3,679 research outputs found

    Recognizing emotions through facial expressions: a largescale experimental study

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    Experimental research examining emotional processes is typically based on the observation of images with affective content, including facial expressions. Future studies will benefit from databases with emotion-inducing stimuli in which characteristics of the stimuli potentially influencing results can be controlled. This study presents Portuguese normative data for the identification of seven facial expressions of emotions (plus a neutral face), on the Radboud Faces Database (RaFD). The effect of participants' gender and models' sex on emotion recognition was also examined. Participants (N = 1249) were exposed to 312 pictures of white adults displaying emotional and neutral faces with a frontal gaze. Recognition agreement between the displayed and participants' chosen expressions ranged from 69% (for anger) to 97% (for happiness). Recognition levels were significantly higher among women than among men only for anger and contempt. The emotion recognition was higher either in female models or in male models depending on the emotion. Overall, the results show high recognition levels of the facial expressions presented, indicating that the RaFD provides adequate stimuli for studies examining the recognition of facial expressions of emotion among college students. Participants' gender had a limited influence on emotion recognition, but the sex of the model requires additional consideration

    A ansiedade, medo e stress nos Profissionais de Saude Oral durante o primeiro ano de pandemia por Covid-19

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    Objetivos: Caracterizar o impacto da atual pandemia de COVID-19 na ansiedade, medo e stress nos profissionais de saude oral. Metodos: Utilizou-se um questionario autoaplicado online que foi enviado, via email, para tres associacoes na area da Medicina Dentaria. As variaveis categoricas foram descritas atraves de frequencias absolutas e relativas. As variaveis continuas foram descritas utilizando a media e o desvio-padrao. Utilizou-se um modelo de regressao linear multipla para selecio-nar preditores da ansiedade avaliados no questionario. Resultados: Obteve-se uma taxa de participacao de 21,1%. A maioria dos participantes era do sexo feminino (67,2%). Atraves da escala GAD-7 apuramos que 18,3% dos profissionais apresentaram uma perturbacao de ansiedade moderada e grave. A maioria dos participan-tes (86,7%) referiu ter medo de infetar os familiares e amigos. Verificamos que ser do sexo feminino, o medo de infetar a familia e amigos, a possibilidade de a pandemia afetar nega-tivamente a profissao, a perda de rendimentos e as novas condicoes de trabalho eram pre-ditores estaticamente significativos para o aumento da ansiedade (p < 0,05). Pelo contrario, a medida que o numero de anos de pratica clinica aumenta, a ansiedade diminui significa-tivamente (p.0,006). Conclusoes: A pandemia de COVID-19 afetou negativamente os profissionais de saude oral. As medidas de prevencao e os protocolos de controlo de infecao devem ser rigorosamente cumpridos, para que haja diminuicao da transmissao do virus e, consequentemente, dimi-nua a ansiedade, o stress e o medo sentidos por estes profissionais. (Rev Port Estomatol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac. 2023;64(2):84-92) & COPY; 2023 Sociedade Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Medicina Dentaria. Publicado por SPEMD. Este e um artigo Open Access sob uma licenca CC BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Dispersal of engineered male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes

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    BACKGROUND:Aedes aegypti, the principal vector of dengue fever, have been genetically engineered for use in a sterile insect control programme. To improve our understanding of the dispersal ecology of mosquitoes and to inform appropriate release strategies of 'genetically sterile' male Aedes aegypti detailed knowledge of the dispersal ability of the released insects is needed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:The dispersal ability of released 'genetically sterile' male Aedes aegypti at a field site in Brazil has been estimated. Dispersal kernels embedded within a generalized linear model framework were used to analyse data collected from three large scale mark release recapture studies. The methodology has been applied to previously published dispersal data to compare the dispersal ability of 'genetically sterile' male Aedes aegypti in contrasting environments. We parameterised dispersal kernels and estimated the mean distance travelled for insects in Brazil: 52.8 m (95% CI: 49.9 m, 56.8 m) and Malaysia: 58.0 m (95% CI: 51.1 m, 71.0 m). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Our results provide specific, detailed estimates of the dispersal characteristics of released 'genetically sterile' male Aedes aegypti in the field. The comparative analysis indicates that despite differing environments and recapture rates, key features of the insects' dispersal kernels are conserved across the two studies. The results can be used to inform both risk assessments and release programmes using 'genetically sterile' male Aedes aegypti

