10 research outputs found
Secondary poisoning of non-target animals in an Ornithological Zoo in Galicia (NW Spain) with anticoagulant rodenticides: a case report
The use of anticoagulants has increased in recent times as a method for controlling rodent populations. However, this increased use also provokes accidental and intentional ingestion for both animals and humans,
triggering poisoning of non-target organisms. In the present report, a clinical case of secondary-poisoning of
birds with anticoagulant rodenticides, which took place after a general rodenticide treatment in an Ornithological
Zoological Park, is described. Three birds died as a result and samples were submitted to the Veterinary Hospital
in Lugo (Galicia, NW Spain). After necropsy, samples of the birds, together with molluscs and faeces, were submitted to the Toxicology Unit of Caceres (Extremadura, W Spain) in order to detect possible chemicals. Results
from HPLC analyses revealed the presence of the rodenticides difenacoum and brodifacoum. The present report
shows that the risk of secondary exposure resulting from the scavenging of molluscs is likely to be significant.
The potential routes of uptake by invertebrates include the consumption of rodent faeces, rodent carcases, the
ingestion of soil-bound residues, and the direct consumption of poison baits.Irene de la Casa-Resino was supported by fellowship PRE09001 from Department of Employment,
Enterprise and Innovation (Gobierno de Extremadura, Spain)S
Razlike u enzimskim aktivnostima u tkivima šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.) kao mogući biološki pokazatelji izloženosti pesticidu metomilu
This study investigated the influence of the pesticide methomyl on different enzymatic activities in carp. The fish were exposed to a sub-lethal concentration (0.34 mg L-1) of methomyl for 15 days. On days 4 and 15, catalase (CAT) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities were measured in the liver and gills. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in brain and muscle was also determined. Liver catalase activity slightly increased in exposed fish when compared to controls, but it was statistically significant only at the beginning of the experiment. No changes in CAT activity in the gills of exposed and control animals were observed (mean values were in the range 10.7-11.7 nmol min-1 per mg of protein). Liver GST activity was slightly inhibited in the exposed animals at the beginning of the study; however, it was significantly inhibited in the gills. Brain AChE activity was diminished throughout the experiment and significantly decreased after 96 h of exposure compared to controls (0.041 vs. 0.075 nmol min-1 per mg of protein; p<0.001). Our findings suggest that CAT, GST, and AChE are reliable biomarkers of effect after exposure to methomyl.Istražen je utjecaj pesticida metomila na razine enzimskih aktivnosti u tkivima šarana izloženih subletalnoj koncentraciji od 0,34 mg L-1 tijekom 15 dana. Nakon 4 i 15 dana u jetrima i škrgama pokusnih životinja izmjerene su aktivnosti katalaze i glutation S-transferaze (GST), a aktivnost acetilkolinesteraze (AChE) u mozgu i mišićima. Aktivnost katalaze u jetrima blago se smanjila u izloženih riba u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, no to je smanjenje bilo statistički značajno tek na početku pokusa. Istovremeno nisu zamijećene značajne promjene u aktivnosti katalaze u škrgama izloženih i kontrolnih riba (srednje vrijednosti bile su u rasponu 10,7-11,7 nmol min-1 po miligramu proteina. Dok je aktivnost enzima GST u jetrima izloženih riba bila tek blago inhibirana na početku pokusa, u škrgama je utvrđena značajna inhibicija. Aktivnost acetilkolinesteraze u mozgu s vremenom se smanjivala i pokazala značajan pad nakon 96 sati izloženosti (0,041 vs. 0,075 nmol min-1 po miligramu proteina; p<0.001). Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da su katalaza, GST i AChE pouzdani biološki pokazatelji učinka izloženosti metomilu
Plan Nacional Frente a la Resistencia a los Antibióticos Medioambiente (PRAN-MA) 2022. Informe 1.1
Nuevos horizontes en ecotoxicología: biomarcadores destructivos y no destructivos en codorniz ("Coturnix coturnix") y cigüeña blanca ("Ciconia ciconia")
Tesis doctoral con la Mención de "Doctor Internacional"Los trabajos que componen la presente Tesis Doctoral se desarrollaron en el ámbito de la Ecotoxicología, y constituyen una aproximación para determinar la validez de distintos biomarcadores así como los niveles y efectos de los contaminantes persistentes (orgánicos e inorgánicos) en aves en la provincia de Cáceres (Extremadura). Se han utilizado como bioindicadoras dos de las especies más representativas del ecosistema extremeño, la codorniz (“Coturnix coturnix”) y la cigüeña blanca (“Ciconia ciconia”). Se han determinado los efectos de la ATZ a nivel de distintos receptores celulares y en tejidos biológicos tan importantes como el hígado, la sangre o las heces (estos últimos de vital importancia al no ser muestras invasivas). Además, se ha evaluado el efecto de este herbicida como AE en aves, hecho no totalmente elucidado en estudios anteriores centrados en esta especie. Por otra parte, también se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de biomonitorización de metales pesados y COPs en