2,017 research outputs found

    Changes of Phylogenetic and Taxonomic Diversity of Odonata (Insecta) in Response to Land Use in Amazonia

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    Changes in natural habitats for human use can alter the distribution of biodiversity, favoring species that are more tolerant to environmental disturbance. Usually, these species comprise clades of habitat generalists, which have biological mechanisms to colonize environments with different environmental conditions. However, such effects are still poorly understood for most biological groups, such as the Amazon odonates. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the effects of land use along an environmental gradient on the phylogenetic and taxonomic diversity of Odonata in the Amazon. We tested the following hypotheses: In deforested areas (e.g., pasture for cattle, palm plantation, and logging), the Odonata community will be more taxonomically and phylogenetically impoverished than in forested areas. We assume that the modification of the natural habitat causes loss of specialist forest species and favors specialist species of open areas and/or habitat generalists. Data sampling was performed in 195 streams under different land-use types: livestock areas, palm monoculture, timber exploitation, and forest areas taken as reference sites. Our results showed that anthropogenic impacts affected the phylogenetic diversity of odonates and the increase in shrub vegetation was related to the increase in the phylogenetic diversity of communities. On the other hand, shrub vegetation is indicative of disturbed areas, where secondary vegetation predominates, with less canopy cover due to the absence or discontinuity of the native tree cover in these habitats. Nonetheless, species richness and abundance were not related to the effects of anthropogenic land use. Finally, our results suggest that the phylogenetic diversity of Amazonian odonates is related to riparian vegetation structure

    A construção de um discurso de alteridade e o papel social do design por meio da disciplina “O Design Posto em Questão”

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    The following paper aims to show the social impact that the course Design Called Into Question, given at the Design Graduate Program at the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP) by PhD Professor Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos, has raised in the development of Master and PhD researches and also in research projects that aim to participate at the selection process of the graduate program, through the construction of an alterity perspective and concerning the relevance given into the social role of design, during discussions and debates in class. This paper, written by students that attended this course in the past, and which had developed their own research projects in the graduate program of design, intends to discuss the selected bibliography, with mention to seminars and debates that took place in class, to demonstrate how this course has been helping to recognize the social role of design in different research topics, by deconstructing, at the same time, concepts and social issues related to this field, focusing the appreciation and recognition of the other, for whom it is intended the research.O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o impacto social que a disciplina O Design Posto em Questão, ministrada pela Professora Dra. Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos no curso de pós-graduação em Design da FAU-USP, tem provocado no desenvolvimento de pesquisas de mestrado e doutorado e em projetos de pesquisa que visam o processo seletivo de pós-graduação − por meio da construção de uma perspectiva de alteridade e de relevância dada ao papel social do design −, durante as discussões e debates realizados em sala. Este artigo, escrito por alunos que participaram da disciplina, e que recentemente defenderam suas pesquisas de mestrado na área de Design e Arquitetura, pretende abordar a bibliografia selecionada para leitura, com menção a alguns seminários e debates ocorridos em aula, a fim de demonstrar como o curso tem auxiliado no reconhecimento do papel social do design em pesquisas de diferentes temas, desconstruindo, ao mesmo tempo, conceitos e questões sociais relativas a este campo do conhecimento, em busca de um olhar de valorização e recognição sobre o outro, para quem se destina a pesquisa. &nbsp

    Racismo e violação de direitos humanos: uma análise do sistema prisional em Sergipe:

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    Com a ampliação da agenda neoliberal verifica-se a acentuação de formas de “controle sociorracial” e “disciplinamento”, operadas pelo Estado, sobretudo junto aos segmentos mais pauperizados da classe trabalhadora. O presente artigo teve o objetivo de apreender, a partir da perspectiva crítico-dialética, o processo de encarceramento em Sergipe, destacando seus fundamentos e a caracterização do sistema prisional, entre os anos de 2018 e 2019, com ênfase em suas condições organizativas. A partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica/documental, os resultados revelaram um “encarceramento em massa” racializado, tendo como sujeitos-alvo a população negra, submetida a um sistemático processo de violação de direitos

    Effect of storage conditions on the physical properties of coffee beans with different qualities

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    The quality of coffee starts in the field, and goes through the harvesting and post-harvesting processes, and continues to storage and transportation. The storage of coffee beans aims to stock a product for a certain period of time. However, factors such as quality and metabolism of the grain, water content, environmental conditions of the warehouse, type of packaging, and storage time influence the maintenance of these characteristics, and may negatively affect sensory aspects of the beverage. The use of high-barrier packaging or refrigerated storage practices are alternatives that can ensure grain quality during storage. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the behavior of raw coffee beans, of different processing and quality levels, packed in impermeable packages and stored in a refrigerated environment. The specialty coffees were previously sampled and characterized as to the drink, with two lots (one of natural coffee and the other of pulped natural coffee) evaluated with a score of 82 points, and another lot of natural coffee evaluated with a score of 84 points. They were packed in two types of packaging: moisture and gas permeable, and gas, moisture, and light impermeable. The beans were stored in ambient conditions without temperature control and in refrigerated environments. The CO2 concentration inside the packaging was measured, and the physical analyses – water content, color, and apparent specific mass – were performed. According to the results there is less variation in the water content and coloration of the grains stored in high barrier packages. The storage of the beans in refrigerated condition and in high barrier packing is efficient in the retarding of the loss of quality of the coffees during the nine months of the experimen

