117 research outputs found

    Los corredores kenianos y españoles de larga distancia y su práctica deliberada

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    El presente estudio analizó las percepciones subjetivas de un grupo de corredores kenianos y españoles de larga distancia de nivel internacional sobre sus tareas de entrenamiento. Para alcanzar este objetivo cumplimentaron un cuestionario basado en una taxonomía de actividades de entrenamiento valoradas en cuatro dimensiones: Relevancia, Esfuerzo, Concentración y Diversión. En este estudio participaron 38 corredores divididos en dos grupos por su nacionalidad. Todos estos atletas eran varones y especialistas de pruebas de larga distancia (10000 metros, Media Maratón y Maratón). Los dos grupos de nacionalidad fueron: Kenianos (n= 20) y Españoles (n= 18). Los resultados mostraron que actividades de entrenamiento como la competición o los tests, el interval training largo y corto y las carreras largas a ritmo elevado fueron consideradas como las tareas que mejor caracterizaban la práctica deliberada. Además de ser las que mayor concentración y esfuerzo les reclamaban también fueron las más divertidas. Como diferencias entre grupos más destacadas, los corredores kenianos no practicaban algunas actividades de entrenamiento como el trabajo de pesas y condición física, la técnica de carrera o el entrenamiento alternativo, a diferencia de los españoles. Otro hallazgo ha sido comprobar como los corredores kenianos, en comparación con los corredores españoles, otorgaron una mayor importancia a las carreras largas a ritmo elevado, valorando en ellas de forma clara la concentración.Within the context of expert performance and the deliberate practice approach, the present study analysed the subjective perceptions about the training tasks of a group of international long distance runners from Spain and Kenya. To do so the athletes fulfilled a questionnaire based on taxonomy of training activities that assessed four dimensions: Relevance, Effort, Concentration, and Enjoyment. Thirty eight male runners participated in this study split into two groups according to their nationality as Kenyan (n= 20) or Spanish (n= 18). All the athletes were long distance runners (10,000 meters, Half Marathon and Marathon). The results showed that training activities such as Competition or tests, Long and short interval training and Tempo runs, were considered the tasks that best characterized their deliberate practice. In addition, these tasks produced more enjoyment and demanded more concentration and effort. The most important differences between groups were that Kenyan runners did not practice some training activities that Spanish runners did such as weights and physical fitness training, running technique or alternative trainings. Also, the Kenyan runners gave more importance to Tempo runs, activity which involved them more concentration than to the Spanish runners.No contexto do desempenho de peritos e da abordagem da prática deliberada, o presente estudo analisou as percepções subjetivas sobre as tarefas de treinamento de um grupo de corredores internacionais de longa distância de Espanha e Quênia. Para isso, os atletas preencheram um questionário baseado em uma taxonomia de atividades de treinamento que avaliaram quatro dimensões: Relevância, Esforço, Concentração e Prazer. Trinta e oito corredores masculinos participaram deste estudo dividido em dois grupos de acordo com sua nacionalidade como queniano (n = 20) ou espanhol (n = 18). Todos os atletas foram corredores de longa distância (10.000 metros, Meia Maratona e Maratona). Os resultados mostraram que as atividades de treinamento como competição ou testes, treinamento de intervalo longo e curto e corridas Tempo foram consideradas as tarefas que melhor caracterizaram sua prática deliberada. Além disso, essas tarefas produziam mais prazer e exigiam mais concentração e esforço. As diferenças mais importantes entre os grupos foram que os corredores quenianos não praticaram algumas atividades de treinamento que os corredores espanhóis fizeram, como pesos e treinamento físico, técnicas de corrida ou treinamentos alternativos. Além disso, os corredores quenianos deram mais importância às corridas Tempo, atividade que envolveu mais concentração do que para os corredores espanhóis

    Moral Disengagement, Social Norms, and Motivational Profiles Influence Attitudes Toward Doping Among Spanish Athletics Coaches

