77 research outputs found

    Taxas de Mortalidade por Covid-19 Ajustadas pelas Diferenças na Estrutura Etária das Populações

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    One of the tools to monitor the dynamics of the Covid-19 pandemic has been, from its earliest days, the international comparison of mortality rates. The indisputable evidence that lethality is exponentially related to the age of the affected people implies that, for many purposes, a more appropriate indicator should compensate for differences in the age profile between populations. This article sets out a method for calculating such standardized mortality rates, which take into account both the discrepancies in the age pyramids and the mortality rates by age groups. Advancing relatively to the few other similar initiatives found in the literature, the method is applied to a group of 28 countries that on 1/28/2021 accounted for 82% of deaths caused by the pandemic. The age-adjusted mortality rates describe a picture quite different from that portrayed by the crude rates, with three different patterns of mortality. Six Latin American countries and South Africa assume leading positions in the ranking calculated based on these rates. Moreover, a partial but sufficiently accurate update of the calculation based on the number of deaths until 3/26/2021 indicates that in this ranking Brazil only stands behind Mexico and Peru.O monitoramento da dinâmica da pandemia de Covid-19 tem feito uso, desde os seus primeiros dias, da comparação internacional de taxas de mortalidade. As evidências indisputáveis de que a letalidade guarda uma relação fortíssima com a idade das pessoas acometidas implica que, para muitos fins, um indicador mais adequado seriam taxas de mortalidade padronizadas de maneira a compensar as diferenças de perfil etário entre as populações. Este artigo expõe um método para calcular taxas de mortalidade padronizadas que levam em conta tanto as discrepâncias nas pirâmides etárias quanto nas taxas de mortalidade por faixas de idade. Avançando em relação às poucas outras iniciativas congêneres encontradas na literatura, o método é aplicado para um conjunto de 28 países que em 28/1/2021 respondiam por 82% das mortes provocadas pela pandemia. As taxas de mortalidade ajustadas descrevem um quadro bem diferente do retratado pelas taxas brutas, com três padrões distintos de mortalidade. Seis países latino-americanos e a África do Sul assumem posições de proa no ranking calculado a partir dessas taxas. Mais especificamente, uma atualização parcial, mas suficientemente acurada, do cálculo com base no número de mortes até 26/3/2021 indica que nesse ranking o Brasil ficaria atrás apenas do México e do Peru

    Ecos popperianos na metodologia econômica de Elinor Ostrom

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    O artigo procurou apresentar e analisar a discussão metodológica em economia empreendida por Elinor Ostrom, buscando identificar nela a influência da epistemologia popperiana. A ênfase voltou-se para os conceitos de Princípio da Racionalidade e de Análise Situacional, com os quais Popper contribuiu para a metodologia das Ciência Sociais. O artigo mostrou que esses conceitos encontraram equivalentes na análise da autora, e que Ostrom não apenas reconhece a importância da contribuição popperiana, mas dela faz o ponto de partida para sua proposta metodológica aplicada à governança de recursos comuns. O artigo refere-se, também, ao fato de que ao longo do tempo a metodologia dessa autora gradativamente abre-se a uma interlocução metodológica mais plural conservando, no entanto, aspectos essenciais do projeto popperiano para a metodologia em Ciências Sociais, entre os quais a adesão ao individualismo metodológico.The paper has described and analyzed the methodological discussion presented by Elinor Ostrom seeking in it the popperian influence. It focused on the Rationality Principle and Situational analysis concepts trough Popper contributes for Social Sciences methodology. The paper argues that Ostrom recognize the popperian influence and seeks to apply it in her case studies. The paper also shows that the methodology of the author gradually open to a more plural methodological interlocution preserving, despite this, essentials aspects of popperian methodology

    Elementos para uma história econômica da rigidez e da flexibilidade na produção em massa

