60 research outputs found

    Business article: M&A as the Portuguese route to Brazil

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis thesis project is aimed to be a business magazine article to discuss the specific Portuguese route to enter into Brazil of mergers and acquisitions, analyzing the particularities of cultural compatibility. The relevance of this article relies not only on the world’s sixth economy’s potential, which, as a BRIC country, has been facing high expectations of promising growth and opportunities, but particularly on the fact that Portuguese companies have additional incentives to invest there, such as the low levels of cultural distance (Silva, 2005), psychic distance (Sousa; Bradley 2005) and institutional distance. Moreover, M&A has been a focus of many international business articles as an increasingly popular mode of entry (Akgöbek, 2012; Grant Thornton, 2012), especially in countries like Brazil with relatively high challenges in doing business (World Bank, 2012). Taking into account the high failure rate of M&As as well as the specific Portuguese-Brazilian challenge of neglecting preparation by relying on cultural compatibility - psychic distance paradox (Silva, 2012; Cyrino, 2010) - it is crucial to educate Portuguese companies in these internationalization processes. Nevertheless, little literature exists analyzing the strengthened relationship of Portugal and Brazil in a practical perspective of M&A. Therefore, this article provides Portuguese companies with a model for these internationalization processes to Brazil to contribute for the corporate knowledge and future operations’ success. The M&A model (Dowling, Festing, Engle, 2008) was adapted from the knowledge retrieved from companies interviewed for this project, which are present in the market (comprising the environment, ICT, aeronautics and telecommunication sectors) and/or advising those who engage in these operations (including a global law firm and a Portuguese investment bank also present in Brazil)

    Severe interstitial pneumonia due to murine typhus in a patient returning from Bali

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    Murine typhus has been increasingly reported as a cause of fever in returning travelers from Southeast Asia. We report a case of a previously healthy traveler returning from Bali with an non-specific febrile illness which quickly progressed to a severe form of interstitial pneumonia. After a careful epidemiological evaluation and laboratory analysis, murine typhus was diagnosed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Limites, neutralidade e troca de papéis na entrevista televisiva – A entrevista de Manuela Moura Guedes a António Marinho Pinto no Jornal Nacional de Sexta, TVI (22 de Maio de 2009)

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    As entrevistas televisivas são encenadas para uma audiência. Neste sentido, apesar da existência de elementos espontâneos e imprevisíveis que geralmente ocorrem nas transmissões em directo, os telespectadores esperam ver, tanto o entrevistador como o entrevistado, representarem os seus papéis. Isto significa que é legítimo para o jornalista fazer questões, ainda que em nome do público, e, para o entrevistado, responder a essas questões. Contudo, por vezes a linha entre a tomada de uma posição neutral e uma posição de “advogado” é transposta pelo jornalista, conduzindo ao chamado “jornalismo agressivo” (Clayman, 2002). Esta análise foca-se nessas excepções. O caso em estudo traduz-se na entrevista entre Manuela Moura Guedes, pivô do Jornal Nacional de Sexta da estação TVI, e António Marinho Pinto, bastonário da Ordem dos Advogados, transmitida no dia 22 de Maio de 2009. Enquadrando o nosso trabalho na Análise Conversacional (Ekström, 2007; Cameron, 2001; Greatbatch, 1998), e partindo da análise da sequência de abertura da entrevista, baseada na estrutura de Clayman (1991), analisámos a transgressão e manutenção dos limites éticos e da posição neutral do entrevistador na interacção com o entrevistado.A análise desenvolvida rumou no sentido da constatação de uma troca de papéis entre os participantes: Marinho Pinto, advogado, assume a legitimidade e a autoridade de questionar, geralmente atribuída ao papel de jornalista; por outro lado, Manuela Moura Guedes, jornalista, assume uma posição de “advogada” ao fazer juízos de opinião sobre o entrevistado. A entrevista converte-se num debate, o qual culmina num ataque ao profissionalismo da jornalista.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rodent models of Parkinson's disease: beyond the motor symptomatology

