22 research outputs found
Canine Oral Osteocartilaginous Malignant Amelanotic Melanoma with Pulmonary Metastasis
Background: Melanomas are typically malignant neoplasms commonly observed in the oral cavity of dogs. The classical presentation of melanomas with characteristic melanin pigmentation is easy to diagnose; however, in some cases, the lack of melanin production in the amelanotic oral tumors cause a delay in establishing the precocious diagnosis and consequent treatment. The aim of this report was to evaluate the histopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of an oral amelanotic melanoma with osteocartilaginous formation and metastasis in a dog, in a temporal way.Case: A 10-year-old male German Shepherd dog, presenting mouth bleeding with an amelanotic melanoma located between the upper incisors was received at the Veterinary Hospital of the Catholic University Dom Bosco (UCDB), Campo Grande, MS, Brazil. The animal was clinically evaluated and radiography was performed. The tumor was surgically removed and a sample was collected for histopathological examination that revealed spindloid and some epithelioid morphological cell types surrounded by a fibromatous matrix with moderate amounts of fibrovascular stroma. Approximately 1 month after surgical removal, recovery of the tumor was observed, and a second clinical analysis and collection of sample were performed. These procedures were repeated three times showing the same histopathological characteristics added by myxoid, chondroid, fibromatous tissue, and small groups of chondrocytes as well as central areas of irregular mineralized spicules. X-ray examination revealed proliferative and lytic bone infiltration in the jaw. Immunohistochemical analysis for melanocytic differentiation markers was performed showing positivity to Melan-A, tyrosinase and HMB-45 immunoreactivity, while no S100 reactivity was detected. After 11 months of the first biopsy, pleural effusion and radiopaque disseminated nodules of 1cm in the lungs were detected by X-ray. The animal died and necropsy was conducted. Multiple masses were observed in the lung and at the parietal pleura, suggesting lung metastasis by the positivity for Melan-A.Discussion: The dog was first diagnosed with fibromatous epulis based on the observation of fibroblastic tissue and spindle cells with intense vascularization associated to the site of the tumor and its macroscopic aspect. In the subsequent follow-ups the tumor displayed malignant characteristics observed by recurrence after each surgery, as the tumor returned even larger, aggressive, and infiltrative. From the second biopsy, the histopathological analysis showed the undifferentiated character of epithelioid neoplastic cells, demonstrated by the increase of cartilage and osteoid tissue and the mineral deposit. The phenomenon of the tumor stroma to form cartilage and bone is highlighted here because myxoid change and cartilage formation were frequently observed at the site where amelanotic spindle cells were actively proliferating. It is possible that neoplastic melanocytic cells themselves were involved in the development of the osteocartilaginous areas. Although no cytoplasmic melanin pigmentation was found in the tumor fragments, specific melanocytic markers for melanoma detected neoplastic melanocytes and unmelanized melanosomes. The positive reaction for Melan-A, HMB-45, and tyrosinase in the epithelioid, spindle, and cartilaginous cell groups of the neoplasia indicated amelanotic melanoma with osteocartilaginous differentiation. The negative HMB-45, S100, and tyrosinase expression in lung metastasis may be due to the fact that melanomas express aberrant markers and are also known to display occasional loss of their classic immunophenotype. Amelanotic melanoma can be underdiagnosed due to rapid progression of the tumor allied to the dedifferentiation ability of melanocytes. Thus, the follow up study of cell morphology and immunohistochemical analysis for melanogenic factors can be important determinants in diagnosis
The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using bioremediation and F. moliniforme in remediation of compounds made from plastics and other polymers using waste pollutants. The survival analyzes for survival / growth resistance and pollutants in the concrete for 30 days was observed. We evaluated the size of the colonies in battery fluid (pH = 0.1) and weekly reviews of pH in three 1000 mL volumetric flasks, having in each 133 mL of battery + 100 mg of Fusarium moliniforme. To review the development and formation of colonies of microorganisms miners, we used 320g samples distributed in three trays concrete material. And was inserted solution of green algae free and Fusarium moliniforme life. With mixing the solution with a battery for