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    In a supposedly paradoxical manner, Ohnoism represents a production system antagonistic to conventional mass production - Fordist - and is, at the same time, its unfolding. This can be viewed dividing the Fordist production in two phases. The first one, from 1913 until the immediate post - World War II, is characterized by standardized production founded on a potentially flexible technical basis. The next phase, depart from World War II, is characterized by the embodiment of the rigidity principle in the machine system. The production manner developed in Japan - mass flexible production - has the first phase of Fordism as an indispensable historical condition. Through Ohno thepotential flexibility became effective: a truly "Colombo's egg". The notion of a bifurcation after the first Fordist phase - rigidity versus flexible production - can contribute to the debate on the nature of Ohnoism.De maneira aparentemente paradoxal, o ohnoismo representa uma forma de produgdo antagdnica a produgdo em massa convencional (fordisfa), e e, ao mesmo tempo, um desdobramento dela. Isfo pode ser visualizado dividindo a produgdo fordisfa em duas fases. A primeira, de 1913 ate o imediato p6s-2g Guerra, caracteriza-se pela produgdo de forma padronizada lastreada numa estrutura fecnica potencialmente flexivel (etapa da "rigidificagdo"). A fase seguinte, a partir do pdsguerra, caracteriza-se pela incorporagdo do prindpio da rigidez ao sistema de mdquinas (etapa da rigidez). A forma de produgdo desenvolvida no Japdo (produgdo flexivel em massa) tern a "rigidificagdo" como precondigdo historica indispensdvei. Ohno teria conseguido tornar efetiva a flexibilidade potencial: um verdadeiro "Ovo de Colombo". A ideia de uma bifurcagdo apos a "rigidificagdo" fordisfa - rigidez versus produgdo flexivel em massa - pode contribuir para o debate sobre a natureza do ohnoismo

    La emergencia del sector de prestación de servicios de ingeniería mecánica en la industria automotriz brasileña

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    The development of the products in the Brazilian car industry has created a new sector of car mechanical engineering outsourcing. The improvement of the adaptation of car models generated in Europe and in the United States to the Brazilian demand conditions and infrastructure expanded the work market for the national car mechanical engineering until the 1980’s. The commercial opening in the 1990’s – allowing the importation increase and the coming competitors – impressed a more accelerated rhythm to the development of models. The subsequent demand expansion contributed for the appearance of genuinely national models and technology, as the motors of low piston displacement engines. This dynamization of the aggregated demand has contributed for the consolidation of a new segment of car mechanical engineering outsourcing responsible by around 30-35% of the product development project of the car industry – which is characterized by the presence of national and multinational companies, with broad and specialized servicing lines and, as a consequence, with size heterogeneity, occupying a highly skilled work forces. The present work shows a historical evolution of that segment and its current structural characteristics.El desarrollo de productos en la industria automotriz brasileña creó un nuevo sector de prestación de servicios de ingeniería mecánica (SPSIM). El incremento de la adaptación delos modelos de automóviles creados en Europa y Estados Unidos a las condiciones de la demanda y de la infraestructura brasileña expandió el mercado de trabajo para la ingenieríamecánica nacional hasta los años 1980. La apertura comercial en los años 1990, al permitir el aumento de las importaciones de autos y la entrada de nuevos competidores, imprimió unritmo más acelerado de innovación, con el surgimiento de modelos y tecnología genuinamente nacionales, como los motores de baja cilindrada. La expansión de la demandaagregada consolidó un nuevo sector de prestación de servicios de ingeniería mecánica, responsable por cerca de 30% a 35% de las horas de proyectos de desarrollo de la industriaautomotriz, que se caracteriza por la presencia de empresas nacionales y multinacionales, con líneas de servicios amplias o especializadas y, por consecuencia, con heterogeneidad detamaños, ocupando una fuerza de trabajo altamente calificada. La presente ponencia muestra la evolución histórica de este sector y sus características estructurales en el período reciente