cigüeña blanca. Además se ha podido observar que los niveles de ciertos metales tóxicos pueden estar íntimamente relacionados con algunos biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo. Con todo ello se pretende hacer ver la necesidad de establecer una serie de biomarcadores útiles para la monitorización del medio ambiente mediante el empleo de muestras no invasivas, así como evaluar el estado actual del medio ambiente extremeño.The main goal of this research was to study the usefulness of different biomarkers and to determine de levels and effects of pollution in birds from Extremadura (West of Spain). The European quail (“Coturnix coturnix”) and the White stork (“Ciconia ciconia”) have been used as bioindicator species, due to their importance in the environment of Extremadura. The effect of the herbicide ATZ on different cellular receptors, as well as on different tissues (liver, blood and feces), has been evaluated. Moreover, the effect of this herbicide as endocrine disruptor has been studied. On the other hand, a biomonitoring study with metals and persistent organic pollutants in White stork has been developed. Furthermore, the relationship between metals and blood oxidative stress biomarkers has been evaluated. To sum up, the present study wants to highlight the need to set up some useful biomarkers for environmental monitoring by using noninvasive samples, as well as evaluate the pollution status in the natural environment of Extremadura.La presente Tesis Doctoral ha sido parcialmente financiada por:
• Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación del Gobierno de Extremadura (Irene de la Casa-Resino ha sido becaria PRE09001) y los fondos FEDER-UE (Ayudas a los Planes de actuación de Grupos de Investigación inscritos, referencia GRU10098).
• Proyecto: RTA2009-00074-00-00. Perturbación endocrina asociada a los residuos de explotaciones ganaderas y acuícolas. Entidad Financiadora: INIA.
• Proyecto: RTA2012-00053-00-00. Perturbación endocrina y efectos tóxicos asociados a la presencia de hormonas, antibióticos, micotoxinas y otras sustancias en residuos ganaderos y acuícolas. Entidad Financiadora: INIA
Nuevos horizontes en ecotoxicología: biomarcadores destructivos y no destructivos en codorniz ("Coturnix coturnix") y cigüeña blanca ("Ciconia ciconia")
Tesis doctoral con la Mención de "Doctor Internacional"Los trabajos que componen la presente Tesis Doctoral se desarrollaron en el ámbito de la Ecotoxicología, y constituyen una aproximación para determinar la validez de distintos biomarcadores así como los niveles y efectos de los contaminantes persistentes (orgánicos e inorgánicos) en aves en la provincia de Cáceres (Extremadura). Se han utilizado como bioindicadoras dos de las especies más representativas del ecosistema extremeño, la codorniz (“Coturnix coturnix”) y la cigüeña blanca (“Ciconia ciconia”). Se han determinado los efectos de la ATZ a nivel de distintos receptores celulares y en tejidos biológicos tan importantes como el hígado, la sangre o las heces (estos últimos de vital importancia al no ser muestras invasivas). Además, se ha evaluado el efecto de este herbicida como AE en aves, hecho no totalmente elucidado en estudios anteriores centrados en esta especie. Por otra parte, también se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de biomonitorización de metales pesados y COPs en cigüeña blanca. Además se ha podido observar que los niveles de ciertos metales tóxicos pueden estar íntimamente relacionados con algunos biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo. Con todo ello se pretende hacer ver la necesidad de establecer una serie de biomarcadores útiles para la monitorización del medio ambiente mediante el empleo de muestras no invasivas, así como evaluar el estado actual del medio ambiente extremeño.The main goal of this research was to study the usefulness of different biomarkers and to determine de levels and effects of pollution in birds from Extremadura (West of Spain). The European quail (“Coturnix coturnix”) and the White stork (“Ciconia ciconia”) have been used as bioindicator species, due to their importance in the environment of Extremadura. The effect of the herbicide ATZ on different cellular receptors, as well as on different tissues (liver, blood and feces), has been evaluated. Moreover, the effect of this herbicide as endocrine disruptor has been studied. On the other hand, a biomonitoring study with metals and persistent organic pollutants in White stork has been developed. Furthermore, the relationship between metals and blood oxidative stress biomarkers has been evaluated. To sum up, the present study wants to highlight the need to set up some useful biomarkers for environmental monitoring by using noninvasive samples, as well as evaluate the pollution status in the natural environment of Extremadura.La presente Tesis Doctoral ha sido parcialmente financiada por:
• Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación del Gobierno de Extremadura (Irene de la Casa-Resino ha sido becaria PRE09001) y los fondos FEDER-UE (Ayudas a los Planes de actuación de Grupos de Investigación inscritos, referencia GRU10098).
• Proyecto: RTA2009-00074-00-00. Perturbación endocrina asociada a los residuos de explotaciones ganaderas y acuícolas. Entidad Financiadora: INIA.
