45 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Civil Liberty and Equality?

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    Monitoring live stem cells in suspension and attached to carriers in conventional and single use bioreactors

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    Embryonic stem cells are promising cell sources for regenerative medicine and organ replacement after disease or injury. Traditional single use bioreactors such as the Sartorius Biostat Rocking Motion bag are being used for growing up these cells at the larger scale and a number of companies are developing fully automated, closed bioreactor systems specifically for growth of stem cells for clinical applications eg Xpand (Holland), Pall(USA). The stem cells in the bioreactors need to be monitored and controlled for both product quality and to satisfyGMPrequirements and one of the most important parameters is the concentration of live cells. On-line monitoring of the live cell concentration can be used to monitor process irregularities, define when suffcient cells are available for the patient or it might be the trigger point for providing additonal feed to the bioreactor. It can also save costs as the information can be used to abort the cell culture or optimize the process. Sampling for cell concentrations should be avoided to eliminate the risk of contamination. Moreover, with stem cell cultures once embroid bodies form it is both difficult to take a representative sample and to get a true cell count using a trypsin pre-treatment. The same problems occur if the cells are grown on micro-carriers. Ideally the cell concentration should be measured in real time using a non-invasive sensor and Radio Frequency Impedance (RFI) spectroscopy is a very promising tool for this application. RFI is already widely used in large scaleGMPsuspension and micro-carrier cell culture and single use probes have been developed by Aber Instruments (Aberystwyth, UK). In this poster, we provide a number of examples of how RFI has been used to monitor and control stem cell cultures in bioreactors up to 1L in volume. The performance of a disposable biomass probe to measure mesenchymal stem cells grown on micro-carriers in a rocking motion bag will also be presented

    Effects of habitat composition and landscape structure on worker foraging distances of five bumblebee species

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    Bumblebees (Bombus spp.) are important pollinators of both crops and wild flowers. Their contribution to this essential ecosystem service has been threatened over recent decades by changes in land use, which have led to declines in their populations. In order to design effective conservation measures it is important to understand the effects of variation in landscape composition and structure on the foraging activities of worker bumblebees. This is because the viability of individual colonies is likely to be affected by the trade-off between the energetic costs of foraging over greater distances and the potential gains from access to additional resources. We used field surveys, molecular genetics and fine resolution remote sensing to estimate the locations of wild bumblebee nests and to infer foraging distances across a 20 km2 agricultural landscape in southern England. We investigated five species, including the rare B. ruderatus and ecologically similar but widespread B. hortorum. We compared worker foraging distances between species and examined how variation in landscape composition and structure affected foraging distances at the colony level. Mean worker foraging distances differed significantly between species. Bombus terrestris, B. lapidarius and B. ruderatus exhibited significantly greater mean foraging distances (551 m, 536 m, 501 m, respectively) than B. hortorum and B. pascuorum (336 m, 272 m, respectively). There was wide variation in worker foraging distances between colonies of the same species, which was in turn strongly influenced by the amount and spatial configuration of available foraging habitats. Shorter foraging distances were found for colonies where the local landscape had high coverage and low fragmentation of semi-natural vegetation, including managed agri-environmental field margins. The strength of relationships between different landscape variables and foraging distance varied between species, for example the strongest relationship for B. ruderatus being with floral cover of preferred forage plants. Our findings suggest that favourable landscape composition and configuration has the potential to minimise foraging distances across a range of bumblebee species. There is thus potential for improvements in the design and implementation of landscape management options, such as agri-environment schemes, aimed at providing foraging habitat for bumblebees and enhancing crop pollination services

    Bumblebee family lineage survival is enhanced in high quality landscapes

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    Insect pollinators such as bumblebees (Bombus spp.) are in global decline1,2, a major cause of which is habitat loss due to agricultural intensification3. A range of global and national initiatives aimed at restoring pollinator habitats and populations have been developed4-6. However, the success of these initiatives depends critically upon understanding how landscape change affects key population-level parameters, such as survival between lifecycle stages7, in target species. Such understanding is lacking for bumblebees because of the difficulty of systematically finding and monitoring colonies in the wild. We used a novel combination of habitat manipulation, land-use and habitat surveys, molecular genetics8 and demographic and spatial modelling to examine between-year survival of family lineages in field populations of three bumblebee species. Here we show that the survival of family lineages from the summer worker to the spring queen stage in the following year increases significantly with the proportion of high-value foraging habitat, including spring floral resources, within 250-1000 m of the natal colony. This is the first evidence of a positive impact of habitat quality on survival and persistence between successive colony cycle stages in bumblebee populations. The findings provide strong support for conservation interventions that increase floral resources at a landscape scale and throughout the season having positive effects on wild pollinators in agricultural landscapes

    Addressing pollination deficits in orchard crops through habitat management for wild pollinators

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    There is increasing evidence that farmers in many areas are achieving below maximum yields due to insufficient pollination. Practical and effective approaches are needed to maintain wild pollinator populations within agroecosystems so they can deliver critical pollination services that underpin crop production. We established nesting and wildflower habitat interventions in 24 UK apple orchards and measured effects on flower-visiting insects and the pollination they provide, exploring how this was affected by landscape context. We quantified the extent of pollination deficits and assessed whether the management of wild pollinators can reduce deficits and deliver improved outcomes for growers over 3 years. Wildflower interventions increased solitary bee numbers visiting apple flowers by over 20%, but there was no effect of nesting interventions. Other pollinator groups were influenced by both local and landscape-scale factors, with bumblebees and hoverflies responding to the relative proportion of semi-natural habitat at larger spatial scales (1000 m), while honeybees and other flies responded at 500 m or less. By improving fruit number and quality, pollinators contributed more than £16 k per hectare. However, deficits (where maximum potential was not being reached due to a lack of pollination) were recorded and the extent of these varied across orchards, and from year to year, with a 22% deficit in output in the worst (equivalent to ~£14 k/ha) compared to less than 3% (equivalent to ~£2 k/ha) in the best year. Although no direct effect of our habitat interventions on deficits in gross output was observed, initial fruit set and seed set deficits were reduced by abundant bumblebees, and orchards with a greater abundance of solitary bees saw lower deficits in fruit size. The abundance of pollinators in apple orchards is influenced by different local and landscape factors that interact and vary between years. Consequently, pollination, and the extent of economic output deficits, also vary between orchards and years. We highlight how approaches, including establishing wildflower areas and optimizing the ratio of cropped and non-cropped habitats can increase the abundance of key apple pollinators and improve outcomes for growers