    Diversidade genética de duas espécies de Eucalyptus usando marcadores ISSR

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    Here, we deployed a genetic diversity analysis using ISSR markers in two Eucalyptus species, as a fundamental step toward breeding strategies. The selected species were Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus microcorys, both with economic potential in forestry. The studied individuals belong to a species and the provenance test that was installed in 1974 and until now remains exempt from silvicultural treatments. Nine universal ISSR primers were used in the analyses. Intra and interspecific variation through the polymorphism percentage, polymorphism information content (PIC) and Euclidean distances among individuals were computed. The Euclidean distance among the individuals was used to perform a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA), as well as the permutation analysis of multivariate dispersion (PermDisp), followed by the Tukey’s test. A high percentage of polymorphic bands were detected, with 57.14% for Eucalyptus microcorys and 80.95% for Eucalyptus urophylla. PIC values were higher than 0.5 for four primers (UBC827, UBC835, UBC841, and UBC842). The genetic variability was significantly higher within the Eucalyptus urophylla population than in Eucalyptus microcorys, which may be associated with the greater ability of Eucalyptus urophylla to naturally hybridize, therefore, enabling the introduction of new alleles to their populations. Visando fornecer informações que sirvam de base para estudos de melhoramento genético de Eucalyptus foi realizada a análise da diversidade genética usando marcadores ISSR. As espécies estudadas foram Eucalyptus urophylla e Eucalyptus microcorys, ambas com potencial econômico florestal. Os indivíduos estudados pertencem a um teste de espécies e procedências instalado no ano de 1974 e permanecem isentos de tratos silviculturais. Para as análises foram utilizados nove primers ISSR universais. A partir dos resultados avaliou-se a existência de variação intra e interespecífica por meio da porcentagem de polimorfismo, conteúdo de informação polimórfica (PIC) e distância Euclidiana entre indivíduos. A fim de analisar a distância Euclidiana entre os indivíduos foram feitas a análise de coordenadas principais (PCoA) e análise permutacional de dispersão multivariada (PermDisp) seguida pelo teste de Tukey. Observouse elevada porcentagem de polimorfismo (57,14% para Eucalyptus microcorys e 80,95% para Eucalyptus urophylla). Considerando todos os grupos avaliados, os valores de PIC foram superiores a 0,5 para quatro primers (UBC827, UBC835, UBC841). A variabilidade interna foi significativamente maior na população de Eucalyptus urophylla em relação à Eucalyptus microcorys, o que pode estar associado à maior capacidade do Eucalyptus urophylla em hibridizar naturalmente

    Evaluation of total protein, peroxidase, and nutrients measured by pXRF for the determination of tissue rejuvenation / reinvigoration of Eucalyptus microcorys

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    Ontogenetic aging of tissues and the gradual decrease of adventitious rooting are known challenges for the clonal propagation of woody species, hampering clonal forestry programs. This study examined possible signatures of tissue rejuvenation/reinvigoration in different propagated materials of Eucalyptus microcorys by analyzing the total protein profile, peroxidase activity, macro-and micronutrient contents, and adventitious rooting of mini cuttings. The analyses were performed on E. microcorys shoots which were successfully obtained by seminal and grafting propagation, micropropagation with epicormic shoots, and indirect organogenesis. Among four mature trees used in the propagation, tissues from the one with the best propagation results were investigated for signs of tissue rejuvenation and/or reinvigoration. Five individuals from each technique were randomly selected and transferred to a semi-hydroponic “channel” system. After four weeks in the seedbed, the total protein, peroxidase activity, nutrient content and rooting of the minicuttings were evaluated. SDS-PAGE enabled the differentiation of leaf samples obtained by grafting from the other propagation techniques, as revealed by two distinct bands. Materials obtained by micropropagation with epicormic shoots showed the highest peroxidase activity, while those obtained by seminal propagation and from the selected mature tree showed the lowest peroxidase activity. A portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscope (pXRF) identified adequate nutrient content in most of the nutrients tested in materials obtained by seminal and grafting propagation, and by indirect organogenesis. The analysis of adventitious rooting showed that the highest rooting percentage was observed in mini cuttings from seminal propagation (75%) followed by indirect organogenesis (35%). Based on principal component analysis, it was concluded that rooting of mini cuttings from both seminal propagation and indirect organogenesis organogenesis was associated with phosphorous, sulphur, and potassium contents, which suggests a higher level of tissue rejuvenation/reinvigoration in these propagated plants. Further studies are recommended to search for other methods that present similarities with the responses to adventitious rooting in forest species and thus optimize the rescue and propagation of plants with distinct ontogenetic stages