    Meteorological Influence on Space-time Distribution of Tomé-Açu (Eastern Amazon) Vegetation Cover using MODIS Products

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the seasonal behavior of vegetation cover and its response to the variation of meteorological elements in the microregion of Tomé-Açu, Eastern Amazon. The study area refers to the microregion of Tomé-Açu, Pará. MODIS sensor images were processed and analyzed on Google Earth Engine and QGIS 3.18.1 software to apply the NDVI, EVI and LAI vegetation indices. Results showed that the vegetation cover of the Microregion of Tomé-Açu has well-defined seasonality, with evident variation in vegetation indices throughout the year. The three indexes showed higher values in the dry season period and lower values in the rainy period of the year. Seasonality of vegetation cover showed a positive correlation with rainfall in the region, with higher values associated with rainfall occurring between 4 and 5 months prior to the observation

    As redes sociais em projetos de Extensão de educação em solos:: ênfase no projeto “Ampliando os horizontes: o solo, a vida e a arte” da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

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    The Project “Expanding the Horizons: Soil, life and art” aims to democratize the soil’s scientific knowledge by disseminating themes related to Geography, Biology, Chemistry and Arts. This work has evaluated the project page’s performance on Instagram. For that, a panorama of the Soil Extension Projects on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Site/Blog and/or YouTube), cataloged in the book – “Soil Education Initiatives in Brazil” has been outlined. During 10 months, a panorama of the “Expanding the Horizons” Project’s profile has been outlined by using Instagram metrics such as likes, interaction with the audience through the stories, followers’ profiles and the impressions by posted contents. The results have shown that 65% of the Brazilian projects have some kind of social network and Instagram is their main one. The project’s profile shows that most of its followers live in Juiz de Fora city and they are between 25 and 34 years old. The most liked themes were about Geography and Diverse Issues. The surveys on Chemistry and Biology of the soils have interacted better with the audience. Finally, the themes of more interaction were Diverse Issues and Presentations. It was confirmed then the importance of social networks for Education Extension Projects on soils, including the “Expanding Horizons” one which has shown a significant interaction with the Instagram audience, increasing the popularization of such an important theme to the environmental issues, sharing knowledge and awakening the importance of the soil for biodiversity conservation.O projeto “Ampliando os Horizontes: o solo, a vida e a arte” busca democratizar o conhecimento científico do solo por meio de divulgação de temas relacionados à Geografia, Biologia, Química e Artes. Este trabalho avaliou a performance da página do projeto no Instagram. Para tanto, traçou-se um panorama dos Projetos de Extensão em Solos nas redes sociais (Instagram, Facebook, Site/Blog e/ou YouTube), catalogados no livro “Iniciativas de Educação em Solos no Brasil”. Mediante o uso de métricas do Instagram como curtidas; interação do público com enquetes dos stories; perfil dos seguidores; e por fim, as impressões por conteúdos postados, foi traçado um panorama do perfil do projeto “Ampliando os Horizontes” em um período de 10 meses. Os resultados mostraram que 65% dos projetos brasileiros possuem algum tipo de rede social, sendo o Instagram a principal. O perfil do projeto possui a maioria de seus seguidores residentes em Juiz de Fora e possuem idade entre 25 a 34 anos. Os temas que mais geraram curtidas foram relacionados à Geografia e a Assuntos Diversos. As enquetes sobre Química e Biologia dos solos foram as de maior interação com o público. Por fim, os temas de maior interação foram Assuntos Diversos e Apresentações. Confirmou-se a importância das redes sociais para projetos extensionistas de educação em solos, incluindo o “Ampliando os Horizontes”, que apontou significativa interação com o público do Instagram, aumentando a popularização deste tema tão caro às questões ambientais, compartilhando conhecimento e demonstrando a importância do solo para a conservação da biodiversidade

    Conservation of the internal quality of eggs using a biodegradable coating

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a pectin biofilm on the preservation of refrigerated and unrefrigerated eggs during 5 wk of storage based on egg weight loss, albumen height, Haugh unit (HU), and the yolk index (YI). A total of 1,200 nonfertile eggs from GLK Bankiva laying hens (40 wk of age), which were freshly laid and came from a single collection, were obtained from a model poultry rearing system (Planaltina, Federal District, Brazil) that meets all animal welfare criteria. The experimental outline was entirely randomized, with 20 treatments in a factorial scheme of 2 × 2 × 5, with 2 biofilm treatments (with and without) × 2 storage temperatures (refrigeration: 5°C and ambient: 25°C) × 5 storage periods (7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 d), with 12 repetitions per treatment. Starting from the third storage week, increased weight loss (%) was observed in noncoated eggs (4.46 ± 1.06; 5.61 ± 1.37; 6.93 ± 1.66%) compared with biofilm-coated eggs (3.57 ± 1.26; 4.74 ± 1.8; 6.05 ± 2.21%), respectively. The HU variation in the pectin-coated eggs (86.84–78.02) was smaller than that in the noncoated eggs (83.01–64.36) between the beginning (7 d) and the end (35 d) of the experimental period. Eggs with and without biofilm stored in the refrigerator presented average HU values of 91.26 ± 6.27 and 88.35 ± 6.96, respectively. In contrast, when kept at room temperature, eggs with the coating presented higher HU values (71.27 ± 10.78) than eggs without the coating (59.11 ± 15.97). Coated eggs (0.37 ± 0.16) showed higher YI values than noncoated eggs (0.35 ± 0.16). A pectin-based biofilm effectively maintained egg quality during the 35 d of storage