293 research outputs found

    Química y ciencias de la vida

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    How do Primary Education Students Perceive the Computer Profession? Influence of Gender and Percetion of Capacity

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    Este artículo analiza la opinión que tiene sobre la profesión de informática el alumnado del último ciclo de educación primaria. Se encuestaron 300 alumnos de 12 escuelas y se observó que la opinión de las niñas era sensiblemente peor que la de los niños además de que ellas se consideran menos capaces de realizar un programa informático. A partir del análisis de los datos se sugiere que se inicie a los alumnos de primaria en la programación y especialmente a las niñas para que mejoren su percepción de sus capacidades en este ámbito.In this paper the perspective on the computer's profession of students at the end of primary school is analyzed. 300 students from 12 schools were surveyed and we observed that the girls' opinion were significantly worse than boys, as well as, the girls considered themselves less capable of creating a computer program. From the analysis of the data it's suggest that students in primary school should be taught in programming, especially girls, to improve their perception of their capabilities in this area

    Optimality conditions for nonconvex multistate control problems in the coefficients

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    The purpose of this paper is to attain some optimality conditions for the identification of a diffusion matrix (material) under several restrictions. Assuming that the set of such diffusion matrices is closed for the H-convergence, we give a method to obtain admissible directions which applies to a not-necessarily convex control set. Our results permit obtaining the diffusion matrix from the state functions.Dirección General de Investigación (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología)Junta de Andalucí

    Relajación de problemas de control en los coeficientes con un funcional dependiendo del gradiente

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    Se considera un problema de diseño ´optimo consistente en mezclar dos materiales (eléctricos o térmicos) anisótropos de tal forma que se inimice un funcional coste dependiente del gradiente de la función estado. En general, este tipo de problemas no admite solución, lo que obliga a introducir una formulación relajada. Mostramos en este trabajo como esta relajación puede ser obtenida usando materiales compuestos, construidos por homogeneización, y realizando una determinada extensión del funcional coste a estos nuevos materiales. Esta extensión admite una representación integral. Nuestros resultados contienen en particular los obtenidos por otros autores en el caso de materiales isótropos

    Relaxation of a control problem in the coefficients with a functional of quadratic growth in the gradient

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    We study an optimal design problem consisting in mixing two anisotropic (electric or thermal) materials in order to minimize a functional depending on the gradient of the state. It is known that this type of problem has no solution in general, and then it is necessary to introduce a relaxed formulation. Here we prove that this relaxation is obtained by using composite materials, is constructed by homogenization, and takes a particular extension of the cost functional to these new materials. We obtain an integral representation of this relaxed cost functional. Besides, we show that our results contain some previous results obtained by other authors for isotropic materials.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaJunta de Andalucí

    Homogenization and corrector for the wave equation with discontinuous coefficients in time

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    In this paper we analyze the homogenization of the wave equation with bounded variation coefficients in time, generalizing the classical result, which assumes Lipschitz-continuity. We start showing a general existence and uniqueness result for a general sort of hyperbolic equations. Then, we obtain our homogenization result comparing the solution of a sequence of wave equations to the solution of a sequence of elliptic ones. We conclude the paper making an analysis of the corrector. Firstly, we obtain a corrector result assuming that the derivative of the coefficients in the time variable is equicontinuous. This result was known for non-time dependent coefficients. After, we show, with a counterexample, that the regularity hypothesis for the corrector theorem is optimal in the sense that it does not hold if the time derivative of the coefficients is just bounded

    A corrector for a wave problem with periodic coefficients in a 1D bounded domain

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    We consider a wave problem posed in a bounded open interval of R, where the coefficients, the initial conditions and the right-hand side are highly oscillating, periodic in the space variable and almost periodic in the time one. Our purpose is to find not only the corresponding limit equation but a corrector, i.e. a strong approximation in the H1 topology, which for the wave equation is known to be non-local. In a previous paper we have studied this problem in the whole RN, here we consider the case of a bounded domain in dimension one. Thus the novelty in this paper is the analysis of the boundary conditions.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Investigación para la toma de decisiones: Webrooming y Showrooming.

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    El objetivo del Trabajo de Fin de Grado es conocer cuáles son los factores que conducen a los consumidores del sector de la moda a cambiar el canal de compra durante el “customer journey”. Este cambio se produce en el paso de la fase de pre-compra a la compra. Se han establecido una serie de factores que se han analizado tras la realización de una encuesta donde se les presenta a los encuestados una situación de compra que deben responder conforme su opinión. Se ha analizado si el hecho de encontrarnos en un periodo de rebajas cambia la percepción de los encuestados.<br /

    Um sistema de medição de desempenho para startups incubadas

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    Purpose – The development of a model to measure and assess the performance of start-ups in a standard incubation process, based on 99 critical success factors identified as the most relevant for the context.Design/methodology/approach – A total of three sequential steps were developed to reach the objectives proposed (Problem overview; modeling; and usage). The model was tested on four development stage incubation processes start-ups and three maturity stage incubation processes start-ups, located at the Technological Incubator of Santa Maria (ITSM).Findings – After the modeling phase, compromising results were found for only one developed stage start-up evaluated. Meanwhile, for the maturity stage, all three evaluated start-ups are competitive. To support the strategic decision-making process, the scores obtained were stratified to diagnose which perspective may compromise the performance of each start-up.Originality/value – This research proved to be adaptable to the decision context, thus being amenable to be used in different scenarios. The model presented in this work is composed of a systematic tool suitable to support the continuous improvement and learning processes for incubated start-ups, in specific to measure and assess the performance of start-ups.Proposta – O desenvolvimento de um modelo para medir e avaliar o desempenho de startups em um processo padrão de incubação, baseado em 99 fatores críticos de sucesso identificados como os mais relevantes para o contexto.Metodologia – Um total de três etapas sequenciais foram desenvolvidas para atingir os objetivos propostos (visão geral do problema; modelagem e uso). O modelo foi testado em quatro startups em estágio de desenvolvimento e três startups em estágio de maturidade, localizados na Incubadora Tecnológica de Santa Maria (ITSM).Resultados – Após a fase de modelagem, os resultados comprometedores foram encontrados para apenas uma startup em estágio de desenvolvimento. Enquanto isso, para o estágio de maturidade, todas as três startups avaliadas são competitivas. Para apoiar o processo decisório estratégico, os escores obtidos foram estratificados para diagnosticar quais perspectivas podem comprometer o desempenho de cada startup.Originalidade – Esta pesquisa mostrou-se adaptável ao contexto de decisão, sendo, portanto, passível de ser utilizada em diferentes cenários. O modelo apresentado neste trabalho é composto por uma ferramenta sistemática adequada para apoiar a melhoria contínua e os processos de aprendizagem para startups incubadas, em específico para medir e avaliar o desempenho de startups