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    Coaches strongly influence athletes' attitudes toward doping and can shape athlete's beliefs, behaviors, and decisions to be for or against doping. Coached-centered studies examining multiple factors affecting coaches' doping attitudes and behavior are scarce. The aim of this study was to analyze for the first-time attitudes toward doping in athletics coaches using the Sport Drug Control Model (SDCM) as a theoretical framework. A secondary aim was to determine the factors in the model predicting attitude and susceptibility toward doping. A cross-sectional study was carried out using a sample consisting of 201 Spanish athletics competitive level coaches from whom 11.4% were female. Participants completed a cross-sectional online survey. Structural equation modeling showed a good fitness of the SDCM. Positive attitudes toward doping predicted high susceptibility to doping (β = 0.39, p < 0.001). Moral disengagement (β = 0.58, p < 0.001), descriptive norms (β = 0.42, p = 0.001), ego-oriented goals (β = 0.34, p < 0.05), and self-efficacy to refrain from doping (β = 0.26, p < 0.05) displayed a significant influence on attitudes toward doping. Self-reported doping prevalence in coaches was 4.5%. These variables should be considered when designing anti-doping research projects and educational programs aiming at modifying coaches' attitudes toward doping. It is recommended to focus more efforts on coaches, without putting aside the athletes, and therefore turn coaches into reliable doping prevention factors. To this end, it is necessary to enhance scientific research and then develop, implement, and promote more educational programs targeting coaches, on a mandatory basis while covering the specific needs of coaches so that they can perform their role as anti-doping educators in an effective, committed, and proactive manner

    Does Lactate-Guided Threshold Interval Training within a High-Volume Low-Intensity Approach Represent the “Next Step” in the Evolution of Distance Running Training?

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    The aim of the present study was to describe a novel training model based on lactate-guided threshold interval training (LGTIT) within a high-volume, low-intensity approach, which characterizes the training pattern in some world-class middle- and long-distance runners and to review the potential physiological mechanisms explaining its effectiveness. This training model consists of performing three to four LGTIT sessions and one VO2max intensity session weekly. In addition, low intensity running is performed up to an overall volume of 150–180 km/week. During LGTIT sessions, the training pace is dictated by a blood lactate concentration target (i.e., internal rather than external training load), typically ranging from 2 to 4.5 mmol·L−1, measured every one to three repetitions. That intensity may allow for a more rapid recovery through a lower central and peripheral fatigue between high-intensity sessions compared with that of greater intensities and, therefore, a greater weekly volume of these specific workouts. The interval character of LGTIT allows for the achievement of high absolute training speeds and, thus, maximizing the number of motor units recruited, despite a relatively low metabolic intensity (i.e., threshold zone). This model may increase the mitochondrial proliferation through the optimization of both calcium and adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling pathways.publishedVersio

    Transmedia Context and Twitter As Conditioning the Ecuadorian Government’s Action. The Case of the “Guayaquil Emergency” During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Communication ecosystems have multiplexed and increased their capacity to act, distort, and fight. COVID-19 pandemic and the response of the Ecuadorian Government to it are clear examples of the power of media to erode, to influence, and also to produce fake news. In this context, Twitter has become more than just a social platform, as it helped spread catastrophic pictures of the country, especially of Guayaquil. This article analyzes the tweets posted by the main domestic and global media and by the Ecuadorian government accounts since the outbreak of the pandemic in Ecuador, as well as the interrelations among them and their polarity score. The aim is to show how the government changed its action plan by focusing on exogenous elements that had been excluded from its (pre)established strategy, which consisted in neglecting and deliberately minimizing a situation that turned out to be more serious than officially deemed and that was exposed by unofficial global media

    La percepción que los corredores kenianos tienen de sus actividades de entrenamiento