    Diversidade genética de duas espécies de Eucalyptus usando marcadores ISSR

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    Here, we deployed a genetic diversity analysis using ISSR markers in two Eucalyptus species, as a fundamental step toward breeding strategies. The selected species were Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus microcorys, both with economic potential in forestry. The studied individuals belong to a species and the provenance test that was installed in 1974 and until now remains exempt from silvicultural treatments. Nine universal ISSR primers were used in the analyses. Intra and interspecific variation through the polymorphism percentage, polymorphism information content (PIC) and Euclidean distances among individuals were computed. The Euclidean distance among the individuals was used to perform a principal coordinate analysis (PCoA), as well as the permutation analysis of multivariate dispersion (PermDisp), followed by the Tukey’s test. A high percentage of polymorphic bands were detected, with 57.14% for Eucalyptus microcorys and 80.95% for Eucalyptus urophylla. PIC values were higher than 0.5 for four primers (UBC827, UBC835, UBC841, and UBC842). The genetic variability was significantly higher within the Eucalyptus urophylla population than in Eucalyptus microcorys, which may be associated with the greater ability of Eucalyptus urophylla to naturally hybridize, therefore, enabling the introduction of new alleles to their populations.Visando fornecer informações que sirvam de base para estudos de melhoramento genético de Eucalyptus foi realizada a análise da diversidade genética usando marcadores ISSR. As espécies estudadas foram Eucalyptus urophylla e Eucalyptus microcorys, ambas com potencial econômico florestal. Os indivíduos estudados pertencem a um teste de espécies e procedências instalado no ano de 1974 e permanecem isentos de tratos silviculturais. Para as análises foram utilizados nove primers ISSR universais. A partir dos resultados avaliou-se a existência de variação intra e interespecífica por meio da porcentagem de polimorfismo, conteúdo de informação polimórfica (PIC) e distância Euclidiana entre indivíduos. A fim de analisar a distância Euclidiana entre os indivíduos foram feitas a análise de coordenadas principais (PCoA) e análise permutacional de dispersão multivariada (PermDisp) seguida pelo teste de Tukey. Observouse elevada porcentagem de polimorfismo (57,14% para Eucalyptus microcorys e 80,95% para Eucalyptus urophylla). Considerando todos os grupos avaliados, os valores de PIC foram superiores a 0,5 para quatro primers (UBC827, UBC835, UBC841). A variabilidade interna foi significativamente maior na população de Eucalyptus urophylla em relação à Eucalyptus microcorys, o que pode estar associado à maior capacidade do Eucalyptus urophylla em hibridizar naturalmente

    Structural characterization of a novel peptide with antimicrobial activity from the venom gland of the scorpion Tityus stigmurus: Stigmurin

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    AbstractA new antimicrobial peptide, herein named Stigmurin, was selected based on a transcriptomic analysis of the Brazilian yellow scorpion Tityus stigmurus venom gland, an underexplored source for toxic peptides with possible biotechnological applications. Stigmurin was investigated in silico, by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, and in vitro. The CD spectra suggested that this peptide interacts with membranes, changing its conformation in the presence of an amphipathic environment, with predominance of random coil and beta-sheet structures. Stigmurin exhibited antibacterial and antifungal activity, with minimal inhibitory concentrations ranging from 8.7 to 69.5μM. It was also showed that Stigmurin is toxic against SiHa and Vero E6 cell lines. The results suggest that Stigmurin can be considered a potential anti-infective drug

    Potent and Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Activity of Analogs from the Scorpion Peptide Stigmurin

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    Scorpion venom constitutes a rich source of biologically active compounds with high potential for therapeutic and biotechnological applications that can be used as prototypes for the design of new drugs. The aim of this study was to characterize the structural conformation, evaluate the antimicrobial activity, and gain insight into the possible action mechanism underlying it, for two new analog peptides of the scorpion peptide Stigmurin, named StigA25 and StigA31. The amino acid substitutions in the native sequence for lysine residues resulted in peptides with higher positive net charge and hydrophobicity, with an increase in the theoretical helical content. StigA25 and StigA31 showed the capacity to modify their structural conformation according to the environment, and were stable to pH and temperature variation-results similar to the native peptide. Both analog peptides demonstrated broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity in vitro, showing an effect superior to that of the native peptide, being non-hemolytic at the biologically active concentrations. Therefore, this study demonstrates the therapeutic potential of the analog peptides from Stigmurin and the promising approach of rational drug design based on scorpion venom peptide to obtain new anti-infective agents.publishersversionpublishe