    Amiloidose. Caracterização Epidemiológica, Clínica e Morfológica

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    Introdução: A amiloidose é uma doença sistémica, cujo diagnóstico cabe frequentemente ao nefrologista. O tipo de amiloidose varia de acordo com o grau de desenvolvimento do país, com maior prevalência de amiloidose AL nos países ricos. Material e métodos: Revisão retrospectiva de todas as biopsias de rim nativo avaliadas no serviço entre 1981 e 2008. Caracterização clínica dos doentes à data da biópsia. Avaliação morfológica qualitativa do tipo de substância amiloíde por imunofluorescência e imunoperoxidase. Avaliação semi-quantitativa do grau de depósitos de acordo com a sua localização; grau de glomeruloesclerose e fibrose tubulo -interstical. Resultados: Neste período de 28 anos, observámos 202 biópsias positivas para substância amiloíde (3,5% de 5797) num total de 197 doentes (54,4% homens vs 45,5 mulheres), com idade mediana de 59,5 ± 15,6 anos. A maioria (68%) dos doentes foi biopsada por síndrome nefrótico. A insuficiência renal e as alterações assintomáticas urinárias foram os outros principais motivos de biopsia em 15 % e 7% dos casos, respectivamente. Os doentes na altura da biopsia apresentavam proteinúria mediana de 5 g/dia ± 5,4 (n=144) e creatinina mediana de 1,3 ± 1,7 mg/dl (n=150). As amiloidoses foram classificadas como AA em 51% dos casos, AL em 31,6% (25,5% lambda e 5,9% kappa) e Polineuropatia Amiloidótica Familiar em 3,5%. Não foi possível a caracterização do tipo de amilóide, por dificuldade técnica, em 12,8% das biópsias. A amiloidose revelou-se a terceira causa de síndrome nefrótico nos doentes com mais de 65 anos. Os doentes com amiloidose primária são significativamente mais velhos do que aqueles com amiloidose secundária ou PAF (65,2 vs 53,7 vs 52,7 respectivamente, p <0,05).Verificámos uma diminuição da incidência das amiloidoses AA com aumento das AL, com inversão do predomínio das AA em relação as AL a partir de 1995. Em termos morfológicos, a maioria das biópsias caracteriza-se por deposição marcada de amilóide no glomérulo (30% com +++) e nos vasos (40% com +++), com escassa deposição a nível intersticial cortical (60% sem depósitos) e medular (50% sem depósitos). Estudámos as possíveis relações entre manifestações clínicas e morfologia renal. Verificámos uma correlação positiva entre creatinina e grau de fibrose e/ou grau de deposição intersticial. Não encontrámos relação entre proteinúria e grau/local de deposição de amilóide. Conclusões: Actualmente, em Portugal, predomina a amiloidose AL, que surge em doentes mais idosos e se manifesta mais frequentemente por sindrome nefrótico. A função renal a data da biópsia correlaciona-se com o grau de fibrose tubulo-interstical renal

    Doença Ateroembólica Como Causa de Disfunção Primária do Enxerto Renal

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    Atheroembolic renal disease, also referred to as cholesterol crystal embolization, is a rare cause of renal failure, secondary to occlusion of renal arteries, renal arterioles and glomerular capillaries with cholesterol crystals, originating from atheromatous plaques of the aorta and other major arteries. This disease can occur very rarely in kidney allografts in an early or a late clinical form. Renal biopsy seems to be a reliable diagnostic test and cholesterol clefts are the pathognomonic finding. However, the renal biopsy has some limitations as the typical lesion is focal and can be easily missed in a biopsy fragment. The clinical course of these patients varies from complete recovery of the renal function to permanent graft loss. Statins, acetylsalicyclic acid, and corticosteroids have been used to improve the prognosis. We report a case of primary allograft dysfunction caused by an early and massive atheroembolic renal disease. Distinctive histology is presented in several consecutive biopsies. We evaluated all the cases of our Unit and briefly reviewed the literature. Atheroembolic renal disease is a rare cause of allograft primary non -function but may become more prevalent as acceptance of aged donors and recipients for transplantation has become more frequent