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is classically characterized by motor symptoms; however, non-motor symptoms (NMS) are increasingly recognized as relevant in disease-state, given the associated alterations in mood (depression and anxiety) and cognition. Here, particularly in regards to NMS, we aimed to compare the motor, emotional and cognitive behavior of three animal models of PD that trigger dopaminergic (DAergic) degeneration on both brain hemispheres: (i) the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA, 8 or 6 µg) lesion model; (ii) the paraquat (PQ) induced model, and (iii) a genetic model based on a-synuclein overexpression (a-syn). 6-OHDA and a-syn vector were injected bilaterally in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) of adult male Wistar rats; as for PQ delivery, micro-osmotic pumps were implanted in the interscapular region. Motor deficits were observed in all models, with histological analysis of tyrosine hydroxylase positive cells in the SNpc revealing a significant loss of DAergic neurons in all animal models. In addition, the a-syn animal model also presented a reduction in exploratory activity, and the 6-OHDA and PQ animals displayed a significant increase in both depressive- and anxiety-like behavior. Interestingly, cognitive impairment (working memory) was only observed in the 6-OHDA model. Overall, these PD models are suitable for mimicking the motor symptoms associated to PD, with each encompassing other relevant NMS components of the disorder that may prove beneficial for further studies in PD.We would like to acknowledge the funds attributed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the PhD scholarships to E L. Campos (SFRH/BD/47311/2008) and M. M. Carvalho (SFRH/BD/51061/2010) and the Post-Doctoral fellowship to A. C. Cristovao (SFRH/BPD/69643/2010), and to Fundacao Calouste de Gulbenkian-Programme to Support Cutting Edge Research in Life Sciences and ICVS for funding this work. We want to further acknowledge Joao Cerqueira and Nadine Correia Santos for their contribution to this work

    Successful management of bilateral orbital metastases from invasive lobular breast cancer with abemaciclib and letrozole: a case report and literature review

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    Breast cancer is a significant global health concern, contributing to substantial morbidity and mortality among women. Hormone receptor-positive (HR+)/HER2-negative (HER2-) breast cancer constitutes a considerable proportion of cases, and significant advancements have been made in its management. CDK4/6 inhibitors (CDK4/6is) are a new targeted therapy that has demonstrated efficacy in adjuvant, advanced and metastatic settings. The propensity of lobular breast carcinomas for estrogen-rich sites, such as periocular tissues and orbital fat, may explain their tendency for orbital metastases. Current treatment strategies for these cases are predominantly palliative, and the prognosis remains poor. This article presents a unique case of a 51-year-old female with progressive right periorbital edema, pain, and limited ocular motility. An imaging work-up showed bilateral intra and extraconal orbital infiltration, which was biopsied. The histopathologic analysis disclosed mild chronic inflammatory infiltrate with thickened fibrous tissue and moderately differentiated lobular carcinoma cells, positive for GATA3 and CK7 markers, with 100% of tumor nuclei expressing estrogen receptors (ER+). A systemic evaluation showed a multicentric nodular formation in both breasts. Further diagnostic assessments unveiled an HR+/HER2- bilateral lobular breast carcinoma with synchronous bilateral orbital metastases. Systemic treatment was initiated with abemaciclib 150mg twice daily and letrozole 2.5mg once a day. However, this regimen was interrupted due to toxicity. After two weeks, treatment was resumed with a reduced abemaciclib dose (100mg twice daily) alongside letrozole, with a reasonable tolerance. Nearly two years after the initial diagnosis of inoperable metastatic cancer, the patient remains on the same systemic treatment regimen with no signs of invasive disease. This case report is the first of a patient presenting with bilateral orbital metastases from bilateral lobular breast cancer, showing an impressive and sustained response to a first-line treatment regimen combining abemaciclib and letrozole. A literature review on bilateral orbital metastases from breast cancer is also presented

    Behavioral characterization of the 6-hydroxidopamine model of Parkinson's disease and pharmacological rescuing of non-motor deficits

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    BACKGROUND: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative condition that is characterized by motor symptoms as a result of dopaminergic degeneration, particularly in the mesostriatal pathway. However, in recent years, a greater number of clinical studies have focused on the emergence of non-motor symptoms in PD patients, as a consequence of damage on the mesolimbic and mesocortical dopaminergic networks, and on their significant impact on the quality of life of PD patients. Herein, we performed a thorough behavioral analysis including motor, emotional and cognitive dimensions, of the unilateral medial forebrain bundle (MFB) 6-hydroxidopamine (6-OHDA)-lesioned model of PD, and further addressed the impact of pharmacological interventions with levodopa and antidepressants on mood dimensions. RESULTS: Based on apomorphine-induced turning behaviour and degree of dopaminergic degeneration, animals submitted to MFB lesions were subdivided in complete and incomplete lesion groups. Importantly, this division also translated into a different severity of motor and exploratory impairments and depressive-like symptoms; in contrast, no deficits in anxiety-like and cognitive behaviors were found in MFB-lesioned animals. Subsequently, we found that the exploratory and the anhedonic behavioural alterations of MFB-lesioned rats can be partially improved with the administration of both levodopa or the antidepressant bupropion, but not paroxetine. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that this model is a relevant tool to study the pathophysiology of motor and non-motor symptoms of PD. In addition, the present data shows that pharmacological interventions modulating dopaminergic transmission are also relevant to revert the non-motor behavioral deficits found in the disease.We would like to acknowledge the funds attributed by Fundacao Calouste de Gulbenkian to A.J. Salgado under the scope of the The Gulbenkian Program to Support Research in the Life Sciences, and Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology: Ciencia 2007 Program to A.J. Salgado; the PhD scholarships to M. M. Carvalho (SFRH/BD/51061/2010) and F. L. Campos (SFRH/BD/47311/2008), and the Post-Doctoral Fellowship to A.J. Rodrigues (SFRH/BPD/33611/2009) We want to further acknowledge Carina Cunha, Fabio Teixeira, Joao Bessa and Joao Cerqueira for their contribution to this work

