myositis, and detection of the agent by PCR, associated with serological techniques. The lesions observed are indicative of N. caninum infection and are compatible with lesions observed in other studies. Serological screening is important to complement the diagnosis of abortion by N. caninum and to help control the agent in herds. From this report it is concluded that N. caninum is an important agent of reproductive disorders in cattle in the southern region of Santa Catarina, the different serological analyzes showed a good screening index for the inclusion of control strategies. In addition, the monitoring of reproductive rates of affected properties becomes necessary over the years, allowing better observation of control strategies.Keywords: reproductive disorder, fetal death, protozoan, parasitology.Descritores: distúrbio reprodutivo, morte fetal, protozoário, parasitologia.

    Outbreak of Type C Botulism in Backyard Poultry in Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    Background: Botulism is a disease caused by the ingestion of neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, characterized by flaccid paralysis, which can lead to high mortality. They have seven types of neurotoxins (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and, in birds, most cases are attributed to type C. They are considered sources of botulinum toxins where the decomposition of organic matter occurs, like stagnant water and rotting food. The main feature of the disease in birds is ascending symmetric flaccid paralysis. The present study aims to describe an outbreak of type C botulism in backyard poultry in the state of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil.Case: A visit was made to the property with 160 backyard poultry with a history of high mortality in the municipality of Agrolândia, Santa Catarina. Clinical signs were characterized by paralysis of the pelvic limbs, neck and pendular wings, which progressed to death within 48 h. There was a mortality rate of 37.5% (60/160) between March and May 2019. These birds were kept in an overcrowded environment, with different species (chickens, ducks, teals, and turkeys) fed irregularly. The water supplied was provided from kitchen exhaust, accumulating in puddles on the floor that contained organic matter residues such as animal feces, food waste and bone fragments. The disposal of the carcasses of birds that died was in the same enclosure, buried superficially, facilitating the access of other birds to dig them up and consume them. Necropsy was performed on 2 chickens and one duck, no macroscopic or histopathological lesions were observed. Blood, liver, and gastrointestinal content samples were sent for research and identification of botulinum toxin through the serum neutralization test in mice. The presence of type C botulinum toxin was confirmed in the liver chicken of one sampled animals.Discussion: The identification of type C botulism toxin enabled the characterization of the outbreak, which is the toxin most associated with episodes of botulism in birds. It is not always possible to identify the origin of the infection, as intoxication can occur by ingestion of water contaminated with organic waste, however, in this outbreak, as sources of poisoning in birds, it was specified and occurred due to the ingestion of water with organic matter that was stagnant in the floor of the enclosure, and also by ingesting contaminated carcasses present in the area. In subsistence farming, botulism outbreaks are reported with greater frequency in the Northeast and Southeast of Brazil generally, cases in which sanitary conditions and incorrect carcass disposal favor the occurrence of the disease. As noted in the present study, high mortality is a common feature of botulism. The evaluated signs and developed evolution were similar to previous studies, which ranged from 14 to 72 h. The absence of macroscopic and histopathological changes is commonly reported in cases of botulism in domestic animals, since botulinum toxin only causes functional changes, with no tissue damage. The association of clinical signs, epidemiology, post mortem evaluation and detection of type C botulinum toxin concludes the diagnosis of botulism. Avian influenza and Newcastle disease are important diseases that have neurological conditions and high mortality that should be distinguished from botulism. This report confirms the need to associate history, clinical signs, absence of lesions with laboratory research for the diagnosis of botulism in birds. In addition, it reinforces the importance of disclosing basic management measures to prevent the occurrence of outbreaks such as presented in this report.Keywords: Clostridium botulinum, neurotoxin, bird disease, paralysis.Descritores: Clostridium botulinum, neurotoxina, doença de ave, paralisia