    Neuropathic pain induced alterations in the opioidergic modulation of a descending pain facilitatory area of the brain

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    Opioids play a major role at descending pain modulation but the effects of neuropathic pain on the brain opioidergic system remain understudied. Since descending facilitation is enhanced during neuropathic pain, we studied the opioidergic modulation of the dorsal reticular nucleus (DRt), a medullary pain facilitatory area, in the spared nerve injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain. We first performed a series of behavioral experiments in naïve-animals to establish the role of µ-opioid receptor (MOR) in the effects of endogenous and exogenous opioids at the DRt. Specifically, we showed that lentiviral-mediated MOR-knockdown at the DRt increased sensitivity to thermal and mechanical stimuli while the MOR agonist DAMGO induced the opposite effects. Additionally, we showed that MOR-knockdown and the pharmacological blockade of MOR by CTAP at the DRt decreased and inhibited, respectively, the analgesic effects of systemic morphine. Then, we performed in vivo microdialysis to measure enkephalin peptides in the DRt and evaluated MOR expression in the DRt at mRNA, protein and phosphorylated form levels by quantitative real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry, respectively. SNI-animals, compared to sham control, showed higher levels of enkephalin peptides, lower MOR-labeled cells without alterations in MOR mRNA levels, and higher phosphorylated MOR-labeled cells. Finally, we performed behavioral studies in SNI animals to determine the potency of systemic morphine and the effects of the pharmacologic and genetic manipulation of MOR at the DRt. We showed a reduced potency of the antiallodynic effects of systemic morphine in SNI-animals compared to the antinociceptive effects in sham animals. Increasing MOR-cells at the DRt of SNI-animals by lentiviral-mediated MOR-overexpression produced no effects on mechanical allodynia. DAMGO induced anti-allodynia only after MOR-overexpression. These results show that MOR inhibits DRt pain facilitatory actions and that this action contributes to the analgesic effects of systemic opioids. We further show that the inhibitory function of MOR is impaired during neuropathic pain. This is likely due to desensitization and degradation of MOR which are adaptations of the receptor that can be triggered by MOR phosphorylation. Skipping counter-regulatory pathways involved in MOR adaptations might restore the opioidergic inhibition at pain facilitatory areas.This work was supported by the FCT (PTCD/SAU-NSC/110954/2009 FEDER/COMPETE) and ESF (NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000026)

    Peritubular Capillaries C4d Deposits in Renal Allograft Biopsies and Anti HLA I/II Alloantibodies Screening. Incidence and Clinical Importance

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    Aim: To characterise clinically the patients with C4d in peritubular capillaries deposits (C4dPTCD) and/or circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies. To determine the correlation between positive C4dPTCD and circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies during episodes of graft dysfunction. Subjects and Methods: C4d staining was performed in biopsies with available frozen tissue obtained between January 2004 and December 2006. The study was prospective from March 2005, when a serum sample was obtained at the time of biopsy to detect circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies. Results: We studied 109 biopsies in 86 cadaver renal transplant patients. Sixteen of these (14.7%) presented diffuse positive C4dPTCD. There was a 13.5% rate of +C4dPTCD incidence within the first six months of transplantation and 16% after six months (p>0.05). Half of the +C4dPTCD in the first six months was associated with acute humoral rejection. After six months, the majority of +C4dPTCD (n=7/8) was present in biopsies with evidence of interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy and/or transplant glomerulopathy. The C4dPTCD was more frequent in patients with positive anti-HCV antibodies(p<0.0001), a previous renal transplant (p=0.007), and with a panel reactivity antibody (PRA) ≥ 50%(p=0.0098). The anti-HCV+ patients had longer time on dialysis (p=0.0019) and higher PRA(p=0.005). Circulating anti-HLA I/II alloantibodies were screened in 46 serum samples. They were positive in 10.9% of samples, all obtained after six months post transplant. Circulating alloantibodies were absent in 92.5% of the C4d negative biopsies. Conclusion: We found an association between the presence of C4dPTCD and 2nd transplant recipients,higher PRA and the presence of anti-HCV antibodies. The presence of HCV antibodies is not a risk factor for C4dPTCD per se, but appears to reflect longer time on dialysis and presensitisation. In renal dysfunction a negative alloantibody screening is associated with a reduced risk of C4dPTCD (<10%)