    Development of a plasma activated multifunctional polyester fabric using zinc oxide nanoparticles and citronella oil microcapsules

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    Apresentação efetuada na 21th World Textile Conference - AUTEX 2022, em Lodz, Poland, 2022This work was funded by ERDF through the COP and FCT projects: UID/CTM/00264/2021, PLASMAMED PTDC/CTM TEX/28295/2017, ARCHKNIT POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039733, FATORST+ POCI-01-0247-ERDF-047124, MEDCOR PTDC/CTM-TEX/1213/2020, 4NoPressure POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039869 financed by FEDER through POCI under the “Portugal 2020” programme, and the Ph.D. scholarship SFRH/BD/137668/2018

    Long-chain fatty acids degradation by desulfomonile species and proposal of candidatus Desulfomonile palmitatoxidans

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    The datasets generated for this study can be found in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA)–LS453291 (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/LS453291), PRJEB26656 (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/PRJEB26656), PRJEB35900 (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/PRJEB35900).Microbial communities with the ability to convert long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) coupled to sulfate reduction can be important in the removal of these compounds from wastewater. In this work, an enrichment culture, able to oxidize the long-chain fatty acid palmitate (C16:0) coupled to sulfate reduction, was obtained from anaerobic granular sludge. Microscopic analysis of this culture, designated HP culture, revealed that it was mainly composed of one morphotype with a typical collar-like cell wall invagination, a distinct morphological feature of the Desulfomonile genus. 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenome-assembled genome (MAG) indeed confirmed that the abundant phylotype in HP culture belong to Desulfomonile genus [ca. 92% 16S rRNA gene sequences closely related to Desulfomonile spp.; and ca. 82% whole genome shotgun (WGS)]. Based on similar cell morphology and average nucleotide identity (ANI) (77%) between the Desulfomonile sp. in HP culture and the type strain Desulfomonile tiedjei strain DCB-1T, we propose a novel species designated as Candidatus Desulfomonile palmitatoxidans. This bacterium shares 94.3 and 93.6% 16S rRNA gene identity with Desulfomonile limimaris strain DCB-MT and D. tiedjei strain DCB-1T, respectively. Based on sequence abundance of Desulfomonile-morphotype in HP culture, its predominance in the microscopic observations, and presence of several genes coding for enzymes involved in LCFA degradation, the proposed species Ca. Desulfomonile palmitatoxidans most probably plays an important role in palmitate degradation in HP culture. Analysis of the growth of HP culture and D. tiedjei strain DCB-1T with short- (butyrate), medium- (caprylate) and long-chain fatty acids (palmitate, stearate, and oleate) showed that both cultures degraded all fatty acids coupled to sulfate reduction, except oleate that was only utilized by HP culture. In the absence of sulfate, neither HP culture, nor D. tiedjei strain DCB-1T degraded palmitate when incubated with Methanobacterium formicicum as a possible methanogenic syntrophic partner. Unlike D. tiedjei strain DCB-1T, Ca. Desulfomonile palmitatoxidans lacks reductive dehalogenase genes in its genome, and HP culture was not able to grow by organohalide respiration. An emended description of the genus Desulfomonile is proposed. Our study reveals an unrecognized LCFA degradation feature of the Desulfomonile genus.This study was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of project MORE (PTDC/AAG-TEC/3500/2014; POCI-01-0145-FEDER016575), and of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020–Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of a plasma activated multifunctional polyester fabric using zinc oxide nanoparticles and citronella oil microcapsules

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    There is a high demand for the development of textiles possessing multifunctional properties for outdoor, protective and health care applications. The coating of polyester (PES) textiles with metal nanoparticles and essential oils may act in a synergistic mode to obtain materials with improved antimicrobial and UV-protection properties. However, the lack of functional groups onto PES structure makes the adhesion of particles a difficult task. In this work, PES fabric was activated by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma treatment, and functionalized with zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-citronella microcapsules by dip-coating