inoculation of nutrient Fusarium moliniforme in an alkaline environment (pH between 10 and 14) means. Observed the growth of colonies and changing an pHs for a neutral medium (pH 7.0): 78 colonies. In three days sleeve dilution initiated and completed processing within 30 days. This process occurred with a combination of solution and battery residual crushed lime construction and promoted the transformation of the solid phase in the liquid phase in only 30 days. After 2 days s solution was neutralized (pH 7) and thus remaining constant. The battery solution can be neutralized with the addition of carbonates for remediation. The combination of battery solution more carbonates digested the solid state of natural rubber surgical glove can be reused by the industry to produce new products. Fusarium moliniforme biorremediador should be used as the treatment of contaminated soils ex situ, bioadition and bioaugmentation because this fungus neutralized acidic pH of contaminated soils with concrete residue.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a viabilidade da utilização do F. moliniforme em biorremediação e remediação de compostos a base de plásticos e outros polímeros utilizando resíduos poluentes. A sobrevivência foi observada por analises de sobrevivência/resistência e crescimento em poluentes de concreto por 30 dias. Avaliou-se o tamanho das colônias em fluido de bateria (pH=0,1) semanalmente e avaliações de pH em três balões volumétricos de 1000 mL, possuindo em cada um, 133 mL de fluido de bateria + 100 mg de Fusarium moliniforme. Para avaliação de desenvolvimento e formação de colônias de microorganismos mineradores, utilizou-se 320g de amostras de material de concreto distribuídas em três bandejas. E inseriu-se solução com algas verdes de vida livre e Fusarium moliniforme. Com a mistura do fluido de bateria com um meio nutritivo para a inoculação do Fusarium moliniforme, em um ambiente alcalino (pH entre 10 a 14). Observou-se o crescimento de colônias e alteração de um dos pHs para um meio neutro (pH 7,0): 78 colônias. Em três dias a luva iniciou a diluição, e completou a transformação em 30 dias. Esse processo ocorreu com uma combinação de fluido de bateria e brita residual de construção e cal que promoveu essa transformação da fase sólida em fase liquida em apenas 30 dias. Após 2 dias o fluido se neutralizou (pH 7) e assim se mantendo constante. O fluido de bateria pode ser neutralizada com adição de carbonatos por remediação. A combinação de fluido de bateria mais carbonatos digeriram o estado solido da luva cirúrgica em borracha natural pode ser reutilizada pela indústria na produção de novos produtos. Fusarium moliniforme deve ser utilizado como biorremediador no tratamento de solos contaminados ex situ, por bioadição e bioaumentação, pois esse fungo neutralizou pH ácido de solos contaminados com resíduo de concreto
Efeitos da utilização do gel de babosa no crescimento inicial de plântulas
This study aimed to test the use of fresh gel of Aloe barbadensis Miller plant in cultivation, substituting commercial agar as an alternative means of lowering costs, and provide an innovative approach in its use. Plants growing in a substrate of Aloe and consistently showed lower growth rate than plants grown in soil. Results indicated that Aloe benefits promoted in the initial growth, but with increasing cultivation time, parts of the plant ceased growing. However, the period of emergence of new leaves is similar to that of plants grown in soil. The determination of the dry mass also did not differ between treatments, showing that carbon assimilation was not affected by the substrate of aloe. Finally, it is clear that aloe vera might become a key element in experiments on growing plants under controlled conditions for being an excellent nutrient and moisturizer.O presente estudo visou testar o uso de gel in natura de Aloe barbadensis Miller em cultivos vegetais, em substituição ao ágar comercial, como forma alternativa de baratear gastos, e dar um enfoque inovador na sua utilização. Plantas crescendo em substrato de babosa apresentaram sempre menor crescimento e velocidade que plantas cultivadas em solo. Resultados indicaram que a babosa promoveu benefício no crescimento inicial, porém com o aumento do tempo de cultivo, partes do vegetal cessaram o crescimento. No entanto, o período de emergência de novas folhas é semelhante ao das plantas cultivadas em solo. A determinação da massa seca também não teve diferença entre os tratamentos, mostrando que a assimilação de carbono não foi afetada pelo substrato de babosa. Por fim, é possível afirmar que a babosa pode vir a se tornar um elemento chave em experimentos de cultivo de plantas sob condições controladas, por ser um excelente nutriente e hidratante
Efeito larvicida de Ricinus communis L.