• Proyecto: RTA2012-00053-00-00. Perturbación endocrina y efectos tóxicos asociados a la presencia de hormonas, antibióticos, micotoxinas y otras sustancias en residuos ganaderos y acuícolas. Entidad Financiadora: INIA
Veterinaria: El estramonio (Datura stramonium): una planta tóxica a tener en cuenta también en caballos
Environmental risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products intended for use in aquaculture in Europe: the need for developing a harmonised approach
The current and future expansion of aquaculture production appears to be only manageable by using veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) to prevent and reduce disease outbreaks. However, only a very low number of VMPs are available for use in aquaculture systems. In addition, the environmental risk potentially emanating from the use of these products has gained increased attention in the last years. In this context, the present review represents an in-depth analysis of the current two-tiered (phase I and phase II) approach for the environmental risk assessment (ERA) of VMPs mandatory in the European Union and the European Economic Area (EU/EEA), and its applicability to medicinal products intended for use in aquaculture. The following conclusions are drawn: (i) the current regulatory guidance documents detailing the phase I and II ERA procedure should be updated and harmonised across Member States and simple approach(es) applicable to the assessment of the environmental exposure of VMPs intended for use in aquaculture facilities should be devised; (ii) current and future regulatory guidance documents detailing the phase II ERA procedure for VMPs intended for use in aquaculture should comprise advanced mathematical models suitable for addressing different exposure scenarios relevant across the whole EU/EEA (including scenarios addressing the exposure of VMPs to agricultural soils from fish sludge); and (iii) it is recommended that any updates of relevant ERA guidelines clearly detail the types of studies needed to determine potential adverse effects of VMPs used in aquaculture on non-target organisms. Furthermore, the application of risk mitigation measures tailored to the reduction of the environmental exposure of VMPs on an individual aquaculture farm level should be considered in any future or updated guideline. Finally, it is anticipated that the present analysis of the main drawbacks surrounding the current ERA regulatory framework will help competent authorities to harmonise and facilitate the approval process for VMPs intended for use in aquaculture.publishedVersio
Environmental risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products intended for use in aquaculture in Europe: the need for developing a harmonised approach
The current and future expansion of aquaculture production appears to be only manageable by using veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) to prevent and reduce disease outbreaks. However, only a very low number of VMPs are available for use in aquaculture systems. In addition, the environmental risk potentially emanating from the use of these products has gained increased attention in the last years. In this context, the present review represents an in-depth analysis of the current two-tiered (phase I and phase II) approach for the environmental risk assessment (ERA) of VMPs mandatory in the European Union and the European Economic Area (EU/EEA), and its applicability to medicinal products intended for use in aquaculture. The following conclusions are drawn: (i) the current regulatory guidance documents detailing the phase I and II ERA procedure should be updated and harmonised across Member States and simple approach(es) applicable to the assessment of the environmental exposure of VMPs intended for use in aquaculture facilities should be devised; (ii) current and future regulatory guidance documents detailing the phase II ERA procedure for VMPs intended for use in aquaculture should comprise advanced mathematical models suitable for addressing different exposure scenarios relevant across the whole EU/EEA (including scenarios addressing the exposure of VMPs to agricultural soils from fish sludge); and (iii) it is recommended that any updates of relevant ERA guidelines clearly detail the types of studies needed to determine potential adverse effects of VMPs used in aquaculture on non-target organisms. Furthermore, the application of risk mitigation measures tailored to the reduction of the environmental exposure of VMPs on an individual aquaculture farm level should be considered in any future or updated guideline. Finally, it is anticipated that the present analysis of the main drawbacks surrounding the current ERA regulatory framework will help competent authorities to harmonise and facilitate the approval process for VMPs intended for use in aquaculture
Short communication: Alteration in blood parameters induced by enrofloxacin in juvenile lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula, Linnaeus, 1758) after intramuscular injection.
Enrofloxacin (EF) is a veterinary drug for respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections. Parenteral administration at doses higher than the manufacturer recommended dosage has induced cartilage lesions in juvenile mammals and poultry. In elasmobranchs EF is commonly used for the treatment of infectious diseases, however only one study has been performed previously to evaluate pharmacokinetics and the potential chondrotoxicity of a fluoroquinolone in adult skates. In present study juvenile lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula, Linnaeus, 1758) were treated with low (LD, 5mg/kg) and high dose (HD, 10mg/kg) of EF daily via intramuscular injection for 15 consecutive days, as indicated in a recognized treatment. Hematological parameters, oxidative stress and histology of vertebral cartilage were evaluated. No cartilage damage was observed. Hematological parameters evaluation underlined a significant (p=0.035), dose-dependent reduction in red blood cell count and in hematocrit (40% and 6%, respectively). Anyway, the biological significance of this reduction is doubtful, due to limited decrease observed. The evaluation of oxidative stress parameters underlined that glutathione levels, as well as glutathione S-transferase and catalase activities, were significantly increased in HD group animals, with respect to untreated and solvent control groups. Obtained data do not support a toxic effect of EF on dogfish cartilage, while concern arises from hematological and oxidative stress data