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    El presente estudio se enmarca dentro de la Teoría del Rendimiento Experto. Esta teoría propone que para llegar a ser experto en un dominio, un sujeto debe superar un periodo de adquisición extensivo consistente en miles de horas de práctica intencionalmente diseñada para mejorar. El presente estudio buscó analizar las percepciones subjetivas de un grupo de corredores kenianos de larga distancia sobre sus tareas de entrenamiento para lo cual cumplimentaron un cuestionario basado en una taxonomía de actividades de entrenamiento valoradas en cuatro dimensiones: Relevancia, Esfuerzo, Concentración y Diversión. En este estudio participaron 27 corredores de fondo kenianos divididos en tres grupos de niveles por su marca. El rango de edades de los participantes fue de 21 a 39 años (M= 25,39; DT= 3,82). Todos estos corredores eran especialistas de las pruebas de media maratón y maratón. Fueron divididos en tres grupos de nivel de rendimiento por su marca: Medio, Alto y Muy Alto. Los resultados mostraron como las dimensiones de Concentración, Esfuerzo y Disfrute diferenciaron a los corredores por su nivel, asímismo se manifestó el papel que las actividades grupales de entrenamiento tienen para estos corredores, lo que plantea la cuestiòn si los modelos de desarrollo de la excelencia desarrollados en en los paises desarrollados sirven para explicar este fenómeno en los países en vías de desarrollo

    Pacing profiles of middle-distance running world records in men and women

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    The aims of the current study were to compare the pacing patterns of all-time 800 m, 1500 m and mile running world records (WRs) and to determine whether differences exist between sexes, and if 800 m and 1500 m WRs were broken during championship or meet races. Overall and lap times for men and women's 800 m, 1500 m, and mile WRs from World Athletics were collected when available and subsequently compared. A fast initial 200 m segment and a decrease in speed throughout was found during 800 m WRs. Accordingly, the first 200 m and 400 m were faster than the last 200 m and 400 m, respectively (p < 0.001, 0.77 <= ES <= 1.86). The first 400 m and 409 m for 1500 m and mile WRs, respectively, were faster than the second lap (p < 0.001, 0.74 <= ES <= 1.46). The third 400 m lap was slower than the last 300 m lap and 400 m lap for 1500 m and mile WRs, respectively (p < 0.001, 0.48 <= ES <= 1.09). No relevant sex-based differences in pacing strategy were found in any event. However, the first 409 m lap was faster than the last 400 m lap for men but not for women during mile WRs. Women achieved a greater % of WRs than men during championships (80% vs. 45.83% in the 800 m, and 63.63% vs. 31.58% in the 1500 m, respectively). In conclusion, positive, reverse J-shaped and U-shaped pacing profiles were used to break 800 m, men's mile and 1500 m, and women's mile WRs, respectively. WRs are more prone to be broken during championships by women than men

    Attitudes toward and susceptibility to doping in spanish elite and national-standard track and field athletes: An examination of the sport drug control model

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    The Sport Drug Control Model (SDCM) is likely to be the model which most explicitly represents the theoretical paradigm of the psychological study of the use of doping in sport. This model can be further developed through its analysis in different populations and cultures. The main aim of this study was to empirically test the SDCM while analyzing for the first time the intentions and attitudes toward doping in Spanish track and field athletes. A secondary aim was to assess the extent to which the variables in the model together predict attitude, susceptibility, and behavior toward the use of performance-enhancing substances. Participants were 281 Spanish elite and national-standard track and field athletes from whom 80.1% were 18-28 years old and 49.5% were females. Participants completed the SDCM questionnaire measuring morality, legitimacy, benefits appraisal, threat appraisal, self-efficacy to refrain from doping, reference groups’ endorsement of doping methods/substances, use of legal supplements, availability and affordability of doping, attitudes toward doping, susceptibility to doping and, self-reported use of banned performance-enhancing substances or methods. Structural equation modeling supported a good fitness of the SDCM and confirmed that positive attitudes toward doping predicted high susceptibility to doping ( = 0.55, p < 0.001), which is in turn associated with the use of prohibited substances and methods ( = 0.12, p < 0.05). The factors that have most influence on attitudes toward doping are morality ( = 0.46, p < 0.001) and reference group opinion ( =0.62, p <0.001). Self-reported doping use was 9.6%. These findings confirmSDCM reproducibility and variability (as it accounts for several variables) in Spanish track and field competitive athletes. It is recommended to implement preventive programs which allow athletes to acquire a strong moral stance against doping and coaches to employ the tools required to instill and educate their athletes in rejecting these illegal practices that corrupt the integrity of competitive sportThis work was funded by theWorld Anti-Doping Agency, within their Social Science Research Grants program, and Isabel I de Castilla International Universit