Effective larvicides in low concentrations, and is easily obtained in the region, are intensely sought by public health agencies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the potential larvicide leaf extract and oil of the fruit of Ricinus communis on the larvae of Aedes aegypti. The results showed that seed and leaf extracts promoted total mortality of the larvae, and this effect is independent of concentration. Therefore, indicates the use of R. communis in endemic regions to control larvae.A busca por larvicidas eficientes em baixas concentrações, e que seja facilmente obtidos na região, são intensamente procurados por órgãos de saúde pública. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial larvicida do extrato da folha e do óleo do fruto de Ricinus communis sobre as larvas de Aedes aegypti. Os resultados mostraram que extratos de folha e sementes promoveram a mortalidade total das larvas, e este efeito independe da concentração. Portanto, indica-se o uso de R. communis em regiões endêmicas para controle de larvas
Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Heart Tissue and Nitric Oxide in Serum of Trypanosoma cruzi-Infected Rhesus Monkeys: Association with Heart Injury
Chagas disease, a neglected tropical disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, afflicts from 8 to 15 million people in the Latin America. Chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy (CCC) is the most frequent manifestation of Chagas disease. Currently, patient management only mitigates CCC symptoms. The pathogenic factors leading to CCC remain unknown; therefore their comprehension may contribute to develop more efficient therapies. In patients, high nitric oxide (NO) levels have been associated with CCC severity. In T. cruzi-infected mice, NO, mainly produced via inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS/NOS2), is proposed to work in parasite control. However, the participation of iNOS/NOS2 and NO in T. cruzi control and heart injury has been questioned. Here, infected rhesus monkeys and iNOS/NOS2-deficient mice were used to explore the participation of iNOS/NOS2-derived NO in heart injury in T. cruzi infection. Chronically infected monkeys presented electrical abnormalities, myocarditis and fibrosis, resembling the spectrum of human CCC. Moreover, cardiomyocyte lesion correlated with iNOS/NOS2+ cells infiltrating the cardiac tissue. Our findings support that parasite-driven iNOS/NOS2+ cells accumulation in the cardiac tissue and NO overproduction contribute to cardiomyopathy severity, mainly disturbing the pathway involved in electrical synchrony in T. cruzi infection
First record of Swallow-tailed Cotinga, Phibalura flavirostris Vieillot, 1816 (Aves, Cotingidae) in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
The Swallow-tailed Cotinga, Phibalura flavirostris, is a rare Neotropical bird. Its geographic distribution in Brazil is limited to the country’s south and south-east regions and a small area in the center of the state of Goiás. However, an adult individual was recorded in a fragment of Cerrado in the municipality of Campo Grande, in central Mato Grosso do Sul, indicating an expansion in the distribution of the species in Brazil
Chronic Trypanosoma Cruzi -Elicited Cardiomyopathy: From the Discovery to the Proposal of Rational Therapeutic Interventions Targeting Cell Adhesion Molecules and Chemokine Receptors - How to Make a Dream Come True
One hundred years ago, Carlos Chagas discovered a new disease, the
American trypanosomiasis. Chagas and co-workers later characterised the
disease’s common manifestation, chronic cardiomyopathy, and
suggested that parasitic persistence coupled with inflammation was the
key underlying pathogenic mechanism. Better comprehension of the
molecular mechanisms leading to clinical heart afflictions is a
prerequisite to developing new therapies that ameliorate inflammation
and improve heart function without hampering parasite control. Here, we
review recent data showing that distinct cell adhesion molecules,
chemokines and chemokine receptors participate in anti- parasite
immunity and/or detrimental leukocyte trafficking to the heart.
Moreover, we offer evidence that CC-chemokine receptors may be
attractive therapeutic targets aiming to regain homeostatic balance in
parasite/host interaction thereby improving prognosis, supporting that
it is becoming a non-phantasious proposal
Parte aérea da mandioca em substituição parcial a alimentos concentrados na dieta de cordeiros
This study aimed to evaluate the performance and economic viability of including the aerial parts of cassava (PAM) in the feed of semi-confined lambs for partial reduction of food concentrates. Fifty-six sheep, including males and females of the Pantaneira genetic group weighing 18.84 ± 2.02 kg on an average were used. The experiment was conducted in a factorial randomized complete block design with four treatments, each with seven females and seven males. Each group of 14 animals received one of four treatments: control, 10% of food concentrate in diet replaced with PAM, 20% replaced with PAM, and 30% replaced with PAM. The average total gain in weight (GWT) of the male lambs was 26.89% higher than the gains observed in females. Based on the cost analysis, we observed a linear effect (P < 0.01), i.e., a decrease in the feed cost for male and female groups with increase in PAM content. For the study period, the expenditure for the control male group was the highest at 12.74 per animal. These figures