    Thyroid Hormones within the Normal Range and Cardiac Function in the General Population: The EPIPorto Study

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    Background: Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are associated with marked changes in cardiac structure and function. However, the association of thyroid function within the normal range with cardiac structure and function in the general population remains uncertain. Methods: Eight hundred thirty-five subjects aged ≥45 years from the EPIPorto cohort (evaluation between 2006 and 2008) were cross-sectionally analyzed. We excluded participants with TSH, free T4 (FT4), or free T3 (FT3) outside of the reference range or with self-reported cardiovascular or thyroid disease. Cardiac structure and function were evaluated by echocardiography. We used linear regression models unadjusted and adjusted for sex and age (model 1), and sex, age, BMI, diabetes, hypertension, and smoking (model 2). Nonlinear associations were assessed using restricted cubic splines. Results: The mean age was 61.5 years (SD 10.5); 61.1% of the patients were women. In the adjusted model 2, heart rate was positively associated with FT3; diastolic blood pressure was positively associated with TSH; LV end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes were inversely associated with TSH, and ejection fraction was nonlinearly associated with FT3, with higher ejection fractions near the limits of the reference range. Left ventricle (LV) posterior wall thickness was nonlinearly associated with FT4 in the adjusted model 1, with a greater thickness near the limits of the reference range. Regarding diastolic function, no significant associations were observed in adjusted models. Conclusions: Thyroid function within the reference range was associated with heart rate, blood pressure, cardiac structure, and function. Increasing thyroid function (lower TSH, higher FT4, or higher FT3) was associated with a higher heart rate, a lower diastolic blood pressure, and larger LV volumes. LV wall thickness and ejection fraction had a U-shaped association with thyroid hormones.This work was supported by the DOCnet project (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000003), supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the NETDIAMOND project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016385), supported by European Structural and Investment Funds, Lisbon’s Regional Operational Program 2020, and national funds from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – both projects through the Cardiovascular Research Center (UnIC, FCT 51/94) – and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (grant POCI/SAU-ESP/61492/2004) and the Unidade de Investigação em Epidemiologia – Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (EPIUnit) (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006862, ref. info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/6817 - DCRRNI ID/UID/DTP/04750/2013/PT)

    Mesotelioma Maligno Primário do Peritoneu Associado a Carcinoma de Células Renais. Revisão Concisa

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    O Mesotelioma peritoneal maligno é um tumor maligno relacionado frequentemente com exposição prolongada a fibras de amianto, de mau prognóstico, de diagnóstico geralmente tardio, face à pouca expressão clínica na fase inicial da doença. Como o mesotelioma evolui geralmente só na cavidade peritoneal, doentes seleccionados poderão ter maior sobrevivência se for possível a peritonectomia extensa e quimioterapia hipertérmica intraperitoneal intraoperatória. Os autores referem a sincronicidade ainda não descrita, de mesotelioma peritoneal maligno primário e carcinoma de Grawitz. São revistos concisamente: a clínica destes tumores, síndromes paraneoplásicos (disfunção bioquímica hepática, emagrecimento extremo); etiopatogenia da acção cancerígena das fibras de amianto; mecanismos de disseminação intraperitoneal; avaliação tomodensitométrica; importância da imunohistoquímica no diagnóstico histopatológico; estadiamento; importância do tratamento multidisciplinar destes tumores