    Short-Term Speed Variability as an Index of Pacing Stochasticity in Athletic Running Events

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    [EN] We aimed to compare differences in performance and pacing variability indices between 5000 m heats and finals during major championships in men and women. Data with 100 m time resolution were used to compare overall pacing variability (standard deviation of 100 m section times, SD; and coefficient of variation, CV%) and short-term pacing variability (root mean square of successive differences between 100 m section times, RMSSD). The changes in performance and pacing indices differed between races and competitions. For instance, the men’s final in Beijing 2008 was quicker than the heat (p < 0.01) while the CV% was reduced (p = 0.03) and RMSSD increased (p < 0.01 ). For women, the heats and the final exhibited a similar mean time in London 2017 (p = 0.33) but with CV% (p < 0.001 ) and RMSSD (p < 0.001) showing opposite trends. Individual analyses of men’s and women’s champions revealed highly individual variability metrics. The use of RMSSD can complement overall variability indices for better characterization of pacing stochasticity

    Gestión competitive en PYMEs. Herramientas ERP y groupware

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    [ES]Con el crecimiento de las nuevas tecnologías se ha informatizado todo el entorno de trabajo. La mayor parte de las empresas entregan a sus empleados dispositivos con los que pueden realizar su trabajo, lo que permite afirmar sin miedo a equivocarse que la informática es una pieza angular de las empresas hoy en dia. En este capitulo se tratará en profundidad las herramientas informaticas que utilizan las empresas para gestionar su actividad diaria. Para ello, la comunidad informática definió las herramientas de gestión integral, que permiten gestionar y controlar de forma efectiva el trabajo. Además, se explicará el funcionamiento de las herramientas que facilitan y optimizan el trabajo en grupo independientemente del lugar de trabajo o el momento en el que se haga este. Para concluir con el capitulo, se presentarán herramientas disponibles en el mercado que cuyo uso esta muy extendido en las pequeñas y medianas empresas[EN]With the growth of new technologies, the entire working environment has been computer-ized. Most companies give their employees devices with which they can perform their work, which allows us to affirm without fear of making a mistake that information technology is a cornerstone of companies today. In this chapter we will deal in depth with the computer tools that companies use to manage their daily activities. For it, the computer science community defined the tools of integral man-agement, that allow to manage and to control of effective form the work. In addition, it will explain the operation of tools that facilitate and optimize group work regardless of the place of work or the time at which it is done. To conclude with the chapter, there will be presented tools available in the market that are widely used in small and medium enterprises

    An Explanatory Model of Doping Susceptibility Examining Morality in Elite Track and Field Athletes: A Logistic Regression Analysis

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    The aim of the present study was to develop an explanatory model of doping susceptibility among competitive track and field athletes using a logistic regression analysis accounting for some morality-related variables which were not explored in previous studies. A total of 281 Spanish elite track and field athletes (49.5% women, 48.4% have competed with the national team) completed an online survey measuring different constructs in relation to doping susceptibility. The final model demonstrated that nutritional supplements (OR: 2.39; CI: 1.16–4.90; p < 0.05), moral disengagement (OR: 2.17; CI: 1.48–3.19; p < 0.001), acceptance of gamesmanship (OR: 1.29; CI: 1.12–1.49; p < 0.001), and descriptive norms (OR: 1.21; CI: 1.04–1.41; p < 0.05) are the factors better explaining doping susceptibility. The profile of the athlete at risk of being more susceptible to doping is represented by someone who is aged under 20 years, believes that doping is present in his/her sport, has positive attitudes of acceptance of gamesmanship, is morally disconnected from doping, and frequently consumes nutritional supplements. It is recommended to deliver education related to the use of sports supplements and potential ill-effects of performance-enhancing substances or methods, and to engage athletes in doping prevention programs at an early ag