reflect the actual operating costs (COE), i.e., the power is 75.78% and 74.77%, for male and female groups respectively. The total cost, decreased linearly (P < 0.05) with PAM 30 treatment costing the least at 7.02 lower than the control. When assessing the net margin per kilogram among the female groups, we observed a quadratic effect (P < 0.01) with a maximum gain of 23.98% when adding PAM and 56,86 animal-1 e o tratamento PAM 30 o menor valor com R 154,72. Resultando em redução no custo total em R 177,41). Ao se avaliar a margem liquida por quilo dentre o grupamento de fêmeas observou efeito quadrático (P < 0,01) com ponto de máxima em 23,98% de adição de PAM e valor em R$ 1,61 Kg ganho-1. Conclui-se a terminação de cordeiros em semi-confinamento, foi economicamente viável, tendo apresentado maior retorno econômico com a adição da parte aérea de mandioca in natura na ração, não afetando o desempenho dos cordeiros
Potential role of zinc in the visceromegaly regression and recovery of hematological parameters during treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in children from an endemic area
ABSTRACT Leishmaniasis is a disease complex with various clinical symptoms caused by different species of parasites of the genus Leishmania. The visceral form of the disease, characterized by severe symptoms is fatal, if not treated. The high toxicity of current antileishmanial drugs and the need for long-term treatment make the therapy complicated, especially in a large number of infected children. Hence, the search for new therapies must be intensified. Oral administration of the trace element zinc has been considered in alternative treatments against different clinical forms of leishmaniasis. This study revealed that the administration of zinc in children with visceral leishmaniasis, during treatment with amphotericin B or glucantime, accelerates the regression of the spleen enlargement without interfering with the recovery of hematological parameters
Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is an annual herbaceous plant native to Mexico in pre-Columbian times was used a lot with food and medicinal purpose, but during the process of domestication suffered habitat loss due to degradation of natural resources. It has high contente of omega-6 and omega-3, potent antioxidants, protein, dietary fiber, α-linoleic, widely used in weight reduction treatments, and reduction of cholesterol and its price is always high (100 g seed costs on average £ 25.00). The objective was to evaluate the production of seedlings of S. hispanica from embryos in culture media with and without sucrose. Held at 120 seed disinfection detergent Tween 80 for 2 minutes soaking in 1% sodium hypochlorite for 5 minutes in 70% ethanol for 2 min followed by rinsing three times with sterile distilled water. After this procedure, the seeds were placed in glass vials with 5 mL of liquid MS medium plus 30 g L-1 sucrose 100 mg L-inositol 1 pH adjusted to 5.8 without and without phytoregulator agar. Was used as control MS medium without sucrose and without agar. The cultures were kept in a growth chamber at 25 ± 2 ° C under a photoperiod of 16 hours. Each vial contained 30 seeds with 4 replications. We evaluated the germination and early growth of the seedling root and hypocotyl. 60 seedlings per treatment were used for evaluation of measures with a millimeter ruler on the length of the shoot and root. Germination was always higher in cultures with sucrose. Plantlets from 14 days had higher growth of shoots and roots in MS medium with sucrose. Sucrose directly affects seedling development of chia and may impair normal growth and promote somaclonal variation.A chia (Salvia hispanica L.) é uma planta herbácea anual originária do México que em tempos pré colombianos foi muito utilizada com finalidade alimentar e medicinal, mas durante o processo de domesticação sofreu perda de habitat devido a degradação de recursos naturais. Tem alto teor de ômega-6 e ômega-3, potentes antioxidantes, proteínas, fibra alimentar, α-linolêico, muito utilizada nos tratamentos de redução de peso, e redução de colesterol e seu preço está sempre em alta (100 g de sementes custa em média R$ 25,00).O objetivo foi avaliar a produção de plântulas de S. hispanica a partir de embriões em meios de cultivo com e sem sacarose. Realizou-se assepsia em 120 sementes com detergente Tween 80 por 2 minutos, imersão em solução de hipoclorito de sódio 1% por 5 minutos, em álcool 70% por 2 minutos, seguido de triplo enxágüe com água destilada esterilizada. Após esse procedimento, as sementes foram colocadas em frascos de vidro com 5 mL de meio MS liquido, acrescido de 30 g L-1 de sacarose, 100 mg L-1 de inositol com o pH ajustado para 5,8, sem fitorregulador e sem ágar. Como controle usou-se meio de cultivo MS sem sacarose e sem ágar. Os cultivos foram mantidos em sala de crescimento, a 25 ± 2 ºC, sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas. Cada frasco continha 30 sementes com 4 repetições. Avaliou-se a germinação e o crescimento inicial de hipocótilo e raiz das plântulas. Foram utilizadas 60 plântulas por tratamento para avaliação de medidas com régua milimetrada quanto ao comprimento caulinar e de raiz. A germinação sempre foi maior em cultivo com sacarose. Plântulas cultivadas partir de 14 dias tiveram maior crescimento da parte aérea e radicular em meio MS com sacarose. A sacarose afeta diretamente o desenvolvimento de plântulas de chia e pode comprometer o crescimento normal e promover variação somaclonal